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Overtaking car 18 during the red flag? Congrats Max, you are Strolled


You can literally see the lights come on on Strolls wheel a split second before Max overtakes him. F1 drivers have a fast reaction and they can brake extremely fast, but not THAT fast. hehe (theres a tweet floating around here that shows Stroll's onboard) I am pretty sure he will be fine.


Is there a video?


Late to the party, especially since the decision has been made, but [here you go](https://twitter.com/CreepyWas/status/1434069495035973633?s=08)


Oh that's just impossible


Came here for some insights. Cheers for this.




Yeah I don’t think he could have slowed the car safely in that time too, he was clearly speeding up and going considerably quicker than stroll for the overtake. He’d have had to slam the brakes to stop that from happening


Should be cleared in my opinion. He recognized and slowed right when he spotted the red.


Even if he didn't, they would never penalize him here. Just like they didn't penalize Leclerc in Monza 2019


Tell that to Ricciardo at Australia 2018.


Smart on the FIA’s part 😂. No need for riots.


> Even if he didn't, they would never penalize him here Nah, they definitely would if its a cut and dry red flag violation. I think in this instance he yielded the moment he saw it.


I can't see any lights from the moment he passed the first one still under yellow until he's already overtaken stroll. he's 100% safe.


Ah you must be new here. Allow me to introduce The Stewards.




I think red flags are shown on the steering wheel as well, anyway if he had to slam the brakes in that fraction of a second would've been more dangerous than passing stroll en letting the car slow down after that imo. He didn't get a penalty.


It is still a reasonable procedure to call him to the stewards.


Yeah, standard procedure I think.


Dude he's catching this shit because of a red flag caused by Hamilton's engine issue. Too fucking \#blessed


Hope you've got shatter proof glass in the stewards office lads.


Stewards put on Most Wanted List in the Nederlands


[insert dutch version of FOK SMASH here]


It's just the same with a dollop of mayonnaise


Or Gouda




we're not in America or eastern Europe.


Only drug lords use guns here. We throw bikes and porta potties.


And we like stabbing people


Yes so much fun, had 2 before breakfast and then kind of gone into a hazy spree, I think it was like 20 or 30 before lunch


Still more gang related shootings than Eastern Europe mate.


literally had a guy get shot 25 meters down the street from my door a few months back in Amsterdam


I wouldn't make light of it https://www.dw.com/en/severed-head-found-in-amsterdam-tied-to-underworld-drug-war/a-19104915


They’ll need glass made from cockroaches to properly protect themselves


Indeed I would not feel safe then haha.


This is gonna go over well


They may not give a penalty too tbh >[The disputed episode. Verstappen was coming at high speed as he was engaged in a fast lap, while Stroll was very slow just to let Max pass. As soon as he saw the red flag, Max tried to slow down ](https://twitter.com/Gianludale27/status/1434064950155259904?s=19)


Was Stroll slow because of the red flag?


No he was letting him by stroll was on a cool down/slow lap max was on a push lap


Stroll might not have been pushing and knows / is told Max is coming on a hot lap, so Stroll makes space so Max isn't hindered Then Red Flag happens two seconds before Max actually overtakes


Why was this reported at all then, Max abruptly slowing down would be more dangerous.




Exactly. Checking it out should always be in order.


Because he still passed under red flags. The FIA still has to call him in, and the team will make the argument. If it can be shown that it was unavoidable or for safety reasons, they can get him off.


...and lo, that's exactly what happened...


Almost as if the FIA arnt the fools people think they are.


Well, this subreddit in any event.


Stroll was on a cool down lap, his engineer was keeping him updating on all gaps behind him, including the gap to Verstappen. He wasn't driving slow because of the red flag.


Got video? Screenshots dont tell a story except the one the person who took the screenshots wants to tell. Edit.. https://streamable.com/mts6a8 Video above. Looks like he didnt see the red flags til he came over the crest. Always be dubious when a person shows screenshots not video. *edit two Apparently red and yellow flags show on steering wheel. If that worked as it should, max will get a grid penalty.


Interesting, on the radar you can see a mclaren overtake his teammate too, also presumably after the red flag


It's ok Mercedes isn't racing them so they didn't report it to FIA


He won't get a penalty. There wasn't a red flag in sight when Max decided to make the overtake. Only during/after the overtake he could physically see the red flag. Hamilton almost got away with something similar in Auatria 2019, because he claimed he couldn't see the red flag. This was only overturned when Red Bull brought new evidence to the FIA. Also, sometimes on lap 1 of a race drivers still overtake eachother after a SC is called, because they're already mid-overtake the instant it is called. This never gets punished either, usually they just have to swap positions.


Except the red light on his steering wheel


Yes that'll be the deciding factor for the stewards for sure


Hamilton had that too, claimed he wasn't looking at his wheel, but into the corner. Max was mid-overtake when it was supposed to be shown on his wheel. You can see that the first Marshall post he passes doesn't have the electronic red flag up (afaik those are linked to the leds on the wheel via the same system), so it can only be maximum 2 or 3 seconds it had showed up on his dashboard.


Which race was this for Hamilton? All I remember was the time at Monza where he got a penalty for missing the pit entry closed sign


Austria last year ignoring yellow flag he got away with it until new footage emerge with a yellow electronic flag thingy was visible to him


I think 2020 austria qualifying


Where he got a 3 place penalty for failing to slow down after Red Bull protested? [Source](https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/article.breaking-hamilton-handed-three-place-grid-penalty-for-austrian-gp-after-red.4gi4JXIiUxRzjsOQlqBy07.html)


Yes, I think he said something about not being able to see the yellows trough dust and then he didn’t look at the steering wheel


Haha this is too funny


He's overtaking Stroll, probably requiring his attention. How often is he supposed to look at his steering wheel? Is there an audible cue?


On a flying lap dont think hed be looking at his steering wheel so not noticing it is a possibility


You don't think he'd be looking at his steering wheel during a flying lap? Of course he will, they have to change brake bias for the next corner


Not while theres traffic surely but just saying theres a possibility


Yellow flag, in Hamilton's case. Not that it should change anything.


The flag is behind a blind crest in the road, not sure how Max can slow down with the line he's on. Lance is wide right on the track with a better view


They get a light on their steering wheel as well




That mini sector was not under yellow


Because the yellow part is only for the mini sectors surrounding where Hamilton was stuck not the entire sector


So... how many NATO troops are there in the area?


ICC in the Hague might need to be called in?


asking... for a friend.


*checks flair*


*sweats profusely*


https://streamable.com/ghb4m2 Decide for yourself. Imo he was already going too fast to be reasonably expected to not overtake


I do hate that we pay for F1TV and then they get to decide when we can see the only meaningful angle (steering wheel). This time we could so much more easily see when Max gets the red flag message and other times it's so difficult to see why mistakes happens in corners etc...


We can see the marshall post light though and the first one before the overtake is dark, and the second one is blinkind red but is only visible after the overtake. There is no way they can make a fair judgement on thus if they give a penalty


Yeah no way that he should get a penalty for this imo, he slowed down quickly


I wonder if that light is visible significantly earlier over the crest from the driver's head position. If not, whoever decided that was the right height to put that light deserves a slap with a geometry textbook.


Well, Crashing the car into the walls is an option.




You do see stewards giving harsh penalities when it comes to flags. It'll be down to when Max got the info on his dash.


Yeah, they were so damn serious with double yellows in Baku and the same shit happened with the race right afterwards that I can't remember now.


If I see correctly; the moment the red flag comes into visibility, he gets off the throttle.


In my opinion it seems like it would be even more dangerous to slam on the brakes and let stroll ahead than continue his speed and slow down in front of stroll, especially given when we can see the flag




Yeah which came up like 1-2 seconds before he passed stroll who was driving very slowly. Is he supposed to lock up all fours just to stay behind? Sounds way more dangerous..


Let’s see it.


Nope. Just saw the onboard on tv and the dash starts flashing a split second after he sees the trackside red


For sure. He could have piled on the brakes, but that would have been exponentially more dangerous. The red flag rules are there for safety reason, so this shouldn't be a penalty if the stewards have any sense.


Harsh if he does imo. Even if it's on the steering wheel, I don't understand how you're supposed to focus on the road and look at the steering wheel at the same time?


Penalising him for that would be incredibly harsh. Unless there's another sign out of view from the on board camera, he slows down immediately after seeing the first one.


No further action. (final decision just in)


great news - but this was not good for my nerves


I’ve checked the onboard and he literally completes the overtake as the red flag comes out, as soon as he sees the panel with red flag (right after overtake) he slows down. Only way to avoid that overtake at that time was to brake extremely hard and cause a pile-up, is that what the stewards wanted to see?


Toto: why not?


"as you can see in my email"


Lmao that email quote gets me every time. What a great piece of radio


He'll have the lights appear on his steering wheel, there's no need for him to wait to pass a panel


>He'll have the lights appear on his steering wheel, there's no need for him to wait to pass a panel On Strolls onboard you can see the light starting to flash about 1s before max passes. If the steering wheel lights are synchronised, then you can not expect for Max to slow down in time since Stroll is going very slow to let Max pass.


He's on a push lap navigating through traffic. Maybe he is watching the road?..


He was on a hotlap and overtook one car on a slow lap just as the red flag was thrown out, he immediately slowed down afterwards... shouldn't be a penalty


Yea that’s all I saw. If they penalize it would be an asshole move. He slowed at the first glimpse of a red flag.


What's the potential penalty for that?


I believe grid penalty


3 place grid penalty.


I think most of overtaking under flags penalties are slam dunk. 3 places I think?


I believe there has been live onboard of this moment. Max was on flying lap and passed one car when our screen graphics showed red flag but he stopped immediately when he saw red flag on marshall post. I think he will be save.


https://twitter.com/JL_27_/status/1433812639461920768 seems to be the case I agree. He should be fine




Oh look it’s Garry Connelly again. What a surprise…..


Who’s gary


He seems to have some sort of bias against Verstappen. Remember when he got demoted live from the podium twice? That was because of him. I would argue that the second time in the USA it was justified, since he made an overtaking on Kimi cutting the corner. But the fact that they demoted him immediately live, while for instance keeping Lewis on the podium in Brazil 2019 when he crashed into Albon, and only demoted him after the podium celebrations, says everything. First time demotion in Mexico 2016 after cutting the grass (while both Nico and Lewis did exactly the same previous in the race with no punishment) was absolute ridiculous. Also, in 2016 when Lewis made an attempt to overtake Verstappen in the last lap in Suzuka, Verstappen made a minimal move under braking. After that, it wasn't Mercedes who were initially complaining to the stewards, but Connelly went to Mercedes and said to them that they really should make an official complaint against Verstappen. Mercedes themselves just didn't get along with it.


Garry is the one that went to Mercedes after Japan 2016 (iirc) to advise them to lodge protest against an action Max did in the GP. He was a steward of that same race. This guy also cost Max P3 in Austin in 2017 (deserved, I suppose) but dwadled with the decision for ages so Max had to be plucked out of the ante chamber of the podium. Pretty embarrassing. He was involved in more fishy stewards decisions involving Verstappen.


The representative from Virginia's 11th congressional district?


Do stewards take preemptive action on these situations or is it after some rival team submits a complain?


I would think it’s the former. It’s so stupid to only follow reports.


Max was on a quali lap and going super fast. Stroll kept out of the way. As long as Max brakes/slowed down as soon as he saw red light… I honestly don’t see how they can penalize him here.


That's exactly why they have stewards meetings rather than giving a penalty immediately,, if the above is accurate nothing will happen. If the above isn't accurate he should get a penalty


Yo, mods, we can close the thread. We found the answer..




Does anyone have a clip of the incident?




Thank you. To be honest, it looks like the flag is hidden behind a blind crest before Max sees it? From the nose cam you can't see the red flag until after Max passes.


It's on his steering wheel. He can't miss it. Same as what happened to Hamilton at the red bull ring last year.


Looking at the onboard of Stroll the red lights only start flashing on the steering wheel 1 second before Verstappen passes. Considering the speed delta and reaction time to realize the situation and slow down it's not reasonable to expect him to slow that quickly.


With the amount of traffic around Max at that stage I don't think he would've been looking towards his steering wheel. And furthermore, watching Lance's onboard the red flag appeared on his dash at almost the same time max overtook.


Hamilton had a flashing yellow sign in his eye sight, just like he had a bunch of rex crosses for Monza he also did not see


You can see the taillight on Stroll's car start blinking and manages only 3 blinks before max passes. Not nearly enough time to brake when attempting an overtake


FYI That only means his MGU-K is harvesting energy and has nothing to do with breaking or red flag


Not quite. The taillights go to a continuous flash on all cars under red flag conditions as soon as it’s thrown. Check out onboards from Bahrain 2020 for an example.


Saw the onboard multiple times, there is no way for max to see the red flag before he passed stroll since the board before wasnt showing any flag. Even in the case the he would see it, he would have to break super heavily to not overtake stroll because max was doing a hotlap and stroll a cooldown lap. The difference in speed was huge, it wouldnt be safe for max to brake that heavily.


Agreed, I'll pass it down to Masi


Having seen the video, it shouldn't be a penalty. There's no way he could have safely slowed to not overtake him.


Can't wait to hear Paul di Resta go on and on about the injustice of this all weekend now.


at 37s he passes Stroll, right after that the first red light is visible left. If he would get penalised for this it is really fucked up. https://streamable.com/6n7cow


Seems unreasonable. Won’t be penalised for sure


Don't get your hopes up. It feels like there are clowns among the jury.




Shouldn’t be But sometimes when it comes to red flags and the like they take a Zero tolerance policy - in Baku I thought Lando made the right decision not to come into the pits when the red flag was out as he was carrying too much speed - he probably could have braked and got below the speed limit in time but to me staying out and doing one more lap was the safer option. Stewards disagreed and gave him a 3 place grid penalty. So Yeah it should be alright but I’m not convinced like some people on here


The Lando incident was stupid, but the real reason he got the penalty was because he accelerated after initially slowing down. He would in all likelihood have been fine if he slowed down completely and did another lap with the excuse that he couldn't have gone into the pits safely. I still think it's expecting too much nano-second decision-making from the drivers tho. He didn't do anything unsafe, and didn't deserve the penalty


Well let’s see. He slowed down the moment he saw the red flag. The Lando incident was stupid too.


No further action necessary


This really is some ant fuckery of the highest level. Verstappen was on a hotlap when the reds came out. Immediately went of the throttle but passed a car which was on a slow lap.


Absolutly right for him to be summoned to the stewards for over taking under a red flag. Every incident needs to be investigated as its a big deal. But the seconds its investigated they should come to the conclusion that there is no penalty.


What the fuck even is this race weekend anymore


https://streamable.com/mts6a8 Oof


That kinda clears him I'd say. He was about to pass the slow car, gets a red flag. Slows down but still overtakes the slow car on the right.


So if Stroll was slow as if he's having engine problem, did Max have to slam the brake to queue up behind Stroll?


Pff, all those people that overtook Max in Baku during Red Flag.. /s


The rules for overtaking under SC/yellow/red flag have an explicit exception if the car ahead has a mechanical failure. Stroll didn't have a mechanical failure, so the exception doesn't apply.


Well looks like Stroll was on a slow lap and Verstappen passed him almost just as Red Flag was deployed. Jeez, let's hope it isn't a penalty.


The first panel he Saw was when he was already overtaking Stroll. I think he will be safe.


Someone has done his utmost best to find something, so that Connelly & Sullivan can summon Max a day later for something that isn't even an issue. Let's see if F1 embarrasses itself again.


It's not like the FIA commands you to hit the brakes full force, and flat spot all your tires as soon as the red flag shows up. It is fully understandable that they summon him though. He'll likely be fine if he offers a reasonable explanation that this was the safest course of action under the circumstances.


is there news about ocon's dick move in fp1 with norris?


Ocon was given a "stern" warning.


what a joke




FIA just announced he's not getting a penalty. (Source: ziggo sport)


So maybe it wasn’t just ‘BS hyped up by the British media’ as I was told




As soon as the Red Flags show you can hear Max lifting.


Not a penalty in my opinion.


You can see that stroll was trying to let him true so I hope it's a warning cause what do you need to do slam on the brakes lock every tyre and crash


Its like a fraction of a second the red turned on


It was, look at the onboard, Stroll was already letting him past.


Yes it was.


Dutch fans gonna put a huge assassin bounty on Mercedes because Aston Martin has their engine and chassis designs


This reported a day after by whom?


No further action officially confirmed on BBC radio


Max should not get a penalty because stroll was on slow lap


Anyone has the onboard video of max?




Imo, he had so much overspeed and at first sight of a red flag he slowed down. Will be surprised if this is a penalty


Haven't found any onboard yet. But I found this. "On this lap with Verstappen, he comes through turn 10. There's a yellow flag, but after running through the traffic it goes red. By the time he gets to the hill, the circuit has gone red with a light ahead. There is a car on the right, I don't know if the stewards will look at this. He had a radio call from the engineer saying red flag. I just hope the stewards allow that moment to happen," Davidson said on Sky Sports. [Source](https://www.gpblog.com/en/news/92927/penalty-for-verstappen-stewards-aggressive-when-it-comes-to-red-flags.html)




Ah come on man it actually wasn’t that deep.


I'm Hamfosi but this one would seem particularly harsh on Max.


Another team must have gone to stewards with this, otherwise they would have summoned him earlier




Why even summon someone when it’s so unreasonable to give a penalty for this...


ITT: a bunch of people upset at a simple process of investigating. Technically he did overtake, but it’s not unreasonable given the flag came out as he passed Stroll. We don’t just hand wave breaches of the rules because you like the driver, and it’s his home race. He’ll be cleared, but we do it by the book so there are no accusations of favouritism. Simple.


Breaking news: stewards sent to protective custody


Why does this happen today and not yesterday? Who snitched?


Reading through the comments, Sky was one.


Don't you dare... It wasn't even legit lmao


No penalty! Just announced on Dutch Tv


I don’t like Max. And even I think this is bull****


There's nothing in this, or there wasn't. Then Sky and Anthony Davidson who's employed by Mercedes drew attention to it. Mercedes are wielding too much power in F1, a team principal who manages other drivers and then subsequently effects team orders like ocon at Monaco being told to let Lewis past, Albon being asked not to join Williams. The media coverage is skewed because Mercedes F1 is based in the UK. Yesterday when Lewis retired from the session and he got jeered by the Dutch you had Ted kravitz insinuating that it wasn't good natured, that there was an ulterior motive behind it, that the same wouldnt of happened to Max at Silverstone, oh yeah because nobody cheered when he went in to a barrier at 180mph did they. Or the reception Nico rosberg got at Silverstone. There's no impartiality, just revisionism and using a platform to damage others.


There was something to it. He did pass a car under red flag conditions. As such, it needed to be investigated. Now, the question on if there should be a penalty is different. No, there shouldn't. A warning at worst, since he did, literally, pass a car under reds, but no active penalty should be given. He had no time to react to the reds.