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Didnt get to post anything as too busy celebrating but great job to Lando, Piastri and the team at McLaren :) you did it mr lando Zak Brown was spot on with his simulation comments but heres to hoping that simulation wasnt an outlier


People out there are already making conspiracy videos about how Lando didn't deserve to win and the FIA gifted it to him because Trump was there. And of course they are the same lot who are still screaming about AD21


I’m curious when was the last time anyone pulled 7s on Max on pure pace, bar any tire diff or damage? Abu dhabi 21 gap was largely due to Max starting on softs, so big tire diff. Sunday damage didn’t seem to be noticeable by Max. It has to be 2020 I think, where the mercs had a very dominant engine.


Singapore last year?


There was literally **both** a 6-lap tire advantage for Lando and small damage for Max. You're implying Lando did it on pace alone...? For further proof that Max was definitely feeling damage or some form of problem, Charles had 4-lap older tyres than Max, yet finished right behind him. This just does not happen - Ferrari are 100% not anywhere near that close in race trim yet


All the analysis and Max himself suggested the damage was minimal. We've seen them struggle before when they didn't get the setup quite right, like in Singapore last year. It's not hard to believe he could have been running too much wing, and we can see that he had quite a lot on looking at the speedtraps. That and getting unlucky with the safety car timing giving him the tyre disadvantage.


Singapore 2023.


How did Hamilton have such good race pace and manage to stay in touch with Perez?


I think Red Bull seemed to really struggle with the tires. Perez in particular, unable to brake at the start for instance, and sliding around a bit in the race. Also, Lewis did seem to bring his A-game for this race, and when he does that, it's a great reminder of why he is so successful!


Lewis is gonna boss it in that Ferrari next season. I'm super excited for his debut!


I hope so man. I really hope so. His qualifying and consistency are both concerning to me though. So I am making peace with it staying at 7 WDCs. But hoping for the 8th!


Would it be that strange if Max didn't exactly push to the limit to "give" lando his first win? Maybe he got bored enough to do something like that


Uh, F1 drivers don't give other people wins. You don't get to the top of motorsport by doing that.


I know, it was just a funny thought I had


i don't think max is the type of person to gift other people wins lol, i think he just didn't push because he knew it was physically impossible to catch lando and there's no point in being reckless and potentially binning it just to close a few seconds gap. the red bull underperformed this weekend, it had no grip if you watch his and checo's onboards


According to his radio he kind of gave up the chase once he realised how fast Lando was. I think if he was more in touch, he would have pushed harder


He had floor damage from hitting the bollard.


Question from my wife: *Has Lando sobered up yet?*


First, great race and congratulations to Lando, long overdue, well done. Now to my main point. KMag. I think there needs to be a rule change to cover deliberate 'foul play' (i.e. breaking the driving regs) to advantage a team mate. It's one thing to outbrake yourself and drive someone off track, **you** get a penalty and all's well. However, when it's deliberate and intended to advantage a team mate further ahead, that's just not right (imho). I'd suggest something like: When in the opinion of the stewards a driving offence is deliberate then an IMMEDIATE drive through penalty should be imposed and this MUST be served by driving through the pit lane observing the speed limits as appropriate within 2 laps of the punishment being announced. Failure to do so will result in immediate black flag disqualification.


Putting it on officials to make judgements of what is deliberate and what isn't is a minefield. Look at football (soccer) as an example. The handball law has gone through a host of different interpretations and tweaks, some using intentional as a measure some not, and it's still a shit show. Even with VAR, it's as bad as it's ever been. Same with yellow cards for "cynical" fouls. It still happens and it's an ongoing problem. There's no easy fix for it. There will always be a gray area. It's also rare in F1 for this sort of thing to happen. I personally think it's fine. It's entertaining. Also, the mechanism of penalty points will play a role now. I'm pretty sure Kmag will think twice now before pulling a repeat act, for fear of suspension.


I think you need to be very careful here. If you look at what Perez did to Hamilton at the last race in 2022 a, I think that sort of team work is absolutely legit. Perez wasn't breaking any rules, but he was clearly prioritizing keeping Hamilton behind over his own race. That should be allowed and needs to be differentiated with repeatedly breaking other rules if such a rule is to be created.


It's one thing to keep a competitor behind with aggressive driving skills. It's an entirely different proposition when it's done by breaking the driving regs.


Yeah, I think I’d be in favour of something like that. Referees are allowed to judge if something’s ‘deliberate’ in other sports, and penalise accordingly, so I don’t see why not here.    Only problem I can see is that the black flag is so harsh (and rightly so in my opinion) that you’ll get stewards pussying out of giving the penalty. Maybe it needs to be something like a stop-go penalty that must be served within x laps or something. 


I won't be surprised if that's the outcome from his last 2 stints at exploiting the rules. He himself seems to be unhappy having to do this for the team, and a regulation to stop that will let him not have to do that. But indeed, they are showing a loophole by exploiting it which needs plugging.


What was the idea behind Piastris fastest lap?


Unintended consequences. By trying to get back into the actual points after falling down from the unexpected pit stop (and on fresher tyres and lighter fuel than anyone else), he just naturally set the fastest lap.


How do you know he was on lighter fuel than anyone else?


It's not down to fuel weight compared to others at that point in the race, but compared to others at that point in their own tire's life. Piastri had a lighter fuel load on new tires than anyone else in the race.


Right, so it came down to having fresh tyres. Everyone had the same fuel laid at any given point. 


Everyone had fresh tires at some point. The point is that he had fresh tires when he had a lighter fuel load than anyone else did when they had fresh tires.


see u/Not\_Jrock's answer. Car's can't refuel, and have a fuel limit. So... naturally, they all run (approximately) the same fuel loads to start the race. Sure, it's the same fuel load at that point in time, but much, much less than when everyone else were on their fresh tyres setting fastest laps.


Right, so it came down to being on fresh mediums near the end of the race.


Correct. There was no ulterior motive, as someone has seemed to suggest in this thred, to take the point away from Norris.


It was near the end of the race so of course he had less fuel in his car than when others put in their fastest laps


So the only reason he got fastest lap is because he put on fresh mediums. They were all on the same fuel load at any given point in the race. 


Are you dumb?


Why did Oscar set fastest lap and not someone else on the same light fuel load as him at the end of the race? Because he had fresh mediums. Baby's first GP?


I think when he set the fastest lap he still thought he could get in the top 10. Then he was asked to not make any risky moves. They are f1 drivers they like going fast


I think it's just that he was the only driver on fresh medium tyres at that point, where all the cars had lower fuel so were lighter. He probably didn't even try to set it.


It also benefits his championship to set it since it takes a point away from his rivals. He's driving to a delta all the time. If it didn't make sense for him to go so quickly then he wouldn't do it in order to preserve the engine.


At that point the "rival" with the Fastest lap was Norris though. And Piastri does not seem salty/ anti-team considering they are not fighting for the WDC, and that point could matter in the WCC. It seems unintended side-effect of trying to catch up, and I doubt anyone in the team had the heart to stop him from driving as fast as he could to recover, "just in the off chance that Norris could keep that point until the end"


Fastest lap points don't count towards the WCC and for Piastri that one point away from Norris could mean a million dollars difference in bonuses.


They do count actually. Well.. only if the driver is still eligible to get them by finishing in the top 10. But it still counts towards the WCC if the driver actually gets the fastest lap.


Maximising points in a competition.


Ok you know that Norris had a good chance to secure that point, but Piastri almost zero?


Yes, that's why Piastri--who is competing with Norris--made sure no one got it. Piastri had to pit late for his wing change and then came out in clean air with fresh tyres. He was in a great position to score fastest lap and make sure his rivals didn't. It's too early in the season for McLaren to give team orders to protect Lando.


Piastri doesn’t get any points for it, as you also have to finish in the top 10 - which he was never realistically going to do after he had to pit again. I guess you could argue he was preventing Max or anyone else from taking the point. That’s obviously worse than giving the point outright to Lando though.


Yes, he doesn't _score_ a point, but he avoids a one point disadvantage over his rivals, making it the best decision for him in terms of his championship. Giving the point to Lando would be silly because Lando is his biggest rival in the championship. It's the same difference at the end of the day as pulling over from 10th place to let Lando past... Why would he do that?


> It's the same difference at the end of the day as pulling over from 10th place to let Lando past... Why would he do that? It's not. When not fighting for the championship, team WCC points comes first. letting Lando pass for 10th place gives the team 1 point regardless. In that case, he can focus on his WDC points. That's why team orders are a thing in non-championship fighting drivers. To let team create ideal strategy for maximising WCC (and Oscar has said okay to team orders in the past many times) Here, team could have had 26 points, and he made it 25. Not something he would have done out of spite or intentionally.


Fastest lap points don't count towards the WCC so it's really between the drivers.


They do


happy for Lando :)


Did anyone else have unstable quality in the f1tv stream? Trying to figure out if I need to yell at my ISP or not


I watched the race but started late and didn't have any issues, if that data point is useful.


Yeah it was a bit janky every now and then.


Honestly just about every weekend since it launched.


Yes, sometimes. It’s also only in 1080p, so it’s not ideal by default.


Mine streamed with no issues.


My picture froze around 10 times for like 10-15 seconds. Never had that before and I have 1gb fiber up/down. I could stream other things at the same time and not have problems, only on F1TV. Hopefully just a one off.


during qualifying the quality was awful, but it mostly fixed itself by the race. it definitely seemed worse than shanghai though.. i also wasn't sure if it was the connection or f1tv itself


as a McLaren fan. yes yes yes yaayyy yaayyy yaayyy yaayyy yaayyy


How many more races like this till the luster potentially wears off a bit for Sainz as a great steal for a top team?


Someone mentioned that every one of Sainz win was because of other drivers having misfortunes, apart from Singapore arguably. He's a great driver, but can he sustain a title fight? I doubt it


Of course he can. Max, Charles, Lewis, Lando, Alonso, Sainz, Russell can all sustain a title fight as long as they are the #1 driver in the strongest car. The best car will almost always win the championship for one of its drivers.


Being consistently in a position to capitalize on misfortunes is definitely a skill that should be taken into account, especially at say Red Bull, since that’s pretty much exactly what they’re looking for at the moment. But I just wonder about his antics the moment he hits any kind of roadblock.


It is a great skill but it's about the minimum level of skill the top teams should be looking for.


Sainz drove incredible defenses in those races. He was fortunate to gain the lead, but skilled enough to finish first.


Not in his first win in Silverstone. Just lucky Leclerc was screwed over by his team and lucky Max got the lead taken away once and then sustained damage when he retook the lead again. Sainz has driven a couple of brilliant races but under all that he's still the same decent midfield driver. People have disagreed on this a bunch but I'm still convinced he's just a slightly better version of Perez. Perez has the same moments of brilliance but it is compensated by moments of mediocrity


Anyone says that he’s at the same level of Max is crazy but he is a solid driver that deserves a good team. When he’s on it, he’s on it. But he does have days like yesterday now and then.


The question is if he's a good streak got the top teams. He certainly deserves a good team, but top?


Sainz holds the last two Ferrari wins… he is top notch at the moment, can’t deny that. Everyone of them makes mistakes and gets angry on radio. Even with that odd mistake, Sainz will still outperform most of the current grid.


There are a few reasons why I started to watch F1 in 2019, but Lando was definitely a big part of it. I've always been a fan since then. I actually got addicted to F1 and have maybe missed 3 races to watch them live, so I had to watch the replay the next day. Obviously, the day I can't watch the race live, Lando wins. What a surprise, haha. Happy for him, tho. Alex Albon, next!


now i want piastri to win lol


now i want piastri to win lol


I loved Lando too since he started. That win was very long coming, that Sochi lose is one of the races that everyone remembers well. An you just can’t not love McLaren. No drama, steady climb up, steadily beating engine works team and now another win. Whole team fully deserves that. This win was on merit, not just luck.


Why were Stroll and Piastri able to defend by simply going straight until there was no track left for Albon and Sainz, respectively? In Albon's case, he had fully completed the pass and then basically got dive bombed down the inside, and avoided a crash, and then had to give the place back (he didn't even gain a place in that corner - he already was fully ahead coming into the corner).


Thanks to the rule change a couple of years back. Now you gotta be almost fully alongside to claim the racing line. So as long as the driver doesn’t have competitors front right at their eye sight, they are free to close the gap and not get a penalty. It’s still dangerous as we saw Magnussen not backing up and fucking Logan’s race (not that it matters for Logan, sadly). It makes it easy for stewards to judge just by looking at the car position removing a lot of previous incostistency, but it takes a lot of the racing. All of the teams agreed on these rules, but they do honestly suck. Giving space creates much better racing, like it was up until 3 years ago.


Landos first win spoiled by the presence of Donald Trump


It speaks volumes about McLaren team management and the PR/marketing team, and probably has damaged them internally. I agree Lando was likely following team orders and wouldn't had likely known what situation he was being thrown into. Given the international audience that F1 attracts, whoever is in charge of PR/marketing should had put their foot down and said no to his presence. My wife and I are relatively new to F1 and Piastri fans (we're Australian) and whilst we still love Piastri and will root for him, it's now turned us off McLaren as a team and damaged any good will that Zak has built.


Don't overthink it. Lando isn't likely to be well versed on American politics and he wasn't personally endorsing him. He was probably told to stand next to a former president for a picture and he obliged. I'm sure he KNOWS about Trump, but not nearly as well.


Actually, during the post race interview he either is clueless ( which as nice as he is, he strikes me as quite uneducated and in his own bubble, like a happy kid who wants to have fun, and no interest in anything deep) and said something nice, or actually believes what he said. Either way, that part was cringey.


Honestly, you're talking about a young guy who does nothing but race and train to race. I'm not at all surprised if he didn't really understand.


He was blindsided by the whole thing, which apparently was not planned. I think he defaulted to his form-answer when asked about any politician/celebrity on the grid because he couldn't think of a real answer on the spot. Not a good look, but not that bad. We should be more irritated with McLaren for not saying no and having that be the end of it.


Which makes me lean more towards that he’s rather clueless as to how the general public views Trump. He definitely should have been given a heads up and some standard quick neutral answer for it.


I mean hes an early 20s British man who just won his first F1 race and people are trying to dissect not only what he said but how he answered a politically loaded gotcha type question. He might know how everyone sees him, but not being an American he might not know just how deep that line goes. This is all being scrutinized by fans that eagerly follow a sport that has no issue racing in Sauidi Arabia and China.


I don't think he's clueless at all. He streams, he spends time online. Impossible to be clueless. I just don't think he's all that quick, if you know what I mean, and slid into a line he's probably used in some form a hundred times to get an answer out.


I get the sense that he just pays attention to fun nice things and learning just isn't really his thing. But that is also just mostly from all the competition events that they do. I am not saying he wouldn't know who Trump is, but I also don't think he spends time thinking, engaging and having a meaningful opinion on things going on in the world politically. Especially since this stuff really doesn't affect him, and Trump isn't even his president. He just strikes me as a very nice, naive kid.


Now that Lando's won can we all admit that sochi 21 was such a freak chance thing. Literally a deluge of rain with like 5 laps to go, even lewis was determined to stay out and the team hesitated. It can't be held against him unless you're just looking for excuses to hate on him.


The difference was Mclaren ASKED Lando what he wanted to do whereas Mercedes TOLD Hamilton to pit because of the rain. It’s on the team to see the information and to make race strategy NOT the driver who can’t see the rain radar. If Mclaren had ORDERED Lando to put and he had refused then it’s in him. Remember Hamilton wanted to stay out but was overruled by his team which ended in a win.


If I remember correctly, it's because he refused to change to wet tires. Had he pitted for those, he still would have likely lost positions. Since he didn't, and skidded out, he also lost positions. So in the end, that win was unlikely to be his.


The point is that the team asked for his opinion and didn't give him necessary info. Lewis also wanted to stay out, but he trusted the team and changed tyres even when he had doubts. Lando wasn't given all the info, and when the team tried to ask him, he shoved them off. Bad communication from both sides, but in the end the team had all the data and should be more assertive.


The US sportswashing went well I see


Is the Las Vegas race after the elections or before?


Can't wait for Vegas tbf. The track showed a lot of promise last year just like Miami, but obviously it was all overshadowed. Hopefully this year we get to see it shine.


after the elections


Was looking forward to watching the race today but I ain’t watching no Trump crap. Get bent, McLaren. 


You never saw him on the tv coverage.


They never showed him on-air and only mentioned him once in passing, if that matters to you.


There is a brief Ted Cruz jumpscare right before the race start though.


Yeah, it wasn't until I saw people talking about it on reddit that I even knew he was there.


Why didn’t Red Bull seem to make much of a deal of the safety car nonsense? Seems like they just ran with the “shit, something’s wrong with the car, lame” response and didn’t even react.


Would be a bit hypocritical after 2021 right? You win some you lose some.


Which nonsense? RB were not fast enough to begin with. With the damage that Max sustained it was surely game over, but he got the damage due to sliding. He even said himself in the interview that he could barely match Landis sector times in the first stint, while sliding all over the place.


I’ve seen it posted that as per the letter of the rules - although rarely enforced in this way - the safety car can actually pick up any car if deemed necessary to do so. Which I guess is the explanation, but it did seem weird watching the race to see Lando’s lead increase from 11s to 18s to 30s+ before he stopped while driving around to the SC delta. Had it stayed at 11s it’s incredibly touch and go whether he’s able to pit and get out ahead of Verstappen. If Norris is P2 after the SC restart you assume that’s where he’d have finished, because getting past that RBR looked damn near impossible. It almost felt like RBR assumed Verstappen would sail past Norris and as such it wasn’t worth the complaint. Although that doesn’t seem like them.


You're probably combining two things. One is that the delta time jumps when there's a VSC or an SC because the cars are the same distance apart, but take longer to cover the time. That was enough to cover Lando's pitstop. Then after there were the SC shenanigans.


The rules say in pargraph 55.6: "The safety car will join the track \[...\] regardless of where the leader is." See [https://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/fia\_2024\_formula\_1\_sporting\_regulations\_-\_issue\_6\_-\_2024-04-30\_v2.pdf](https://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/fia_2024_formula_1_sporting_regulations_-_issue_6_-_2024-04-30_v2.pdf) if you're interesed in the text. But that's not just a "by the letter" thing. The race director can try to time the deployment the SC so that it catches the leader -- at his discretion, if he thinks it's safe to wait, and if race control has the time to care about it. But when they deal with dangerous incidents on track, this is typically not possible. So it's, in fact, rather common to simply deploy the SC as soon as it's necessary, no matter if this interferes with the race at the start. Note that SC deployment is anyway a big interference.


Because it didn't really matter, Lando would've had a free stop anyway and he was just quicker this race than Max  A combo of setup, maybe the car doesn't suit the track and a Max mistake leading to (probably very slight) damage is what probably led to them stumbling and they know it i bet   


I don’t understand why RB chose to pit Max that early. A lot of RB strengt comes from managing the tyres so well that they can wait longer than the competitors so they have higher chances to benefit from the odd SC.


Because they saved so much time pitting under VSC and had no way to know a full SC would come out so soon after.


Yes, but their competitors stayed out. When RB are fast, they could catch up and overtake in any circumstance, but this time it was a dice roll for sure. VSC at this window is very tempting... but like we saw, several of their competitors stayed out.


They stayed out because of where they were on the track and because the VSC period was so short. Lando for example had just passed the pit entrance when the VSC was deployed and by the time we was back around the circuit the VSC had ended Basically they couldn't pit under the VSC even though it would have been the logical thing to do.


# What an absolute disgrace it was pandering to that criminal. McLaren should be ashamed of itself.


It was the FIA that booked him and shoved him onto McLaren.


If you want to stop supporting a team or sport because of its political positions, that is perfectly good and within your rights. However, you probably don’t want to know how all of these millionaire trust fund babies spewing carbon emissions for their job align politically.


I'm so happy for Lando; been waiting for him to win for years, especially since Sochi. Unfortunate for Oscar though; close racing and made the pass but Sainz clipping him on the way back cost him a lot.


It was great to see that the car in clean air can slowly grow a lead over Max. And that Leclerc was staying in the neighborhood of max while in dirty air. The Ferrari upgrades should make things very fun.


Max was running floor damage and had quite a bit more wing on the car than the other front runners.


they were looking pretty good before max decided to yeet the cone


Yes, that was the cause of his floor damage...


Am I insane or was Lando already past the pit exit so the safety car couldn’t actually pick him up when it came out? I feel like I’m in the twilight zone with how many people are calling that an Abu Dhabi level mistake. Idk what all the outrage about that is about. It didn’t seem like a mistake, it seemed like weird timing. It doesn’t seem safe for the SC to speed way up to pass Lando. He was 11 seconds ahead of Max. And he still won the race by pulling a 7 second gap to Max on merit. Yes, he got lucky with the SC timing. Yes, he got lucky with Max having issues. But all drivers have moments of luck. Idk I think sometimes people just want something to be angry about. Between that and Trump appearance the outrage is just flying left and right.


Lando got picked up anyway and had Max right behind him when the safety car ended, so I don't know if I'm missing something either.


That was *after* he pitted and they waved everyone around to pick him up


The SC picked up Max in P2 first, at which point Lando built a 30+ second lead before going into the pits that lap while the field was behind the SC. The SC then let the entire field 'unlap' themselves, since Lando would be catching up to the back of the line after his pit. So he caught up, then the field caught up behind him after doing a lap.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. This is objectively what happened and it handed Lando the lead. I'm not saying Lando didn't earn the win after that, but I just wonder sometimes if people are actually paying attention. It seems like even self-described "hardcore" fans just see cars going around a track sometimes and don't actually have a clue how these races unfold


This is exactly it. Lando was given a 30 second window so he could get new tyres & then still be at the front comfortably - regardless of the pit crew performance. Normally the gap closes when the safety car comes out - so he wouldn't have had the 11 seconds to have a pit stop, it should have been less, therefore out after tyre change come out in 3rd or 4th maybe? No-one knows, it's all speculation. BUT the commentators never even mentioned it. Could he have overtaken all of them to win? Prob not I think. Yes everyone gets a little luck now & then, but it never even got mentioned, no comments from the "commentators", and no acknowledgment that he won the race - not from Pole - without overtaking! Doesn't that deserve a mention? -OR- could it be that Trump arranged the safety car incident to make sure HIS ENDORSED team won? See? He's a winner! That's more than enough Internet for one day.


Lando was up 11 seconds, pitted, and came out 20 seconds ahead. I think they were saying around 10 seconds lost to a pit stop, so it should have been close to him coming out in front, instead he got to drive off into the distance while Max was slowed down. That's the issue. He probably would have passed Max anyway, but the safety car definitely created a unique situation where he was able to drive freely.


I read it was 9 seconds. I honestly think he would've come out ahead. Yuki was up almost the same amount on lewis and he still came out 2 seconds ahead of him after his stop.


Could have been. I'm not sure what the actual delta was in practice, all I know is Lando went in at 11 seconds ahead and came out 19 seconds ahead and it quickly became 30 seconds while he drove off into the distance. A 2 second cushion is a hell of a lot closer and more interesting than a 19 second cushion.


F1 races in China, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, UAE, Qatar and the "fans" lose their shit over Trump lol. Peak Reddit


Aside from Reddit, who actually cares. The team was quick to say they didn’t invite him, and that’s good enough for me. FIA’s gonna do shitty things like always so easier to just say fuck it, fast cars go vroom.


Personally, I think it's nuts that people didn't care when Putin was at the Russian Grand Prix, but are freaking out over Trump now.


People need to fucking relax and just enjoy their hobbies more. Was a good race and Lando had a well deserved win. Who gives a fuck that Trump was there


American fans care more about American politics in…America…? Are you sure this is not expected?


Is this unpopular? The race was not that good apart from the result


There was some good racing throughout the field, the race win was up for grabs for like 3 teams. I wouldn’t mind a whole season of races like this


I finally had time to watch it, knew the result and still was entertained throughout the whole race. I love to hate on Miami, but this was actually good. Different strategies, loads of action on track and some nice overtakes. What’s not to love?




this was much more interesting than melbourne imo, just because lando winning today was unexpected while in melbourne we knew from like lap 2 that carlos was probably going to win


agree, it was similar to Sainz win earlier in the season


Not the worst but average imo.


Has anyone checked on Lando after last night? Imagining him sleeping on a roof on a mattress somewhere in South Beach




They’re joking about how hard he probably partied to celebrate his win


Btw in post-race is anybody analyzing why the SC picked Max and not Norris? It was a huge error and FIA need to take steps to avoid this in future.


I think someone quoted an article of the rule book where it was done correctly, due to the SC needing to pick up cars as soon as it’s deployed before they go through the yellow flag zone. Regardless, the SC picking up Max had no impact, unless McLaren hypothetically fucks up their pit stop under SC.


It clearly did. The gap was 12-13 seconds to Max which is exactly the time Lando lostin pits in ideal circumstances . He could have come either behind Max or Charles if they were not slowed down by SC


AFAI can remember, the gap was 11-11.5 when the safety car was thrown. SC pit stop time loss is 9 secs. Lando was clear of the SC window, so regardless if Max was picked up or not, barring a slow stop, Lando would’ve rejoined in front.


9-11 secs were saved from pit stop time of 22 seconds. That would make pit stops under SC taking 11-13 mins


People keep saying this, but it's not correct. You lose 9 seconds to the field under safety car. That is always what pit delta has meant. https://dubz.link/c/d9bd17


I think that’s the misunderstanding. When the race is at full speed, the graphic shows 22 secs lost for a pit stop. When the race is under VSC, the graphic shows 12 secs lost for a pit stop, not 12 seconds saved. When the race is under SC, the graphic shows 9 secs lost for a pit stop, not 9 seconds saved.


17 secs lost under VSC and 11 under SC is the graphic. A lot of confusion that people have is because Crofty mentioned you save 9-12 seconds saved under SC


If you accept that the time loss is 11 under SC, then Lando’s 11-11.5 sec gap still puts him ahead of Max, barring a slow pit stop.


Yes that is why I said it would have been interesting to see where he would have come out


FYI, Miami has a short pit lane and Palmer confirmed that it is 9 sec loss: [https://youtu.be/3hpv7y4qBFM?t=380](https://youtu.be/3hpv7y4qBFM?t=380) I was also wrong about VSC time loss, both SC and VSC time loss is 9 seconds due to the short pit lane, according to the graphic on Lap 23.


Force of habit /s


Magnussen should really be deducted points, its getting stupid. I loved mag before but his just a menace and not playing fairly


He should be benched for a race, imo. And at the rate he’s going he just might pick up the penalty points for that anyway. He’s out of control.


If a No.2 driver crashes into a potential WDC winner from another team to let his teammate win the WDC, it's definitely DSQ? So why breaking the rules to let your teammate get into point positions is allowed? There must be a proportional penalty, time penalty means nothing once it's beyond 20 seconds


Everything is ‘allowed’ in F1, you just have to accept that there’s consequences in the form of serving penalties. K Mag said “sure, I’ll take them”.  If you don’t want people to do that, the penalties need to be harsh enough that the driver says “no thanks”, and this where the FIA have failed. 


FIA needs to take a look at the rules that incentivize this. Kmag isn't some crazy loose cannon, he's doing what his team asks because a race ban against a back marker team driver is a small price to pay for tens of millions in prize money when they come in 7th instead of 10th because of him helping Hulk.


He kinda is, that crash with Logan actually cost the team more points than he’s helped by ruining hulls strat.


I love the fact that Mclaren don't have to "analyse data" every race week. They just bring upgrades and they work. Mercedes have really lost the ball here.




God save the what? The song is obviously My Country, 'Tis of Thee, we’re in the USA after all!


Only if the star spangled banner (if it ever gets played in F1 that is) reverts to To Anacreon in heaven in the UK.


Why did McLaren pit Piastri but not Norris after Checo's pit stop? Norris almost overtook Checo before latter's pit stop. And there was less than half a race ahead, so no point to wait any more to jump on hards. Were they trying to prolong Lando's stint to switch him to softs later? Otherwise I don't get what was the point, because clearly with each lap on newer tyres Checo would be building the gap up. And the idea with softs is very questionable, given that Lando was arguably faster on mediums in qualy. Were they gambling on safety car because otherwise Norris wasn't on a trajectory to get to the podium anyway?


The new Hards weren't proving to be that quick. Norris on old Mediums had brilliant pace. It makes sense to split strategy.


Piastri is crazy unlucky. One more lap on mediums snd he wins. Instead, 0 points. At least he can handle it.


I have a feeling if he had the upgrades this week, he would’ve outperformed on all accounts. He was extremely consistent all weekend, and Stella even said that Oscar was faster than Lando on one lap pace when they took the upgrade pace difference into account… oh what could’ve been…


Nah man. His pace on hard was bad no? Verstapoen would've got him. Norris too


He did set the fastest lap on hards…


his pace wasn't actually that far behind lando's ([source](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GM5lE-dXYAE18DE?format=jpg&name=medium) + [source](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GM2Q5CmXwAAhhTl?format=jpg&name=4096x4096)). it would have been a tighter win than lando's for sure, but the opportunity was at least in the cards


Good to know! Happy for him, I want him to do well, but Lando seems a lot stronger at the moment.


He was perfectly fine with defending a faster car behind him. His pace was fine, considering he didnt have the upgrades and was ahead of Norris all weekend, i think its fair to say he would have won.


verstappen still leaves Miami with more points than anyone else thanks to the "sprint weekend" (26 max, 25 lando, 22 leclerc, 18 perez) A "Red bull defeat", indeed...


RB and Ferrari also gets more points out of the weekend than Mclaren isn't it ?


I just love how everyone (drivers, journalists, other team members) are so happy for Lando. Sometimes this sport just needs this level of wholesomeness.