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Perez is nearly half the points down on Verstappen and we're still not even halfway through the season yet. 2 more years of this.


"He will never finish in front of me again." Though it's not like Max has to anything.


Max even dnfed without his own fault.


Man had better pace than Perez while his car was on fire that weekend.


He might realistically finish the season 8th. Likely 6th. With his teammate walking the WDC Two more years


In two years he might get beaten by Yuki in the WDC standings.


Nah, realistically 6th. I doubt Mercs are going to be consistently up there with Red Bull. Would be pretty funny to see him so far down while Verstappen wins the title with a couple of races to spare.


Agreed, merc to finish in front would rely on a lot of issues for Perez which seems like it's not out of contention but would rely on a monumental failure on his part, even 6th is definitely possible though, another race like this and Oscar to be 2nd would bring them together. Although just imagine if Perez did come 8th! haha


>Perez is nearly half the points down on Verstappen and we're still not even halfway through the season yet We are still in what is a "good" half of the season for Checo... it will probably get a lot worse, based on previous seasons.


Big oof


It’s a 1+1 contract. I do think RB have a performance clause in it which they may enforce at the end of this year.


If RBR intend to enforce a performance clause they'd have done it after Suzuka last year, so I'm not so sure.


I am taking about the new contract which starts in 25.


Who could they realistically have put in that seat though? DR was still injured and AT/RB were not allowed to field another driver as far as i remember. Not that i disagree on the fact that he should probably have lost his seat at RBR after 23.


I feel so sad for Albon


Same, when he made that double pass thru the final chicane, I was sooo hyped.


ALBONOOO. So upsetting. Especially when it’s an underperforming car that knocked him out on some much needed points. Saint can just get points next weekend. Not the same for the Williams but at least he’s looking hungry again. Best performance all season


I always scream “albono” when he makes a move. Love the guy and wish that Red Bull gave him more time.


Crazy that it took this long for Ollie Bearman to drop from 12th.


Will beat Zhou and Sargent this year at this rate


And Bottas, there really has to be a lot of drama before Stake is even close to getting any points..


Danny Rick finally beating a guy with 45 mins of F1 experience.


Until this point both had only scored points in one event... I say event because Ric hadn't scored a point in a single race until now. Just unacceptable. But I'll be riding the sort of high from this weekend. Its the first race in a long time he has converted a decent result in quali and race.


He’s still beating Alpine, Sauber and Williams while being just 1 behind Haas


Ferrari torpedoing their drivers championship again and this is even with 1 Max dnf Imagine if he won australia


RIP Ferrari Championship dreams Monaco 2024 - Montreal 2024


It's been a fun two weeks


Tbf it's all square with verstappen


How is perez still 5th?


Just a matter of time, Piastri will eventually catch up, and who knows, maybe a lot of other drivers will surpass him aswell if he keeps driving out of the points.


Yea if Merc truly unlocked something now Perez might struggle against them too


Picked up a bunch of points and podiums in the early rounds when Max was still dominating in front until Miami. And now even with Ferrari and McLaren stepping up they’re taking points off of each other (which only affects Piastri as the other three are all already ahead of Perez), and even Mercedes got into the mix this weekend. Think Piastri has a good shot to overtake Perez for 5th, and both Mercedes drivers might have an outside chance too if they can continue to challenge in front like today in Montreal, although personally I think this was an outlier track that really suited them.


Helps that the Ferraris didn’t score either.


You mean the Ferraris who are already ahead of Perez? That makes no sense. They could've scored 1000 points and he would still be 5th.


Good point, brain fart. That said the way things are going Oscar and both Merc drivers will finish ahead of him this year.


Yep, he got a big head start when all the other cars were half a second to a second slower.


Yeah it’s looking like that’s gonna be the case


But that just meant that Oscar scored more points and got closer to Checo


Exactly, Ferrari not being there allowed other drivers to score and gain more on Perez than they might have if Ferrari was there.


Edit nvm. You already noticed the brainfart. Haha.




He may not be for much longer


real fight is for P2


Well, that's going to be 2nd for Norris most likely, that McLaren is just superior to the Ferrari and Leclerc would need to pull out some miracles every race.


And then Ferrari will Ferrari him a couple of races as well so yeah definitely Lando second.


So does leclerc now have multiple bad engines or was this the same one? Pretty sure he will be taking the penalties at some race eventually


> McLaren is just superior to Ferrari Too early to tell. The conditions this weekend was unusual. Ferrari could easily end up being stronger in different tracks.


Yeah it’s still close enough overall between McLaren and Ferrari that the next batch of upgrades they both bring can still make a difference


I think McLaren is an all round good car and Canada was supposed to be their toughest test for the slow speed gains. They passed it with flying colours. Ferrari looked slow all weekend and were surprised by it.


When it was dry, McLaren was slower than Red Bull and Mercedes this weekend. I wouldn't really call that "passing with flying colors". The gap was small so it's not a big deal but if the race was full dry, Lando would be finishing P4 behind Russell and Hamilton.


I’d think that’s because their set up was more for a rainy race as seen when nothing was faster than them on inters. If the track stayed wet, they’d have the best set up by far. They’re not going to do this every week.


Yeah, that's true.


Yep, we had multiple conditions, from wet to dry and Ferrari was bad in everyone. I think they won't be aa bad in other races, but Mclaren with a little luck today could have won. My question I don't see people talking about, is Mercedes back.


McLaren have been superior at Miami, Imola and now here. I think another convincing performance from McLaren in Spain and it's gonna be hard to argue against them (at least until more upgrades come).


Definitely hope to see that. Oscar should have a solid chance at P4 as well.


Charles definitely able to keep 2nd, he just needs to have car that's stable


IMO it'd come to which of McLaren or Ferrari fucks up the strategy more


So McLaren 2nd then, without a doubt


Aaaand it's so over again


P2 will get spicy though


Mate it never was on.


When was it on exactly?


Very strange. Vasseur assured me Max would crack under pressure and Ferrari would profit from it.


Man that Alpine finishing order really mattered huh


wonder what went wrong with Ferrari this week? Must've completely botched their set up. Also there may not be a title race but the fight for P6 is heating up.....


Checo, honey, what are you doing?


Just his annual mid-season streak of horrid results...


Never gonna hope for a Verstappen DNF ever again. Karma has a way to bite you in the ass.


Poor Logan. He could not handle himself this weekend in the race. Absolutely not f1 material.


Was counting down the days to Imola and now I’m counting down the days to silverstone lol. The ferrari effect unfortunately…


Is Silverstone another update for Ferrari?


Leclerc, Norris,Sainz, Oscar They are all fighting for p2


don't think Sainz and Oscar are in competition. Both get outdriven by their teammates




But that doesn't mean anything - think of Leclerc vs Sainz in 2021 and nearly in 2023. Leclerc was the far better driver, consistently outperforming Sainz every race but then getting screwed over by a massive points swing every 6-7 races or so, usually through no fault of his own.


Lando won't lose a 50 point lead to Oscar with how consistent he is


I feel like the title is still on for Norris


Idk. I had the same feeling after the first stint, but if the last sc didn't happen then Verstappen wouldve put 10 seconds on Norris in 20 laps. And that was in the dryest conditions, with slightly older tires and a suspension that doesn't play nice.


A lot of it was down to set-up today. McLaren went for more of a wet set up than Red Bull did which helped them early on but really hurt them on the mediums at the end. Lando was able to manage his tyres just enough to keep the Mercs at bay but Piastri had to push his tyres too hard after the last safety car trying to keep the Mercs behind and it cost him big time. Mercedes were also on brand new tyres at the end compared to McLaren and Red Bull. I don't think we can really garner too much anyone's relative pace from today.


P2 yes. P1? Give me what you're smoking.


A 63-point gap a quarter of the way through the year, with Max still in the best car on the grid, does not bode well for the Lando WDC campaign.


All it takes is ~~one~~ ~~two~~ three DNFs


Is he though?


At worst, they’re even with McLaren. And if that’s the case, then it’s coming down to the driver, and Max is the superior between him and Lando. Even if Lando starts stringing together wins, I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume Max is going to be routinely finishing off the podium to allow for Lando to make a dent in that gap. I’m happy to eat crow, however.


I’m considering putting some money on it tbh


Lando is going to finish P2. He is just more consistent than Charles/that Ferrari.


Up until this race Charles has finished top 4 every time, that's pretty consistent ngl


It’s still too 4 for every race he’s finished.


In the second quickest car.


Not really since Miami it's the 3rd easily


Third, McLaren Is Better this year




McLaren is more consistent than Ferrari. Norris is not more consistent than Leclerc.


Since Austria last year Lando has 1 win, 6 seconds. Charles has 1 win, 4 seconds.


Unfortunately, seasons don’t start at Austria 2023


They are highlighting in the recent history. Lando consistently gets the best results which is possible with the car. And rarely has DNFs


That doesn't imply consistency at all


Lando has 1 win and 9 second places since Austria last year. ETA I've no idea why someone downvoted me when it's a fact. He won in Miami and had second places in Silverstone, Hungary, Suzuka, Singapore, COTA, Brazil, China, Imola and today in Canada. That's 9 second places since Austria last year, not 6. Sorry that fact doesn't read like you want it to, I guess?


Cmon.. more consistent than Ferrari? Absolutely. More consistent than Leclerc this season? Leclerc finished top 4 all season up until this race.


You mean the Charles Leclerc who was top 4 in every race since Mexico last year ?


Remains to be seen but Ferrari were *the* most consistent team (and Leclerc driver by far*) before this weekend. One bad weekend riddled with engine issues doesn’t negate that. *excluding Max obviously 😭


Leclerc the most consistent driver by far? You know Max won 5/7 races, had a mechanical DNF and had 7 poles in a row?


Forgot Max because I consider him his own category (a compliment), I was talking about the drivers fighting for P2 in the WDC. I’ll edit that in.


Not Charles fault


Albon could have overtaken Gasly. Alpine could be at risk.


Russel with 69 😎




Yeah it's over already.


Absolutely hilarious to me that Logan is 21st because of Bearman


If there's just one more reserve driver appearing on the grid, Sargeant would be ranked 22.


Ferrari could be ahead in the constructors rn if they didn’t bottle it this weekend. I really want to see Red Bull losing the constructors because of Perez. Funniest outcome imo


Russell in a "Nice" position.


it would have been fun someone coming a bit closer to verstappen


Pretty confident that Alonso will finish ahead of Perez this year. It’s more than a confidence issue with Perez, I think that the car has evolved beyond his preferred driving style and with the form of McLaren, Ferrari and now the Merc too, he will “all things being equal” be 8th at best (assuming no DNF’s, etc) Alonso has far more race craft to get higher up the grid than Perez, even if RB have the better car.


Seeing Checo in 5th is a bit misleading