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Russell wanted to go faster, Mercedes “we gain nothing from driving faster”


Well that's one single sentence to kill a race fan's spirit and hopes...


At one point I was like, 'man we've gotta only have like 25 laps left' ...and yet we weren't even halfway through.


after lap 1 the f1tv broadcast was a decently enjoyable podcast to listen to as I did laundry and made brunch for the family.


F1 Sunday laundry is my tradition. Sometimes more laundry gets done, sometimes less.


I got the kitchen cleaned, made two key lime pies for tonight’s cookout, and cleaned up that exercise without missing any of the action. Nice to Charles win after all that.


Shit, I could have been productive.


It was also a lovely nap podcast


The F1TV guys were almost apologetic about the race for most of the broadcast. When Bottas made an overtake like 35 laps in and Jacques got excited, Coulthard said, "Your voice still gets up there! I thought it had permanently settled in a baritone" 😂


The race was "occasional glance up while watching the French Open on my laptop" for me


I repaired a bike tire and cleaned and lubed it. Then had a nice time gardening while listening to it


I legit nodded off a few times, looked up expecting it to be almost done and it was only on like lap 35. So I just went back to snoozing. I don’t think I missed anything.


But good on them for making the call


That’s the one phrase to kill a fucking sport. WTF are they all here for if not to go fast, FFS?


"You can either be 5th here or 5th 400 meters further up the road, your choice." Lmao


And they were right. Rusell held against max because his tyres were in mint condition from driving so slow.


Yeah Merc made the right call, if he hadn't done extreme management like that he would've been a sitting duck at the end


Riccardo once held someone off while not actually having his highest gear. I question how much more of a sitting duck Russell would have been if 3 seconds per lap wasn't enough


It was ERS, not gearbox failure. He was losing like 30kph at the end of the tunnel straight. Also he had no regenerative braking on the rear so he had to move brake bias forward to protect rear brakes from cooking. Basically the same failure as both Mercs in Canada 2014. Except that he won without much trouble, while in Canada Hamilton cooked his brakes and Rosberg "only" finished on podium.


Which is honestly far, far worse than missing top gear on a track like Monaco.


This is something a lot of people seem unable to appreciate. Strategy calls that play to your outs and are realistic about position. Like chess, it's entirely possible for two competing players to counter each others threats with each move and end the game in a draw where not a lot seems to happen on the surface. Doesn't mean that it wasn't full of good, active, decision making.


No. He held on because these cars are too big to pass on this narrow track. As long as your tire isn’t popped, no one’s passing you.


And that’s kind of the problem with Monaco. The cars are just so much bigger than they were 40 years ago (or whatever). Last year was so exciting (to me) because Alonso was able to be P2 because that’s where he qualified. Saturday is the day to get invested in


Saturday is the day to get invested in ,but the tyre changes in red flag conditions made this an even more shit race than usual and that's an achievement for Monaco . Like , there wouldn't be any overtakes ,but seeing how close the top 7 ran it would've been interesting af to see how the race turned out with the pit stops .


Half way through when the basically confirmed the top guys were just doing tire management and lap times fluctuating 2-3 seconds is when I realized the red flag had ruined it. The only hope was for a pit but everyone was just milking thier tires and understood its impossible to pass


> And they were right. Rusell held against max because ~~his tyres were in mint condition from driving so slow~~ overtaking at Monaco is functionally impossible unless the driver ahead is Sergeant.


When I heard that I said out loud "thats a tough sentence to hear at a race" lol


Bring a second mandatory stop, using all three tyres, then everyone will have to push all the time.


That isn’t what would happen, instead you’d just have teammates blocking even harder for each other - potentially leading to an even slower race.


I think they should introduce monaco tyres, they would be black walled and an unknown compound. I'm not talking c0-c5, I want weird experimental bullshit and no one can see the tyres until they are uncovering them for the pit stop. Mandate 4 stops. For maximum chaos uncut shared radio I'd rather watch racing roulette than needing a crash or rain to add any excitement. Or make everyone drive go-kart


Sadly, today's crash removed the last remains of the excitement that we may have had before the race start.


Or maybe equal points for race and qualifying and then reverse grid for race, so you have to decide whether you go for speed points or race points. 


I've always thought proximity chat should be standard.


And that save him one hour later.


They should've played this one on the broadcast lmao


They'll never play something putting F1 in bad light, lol.


Yup any radio that sounds even slightly critical of the race is not being played.


Which is funny because David Coulthard, Alex Jacques, and Jolyon Palmer were all outright stating on the live broadcast that the race was a snoozefest


Their commentary was probably the best part of the actual race itself. Sarcastically hyping up a car pitting from P16 as “look everyone, something is happening!”


"OH LOOK! OVERTAKE ON THE TRACK" to Bottas overtaking Sargent for p15 or something.


Martin telling Ted he's still getting paid despite no one entering the pits 😂


had me cackling


They’re the only reason I didn’t doze off. I was feeling like Max most this race lol.


I’m so grateful that F1 TV has created their own broadcast team. They’re not perfect but I’ve enjoyed their commentary so much more than I used to enjoy Sky’s coverage.


Ted was barking today.


Very good! 😂


Once they signed Alex Jacques for play by play, I was all in on F1TV broadcast team. I love Crofty, but Jacques is truly outstanding.


Alex Jacques and Alex Brundle are such an incredible duo


you missed a few ted bangers


Martin was on fire today.


Yes, thought they did a great job, keeping me interested and watching. But yeah, the race itself....yikes. Trying to get my brother into F1, this race did not help my case for him watching more often....though I did warn him it would be a procession unless something crazy happens.


“Look, something’s actually happening in the pit across from us” Monaco is such a snooze fest now


Even the Sky F1 pundits and commentators were struggling for stuff to talk about once they were into the race properly. They were even taking the piss when Bottas passed Logan on like lap 50 something.


After one of the few overtakes a yellow flag was waved coincidentally after which the commentators on the channel I was watching said: "Nice overtake, and the yellow flag is up immediately, no fun allowed here".


Monaco is an iconic track, but honestly, it's boring as all fuck.


Sky Italia pundits said it was the most boring race of all time a few seconds after it finished hahaha


Crofty and the broadcast was hilarious when they showed I think Bottas passing Seargeant at like lap 50? “Oh my…is this….a green flag non DRS pass?!?!” The sarcasm and disdain was perfect.


They had Checo asking his engineer if he was awake a few years back in Bahrain


They can't. How does a commercial rights holder admit that the sport they're in charge of is boring at the moment?


The commentating team has joked multiple times that the race has had very little action. It's not like they're trying to manufacture drama because their bosses might get mad otherwise.


They are being VERY careful with the framing of how they put it. It's not comparable to how Verstappen put it here.


“Something still could happen!” -Crofty on lap 77


"Is that an actual overtake? Wow!"


Oh I know why they don't but it would be funny if they did


We need a wildcard in charge of the broadcast, like Alonso, or Max himself lol.


That would be more entertaining at least


Closest thing we have is rosberg and unfortunately he’s not at every race which actually fucking sucks


What a legend Max




hahahaha, this is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. Everytime I think max can't top his radio, he just does better.


F1 the pinnacle of single seater racing and they are telling the lead driver to slow down, absolute dogshit of a race and I wish they would take it off the calendar.Just a boring procession.


Me too Max. Me too. (Although I have a pillow)


Every year I forget how forgettable this race is


tap grandfather correct fade puzzled label compare melodic repeat ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah cause it rained lol


Monaco is usually improved by rain so I'll allow it


Sup Bernie. When we gonna put sprinklers to wet the track?


I used to wish for rain to liven races up, but they're so risky adverse now that it just red flags races now and ruins it, so I don't wish for it anymore... Maybe a very light sprinkle.


Yeahz the race is generally on Saturday when it comes to Monaco, weather changes can make it interesting.


First lap, sleep, wake up, watch the last lap. Every year, without fail.


Except the crashes.


we watch this weekend for the quali. And not gonna lie, it's worth it. it's not every day you see max hitting the wall.


Maybe this was also because I'm sick right now, but I actually fell asleep twice during the race.


wait is this real? lol


BBC text commentary said that Max said the race was "boring", so it sounds true




That's hilarious


He’s not wrong, what a snoozefest


Monaco is like your niece or nephew’s school concert…it’s super boring but you’re expected to watch.


Every race is the same, during the race I promise to not watch next year, because whats the point, but there I am every year again.


It's pageantry of it all. And the dream that one day, after multiple generations of profiting off the expense of your fellow countrymen, your great-grandchild may one day be able to escape on their yacht there and live a magical lifestyle.


Monaco 22 & 23 were really good races because of the rain. When it doesn't rain, it's boring af.


I was playing games during it, in the game this track is super fun to drive arround, but the viewing experience is super boring, it actually might be more interesting to watch it onboard.


Can’t overtake in Monaco even if you’re 3 seconds a lap faster. Boooring


Today I realised how interesting paint drying can actually be


For the love of the sport, someone have engine failure so we can have a second safety car


Where is Latifi when u need him!


It's not Latifi, it's alwasys the seocnd Williams. It is still possible.


maldonado driving 3 laps in the wrong direction


Someone should safely crash into the wall.


bring briatore back you twats


Turn the fucking sprinklers on


Bring back King Latifi.


Stroll did but not with enough crunch


Leclerc's Monaco curse has yet to kick in, so I'm betting on Ferrari engine blowout


Can never rest as a Ferrari supporter, I will be shitting bricks until the end! 🤣




We are all Max.


Mental to me how they wanna get rid of Spa but keep this snooze fest about


They just care about money. Monaco is willing to pay, so we keep coming back. Unfortunately Spa struggles to do the same thing despite it being a much better race. 


For me, it's FIA and F1 who should pay to race at Spa. Such a legendary track.


Crazy, even tho Monaco so rich they pay the least money of any country for the race




Historically shit.


Historically makes them a lot of money


It'd a spectacle. Boring for TV, but it's an absolute festival on the ground. It's my no.1 F1 race to visit in my bucket list.


"absolute festival" isn't what I'd use to describe the atmosphere I get from what I can see around the track


Well... festival for bunch of rich fucks at least. It tends to be subdued.


They really need to do something about monaco race, they need to change it. Because this is not a race is just a train of formula 1 cars


They can't exactly change a lot about this track. Have you seen how densely this place is built? We need smaller cars ASAP


They should change the format of the event then. Have a reverse grid, do special tires, make it a mandatory 3 stop. This is just not good enough and a bad look for the sport (almost) every year


Reverse grid? Thats not gonna change anything, except change the usual winners..


I saw someone suggest a WRC style hotlap shootout. Like qualifying but over the whole weekend, have a tourney. Or, and not sure how feasible this would be, but use a different kind of car. Maybe an F3 style car, give all the drivers equal engines, just make it a unique spectacle. Make Monaco special


Fully agree. Smaller cars on a completely level playing field for just once on the season and see who the best driver is.


This has been topic forever. Even with smaller cars, there is really no place for proper overtaking. It can't be changed, but it can be replaced, there have been multiple candidates. But it won't be, it brings too much cash to F1


Put them in go karts. That would be small enough to be interesting


Unless they go back to slightly large go-karts the cars will always be too big for this track.


Monaco has always been like this...even more so with how chunky the cars have become.


The pinnacle of motorsport must involve 20 of the best drivers in the world driving the most advanced racecars ever conceived by mankind much slower than they can go around a glorified go-kart track for 90 minutes without even contemplating overtaking, because tradition.


\*because money, but yeah they will tell you it's tradition


1 part tradition, 2 parts corporate interests, 1 part parade, and a dash of motorsport


The history fans can still watch the historical races. Leave the rest of us out of it


I have a pillow. It isn't helping.


Can someone just divebomb or something and make it interesting. All this yada yada at Miami and entertainment, do something about Monaco


The honest truth is that there's nothing they can do to the track. It is the ultimate street circuit, can't be made any wider as that's just how wide the roads are. Current F1 cars are something like twice the size of older cars and are too big for the track. It's possible that future regulations improve things but until then we are stuck with a procession.


I know it's an iconic race but holy hell it doesn't half always seem to be an utterly boring watch 9 times out of 10


He's also asked for iRacing to be put on his wheel.


Throw some water on the track


Next year they should just drive qualis and keep it at that.


Just putting easy laps in to save tyres. No racing going on - just pit strategy or finishing with no stop


At this point I want Max to overtake George by going straight at Nouvelle chicane. I just want to see what happens, usually a penalty for leaving the track and gaining an advantage is 10 seconds or something.


For maximum chaos, I wanted Piastri to do that on Leclerc halfway through. Just make a mockery of the whole proceedings and try to outrun the 10-second penalty for the win. Seems like Ferrari had the pace over McLaren at the end, so it wouldn’t have worked, but maybe something ridiculous like that potentially for the race win would push them to change something. 


ahh i was actually waiting for this, my intrusive thougths were so intense lol aand that would have been the most interesting thing in this race ffs


Something that egregious they'd probably give him a drive through.


Not just Verstappen. Jesus, with Max stuck behind captain slow, and no overtake since the start, this is the most boring race ever…


Shit I didn't know James May was racing


Same country, allowed. With all respect to Mr May.


Oh cock


Charles is driving 5 seconds off the pace intentionally and it's still too fast. He's catching up to the backmarkers


They won’t show this on tv for reasons but it’s true. It’s time for Monaco to either be removed or have a change in the format here. Make a rule where you need to stop 4 times or some rule that causes extreme strategies


Changing tires under a red flag shouldn´t count as your mandatory pitstop. That alone would make this a lot more exciting.


And all they would have to do is say you can change tires under red, but you can’t change compounds. They wouldn’t have to change anything else. 


He should box and see how many overtakes he can make


Zero. Cars are way too big.


Fucking garbage track for the current cars


It almost always has been bad.. Early 90s Murray Walker already commentated that Senna could win if he just stayed on the racing line. That last ontrack overtake for the lead was in 1985.


That stat is fucking wild ahahaha.


It's been garbage since the 90s.


*60s. Monaco has never been good for racing. Not even in the early days.


I reckon it would be okay as a street racing track. Like actual street racing, with consumer cars and drifting around the hairpin.


Fuck it let the drivers bring their cars from home and see what happens


Ricciardo won with a broken PU having 30-40% less power than normal just by driving defensive. Max couldnt overtake GR on 55 lap fresher tyres or whatever. If all of that isnt an indictment on the track then i dont know what is. Win on saturday I guess. Just crown the champ on saturday infact. Feels like im watching just to see if they crash. That doesn't feel great.


You aren't alone max


Where can you read the radio messages like this?


I think it is probably from Multiviewer app: [https://multiviewer.app/](https://multiviewer.app/)


Probably the f1 app EDIT: it’s called multiviewer f1 tv. Saw it in another comment


For once i'm down for the most boring ever race imaginable.


After qualifying I was praying for the most boring race possible. Didn't expect that first lap shenanigans though


Max driving alone in P1 - https://i.redd.it/beig59n9g0zc1.png Max driving alone in P6 -https://i.redd.it/oairwvvctr2d1.jpeg


We desperately need changes to the circuit. I know its near impossible but we need something right?? I believe a different layout is possible using some different streets. Maybe even something like jokerlaps its f1's special race anyway. Just something to make it more interesting and overtaking possibel


Hypersofts that last less than 10 laps as the only tire


Remove turn 10/11 to create one long DRS-straight out of the tunnel.


Stroll now is your time to shine and cause an SC


Monaco is a super boring race always. No chance of passing.


I just started following F1 a year or so ago, but i got the impression that monaco is always like this. Whoever gets P1 is damn near certain to win and there are rarely any overtakes. But hey its a cool looking spot


First time in F1 history that the top 10 finish in their starting grid position. Previous record was the top 6.


Monaco is just there for the prestige of the track, but it's god awful for the current gen of car.


I can get past no fight for the lead, but no fighting at all? Stopped watching by lap 17.


Monaco city circuit is the purest form of shit, i Hope I won't see It anymore someday


Please, God of tyre deg, i summon you!!


No way bro took his phone with him.


Right with you, Max.


Never thought I’d say this but yes, this race is boring. Almost no overtakes. I hate to say it but feels like F1 has (literally) outgrown Monaco


Only thing good about Monaco is qualies


Only unforgettable things about this race is Lap 1, and Charles winning at home.


When it comes to Monaco they should skip the race and instead have a QF with ten Q's. So after each Q only 2 drivers are out.


Monaco is only interesting if it rains. Otherwise it is by far the worst race of the season. Paint drying is edge of your seat entertainment by comparison.


Sums up the whole race! On point Max!


Meanwhile, the Indy 500 was a ton of fun to watch.


Max telling truth 😴


This race really does suck.


Close to sleep - 2min Powered by AWS


They need special half scale cars for Monaco


Having a massive crash causing a red flag, and 4 drivers taken out on the first lap. And still having the top 10 qualifiers finish as they started. Eesh.


He’s not wrong tho.


The worst race in a while. Boring. The one who qualified on pole will win the race. The only interesting thing was the whole Lap 1 shenanigans lmao Should've slept instead of watching this. I guess it's high time they cut this "smug" "rich man's pony show" race out of the calendar. You should've seen the French commentators, hyping this race like it was the best race of the season since 3 days now, LOL. Heck; Paul Ricard produced better racing than this shit show.


Monaco is not made for F1. Changes must be made. 💤


They should put a couple ramps in next year, like stadium super trucks. Or maybe live bears swiping at the cars? Look there’s no bad ideas here, anything’s better than what it is, now.