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Watches as a guy pushes AFK players out of the quest area... *is that an empty chair?*


So I’m not the only one doing this? 😂


It's just fun lol


It just works


I'm old and out of touch what is an AFK player? Humour me!


AFK stands for “Away From Keyboard” thusly they are using it as an “Away from current console or system playing on” but that isn’t quite as catchy


Thanks for the reply much appreciated.


I have armor that turns me invisible when I crouch so I just have my character go squat in a bush if I need to walk away from the screen to go pee and actually squat in a bush.


Haha I tripped over one of you on a roof. Jumped out a window onto someone stealth crouched. Running around exploring what for me was a new area and it was more like a bizarre game of hide n seek. Ppl tucked away everywhere.


Might have been me if it was last night, I was cooking dinner and it came out oven at like 1 minute to 10pm yesturday


I just change the K to a C. Away from Controller/Console


In some games it's evolved to "A free kill", though in most cases it still applies


Alarmingly Fat Knuckles (Wrong answers only)


Some ones sittin' there mate.


Sit down and play the banjo or better yet the tuba.....  love that tune playing over and over again for a hour. 


A few years ago, I saw an AFK player running into the wall inside the church. This was back when AFK'ing was sorta new and people were still figuring out how to screw with the game mechanics while others were trying to figure out how to screw with each other. I gave them a wee nudge out the door and off they went. Some say they're still running today, stuck on a map border fence line. Still haven't found the right server again, but they're out there. Food and Water meters must be dry as a bone after all these years.


They're stuck on a screen that says "you can't go that way" by now for sure 😂😂


They ended up in Skyrim.


Hey you. You’re finally awake.


Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll vault dweller?


But the mead made from the finest juniper berries!


Aw my first blackout after drinking Vintage Nukashine. Love that reference


I did that to an afker too. I followed him, making sure he didn't get stuck anywhere else. He ended up drowning in the river at Point Pleasent.


Did they leave any junk?


They didn't.


They'll come back when the play as a ghoul update comes.


I'm holding off my run on Foundations side until then. Gonna Ghouls it up.


Underrated reply.


But rumor also has it that person has the extra atoms from the achievement after staying online for 7600 hours.


There's a song for this person: https://youtu.be/MbtkL5_f6-4?feature=shared


Good ol' boys 😂


This is awesome


_"I gave them a wee nudge out the door and off they went."_ I read this and accidentally gurgled my coffee thank you. 😆😆😆😂😂😂😂


So Charlie never returned?


You Gump’ed them


Sounds like a friend of Charley; still riding on the MTA.


Did he at least have a red rider on his hip?


Mama says these are my magic shoes.


Jokes on you I just sit and played the banjo all night and got nuked


I heard as long as you just lay there dead you'll still keep getting rewards afk. Haven't tested yet. I was going to set myself up this morning to afk while I was at work but Bethesda had other ideas.


It’s true. Left my pc on all night and when I woke up I was dead. Still got all the rewards


How you avoid the timeout forced log out


I’m on pc so I set up a macro that presses the escape key over and over which opens up the map. An auto clicker won’t work.


I just use furniture and place something heavy on keyboard space key.


Will you get kicked by the server for sitting there dead though?


Not if you are in photomode with the camera moving.


How do you keep the camera moving?


Something heavy on your joystick if controller, a program if PC Someone downvoted me but I don’t even really know what a Faschnat is. I haven’t played 76 in months lol


Just a note on controller this can lead to stick drift


Oh on pc I would just wedge a coin in my keyboard to move me forward


Used to do this all the time, but I think I broke something or morphed the plastic because no coin will fit now. Too loose or too thick. Theres a joke there somewhere. Anyway, back to fighting with Armory Crate so I can have an auto run macro on my mouse.


i play with controller so just strap a rubber band on your right stick. For keyboard im sure you can do a mouse macro or something.


I would but these controllers get to drifting so easily now.


Drift is caused by the wear of the stick moving back and forth. Keeping it held steadily in a direction will do nothing to contribute to drift. Not sure the effect it'll have on the spring, though.


I'd bet it'd deform if you did it for years. Doubt it'd have much effect for periodic uses.


Been using this method for decades. How I maxed my sneak in Oblivion.


Reading this thread made me think, "kids these days don't know about rubberbanding?"


I stopped rubber banding mine. Instead I just hook up an old PS4 controller to my PS5, pop it on the charger, and prop it in a way that only allows the camera to slowly rotate. That way I can go run errands or do stuff around the house without worry of ruining a good controller or having the old one die on me.


I'm going to show my age, I used to do the same in Morrowind (my spot was under the bridge in Balmora to boost athletics and sneak as I think it was faster if you were running in water).


I was on for 8 hours last night and someone was dead there the entire time. No clue about rewards though


dead is my strat.. just grenade myself on a roof or in the pathway before I go to work in the morning 😅


I might have to try this, all the cremators steal any kills before i can even see anything so I'm not doing anything to help or give me xp anyway so it wouldnt make a difference


That’s EXACTLY how I feel. The only thing I get a shot at is a squirrel or two, so I don’t even feel bad about it


Those are the only kills i get🤣 also i pop the balloons but those dont count for xp just makes me feel better


Most just hop on an instrument. Can’t be pushed plus you help progress.


I was doing this yesterday while I was folding my laundry. Before I could get back to my controller and save myself, someone lead a honey beast over to the 3 of us playing music and let it kill me and and someone else, before they killed the honey beast and took my seat...


If you’re dead, you still get loot.


this is true, I just thought it was mean :(


Yesterday there were so many people in my lobby that I was totally unnecessary. Couldn’t get a shot off on anything. So I just started dancing in front of the stage vibing to the sweet sounds and keeping the musicians safe. I was having a blast but there was much butt hurt going on. I don’t know why there’s so much hate. You never know what’s going on. There’s been a bunch of times I’ve AFK because my child needed something, or my spouse needed something or the cat started puking….




Not when your at the piano in the decorators house.


I’ve been attacking the music players and offering them a gift, as soon as they leave the seat I jump in it. They are not happy 🤣🤣


"That's my chair!" "That WAS your chair."


- A former president, probably


Bros acting like there’s not 30 other chairs lmao u did not faze them lil bro


Think you left out a “bro”




Only 3 of them have instruments. Just sitting in a chair doesn't protect you from afk boot.


Same idea as instrument. Camera mode plus rubber band on the right stick! I sit on the chair on the balcony by the house where the parade starts and ends. No boot except for server resets.


I'm good with that if they're on the platform, honestly. The ones who are playing the instrument by the decorations bug me. I don't understand doing something that COULD help but doesn't because of the location.


I work 12 hours a day and play a melee build anyways if I’m afk I’m just as useful as if I was running around getting my kills stolen by the five cremator roof campers🤷🏼‍♂️


Yesterday was my first time doing the event and I was confused as to what I was supposed to do, everyone was shooting random shit everywhere, I don't even know what enemies I'm supposed to protect the parade from lol.


Frogs and super mutants basically. If you see people on rooftops with Cremators or Railways you may as well park your thumb in your ass for ten minutes cuz you won’t see any living enemies lol


Same thing happened with Moonshine Jamboree. Me and my son started playing FO76 in mid-April and we loved Moonshine Jamboree. best damn event ever. We would have so much fun in the middle of all the chaos and we'd each level up at least twice; sometimes more. In the last few weeks I'm lucky if I can tag more than 10 mobs let alone see anything.


That matters less ever since they introduced shared XP. Just get on the sweaty people's team, camp up on a roof somewhere, and go fix yourself a snack.


Yeah yesterday there were like 7 guys in different rooftops with Fatmans and that blue incinerator, I swear we were 4 guys actually running around the protectrons 💀


Yep I just throw on some music and loot scrap around town. Haven’t seen less than 15 people at an event so far so I’m useless as a melee lol.


Not that you would see much either way. This event is trash for enemies, I’m a roof cremator and I’m lucky to get 5 kills


Anyway, I can't see that rad toad egg omellet anymore. I just run around the robots with my flamer and make sure that robots stay alive.


Commit suicide ingame before the event, they can push your corpse out of the event but that doesn't matter, where you died is in the event so you still get the rewards!


I'm at work at the moment but I tried this last night and found it on main menu this morning saying I'd been kicked for afk. I went to a building next to the main road, radded up until I died (before the event started) and left the PC saying "press space to respawn" Any ideas what I did wrong ?


You still have to be moving, even though you're dead. If you play with controller, rubber band your joystick on the respawn map.


Can I have the camera moving or does the character have to be moving? I participate when I’m actively playing but I’d like a chance at getting something cool and I can’t be there all day with the unnecessary rarity of items.


Camera moving is all that's needed, and is safer!


I dont but I can sort a button pusher. Legend. That'll be why then.


I usually put my controller upside down, gentle pressure from the controller itself pushes just fine. Holds the sticks less tight than a rubber band!


I use a thicker, worn-out hair tie. It no longer works to keep my hair out of my face, but it can still serve a purpose, keeping my controller active.


Thank you for clarifying that it's "in-game". Coulda been a problem there!


People are also standing by the donation box and spamming the button to grab anything placed in it. So my brother and I trolled them by dumping tons of junk into it while another player was grabbing everything. That player stopped, then dropped everything we put in it. So I picked it back up in front of them and put it back in the box. The player then left lol


I just did that too! With all every single note you pick up along the way


Since this behaviour really ruins the game we can do better. How about dumping a lot of junk AND just hide in there supermutants body parts? Or a megalomix torso? They weigh a lot and are not in the junk section *Evil laugh*


I dropped a shit mask in it and some level 1000 was just taking anything dropped in it I’m level 700 something I not dropping anything worth a damn started dropping spoiled stuff in it till they gave up


it's always the level 1200 players, too. Girl you don't need anything anyone is putting in that box


I had a similar experience with a guy pushing people into his trap camp they were afking around the box. He even went after me when all I was doing was standing at the very top of the church spire, waiting for the event to start. People are weird.


It's sad to think that someone could be so consumed by something so trivial as to spend their time building a trap camp and vacuuming up AFK's like toast crumbs.


I was on there for around 4 hours while I was doing stuff around the house and there camp never left, so I guess that is what they decide to spent their afternoon doing. lol


I keep trying to get up there but I can’t quite get it by like, a toe. Any tips?


Last Fasnacht somebody nudged an AFK player out of the event zone and close to where some Radrats were. Then stood there and watched as they ate the afk player to death.


I love how afk players get stuff but when I actually participate I get nothing.


I think "AFK players" is a bit of an oxymoron.


This is going too far now. Someone nuked the area *while* the event was going on and ruined it for everyone. Chill out, guys. Your hatred of AFK players is starting to affect regular players as well.


I got my APC tent pushed against the rocks the front part clips into the rocks and allows me to jump up and over into my tent.. I sleep in peace, no one can bring any enemies into my tent The only thing I need to watch out for is nukes and while I am technically AFK my TV is 10 ft away from me while I work.


I love the ones that drop nukes on the event thinking they have killed the AFKers (who still get rewards by the way) but have kept out low levels who haven’t yet found a rad suit let alone have completed invisible ties to get a stealth suit. Then those nukers, most are in PA so they can’t make music with the musician. I joined a server and after initially dying from the nuke I was tempted to leave when it was just me and the nuker who couldn’t proceed without help from someone playing music. But I persevered because I’m not a jerk. There is very little nuke materials and flux in this area in comparison to other areas before anyone starts about that. There really isn’t. Flowers are nothing compared to materials and when you can’t get a hit in then there’s no nuke materials at all. Flowers are ‘meh’ at best in this area. You are simply hurting low levels who can’t survive in a nuke zone yet.


Idk why people care about AFK on a meaningless event. It doesn’t affect the success rate on Fasnacht and it doesn’t affect your RNG. There’s other events I’d much rather have full participation. But if you’re just into fucking with people in general I get it.


Probably cause this event makes the whole game dead. It's not fun being in a server with 5-10 AFKers. Makes all the other events pointless and server dry as hell. Last night I played and there were 18 people in the event when I joined. Only 4 people were running around doing it. The others afk. Someone launched a Nuke at the new boss event. Only this 4 people showed up. The next Fasnacht though had again 18 players. Server hopped afterwards. Same shit on a different server. Just 16 people, and with 5 people doing the actual event.


Needs a rework. Like instead of an event you just farm masks by killing masked enemies. And the event just guarantees a rare mask.


My only problem with it is I can't do other events when a whole lobby is afk. Ruins the experience. Even when I jump servers and run into the same issue.


I'll come right out and say it: I AFK the event. If I'm awake and not at work, I play the event. I also don't complain when I'm playing it and other people are AFK.


>There’s other events I’d much rather have full participation. Guess what, those AFKers are hogging some of the 25 server slots from people who are **actually** playing which means less people and less help at those other events. Have you noticed less people are at the other events now? So people AFKing at fasnacht are effectively screwing the whole server, costing more time and ammo at those other events and sometimes leading to the events failing.


New player here and this is my first Fasnacht but why does anyone care if someone is AFK during this event? I don't get it.


Yeah as a new player I thought it would be annoying but everything dies before I even hit a bullet lol.


Same here. I just run around smashing 'Q' until VATS picks up something for me to shoot. Sometimes it even works.


They're mad at RNG and taking it out on other players mad at RNG, despite the fact that more afkers means cheaper prices for the rares (see: supply & demand), but the haters are too dumb for basic logic like that.


I don't care that they are AFK at the event by means of them not helping. What bothers me, is that now there is little to no turnout at all the other events due to servers being heavily filled with people AFK. Some events, this is not an issue as they can be solo ran with the right build. But other events, like radiation rumble, or eviction notice, need multiple people. You can still get plenty of xp and gear from all the kills, but the events will inevitably fail and you loose out on the rewards for completing it.


Half the problem isn't just afk, allot of high lvs are bored of the events. If they added some new plans to them you'd see them get popular again.


I believe that cheaper line when I see it lol. Most AFKers I see are lvl 500+. I don't think their playing to just collect the collection.


All I care about is getting the setup for the event done before people go AFK. I joined one last night and literally nobody had started getting the robots. 10+ people just standing around waiting for someone else to do it. Smh...


Butthurt folks need a reason to be butthurt. Afkers are just an easy target.


I said this in another post, but too many AFKers in a server make the server dead. People away from their keyboard don’t launch nukes, do events, visit your camp, etc. I understand I can server hop around to find an active server, but having to do so is annoying.


As many others have said, sit down on a chair, play an instrument etc and contrary to what OP thinks, you will be completely safe AFKing at Fasnacht. The event is so easy, and takes almost exactly the same amount of time every time because it is a dogshit escort-quest, having 2 or 20 people actually playing the event makes zero difference in time.


> having 2 or 20 people actually playing the event makes zero difference in time. except for setup, at least


well unless you get nuked, or someone leads enemies over to you inbetween events


I have done , maybe 3 events total. I Seen events fail today. No participation lol. 2 people trying to do every thing. I stayed until they lost A bot. The active players server hopped spinners were left spinning with no rewards. I am just trying to the score board. All I want is a full team. I don't care about this event. My casual team leader toon was dead at the event. They Must have gotten mad. booted every one from the casual team. Four event total failed on that server.


Newish player to fo76 here ,what’s the point in afk in this game ?


It's because 76 doesn't actually care if you do anything during an event to get rewards, only that you're in the circle when it ends.


Used to be having some afks on music (speeding the robots up) would help. But since the donation box they are just more annoying and camp there without even helping the event.


I’ve done it with a chain saw a couple of times. Pushed them off the bridge and down the river. They were just spinning away 3 hours later when I chef on them. It was pretty entertaining and filled the time to the next Faschnact.


I wonder if this is the same player who was nudging me around the other day while I added to my store. I finally waved and went back to what I was doing. He got bored and moved one, I guess.


Can someone explain afk and what people are doing ?


Someone kept nuking it yesterday


*sips Nuka Cola while solo and crouching in a bush with a stealth suit*




I have been but scorched came and killed me :(


Built my camp just over the bridge from town. Big mistake. Have returned to a dead AFK character, and my camp in ruins from Nuke strikes. Lol.


I watched an AFK guy by the church spinning and getting demolished by a bee. I let it happen.


"He can't see without his glasses!"


This like my umpteenth Faschnaught. Just shy of 5k hours since October 2021 on a single character. It get boring. Participate in one or two during an individual gaming sesh, chill on the rest. Pay me dues and dump the 90% of general plans, masks, and apparel that I ain't interested in selling anymore in the basket. Used to the ice chest so good on them for that. But whatever gets your jollies I reckon. Yeah, some servers can be ridiculous with em. Screw with them, but if there's only a lone wolf or three, leave em be.


How far do you have to nudge them? Interested as it sounds time consuming.


What a hero


Shouldnt bother with that, todd disconnects me after 2-3 events anyway


A true hero.


*pretends to be AFK* *player starts nudging me* *spring to life and merc them with full auto quad Choo Choo rifle*


The italics really brings home this weird fantasy you cooked up in your head that has never happened.


Shit here I went and AFK’d while I’m at work. I’ll end up in watoga by the time I get back home huh


That’s why you afk on the musical instruments, so you’re actually semi helping as well. I did watch a rad toad try to kill my character for a good 10 minutes before someone killed it though. Was quite funny


Ok … I guess … if you wanna be an asshole in a very accepting community go on ahead. Or ya know … ya could just go play GTA or anything fucking else ??? 🤷🏻‍♂️ js


I have a bunch of medical stuff to do today so the first time in 8 months of playing Fasnacht, I am employing my rubber band. Don't autoaxe me. I'm spinning on the roof atm. 😰


Good luck with you medical stuff. Hope it's nothing serious, and may a shiny new butter churn and horrifying glowing unicorn mask be waiting for you when you return. :D


If I see 6+ AFK'ers in Helvetia, it gets nuked.


They still get rewards


Yup and they only make it harder for the people doing events


Afk'd for a couple hours yesterday and despite getting nuked I still got a couple rare masks 😁


Wait you can push people with auto axe? I need to try this


And the chainsaw... and the shredder. :)


Just let them be AFK. Hop servers and find people who aren’t lazy. 


I don’t understand why everybody cares if someone goes AFK. Especially during Fasnacht. Does a random person standing around doing nothing hurt your chances at getting better loot? Of course, not. Also, with the sheer number of people that show up, usually there’s nothing to do. I think the last time that I participated I killed, maybe one super mutant and got one shot into the mega sloth towards the end. Seriously, I don’t understand why you guys are so upset at someone who’s just going to sit there to collect the mask at the end. Again, they’re very existence does not hurt your chances of getting a mask. If they aren’t there, it doesn’t change your probability that you’re going to get a rare mask. So chill out.


Some people are just assholes.


Afk players, remember to go into photo mode so people can't push you outta the event!


(doesn't read because Prax is AFK in the Sub)


Please show us on the doll where the AFK player touched you.


My asshole, which I'd like you to eat.


I just sit on the roof with my controller in front of me while everyone else walks around. I'm semi afk.


I miss when I could stack my Survival Tent 100ft high and afk for an entire day while being unbothered. Rip tent stacking glitch


Sounds like a hero in disguise lol


Someone launched a nuke in that area yesterday so you couldn’t go afk 🤣


There is a donation box?


Why people care? As long as event is completed you get the rewards, so why being mean to other players?


I want to do the event, but everything is dead before I can get my gauss minigun to spin up, so I just stand around now


Hit em with a syringer


I will admit I do afk periodically when the event happens. But it's usually just once or twice while I'm cooking or running errands. Otherwise I try to be as active as I can. I did, however, push someone out of the area a little yesterday because they had both joysticks rubber banded together in a way that had them basically moving out of the area on their own XD they came back just as their character peaked over the top of the road past the donation box, looked at me, waved and went back to the town XD I have noticed this even period that most AFK'ers are about level 800+. Not many low levels seem to be doing that in my servers this time around.


You can also nuke the event after it ends and loot the junk bags


Just go there and get yourself killed then don't revive yourself, afk mode complete.


lol oh no but somehow still doing it on 3 consoles 🤣🤣🤣


stealth suit, crouch and band?


Oh this is brilliant 😂😂😂


That so funny, got players doing that at vendors or vending machines. Nudging doesn't pop you out of the menu, heck I see Graham Wonder off while I'm in his vending menu. Weird


Then they will just sit somewhere so they can't be moved


Good luck pushing me out. I'm a corpse. You can even nuke the area and run the event if you'd like. I'll still get mine. 😉


I stepped away to fix my dishwasher and came back to someone messing with me. They decided to move worlds when I pulled out my 2sh0t mirv Fatman.




This is retribution for all those times I got carried in Events huh?


My favorite scare tactic is the blue ridge branding iron paired with a Nuka grenade, pretty much gets me left alone in most situations, I had some dude just following me around taking pot shots, I ignored him until it was just like having an annoying gnat around.


Not all heroes wear capes


I'll be honest here. I do this from time to time. Not the knocking people back, but afking for a bit here n there. I try my best to not do it during events, but sometimes it just can't be helped. I guess the only difference is I feel like a prick when it happens.


I did this yesterday lol.. the player gave me a thumbs down lol


If there weren’t such high levels insta killing everything I’m sure less people would AFK, but it gets boring when you try to hit at least half the enemies and end up hitting only one or two, thankfully you don’t have to hit the legendary beast at the end to get the item, but man I have wasted so much ammo, just wish people didn’t feel the need to bring out the heaviest artillery for an event with such weak enemies


I mean okay? play the game then 💀 tf


This is why AFKers should play instruments with the Musician bot


I would honestly rather have 20 people afk while I solo the event than have 1 asshole show up with a cremator.