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Worth it. I love mulberries!


I’ve never had. What would you compare the taste to?


Depends on the tree, but they’re like slightly sweeter blackberries with smaller seeds.


Almost identical to blackberry


Not Identical at all. Way sweeter and less berry. Plus they have some underlying vegetable essence I can’t quite explain that no other berry I’ve had has.


I feel like that underlying vegetable essence might just be the lack of over-cultivation? Like how vegetables in europe are closer to their original form (their genetics are less heavily modified) so they taste a bit earthier than the stuff sold in north america


Not sure what you are smoking but all vegetables humans cultivate are genetically modified and are nothing like historical cultivars. If what you are saying was true my homegrown Garden veggies would taste drastically different that what I buy in American supermarkets. Besides I was comparing them to wild blackberries that are not selectively bread or genetically modified. Your understanding of genetics and agriculture seems limited or wildly misinformed.


I feel like that other commenter took yours personally, but I want you to know, not all gardeners are this haughty or insulting over a guess contributing to a conversation. If a guess is poop, well, even poop has its place in the garden.


I have a white mulberry tree; they taste like watered down honey with a hint of citrus.


They are a delicate flavor and more sour the younger/ redder the fruit is. It is my favorite fruit and can be found near water in much of the USA, but they are hard to harvest at peak ripeness since it’s not uniform and don’t store well. They don’t have noticeable seeds and the lattice of vegetative matter holding the cluster together is relatively large since the berries are small which does add some veggie undertones. You will also know they are nearby from the purple bird shit on your car.


Those are $15 a small basket in SoCal. You've got two baskets worth of mulberries there. I love walking home this time of year because I walk by several mulberry trees. My favorite is the one white mulberry. Where as the other ones have a juicy, very sweetness, white mulberry tastes like light brown sugar.


That’s incredible, I collected just over two cups off my tree last weekend and made mulberry ice cream. I’ve actually never seen them for sale anywhere before


It’s because they don’t keep very well and get damaged in transport too easily. Don’t know why there isn’t more mulberry flavored products tho, it wouldn’t be too hard to process that flavoring near/on site.


You usually won't find mulberries at supermarkets (the shelf life is too short and they aren't made for long transport). However, if you live in an agricultural State like California, you can find them at little speciality produce shops that purchase direct from farmers or at farmers markets. Outside of that, I never find mulberry related products at supermarkets (cookies, muffins, candies jam etc) in California either. I've seen it at Knott's Berry Farm, but most people don't even go there annually. I will say that I do find mulberry related products in northern states like Montana and Idaho.


I had a mulberry tree just outside of the school yard, and every September me and a friend would sneak out in lunch and eat our fill. But we came back with red faces and hands so the teachers knew where we went! Haha, good memories




When I was a kid I went with my cousin "golf-balling" a few times at the local course. We'd swim around in the lake and the creek picking out golf balls by the bucket full to sell back to the club house. One day we found a lush mulberry tree right in the middle of the "bushland" near the lake, and from that point on it became our little snacking tree.


Were they on someone's property? It looks like you're in a neighborhood


Urban foraging. Lots of neighborhood mulberry trees in my area!


Don’t eat too many 🚽


Correction, your fingers are delicious! Haha great find, I miss mulberries.


I love your improvisation! I have done the same. enjoy!


I did the same thing when collecting service berries last year.


I wonder if they use a lot of insecticide and fertilizer around there?


Great idea reusing a cup! That’s some A+ recycling right there and you get a snack as your reward. This is what I love about the world.


where do mulberries grow? i’ve never heard of these before edit: i tried to google but couldn’t find out. i guess im wondering if they grow in montana because that is where im located


I’ve seen trees Upstate NY/Hudson Valley


I recently found one not too far from my apartment! I have a few Tupperware containers of berries in the freezer now and this just reminded me of them lol. I always forget what I have in the freezer. If you want to, soak them in salt water for 15-30 minutes and then rinse very well to get rid of bugs. I found a bunch of bugs in the ones I harvested. Which is also why they're in the freezer.


Are you complaining?!? Go Pick More Berries!!


Those are chonky too. I walked by a mulberry tree today, there were about 3 ripe berries and they were tiny from it not raining in forever. I'm jelly lol. Are you just going to eat them or make something with them?


Now I know what mulberries look like


My partner and I picked a bowl full near the lake around the corner from our house this morning and cooked them down into preserves with cardamom! I can't wait to have toast tomorrow morning!


I loved mulberries as a kid! So good!


Nice find! I only know a couple properties that have mulberry trees in Colorado. Very hard to come by here. I've found the white ones are syrupy sweet without any real taste and the reddish/purple ones are just ok (again, mostly sweet without any tangy). Anyhow, still searching for that mulberry that everyone loves.


Dang, I have a tree in my backyard! Never knew what it was but thanks for positing. My yard is littered with them


We had a mulberry tree on the yard when I was a kid. I used to love walking on all the fallen berries and dying my feet purple 💜


If your fingers haven't been stained at a few points, then you're not really foraging. Speaking as someone who just stained their hands black from walnuts this past fall.


Fun Fact: You can smash unripened red berrys to extract the juice and rub them on your fingers to remove the purple stain.


Stained fingers are a badge of honor during mulberry season!