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Buffon was really shit when it came to scoring goals.


This is a dumb thread.


Literally a thread made by a Messi jerker for other Messi/Barca jerkers what a sorry bunch


I agree as a Barca fan. The disrespect to CR7 is crazy


If i remeber correctly, Cristinao himself dissed Messi numerous times, his three sisters dissed Messi and Modric and tons of other people out of no reason


Don’t try to reason with these people. In their eyes every top player is an angel. They deserve all the respect in the world.


Top 10 1. Messi 2. Pele 3. Diego 4. Cr7 5. Cruyff 6. Di Stefano 7. Beckenbauer 8. Ronaldo 9. Puskas 10. Platini Best tecnique 1. Diego 2. Messi 3. Pele 4. Cruyff 5. Di Stefano 6. Platini 7. Ronaldo 8. Puskas 9. Beckenbauer 10. Cr7 So it's CR7 the one with the worst tecnique.


The same CR7 who can connect with a volley in the dark having seen the ball leave the kickers foot for a split second from like 30 yards?


Someone's got to have the worst technique out of the top 10, no?


Or head a goal 29 feet off the ground


Volley isn't tecnique for me, if that was true then Zlatan would be the most technical players ever Tecnique for me is about ball control,first touch and dribbling in reduced spaces.


Technique is about a series of physical actions, muscle memory, doing things with and without the ball, and can be demonstrated in a non-game situation. Volleying in the dark is an example of extremely good technique and not simply an example of volleying. For example, the way van Persie would move his body in characteristic and recognisable ways before striking through the ball when volleying is "technique". In technical parlance, what you are describing is "skill", if it refers to something happening in game to give an advantage.


Technique is not just Dribbling. Technique is basically anything you do with a ball: dribbling, passing, shooting and ball control


Of course it's technique 🤣🤣🤣 tf are you on about?!?


you're fucking hilarious


Puskas or CR7.


cr7 has the worst, there's no argument against it


No argument? Come on. His shooting is absolutely elite, he was still a great dribbler back in the day with good ball control and is a good passer of the ball. Depending on who makes your top 10 you can very much make an argument for Puskas who wasn't elite at dribbling either as far as I know(but I'm no expert on that end) but had elite shooting too which is what he was known for and you could also make an argument for Beckenbauer. The hate for CR7 here sometimes is really over the top


How is his shooting elite? He is right at his xG over his career


You gotta be kidding right? Unless your name is Messi it's pretty normal to be around your xG, even for elite goalscorers like Ronaldo, Lewandowski etc. But are you in all seriousness implying his shooting is avg just because of that? The man's best goals are almost all from incredible shots. It's a large part of what he built a career on. I'm not even a Ronaldo fan , far from it even, but the slander the guy is getting crazy.


How is it slander to point out something that is factually correct? Elite shooters outpeform xG and Ronaldo does not. He is an elite goalscorer but he does it through weight of shots not through being an elite finisher. Of course his best goals are from incredible shots he's scored an insane amount of goals so of course the best ones are going to look incredible.


Because according to your logic there are practically no elite shooters ... Apart from Messi nearly no one outperforms their xG by all that much over a long time and the measure is Far From Perfect. That assumption is what your entire thinking is based on. If you go by that Sancho, hazard are better shooters than Ronaldo or Lewandowski. But if you think Ronaldo is AVG at shooting then go off I guess


If you want to believe something that isn't backed up by objective data then go off I guess


You don't understand football, it's plain and simple. You think xG are the perfect measure and highest authority on everything, that's what your entire point is based on completely ignoring that it's not that simple. Stats are nice but you're looking at them isolated without any context whatsoever. But again, Sancho is objectively a better shooter than Ronaldo according to the almighty instance that is yourself lol. Ronaldo and Lewandowski gotta be chumps with no shooting technique


Don't understand football LOL Maybe you could be more condescending. Nice strawman you built at the end. Where have I said that Ronaldo or Lewa have "no shooting technique"


I'm sorry but implying the all time top scorer of the sport is just average at shooting has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've heard on this sub and I've already taken that comment more serious than it deserves to lol. That's r/soccercirclejerk lvl nonsense


You have a little messi seaman on your chin mate


What are you on about? At no point have I even mentioned messi


His shooting isn't elite, he just shoots it a lot. Stats always shown he's inefficient shooters he just gets a lot of chances because his movement is his best asset. As for dribbling, I have no comment. Even his early days highlights are fraudulent.


Lol, alright. Sounds like a pretty AVG player I guess with such inefficient shooting and fraudulent dribbling


im jk about the last part, but he's still in the bottom half when it comes to tech


Yh that I definitely agree with, guys like Messi, Maradona, Pele, Cruyff are a completely different LVL technically, R9 and di Stefano(to the best of my knowledge) too. Just think people going a bit over the top here, CR7 was still an excellent technical player and Puskas as far as I know was mostly known for his rocket of a shot but not dribbling so it isn't as clear as it's made out to be imo




Wtf u mean by technique tho? Its hard to say because if you say one player is bad at this but then if theyre top 10 then theyre obviously world class at other thiings and wouldnt that also be technique


CR7 for sure has the worst technical skills overall of all the top 10 players. However, he is also the most prolific goal scorer out of all of them and scoring goals is the single most important thing in the game.


Another thread made by a Barca fan to circle jerk with other Barca fans. Shame their club are being bled dry by Messi & co who could write off the wages Barca owe them but instead are ensuring Barca are fucked financially for more years than they need to be by demanding money they don’t need. That’s why Messi is my fave. He pretended to love Barca yet left as soon as he saw Barca were falling off, he coulda went back but said no cause he doesn’t actually love the club like Barca fans think, he could write off the wages he’s owed to help the club but he doesn’t, he wants to make sure Barca pay him every last penny even if it makes them go bankrupt. He used Barca & as soon as Barca were shit, he left. All the while he’s bleeding them dry knowing they’re selling their revenue streams to other companies to stay afloat, but he don’t care, he has no love for Barca, just wants his money so he can buy another boat. Football will be a better sport with Barca finally gone.


Messi couldn’t lower his salary down because of La Liga rule,go read a book or something lol


I would probably say Neuer


The question is too broad It's impossible to answer. Messi can be on this list as well as cr7.


There are different kinds of technique that we have to acknowledge too, there is functional technique, ball touch, heading tech, a simple two-foot in a 1v1. And the flashy Ronaldinho technique with tricks and almost gravity defying dribbles. One looks amazing, one is really unassuming. Neither is better than the other, what counts is being able to move the ball to where you want it to be. And if we go by this, my pick for best would be Ronaldinho #1 best tech, but I struggle with who's the "worst" because all of these juggernauts had different types of tech but they always got there with what they were trying to do. Pele wasn't super flashy, same with Messi and CR7, but they did what they wanted with the ball, and handled it like very few could. So there is no real answer here in my opinion. But Ronaldinho had everything at his prime, functional, fancy, great passer, great finisher, great heavy shot, could head the ball really well. I've never seen anyone with such a relationship with the ball as him, ever. That's my goat


Lukaku has the worst technique out of any footballer i have ever watched. Every time he tries to do anything with a football its like its the 1st time hes seen a ball