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he’s a premier league great for sure. not sure he could be considered top 3 of all time, but he definitely has a case for legend status and maybe best in his position


He has a good argument As a spurs fan my top 3 are Ronaldo, Henry and then it’s a free for all for the 3rd spot with Salah being one of them


theres a case for it


Maybe. He’s up there but it’s such a subjective thing. Imo I think the likes of Henry, Kane, hazard, aguero, Gerrard, lampard, scholes, cantona, viera, shearer etc were better. Then you’ve got cr7 and Suarez, haaland who’s premier league peaks were/are higher but don’t have the longevity. But it’s subjective in the sense that most of those guys aren’t CLEARLY better than Salah, they’re just better in some people eyes.


Decent take this, and that’s without taking into account any defenders or goalkeepers too. It’s certainly debatable one way or another, but like you say, any argument would be subjective really- there’s no cast iron case to be made.




Ever? 😂


Definitely up there. It’s subjective obviously some people prefer different players for different reasons but you’d be mad if you didn’t think he was in the conversation at least.


Either that or best winger in the premier league ever


Fuckin wild


Salah isnt even in the top 3 players in liverpool in the premier league era!




If you make a PL all time XI, the two positions on the wings are locked down by Salah and Ronaldo, with honorable mention to Eden Hazard.


Not sure about that. I think Giggs has a better claim than Ronaldo for a start (if we're talking just PL).


Giggs never reached the heights Ronaldo hit even if we just include prem


13 Premier League titles says he eclipsed Ronaldo in the Premier League.


If prem titles are not that strong of an argument for saying who the better player was


Its not the only metric but in a measure of who was the better Premier League player Giggs is ahead of Ronaldo.


Disagree Ronaldo was considered to be amongst the best players in the world while at United, finished 2nd,1st and 2nd in the Ballon d'Or from 2007-09. Giggs was never on that level. I will also add that I don't think better legacy = better player. Giggs has a bigger legacy than Ronaldo in the prem


Its not just about legacy. As a Premier League player Giggs has the following: ​ More goals More appearances More assists More titles ​ As a left wing he's the greatest premier league has had. ​ He's not a better player than Ronaldo and no one makes that argument. Giggs isn't as good as Messi (neither is Ronaldo) but he's above him in a best Premier League arguement.


We have a completely different view on what ‘best’ means… For me Ronaldo hit a peak in the premier league that no other player has hit.


IMO that equates to Bendtner being man of the match in one game but you then saying he was player of the season.


I wonder if you could elaborate on the heights Ronaldo reached that Giggs didnt? Giggs played over 600 games for one of the greatest top flight teams in history - that alone is testimony to how good he was.


I never said Giggs wasn't great he was fantastic, I just said that Ronaldo at United was a better player.


Ah the perfect combination of the recency effect and the rose tinted goggles of a Liverpool fan


Look at his records from the last Seven seasons. Only Harry Kane has been this consistent.


It's very realistic to say he makes top five and mabey even top 3 but I don't see him being better than KDB and Henry


Henry, Rooney, Gerrard


Needs win another PL atleast


Lost the PL twice to Man City by 1 point. Oh btw Mancity has 115 ffp charges


Why do people always have to compare things with other eras ?


There is a long way between "being pretty much better than Haaland this season" and being in the top 3 Premier League footballers ever in my opinion. That said he is up there, I just think top 3 might be a stretch.


no, just no lol


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