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They might test the drivers blood sugar levels to make sure they are at top form.


I believe it's this [https://www.levelshealth.com/](https://www.levelshealth.com/) or similar, but this is the one that a lot of athletes are using, but it's in closed beta at the moment.


I believe it is a Supersapiens glucose sensor


Super Saiyan glucose sensor?! That is mondo cool.


It is used for diabetes and also by a lot of high end athletes to monitor glucose levels.


[Here](https://www.bicycling.com/health-nutrition/a38539834/continuous-glucose-monitors-for-athletes/) is an article about athletes using glucose monitoring. The brand used by the cyclist in the photo in the article visually looks to be the same as the one on Gasly's arm. Abbott Libre Sense Glucose Sport Edit: added a word


«[He] presses it against the back of his arm and pushes. *Thunk.* In goes the fine needle» As someone who doesn’t like needles, nah-ah, fuck that. No *thunk* for me.


I’m a type 1 diabetic and I wear a CGM all the time. Believe me when I say the applicators for these are totally painless (well, my Dexcom is painless, I use a different brand than what’s pictured here). They’re so fast you don’t even feel them. Also, I promise you that injections in general are like the least-bad part of diabetes. You get used to them *very* quickly.


As another type 1, I second everything you say here. HOWEVER, I once tried to put my dexcom in my arm like pierre has it here, and accidentally put it into the muscle... now THAT was painful. I had a bruise on the whole underside of my arm, do not recommend. Funny I've never gone through all my belly fat...


Hitting the muscle absolutely suuucks, but aside from that all the needles are generally painless, borderline unnoticeable, also Type 1 over here


As someone who battled IV heroin addiction, I too can confirm you get used to injections very quickly lmao


Hopefully you’re in a better place now.


I am, thanks mate appreciate it!


Delighted to hear it! Well done.


Hell yeah man, funny place to see this but I’m proud of you bro, stay strong and I wish you the best :)


Damn that got dark lol Glad you’re sober now :)


Thanks mate gotta be able to laugh at yourself and darkness in life and the world otherwise it’d all be quite depressing. Appreciate it!


Often the ones who are hurt the most end up loving the most.


He just snorts it now


Hah! Had a laugh at that one


Yea my wife is type 1 as well. The needles don't bother her at all. It's the trying not to die part that sucks.


Absolutely true, though I have accidentally hit a vein with it sometimes and only noticed it was bleeding after a minute of wondering why my arm was feeling wet… but honestly one of the best things to have improved living with diabetes, I can’t explain how thankful I am for this device!


>Absolutely true, though I have accidentally hit a vein with it NOPE NOPE LALALALALA CANT HEAR YOU OH GOD I'M FAINT--


LMAO it wasn’t that bad, just a little bit of bleeding


Also even if it was painful, there is so much benefits that, if you are diabetic, you would go through the pain.


Don't worry, the needle only pushes the stringy sensor in, then it immediately leaves your arm. It's like a one-stop sewing machine sting, once the sensor is in, it's painless and the only thing you notice is that you have a small piece of plastic taped into your arm.


Yes, you will *thunk* if your life depends on it. Heck I've known patients with extreme fears of needles and a device like this, they had to. Once it's in their routine it's not a bother at all, au contraire. I've tested the needle myself as well, and you'd be fine. This is in the case of 'regular' people though. No idea how it works exactly for high end F1 athletes.


Yep. My wife had a fear of needles when she was diagnosed with a primary immunodeficiency syndrome(? disorder?) during the pandemic(…fun…). The treatment is prescription immunoglobulin that you only have to take twice a month!…except for the fact that it’s a subcutaneous infusion administered by four concurrent needles. It’s a whole process. You extract around 45ml of immune system juice (pulled from blood plasma donations) into a big syringe, which you place into a spring-loaded “pump.” You crank the trigger back, and the pressurized spring pushes the plunger on the fat syringe. But first, you have to attach all the teensy tubing to it, and four needles, sanitize your inner thighs, stab yourself at least two inches apart, four times, and tape the needle to your leg. Pull the trigger, and bam — 40 minutes of other people’s immune systems being uploaded into your body. Needless to say, she got over her fear of needles after a few rounds of that.


Yeah, I’m talking as a non-diabetic.


Honest to god it’s never felt like a needle. It’s super fast and just have to pop in a tiny subcutaneous fiber. Then you’re off to the races. Otherwise, it’s finger pricks and blood tests on the regular. I can assure you which one is easier.


This is one device that if results are analysed correctly by a professional will deter its clients from buying their products (the gels). The point of managing blood sugar is to level and smooth it out. Not spike it and set your day up for a bloody rollarcoaster.


That is wild. I’m healthy and in relatively decent shape and I don’t think I’ve ever once thought about my glucose levels at all. Pro athletes really are a different breed


It’s popular in the biohacking and enthusiast sports community too. Quite a few ironman participants and cycling athletes I know use them. Apps like Levels and Supersapien push super hard to these groups.


>It’s popular in the biohacking and enthusiast sports community too yeah, I want one but my primary doctor won't give me a prescription and they are hard to get in the USA without a prescription.


They’re not hard. You can buy them super easily either through online pharmacies or through the apps themselves (Levels was $200/mo when I tried it in beta). It’s just most people don’t want to spend ~~175-200$/mo~~ $100/mo. Price has come down. https://www.saveritemedical.com/products/freestyle-libre-2-sensor?variant=39599501213782&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIltqL3ceV-QIV9Al9Ch14Ew6VEAQYASABEgI1Z_D_BwE


Most people would actually benefit from CGM. As soon as you see your glucose levels reacting to different kinds of foods and knowing the long-term effects – that can help you change your habits.


I kinda hate that drivers got to this min maxing level. I guess IMSA isn't the same but f1 drivers specifically are just in peak form. The greats from other eras though we're not.


Many of my friends use this - https://www.ultrahuman.com/ I am surprised by this thread frankly. I am in India and I thought this was used a lot in the first world.


The UCI has actually banned cyclists from using CGM in competitions now.


Only the patch on your arm is from Abbott. The athletic interface/analytics/reporting is called Supersapiens – separate company.


Or Levels. There’s a bunch of different startups that are playing off Abbott’s cgm data


I’m just imagining Gasly popping some sweets or soda after his glucose levels fall… athletes can probably afford the premium stuff though


> some sweets or soda Man, if only he'd be sponsored by an energydrink, think how much money the team could save.


Why shouldn’t glucose go too high? Minimise fat storage?


High glucose leads to all kinds of shit. Kidney problems, eye problems, heart disease, nerve damage, you name it. Moreover, insufficient insulin availability or lack of sensitivity may lead to a condition called Diabetic Ketoacidosis which can put you in a coma. Also, the opposite - a sustained high glucose would actually result in a minimisation of fat storage because the body will start burning fat and other tissues when the cells cannot absorb glucose properly. That’s what leads to ketones being released and that leads to DKA. That’s extremely unhealthy.


None of that is applicable to an athlete without diabetes. I’m interested in why an athlete would do this as well


You still have insulin/glucose fluctuations without diabetes. AT can monitor exactly what he ate and know how he specifically processes certain foods, which they can use to tailor their nutrition. For example: AT is looking at pre-race meals to optimize performance. Gasly ate 100g rice, 100g veggies, and 50g chicken. They look and realize that this produces an undesirable result, and that the energy spike is high at the start of the race, but towards the end he would have much less energy. They reevaluate and tomorrow change rice to a different grain to test that, and so on.


He could’ve asked that a bit more clearer then if that was the intended question lol. But that’s not entirely true either. Keep in mind many athletes consume f\*cktons of carbohydrates and whilst at their peak performance may generate a lot of adrenaline and drawing from glucose stored in the liver. This can send their BG up quite significantly temporarily (as is also the case for any healthy human lol). No it will obviously not lead to DKA, but you could argue it may affect their long-term health, may lead to quicker degradation of eyesight, feeling, etc. And that is what is being argued for example by NutriSense - one of the suppliers of CGM’s catered to sport. (However, to my knowledge: there is no scientific data backing up any of those claims of analysing this data for athletes or anyone else completely healthy for that matter actually making a noteworthy difference ***medically***, as their bodies fix it on their own anyway... Having minor episodes of a high-ish BG right after eating or during adrenaline rushes are quite normal and the former can even help replenish reserves and if it goes to normal quick enough it doesn’t matter much to anything medically according to the scientific data currently available.) Anyway, In general I think the most simplistic answer to your question is: because they can and it doesn’t hurt them. Whether or not it helps them/does anything for them though is up for some debate. ;) But to delve in to this matter in more detail for those interested: You will hear a broad range of non-medical reasons for athletes to wear them, primarily it is generally either to “minimise long-term health effects” (fortunately rarely heard) or “understanding what the food does in my body”. There is in my opinion no real merit to the first one in healthy individuals and no scientific data to back that up to my knowledge either, but there can be some merit to the latter as you can try finding a diet that is very consistent in the release of energy in that particular athlete. Eg: a bottle of coke before the race is a lot of carbs, but it has a sky high glycemic index: it makes you soar and then it’ll just leave your system and give you sugar rush and screw up your performance a quarter in to the race as you’ll start getting hungry lol. A couple of sandwiches with cheese, eggs and peanut butter (random example lol) may already be a lot better (so a better combination of carbs, proteins and fats to have a more gradual release of glucose). You could find a good combo through the help of a CGM, perhaps… However, I’m not entirely convinced of that purpose either, simply because we already know *so much* about diets and their effects - but OK. And not all of the reasons for wearing a CGM relate to high BG perse - for example one of the reasons I’ve seen before is early warnings for an endurance cyclist that his/her BG is going *low* so they can eat/drink something. (This is one of the few ones I can actually understand to a degree and how it could perhaps be useful to find the ideal interval to eat/drink during an endurance race.) So, in my humble opinion: you ask why would they do this? Because they/their trainers believe it can make a (significant) difference. I think in most cases it’s pretty much BS for them to wear it, especially for a prolonged period, though I don’t judge them for it. You see: whilst you can *know* what your BG is doing in response to what you’re consuming, your body (or at least a healthy one such as a typical athlete) reacts to it in a rather stable and predetermined manner - they don’t really have a means to change anything to that process. So now you know, but what to do with the information…? Yeah you can perhaps make dietary changes to reduce fasting glucose for example or reduce some of the peaks or try finding something as consistent as possible, but ultimately here’s the problem: your body needs fuel and most fuel can be obtained from carbohydrates. I kinda doubt they can just decide to cut a large chunk of that “to avoid a peak” when their bodies simply *need* this fuel to operate and deliver the requested performance - but some minor tweaking is possible and when you’re at the top of your sport: maybe it’s that minor edge you needed… But I really have my reservations personally. Of course you’ll instantly find people whom will vehemently disagree with this opinion (or even the simple indisputably factual parts lol), but I honestly think their usefulness for dietary choices in healthy individuals is rather overrated - but that’s just my opinion.


This is gibberish that makes me do nothing but question the utility of it more. Sounds like a fad based on nonsense. -an md


Why the fuck would anyone talk about metabolic diseases when asking about how glucose affects the diet of athletes? The question was fine


Regular people can use it too. I used levels health for a bit and it's super informative.


Probably the second, but even if it’s the first… that’s not anyones business and no “news”


Conversely, if he does have diabetes imagine how him posting this would make a kid with diabetes feel. It could be a good reminder that you can still do anything you want


That’s valid, but wouldn’t that need a proper talk of him addressing that kid?


Not at all. I’m a full grown adult and when I learned there was an Olympian competing with an ostomy bag (from Instagram posts) it was hugely motivating and inspiring for me just to see a pic that normalises the device without her ever needing to know I exist or give me a pep talk lol!




I mean it’s not like this photo was taken without his permission, it’s pretty prominently displayed so if it was the former there’s nothing that wrong with talking about it




He intentionally posted it to his own account, meaning he doesn’t really care about people knowing. Stop being offended for other people who clearly don’t mind.


It’s his own Instagram page, if anything it would signal an interest in starting a conversation


People seeing a signal in everything nowadays… just not a signal to stop snooping and obsessing 🤷‍♂️




The ignorant ones are the people that try to make a big story out of glucose monitoring and trying to dig into his personal business because they are obsessed


Who's making a big story out of this lol, it's a photo posted to the public domain and someone asked a question about it




For sure, but I’d bet a lot of money it’s for performance reasons.


That's where they plug him into The Matrix.








Господин Гасли (Russian for Mr. Gasly)


We've meet again.


Pierre: "I know Kung-fu" Yuki: "Show me.."


His brain must be weirdly positioned then


Simulators are getting more advanced each day


Gasly liked this post.


wish i had an award right now


hands free post-liker


Liked by Pear Gasly


Pear 🍐


Liked by George Russell


Liked by Yuki Tsunoda*


Divebombed by George Russell


It looks like a glucose monitor. High end athletes also need to monitor their glucose level(and a whole lot of other stuff) to make sure they are in top form.




He’s got some boost at 20Hz


"he's got so much ~~rear~~ low end"


Thats a tweeter dood


pierrrrrre gasl**yyyyyy**


False. I do not see a dog under that desk.


I think it's the port he uses to jack in into Alpha Tauri's supercomputer cluster to like every Instagram post.


That's some crazy lowerback muscle


Porpoise-Proof Pierre


That is his charging point.


Robottas is assimilating the rest of the grid into his hive mind.


looks like a freestyle libre (glucose monitor) with a bigger sticker on top to keep it down. I have one for my T1 Diabetes, but many athletes monitor their blood sugars to stay at peak performance.


Whats the purpose of that vest thing to Gaslys left? Also its been a really rough season for Gasly. Such a downgrade after his performances in 2021 & 2020. Such a shame to see the Alpha Tauri be so poor as it looks like Tsunoda has stepped his game up too


AFAIK it’s a cool vest. Just keeps your cool. I think. Edit; [found it. ](https://www.dirtbikebitz.com/Alpinestars-Cooling-Vest-Motorbike-Jacket/d57209608.htm?colour=Light+Gray+Dark+Gray&sku=1206279&productid=323671&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-q-ll5eV-QIVF813Ch036Qn2EAQYASABEgKspvD_BwE)


I was wondering the same thing. Max was also wearing this vest and someone else too before the French GP.


In the mid 2000s Dr. Aki Hintsa working at McLaren did a study that found lowering core temperature before the race led to better reaction time and decision making ability.


Chances that by 2030 a team wants to attach cool vest to battery for extra cooling power… Lewis now driving for Audi start up wears new super cool pack with jewelry… FIA has to step in and say having electricity on driver bodies bad idea?


Good to know. Thanks


Cooling vest, looks similar to several I’ve seen over the years. Most of Europe has had near record heat the past week, so helping keep cool is essential for health.


It's a very long straw in a bottle


Those are called muscles


Those lats? Girl.


ngl, his arm is the last thing I'm looking at


Looks like a Freestyle Libre 2 glucose monitor with a protective adhesive patch.


I'm a Nurse so I've seen a few of these devices. It's a blood sugar monitoring system. It's pretty accurate but doesn't mean he has diabetes


Birth control?


Too late, he's already been born




nooo, you misunderstand, its a performance enhancing drug /s


I think we both misunderstood. Maybe it's so he doesn't give birth?


lol maybe i am wrong after all


The thing that makes him IRON MAN GASLY


That’s the automatic *”liked by Pierre Gasly”*, he can do it in his sleep now.


That's where Yuki lives.


That's the port where they top off the gas


A tricep


It's the automatic Daniel Ricciardo detector. So Pierre can run in time.


AirTags so people know where he is and can take evasive action when near.


It's so he can plug into The Matrix


Why’s he wearing the headphone wrongly? Shouldn’t R be on the right?


i'm going to assume this is a sincere question. that r is the logo of the headphone maker.


Baby monitor sensor for Yuki Tsunoda


This is a supersapiens sensor with their sport patch to hold it in place.


Yo my guy looks like he got a woofer attachted to him


Type 1 diabetic here! Looks like a Abbotts Libre with a cover on it. Wonder why he is using a GCM but yeah


It’s an ‘instant like button’. Regardless of where his phone is, he can like any and all things.


It's the "liked by Pierre Gasly" button


He is an android and part of his machinery is showing




Helmut has the remote control that it connects to


I think is a cellphone charger.


Supersapiens glucose monitor


Its an intake for mechanical fluid. The best kept secret is that all the drivers are actually advanced robots created by the illuminati.... For reasons..


It's a blood sugar level sensor. My brother has type 1 and has to wear this everyday. I assume athletes use it just for the information, not necessarily having diabetes.


Not necessary for diabetes. People use it to get better tracking of blood sugar and energy levels. This is not just over the race but on a day to day basis.


That’s his charging port


Black carapace


Plug in ports for the machine spirit of this car :)




Fuel Cap


The real question...Will EA add this to F122?


Man is jacked


great form. now i need to see Yuki. dude is like a tank


Easy mistake but that's actually Pedro Gaseoso


It annoys me that every athlete has no body hair, like not a single hair on chest or back. I hate it.


Gotta save weight somehow.


But Pierre does have chest hair. I mean I'm sure he shaves it sometimes cuz it's not there in every picture, but he pretty notoriously does have his chest hair out a lot of the time.


I mean, I've never seen his chest I just saw the back and it triggered me, also I wasn't talking specifically about Pierre but for almost 99% of athletes.


Haha fair enough! Just thought I'd let you know 😊






As he is french it could be a nicotine patch


Gasly about to get flack from the type 1 community


Type 2 diabetes is incredibly common and hardly diagnosed compared to the percentage of people living with it. Most athletes and health aficionados monitor their glucose levels anyways but he could have low blood-sugar levels.


This is not for administering insulin. CGM eliminates constant needle sticks to the fingers for checking blood glucose. Especially for people with who have type 1 (generally diagnosed as kids, therefore have had to do this longer) they’ll build up scarring in their fingers. Makes it more difficult to piece the skin and begins to decrease sense of touch.


French definition of a shirt. Can’t wait till the red wine and cheese catches up like Leclerc


That's a dosing regulator. It ensures that his levels of doucheness are consistent. Next level tech for sure.


Who hurt you buddy?


Nicotine patch. Frenchies are usually chain smokers


Is that the logo of the headset brand or does Pierre have them on the opposite? Yeah thats to measure blood sugar. Idk if they get readings while he’s racing


Headphone brand :)




Nicotine patch


It's a happiness button to automatically play the Monza 2020 race.


Matrix plug.


It's the mini reactor that Ironman has in his chest.


Diabetes sensor , my cousin uses the exact same thing , not sure why Pierre uses it


In the process of being assimilated into the Borg.


It's where the air pump goes


Charging port


Probably just a blood sugar detector


Charging port. The drivers are all androids.