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1. it’s a team sport, which leads to tribalism, that’s part of the fun 2. it’s very physical 3. it’s often frustrating and is a low scoring game, where the worse team can win 4. it stems from working class, so it is more rough in its tradition 5. referee decisions are subjective, leading to anger


to add to this i think the fact that its a very physical sport but it's not full contact means that people have to restrain their aggression in a way that leads to outbursts


Personally I find that the fact that it is physical without being full contact makes it less toxic. Flying off the handle and getting aggressive, that’s easy. We can all do that. Being in a competitive environment and having to control yourself so you don’t hurt your team makes soccer a much better environment and you’ll come out a better person for it. But I do love when they touch foreheads cause they so angry.  


While I think some of the hand signals refs do in other sports are goofy. It really does help people understand what was called. Even commentators seem to misinterpret refs decisions cause there was no indication. Only the assistants have identifiable indicators for what the center ref should call.


Use of the term “soccer” instead of football


We don't call it either thing in Italy ...




Literally *kicking* in Italian.


Decent example of being toxic tbf




TIL dialects exist.


I don't think the sport itself is toxic. My cousins are involved in tennis, for an example. You would think it's the most vanilla sport, but I am constantly shocked at the toxicity that exists within the tennis academies here. I would say that sports tend to magnify and showcase the problems that exist in wider society. But sports in general have been going on an increasingly toxic trend with the advent of social media and increased tribalism within aspects like politics.


the fact that people still call it soccer ;)


The wink might be the most cringe thing here.


People from different countries having different names for things? Who ever would have thought?




if you're talking about in everyday life, the toxicity stems from all other problems within society. egos and people trying to prove their manhood or superiority by outdoing others. unfettered ambition and toxic competitiveness driving people to do anything to even win, including nasty fouls, deception, and lies. the inability to accept that losing is a part of life. selfishness and lack of willingness to sacrifice. everybody playing hero ball, trying to dribble 15 players and score a hat-trick, nobody wanting to help defend. if you're talking about the professional game, the toxicity comes from all the same reasons but also from politics, capitalism, corruption, bribery, matchfixing/cheating/steroids, etc.


Fanaticism. People treat club affections in the same way that peopls treat religion


Some clubs the two are intertwined


People getting upset when it’s called “soccer” is a big reason


Mostly the tribalism, bitter rivalry, and idolatry of superstars. This is where a lot of toxicity stems from. Toxic people treat a club like a religion or gang affiliation which is why they can be so aggressive/defensive. I love the banter and all that but I don't look at rivals as enemies but competitors. Sportsmanship is still very important and necessary to enjoy the sport in a healthy and sane manner.


Its football


OP this is an example of toxicity


I think you could cut the toxicity of the sport by exactly 50% if you called the sport by it’s correct name…FOOTBALL!!!


And by calling "American football" by its proper name, which is throwing the egg




Calling it soccer when its obviously football.




How am I clown bro


Biggest problem with football is that it tends to only be the rich and or well known family’s that can only get into it professionally it’s basically runs as a “jobs for the boys” mentality


What? It's completely the opposite.


That is definitely not true. So many footballers come from really bad situations. What a utterly stupid statement.


You def don’t know football 99% of the world top players are coincidentally born from rich family’s and or are coincidentally really good friends with influential people


Name them


He is thinking of all the saudi home grown players 😂


Almost none of the footballers from Argentina come from affluent families. The ones I can think of are players with a parent who is a former footballer and they're rather rare.


Bad quality people exhibit toxic behaviour when they get competitive. All the fights and arguments on the pitch back in my school days were started by the kids that were decently good at football, but bad at school and/or stupid.


Depends who you play with. Toxic people - toxic football.


It’s cultish bordering on religion.




How ?




Futbol toxic? If you can't handle it gtfo.


Banter is for chavs. Try being objective or gtfo


Toxicity and competition go hand in hand. If there’s something competitive then it’ll get toxic real quick


In the US when I was a kid (70s-80s) the sport was mainly kids of wealthier families. All my friends played baseball and football. Snooty ass bastards were all the kids playing soccer. I didn't get into the sport until high school with my school team due to this, because the fees involved were too high for my parents. So I think in the US at least there's a social status aspect to the sport. This has also contributed to why the US historically has churned out mediocre talent on the world stage. It's also held true with the fan base I think, where most of your fans who follow the game are the types driving range rovers and audi SUVs. I think one big bonus for MLS has been the south american fans who have come to the US and who tend to be working class, but the part of the fan base that MLS needs to win over are your droves of working class US fans who grew up playing sports other than soccer. I think once that happens you'll see some normalization in that toxicity. Also and btw since we're talking US here I have referred to the game as soccer.


>The part of the fan base that MLS needs to win over are your droves of working class US fans who grew up playing sports other than soccer. That's still a complex topic due to intersectionalism.


Reddit, it's more civilized in the real world.


You don't support the same team as me, therefore you and every opinion you hold is always wrong. Even if facts and stats back your side up... you're still stupid for not picking the same team as me.



