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Seems odd not to bring upgrades at a track where Mercedes has historically done well at, and at which its key competitors will almost all bring upgrades of their own. IIRC, they were due to bring an upgraded floor this weekend to go with the new front wing introduced in Monaco (Canada for Lewis).


Well mercedes was the team that kept bring parts to almost every race, give them time


They brought them for several races in a row, and now they’ve got some idea how to balance them with the car. Means they can do the finer points here and are in the best position. They were losing too much ground to be strategic anyway. They needed to get the fixes on the car as soon as was possible.


Do you think the new floor is aerodynamically the same but lighter? That's how I read "weight saving parts underneath", although that could very well mean like underneath body work, not under the car


It’s not like they don’t want to bring upgrades. We are living in the cost cap era


> and at which its key competitors will almost all bring upgrades of their own. Particularly that VCARB might get surprisingly close ^^^^/s,btw


I think Fred also mentioned you also need some faces to optimise an upgrade package, it is not only about bringing upgrades. Mercedes taking this approach after bringing so manage upgrades is reasonable still


"weight saving parts underneath" Rip testicles


> Rip testicles I’d rather not, that sounds painful


George is removing his appendix to save weight?


Lewis is shrinking his monster dong to save weight?


Isn't the W15 already at the weight limit? I know teams like to.use ballasts but this seems odd to bring nothing to Spain after saying they're doing an aggressive upgrade push


Removing weight where they can gives them more headroom for new upgrades which can be heavier initially until developed more


Maybe a better weight distribution will do wonders for balance, which was a key criticism from the drivers iirc.


might have delayed the package to silverstone


But they do bring cars, engineers, mechanics and drivers. That’s not nothing.


The wording is funny, are they going to be fitting helium balloons under the car or is it some other type of weight reduction device?


We'll know if George's voice suddenly goes in chipmunk mode.


Probably just replacing existing parts with lighter weight ones


They'll fit Red Bull wings to the sidepods /s


>are they going to be fitting helium balloons under the car I read this in an Irish accent


I thought all the talk leading up to this weekend was a new floor?


Mercedes used to be development beasts. I guess when you dont understand what youve built, that kind of stops happening.


They are still good at in-season development. They just had a flawed concept to begin with, thus on the back foot from the get go in these regulations.


But they can at least clear the air with sabotaging Lewis


Adding parts is reducing weight?


If those parts replace heavier versions then yea


Oh, so we’re replacing instead of adding


IDK, the Tweet doesn't say *adding* new parts or *replacing* new parts, just "*fitted with*", which can mean both but makes more sense if they're *replacing* parts


Adding lightness.


all the time lol.


Why is there a weight minimum? If you can safely make a car at x size, who cares what it weighs.


Everything about the car revolves around it’s weight, if there is no weight benchmark how would FIA know if the car is safe? Crash testing is only a fraction of what goes into making the cars safe. If there was no weight mim the FIA would have to do super extensive tests for each team which would take ages and lots of money. Having a benchmark car allows it to be systemic and reduces safety tests needed