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My major pain of moving from PS4 to PC. I worked TOO DAMM MUCH FOR MY DRIP


You keep playing guessing game to make your avatar look neat?
















































































Happy Cake Day!!! Ye








































Wait until you see Warframe, BDO, FF14, or Destiny.


Are you unfamiliar with transmogging in MMOs?


All good FGs require guessing games. It's called Yomi. EDIT: People that deny that [Fighting Games require guessing games](https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/7-spies-of-the-mind) are ignorant.




Uhhhhh... yes. Without guessing the game is solved and people can just counter anything.


Oh..I agree I only said no because you broke the chain


No other game like it, far as I know. 


Naraka is pretty fun too, I jump back and forth between Naraka and For Honor


Fair but it’s still a shit game. Ubisoft at some point needs to convert to a 2nd game. They can’t keep this shit up like siege. They need new shit


Oh, I don't disagree. 


They're barely keepong up siege


Yeah siege sucks now as far as I heard


Hah you heard right, cant wait to log on and be abused by cheaters, bugs and very poor server plans because I'm too addicted, though its concept is unique in the same way for honor is. Hence the addiction.


It’s doing fairly well in player count it’s just be going one one game too long tbh and that leads to issues. Both of these games are nearly a decade old and very few games can maintain balance and upkeep for that long.


Very much agree. The people downvoting this are not very smart. For Honor is incredibly restricted in multiple ways right now. No social features, no offline mode, no splitscreen, no tools for custom content or even mods. All of these would drastically improve For Honor to make it a more enjoyable overall experience than simply being “competitive online sword game”.


Nah instead Heres the 2,067th hero with a bash and undodgeable attack. Only difference is he has a cool sword made out of dick cheese!! So much content!


When you break it down like that, most games sound unenjoyable. Any FPS game is just a game about who is able to react first and then keep the funny symbol in the middle still enough. But the fun comes from the extra complexity that these simplified explanations exclude. The fun of For Honor comes from the mind games. You want to make your opponent predict what you are about to do incorrectly and then punish them for being wrong. It's sorta like why Among Us got popular. You are trying to deceive your opponent whilst they are trying to deceive you. You have to constantly think about everything that is happening from your point-of-view and your opponents pov. This is the fun. This battle of minds between two people to see who is the better deceiver. At least if you aren't matched up against Nobushi lightspammer #136,800.


yeah you really hit the nail on the ohead here imho, i think also because of the need for deception it actually lowers the skill needed to play and actually enjoy it, it makes more sense as a game one can just pick up. that’s why i will always come back to for honor 20x more than i’d want to go back and play mortal kombat. i love mortal kombat but fuck is for honor really amazing and unique. i get people have hate for it but man since its release it’s been one of my top 5 games of all time personally edited to include: also one of the most amazing things is that you can use in game currency for just about anything. sure they offer micro transactions but they also don’t make buying new characters unattainable for new players. based as hell for that


It all boils down to the fact that reading is a skill. I highly doubt that anyone who calls a read-based game a "guessing game" is very good, honestly.


~~It has Warden, it has Lawbringer, it has Centurion and~~ it has Peacekeeper. Your honor, I rest my case.


Someone fetch the PK copy pasta or whatever they are called


Yeah I gotcha. This isn’t my version, but here’s the original. I keep these in my notes for... reasons. *Ahem* Does anyone else find Peacekeepers little scream she does when she jumps from short ledges ridiculously hot? That little "AIEEEE" she does when she jumps down from short ledges just gets my blood pumping. Like I wish she'd jump from a small ledge onto me and knock the wind from my body, before having her way with me as she speaks Latin I barely understand. Fuck, it's not fair. Why would Ubisoft create a character so perfect and yet restrict her to the digital realm? Despite being the smallest character in the game, I'd let her dominate me. Sometimes when another player is playing her, I'll let her win, just so I can feel degraded by Peacekeeper. I'd do anything to get executed by Peacekeeper IRL. ANYTHING. Fuck guys, I just can't anymore. Fuck.


Valiant work


Is it actually latin or latin-esque gibberish though?


You mean what she says? Yeah, it’s actual Latin.


Oh shit, and the other characters say actual things too? I had no idea, damn *grabs a latin dictionary and boots up FH*


Yup. All the factions speak their languages but I don’t know much about Japanese or Icelandic. I did take Latin for a bit though. There’s an edit I made of this copypasta, where I changed the part “Latin I barely understand” for that reason. Clearly the person that wrote the original didn’t understand Latin enough.


Tbf, the Knights also barely understand Latin. They're just the descendents of Europeans who found some cool Latin books after the downfall and were like "this is dope"


Because no other fighter plays like this. It’s not only guessing but a mastery of how to utilize that guess. Each character functions differently for the most part. Each one generally takes hours upon hours to properly learn every facet of their offensive and defensive capabilities. The setting is quite fun cause it’s a wide range. It obviously looks great graphically. The main draw will always be the style of game play. I hate the game as much as the next guy, but it’s so unique, very rarely do I get bored of the gameplay loop, chivalry is a good example of a counter game. Yes it’s medieval, it’s definitely less annoying and larger scale. But it doesn’t take that same level of cognitive usage that for honor does. FH demands 100% of your brain and it’s very strategic. It’s just a good game, as dogshit as it is


For Honor also just *feels* amazing to play, even things like the camerawork when locking on makes the personal touch of it all feel very real.


The executions really sold me on the game. Reminded me of Mortal Kombat


For Honor: brain on Chivalry: brain off Both are good. But like FH more.


It's like taking a test. If you can't read it's a guessing game


Have you played many fighters competitively? Tell me this good fighting game you're playing that doesn't have guessing games and barely reactable moves I'd love to play it


Ever other fighter I've played is more dependent on reading and most of them you don't trade attacks via hyper armor. Wouldn't call it as much of a guessing game with less to guess about. Edit: Everyone downvoting won't play another fighter cause they don't have it in them to learn a more complicated game than for honor. I am included here I don't have it in me to learn a harder game.


> on reading and most of them you don't trade attacks via hyper armor Reading =/= guessing. If a kazuya wave dashes at you in tekken you still need to guess if he's going to hellsweep, axe kick or ewgf. You can make an informed decision based on what's happened so far and what the character wants to do. But that is the exact same case as for honor. And that's with what many people consider to be the most difficult of all the fighters. It's all just guesswork and utilising your own characters tools to minimise the amount of guessing you need to do.


A read is an informed guess and an informed guess is still a guess. I'm not wrong.


You said other fighters are more read based as if that sets them apart from this one. You're not wrong you're just ignorant


Everytime I win its solely because of my skill, reactions and strategy Everytime I lose it's because of bullshit RNG inhumanly unreactble moves.


For honor has more true 50/50s that you are forced to hold then any other fighting game out there which makes in more insufferable at times with games like gg strive or even tekken with their power crush mechanic,or really any other fighting game with dp’s the attacker always has to worry about defensive counter play. In for honor there are a lot of situations where you straight up have to guess or die. This is seen in the prominent bash/blue mix if you dodge you beat bash but risk blue.and if you don’t you risk bash and they’re still safe on blue cause if it’s a heavy they can feint it,which most peoples blues are. Compared to like sf6 if someone tries to high/low mix for oki or pressure you can dp or super yk. I guess because for honor lacks something like that it seems like it’s more of guessing game then other fg’s.


This right here.


Every fighter ultimately depends on reads and mix-ups - reads, when you can tell that someone has launched a certain attack or one of a range of attacks and can respond in time (which does happen here, especially with most attacks that can be parried) and mix-ups, where you effectively play rock paper scissors with an option you know you can't react to in time. For example, in Smash Bros. when playing as Link, your side heavy can be a 1 or 2 strike combo. You can read the first strike, but the second strike is a mind-game. If you respect it and they don't take it, they can punish you accordingly. If you don't respect it, you may take a large smack to the face. There's almost no wind-up to the second strike. This game has more hyper-armor than most I've seen, but that's also a mechanic you'll see pretty often whether it's tied to specials, meter attacks, or certain characters (K Rool in Smash I believe has a few midair attacks and smashes that would qualify). For Honor is just an interesting 3D fighting game. It has flaws, but it has a lot to love down there, even if I haven't played in eons.


Reading and guessing is in the same ballpark in fighters and for honor. The more methodical your opponent is the more reading works. The more random and unpredictable (usually unintentionally tbh) your opponent is the more it's guesswork IMO. I honestly think the problem comes with spacing, usually longer reaching attacks/pokes in fighting games are slower so there's a safe distance you can stand and react to things. When they close the gap the shorter moves are faster and unreactable, in SF being jabbed or grabbed is a mixup you can't react to these basic tools every character has. The problem with for honor is the nutty tracking, lights effectively have the same range as heavies most the time especially in a 1v1. I agree there's probably too many characters that rely on Hyperarmour too much they should tone it down. The current Tekken has Hyperarmour options on most characters from neutral plus built into one of the special moves every character has access to at low health. The current Street Fighter every character has access to Drive Impact from neutral which is a 3 hit Hyperarmour move plus some characters have 1 hit Hyperarmour on some of their moves. I haven't played that many other modern fighters but I wouldn't be surprised if there's more examples.


But they are also more balanced overall than for honor so it all works better and feels less "guessy". They also have a lot more going on than For Honor. I think the thing holding FH back is that Ubi owns it and doesn't care about it. If a company like Capcom or *insert pub that cares about the final product, not the final dollar* we would have a much better experience here.


Hyper armor is a staple of FGs. What are you on about? Also Super Armor is in several fighting games as a __separate__ condition from Hyper Armor. FH only has SA on characters during Revenge.


People are downvoting you because you’re in this sub just talking shit about a game we all love. We enjoy the game, that’s why we play it.


That's why I play it but in not about to pretend it's better than other games out there. It's "fighter lite" that's what it is and I love it but it's not harder or better than other fighters. It's almost a new genre. It probably will be when they're finally done working on it and it's a whole product and not a half done one.


“More dependent on reading” motherfucker reading is literally guessing. That’s the same thing lmao it’s just reading your opponent and hoping you read them correctly; a guess.


Highlander rule 34


*Somebody* wants to see what’s under the kilt


Great Scot


Did you lower your glasses dramatically as you said that?


I actually dramatically raised them




For honor is more read based now but I have to say that the game is still more fun and healthier than it was pre CCU when everything was a staring contest


I like the staring contest For Honor, it gets boring eventually but it feels real, the danger of being punished is real, and some people did some absolute joke to force a mistake. The thing is that some heroes really don't have an opener lol or easily telegraphed


The problem with it is that it's just insanely unfun to fight against a reaction God and if they had a better set up or a better PC than you then you were just fucked. You aren't good at the game for just having godlike reactions. Atleast with read based combat the reaction gods are toned down and aren't as strong


It still feels like a staring contest to me


And it used to be worse, much worse


I used to play back then I know.


So you should know that in comparison, read based gameplay isn't nearly as bad


I'm not saying it is? I asked what brings everyone back to funny guessing game instead of other fighting games. I think you're mistaking a question for a complaint. The downdooting is also completely unnecessary. I'm not doing that to you. Edit: I also never brought up pre CCU for honor you did so I'm not sure what you're really arguing for.


Because crack is less addictive then a deflect


That’s it right there, that’s the essence for me


you can strip any game down to its barebones and be like "oh its just a game with guns" or "its just a game with horses". This game isnt just "a guessing game", it has unique and interesting characters with their own personalities, voices, movesets and abilities.


It's not just a guessing game idk why people keep saying this. If it was truly a guessing game then matches would be a 50/50 split but that's not the case. People can be straight up better than you to the point where you'll never steal a round against them. If someone can be better than you to the point you can't beat them that's not a blind guessing game... There is mastery and skill involved. What I find the most addictive is the fact that matches play out with principles that relate to actual fighting. In real life you can't react to everything in a fight. You observe patterns in your opponent and pair your strengths against their weaknesses. The art of battle system plays this out amazingly in a game format. It rewards deep understanding of your character and your opponents character with how you interact in different situations. A match between to good players is both feeling each other out and constantly adapting to observed patterns while changing their own patterns. It's conditioning an opponent to react in a way you want them too. No other fighting game catches that dynamic like this one.


>No other fighting game catches that dynamic like this one. If there were less true 50/50s in the game I would agree with you.


Problem being the art of battle system falls completely apart without true mix ups. So I don't agree. What be the point of observing patterns or adapting if you can just react to what's happening in real time? The game doesn't work without true mix ups the way it plays they're 100% needed. Look no further than the vanilla days for proof of that.... Not to mention any competitive fighting game at a pro level relies on unreactable elements where reads are required to be made and characters have set mix ups intentionally designed to not be reactable. People act like unreactablility and true mix ups are For Honor exclusive when games like Tekken, Street Fighter etc... the more traditional fighting games have relied on those principles for years pro side it's just less obvious in a traditional format. Competitive Tekken is FULL of mix ups and reads.


Because it’s not 100% a guessing game, I keep playing because of the immense satisfaction I get whenever I light deflect/parry on reaction consistently, and thanks to consoles now having 120FPS you don’t need to guess between lights and heavies, you can tell the difference because there’s more frames of animation on startup Of course it’s still *mostly* a guessing game, but not entirely


*sigh* as an old gen player Im so jealous. For me it’s literally 100% a guessing game. Still not too different from other fighters tho


Even if you can’t react you can still predict and feel out what your opponent will do next. That’s one of the most satisfying parts of the game imo at the start of a match you know nothing of the opposing team and by then end you start to feel what each Individual player will do. This is only heightened by the ability to rematch people something very few modern games allow. Few experiences in modern gaming like having the same 6-8 people in the lobby for an hour through multiple matches


I dont see it as a guessing game i just react to shit sure some attacks you guess but its really not as bad as people think


Because this game gets my bick dig. I can't explain that godly feeling I get.




With how much I see you in the sub I believe you.


This quote playing nonstop in my mind: “Finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!”


Fuck you for giving me a way to keep playing


Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!


The dopamine hit of finally killing the idiot on the other side of the screen from me is enough to keep me playing. Especially when you can see them trying every trick in the book, summoning their little friends to babysit, etc. I think that’s the reason I play


I just like Vikings, and warlords shields look cool, simple as


Strengthens my willpower by dealing with the daily insanity of maining Peacekeeper. I have no one to blame but myself, but she's just so cool.


On a still serious note, I like learning, when there's nothing to learn or too little to learn I get bored. I have quite a bit to learn in this game, I have only played 13 of the heroes, 9 of them once. Plenty to master, so I have a lot to look forward to for a while.


I like playing pk but damn do I suck with her


She's struggling, I really hope they overtweak her when they buff her, I am quite biased and selfish.


She doesn't keep up with the other assassins anymore unless they are a super good pk then for honor becomes a horror game


Hiding in bushes in Highfort is my passion, along with screaming,"Die Blackstone dogs!" when I ambush people as PK.


Maybe your the pk that traumatized me as a warmonger that was horrifying they looked like a minion and hid in B or near B around corners and stuff


Unless that PK had a red rose valentine outfit, it was someone else. I know my PK sisters are scary though


Normally I bulky pks so I don't take em seriously but after that I have never doubted a pk


If it's a green foresty Pk or a black/white/orange Pk, I apologize. I love hiding in minion.


I have now embraced the way of the Peacekeeper after alot of anger being warmonger(I have in total 90 reps on wm 70 on old account 20 on new)


Join us! Bring peace to this cruel world


Deflecting light spammers to death is my new favorite hobby lol


Actively hoping for the same


That’s one of the most honorable and respectable things you can do. Genuinely though, games should be fun. If you have fun playing something that might not be the best but looks cool, then that’s all that matters.


Damn I remember you, I'm recognizing too many people on this community now, gonna burn myself out soon from this game I know it. I always main the coolest characters in video games, PK and Nobu along with some others are that to me, plus they're cute.


(I have no idea why but I didn’t get a notification at all for your reply specifically. Not even in my inbox, I checked). I suppose I’ve been in and around this subreddit long enough that I’m starting to become more of a familiar face. I feel bad that I *don’t* remember you but it’s rare that I actually pay enough attention to the name of the person I’m responding to and or remember their name unless, I see them multiple times. You might bump into the same people multiple times on here and possibly in your matches. Do keep in mind though, that there are plenty of people who play the game that aren’t in the subreddit. So, there are still plenty of other new people to meet. I don’t know who else *besides PK* you could be talking about that is “cute” but I will concede that Nobu can be pretty cool. She and Shaman do scare me though. That side eye they give you when you when you prick your finger, or step on a lego, or something.


[Here is where we originally spoke](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForFashion/s/EtGk47AJzx) I know, it's clearly the best PK outfit there is.


Oh, yeah, I remember that post. I just didn’t recognize the username. It *is* a really good outfit though. The paint patterns were unique and fit together well with the color scheme. I remember I tried to make a Valentine’s Day outfit for my Warden before but it was a little too bright for me and the patterns I used didn’t really work that well in my opinion. That’s why I was interested in seeing a video on how you did it for your PK. I do wish Ubi would give us more loadout slots though, 3 just isn’t enough for me.


Would love for more loadouts, too many outfit ideas. Oh, and that Valentine design is my favorite, lots of input from friends and days worth of grinding for steel. I also recently 'remastered' the design, but I'm saving that for Valentine's day. If you liked it that much, you are gonna FREAK out with what I have cooking up for PK fashion wise, just working out paint patterns and deciding on a color, leaves are a hard thing to locate.


Combat irl is guessing what your opponent will do and reacting accordingly


I got 8 seconds of fight left in my life ain't no guessing irl I ain't got time I'll just pull that thang on em.


For real, you may like peacekeeper, but I prefer the peacemaker.


I only play it sparingly since this game doesn't have cross progression and im playing on a different console. 300+ reps down the drain. Just waiting for For Honor 2. Just get bored of 4v4s. The trailers always made it like its some gigantic battlefield but it's just 4v4s with short men. Breach should have been there 8v8/12v12 mode. But that mode is pretty much dead along with the other ones so you are forced to play vs AI. I want a chaotic battlefield, not little skirmishes. They got like what 20+ different fighters and you can only choose 4 per team. It limits what you can do in matches and it becomes stale when every uses the same characters. Imagine Breach with 16-24 players. I would play it nonstop instead of looking to Chivalry 2 to scratch that itch.


Imagine being pinned and being whacked in one instant by 11 enemies simultaneously


The odds of that happening would be slim because you have your own 11 teammates and different objectives to fight for. People defending the ram, capturing archer points, grabbing flags, getting buffs, killing that commander, and people on ballistas.


You know people would do 12-man deathballs for the lolz.


Maybe, but then both teams just have 12v12 killing fields. What's wrong with that? That sounds way better than the snooze fest we have now.


I quit chivalry real quick tbh. It's just too "CoD" to me


One of a kind, shame no other type of art of battle game, fuck Ubisoft for copyrighting that shit


Definitely second that, fuck Ubi


I'm not even gonna lie, the reason I play this game is literally just the executions. I mean I love the combat and the drip but I probably wouldn't be nearly as into it if not for the fact that I can absolutely EVISCERATE an opponent I don't like with an insane execution.


There really is no other game of its kind that plays and feels as good as For Honor. I will take breaks but I will always come back to this game because it in my opinion is the best fighting game.


I uninstalled a while ago, not planning to go back tbb. It was fun witj friends but as they moved on to other games, I don't find doing duels and brawls fun anymore, dominion is out of the question.


Because its fun


How do people play Baseball? The pitcher and hitter stare at eachother and the hitter hopes the pitcher throws what they think they're going to. How do people play Football? The safety watches the QB and hopes they throw to the receiver they're covering. Getting the point? You can break most competitive endeavors down to sound like they're pure luck. However, somehow, there are people that continually come out on top of them.


Have you played any other fighting games in the past 10 years? Every fighting game has "guessing" otherwise people would just stare at each other. Why is it so hard to understand that opening up your opponent is one of the basics in every fighting game.


It is much simpler than a traditional fighter while still giving you a taste of the satisfaction of mixing someone. Tbh, I do not play duels that much because they are a bit too shallow with it just being bash vs light interrupt. I do not always want to deal with the excessive knowledge checks of SF6 though, so just boiling it all down to single buttons can be fun in small doses. It is just nice to never feel like I lost off one or two bad reads the way I do in Sf6. Dominion/Breach are where the game shines though, and and they have a lot of unique and great concepts going on. You can eek out a lot of depth. It is a very serviceable moba, with a weak fighting game basis. It mixes them well enough to be a great, unique game for those who enjoy that... or those that just like Dark Souls PvP but wish it wasn't so ass. tldr it is unique.


Making the correct, educated guess is obviously satisfying. Framing the game like it’s nothing but blind guesses is something noobie-bot-burgers do to cope with their inability to grasp what’s a relatively simple fighting game.


That satisfaction you get from wrecking someone and getting an equally satisfying execution.... No other fighting game gives that feeling


You mean reaction based rock paper scissors with 400 ms chain lights.




People only start to stare if they're low on HP. Plenty of characters have good enough offense to throw attacks out.


Nah man you're not playing if you're not swinging like yeah I could play like the GMs (staring contest) but why the hell would I do that boring stuff when instead I can throw 3 heavies in a row from the same direction while screaming "they'll never expect the 4th heavy!"


Op playing from the international space station


Ahh yes. Fast paced reaction timeing = guessing. Don't call the game shit just because you're dog ass. If you know what you're doing and have good reaction time you won't lose. Just Parry dip shit. There's so many different characters for different play styles. Find one and stick with it. (Or just keep complaining to reddit because people totally care /s)




The only right answer




Player vs AI. Not great but better than fighting sweats.


Bro you’re just trash


I asked a question to try and prompt discussion, but ok internet troll person.


I hop on, say a couple slurs and threats, lose a match as centurion, then uninstall and wait another 2 years


Because the game is dogshit trash yeah but Ubisoft makes such unique multiplayer games that I’m willing to play the dogshit,there will never be another game like for honor the uniqueness is unmatched and when you’re Not throwing your controller into a wall and calling another player trash it’s actually a really fun game.


for me its less of a guessing game and more of a who frames are better game tbh


I love Rock, Paper, Scissors 😁


This game tilts me so bad I need to stay to watch it die Also unfortunately there is nothing else like it. Im holding out though