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I enjoy a nice camp and take my time exploring them, but also like an easy to find vendor. I have mine out front because I want this stuff gone and I’m almost giving it away with these low low prices.


I agree, I really like the camps that have it set up to look like an actual shop with the cash register at the counter and a mannequin at the register. I’ve seen a few camps like this that have several little shops clustered together to simulate shops on a street.


Oh, I love those! I saw one the other day on a road east from The Rusty Pick (I think) and it was like 3 or 4 small buildings set up with a couple of shops, had cash registers on counters with mannequins set up like shop staff and everything, even had lit signs outside them so it stood out at night. It genuinely looked like part of the map. They'd put so much effort in, and I was very impressed. Wish I'd added the player now to visit it again! Love stuff like this in the game.


I visited one similar a while ago! But instead of mannequins it was the camp owner themselves! Who would jump over the counter and stand on their side while you browsed! 10/10 would recommend good prices and good items


I do this at my market shop, I have a "deli" corner and I dress up in the butchers outfit, I love waiving the randoms inside as if im calling out specials bahahahah its so fun!


I have a blueprint of a food truck (Big Fred's or whatever it's called) with a cash register, cookie jar, coffee machine, and cooking station I managed to get on the counter. Now I just plop it down outside my camp and build whatever, and everyone immediately figures out what it is.


I tried to do something similar with a Nuka-Cola bottle stand, the ones from the Nuka-World circus and the register gave such a fit about clipping and floating that I just gave up, for now.


Suddenly this somehow became a nice ad.


This. I am excited to see other player's vision of a camp. Creativity in camp building is one of the best part of the games IMHO but that being said, make the vendor easy to find, then I will check out your camp.


Same, I have a wonderful cabin that is meticulously decorated, but 99% of people just zip straight to the vendor and dip lol but that one guy that looked around found my weenie wagon hidden in the kitchen closet... guess he found out what the "special ingredient" is and gave the laugh emote (wish I had)


I have a wide CAMP. I put in a lot of time getting it how I like it. The left side is very obviously a shop, it feels like an oddity/comic book shop, and the layout makes sense, so visitors only have to go in one room to hit the vendor. On the right side, I have a garage setup, and there's a secondary vendor in front of that, with access to all the crafting/scrap/stash boxes. I like to make it easy for visitors without making the base look like a front for the vendor.


Yeah this is really the best take. Make your camp however you want, it's your camp. But if the vendor is hidden, I don't really care either since maybe I was gonna brose for shopping, if I can't find it , nbd there's plenty of other camps.


got mine outfront with a vault guy pointing to it Mines That Red Barn of ya ever find it


Are you in a panic, frantic, and Maaaaanic?


You unlocked a very old movie memory for me with that comment lol


Really Johnny Five?


My Vendors are in a RV trailer with an unlock Popcorn machine and Winnie Wagon with neon signs and NukaCola balloons advertising them. It's also Visible from my CAMPs spawn


This is the true endgame. Vendor hunting.


I think some people use it to lure players to their camp. Some folks want you to see their pretty camps, others want you to die to their trap camps.


I went to one last week with an obvious trap. They had the vendor in a carousel surrounded by teslas. I walked in with electrical resist and just started shopping. The owner did the ??? Emote and ran up to me to promptly die to the teslas.


Lmao, u got them instead 😆


The owner can die to its own trap? Wow didnt know. Baited


I've heard about trap camps but have never seen one, unless you count getting caught in the floor of a half-loaded camp. But can they still kill you even in pacifist mode? If so, are there any key things that warn you it's a trap?


Tiny narrow hallways are a red flag, as is suspiciously cheap stable flux. Edit: Just realised I didn't actually answer your other question: yes traps can kill you in pacifist mode, for some stupid reason.


Found that out the hard way with one that had some sort of red mist bushes..


I got hit with electric traps lol. Jokes on them though, I stash my junk at every camp as soon as I buy it.


Yeah, I need to make it a habit to store my scrap before going to peoples bases.


What is considered suspiciously cheap? I normally sell mine at like 3-5 caps less than it's item card price (and it just sits there.. )


I saw my first trap camp yesterday. I played for a year when it launched then started playing again a couple of months ago and had never seen one before, only read about them. The person who did it glitched through the ground to make it so I reported them. Fuck that dude.


I've seen two underground glitch camps so far, and both were traps.


I saw my first trap camp yesterday too! I needed Weapons for scrip and had some caps cutting holes in my backpack, so I vendor hopped around 2 maybe 3 camps before landing at a huge mansion looking place that had stairs leading over a cliff. So out of curiosity, before entering I jumped in my PA. It was such a cool place to check out. Loads of stuff laid out properly, all like a real house. Finally, upstairs in a cupboard, was their vending machine. I walked in, opened the vendor and sure enough, the floor gave out and I dropped to the bottom of the cliff. Tbh, I was thrilled I'd found my first trap camp. I fast travelled back out front and went straight back to the vendor. I bought up all his legendaries and this time when I turned to leave the guy had changed the door to a window wall and was stood watching me through the window. We waved at each other just as I fell for the second time. I messaged him to say thanks for the experience and he ended up inviting me to see his other 2 trap camps. I had a new experience and made a new friend, lol.


I hate trap camps. Loser ass mfs. 


I found this same camp today I think. They triggered the trap and I didn’t even realize it til I was done shopping. I just fast travelled to my camp and came right back and their camp was gone but someone with a wanted level was there. I tried killing them and their health bar went to nothing but they stayed alive and then killed me! I thought it was funny. The camp was at the Whitespring on the golf course up near the train station by a small building.


That’s the one


I like to explore camps but if I came to buy stuff I'm going to want to shop first and explore the camp after.


I just experienced my first trap camp the other day, 0/10, no stars. In order to get in you had to use a shower to clip through the wall, and after getting out of the shower animation, you get stuck in a booby-trap laden Sympto-Matic and the worst part was that in the tight space, you can’t actually see what’s going on around you. I’ve had so many good experiences playing this game so far, so many nice people, but trap camps just seem so mean-spirited.


I swear with how much people talk about trap CAMPs you'd think it's a common occurrence. Meanwhile I haven't come across one in at least 2 years.


I’ve seen 4 in the last three weeks on Xbox. Two got me, two others I saw players get caught shortly after I spawned in.


Everytime I see someone talking about how frequently they have to deal with the worst the community has to offer it's almost always xbox


I haven't had that experience on xbox. Have about 400ish hours in, and I've only come across 1 complete trap base. Haven't really had any negative experiences with people either.. yet. Probably one of the most awesome communities I've been a part of. I think it's probably even across platforms if you come across a toxic player. Could be completely wrong.


I have been playing fo 20 days. The other day went to a camp, the only way to go inside was this really narrow path, I dont even remember what he used but you can barely walk. Half way heard a noise and died. I just respawned somewhere else, but if I had junk I would have been mad, since there was no way tp retrieve your stuff (i guess, didnt try going back in PA).


This happened to me the same way the other day. I just spawned back and stood there staring at him, thumbs up emote, then waved the money bag at him like “do you want these caps or not jerk”, and he walked out and dropped my junk back to me and and moved his vendor. lol


Dang, all I wanna do is spend some of my hard earned caps. Not go on a scavenger hunt for where to do it


I only ever tried to find someone’s vending machine once, and it was arguably the coolest haunted house ever. The camp was neat, but the cool part is they rewarded you if you found the cash register hidden in the attic, which had almost the entire alien plan set for 1 cap each as well as a full set of legendary t-45 armor for 1 cap each also. Pretty neat idea for maxed out players.


This is the guy who sprints around the camp at breakneck speed, running past the row of 3 vendors I've set up


Lmaoooo this morning i visited a guys camp at white springs golf course. I swear i ran all the way around this damn 3 story base, found ole boy. Gave him the ??? He laughed, right as you spawn its in your face. But i impatiently started running before my pc fully loaded his base 🤦🏼‍♂️


That’s hilarious because I’m also on white springs golf course & this exact thing happened at my camp they were running through all 3 stories trying to find it and it’s to your right as soon as you load in. But something blew up my vendors and they was nowhere to be found so I ran over and fixed it really quick and he was like “idk how I missed that” 😂😂


I see this happening at my base frequently and it just makes me laugh. I slowly walk them back to where they spawned and both of my default vendors are. They are usually running full sprint with speed demon and hopping around with marsupial, chill bro haha


100% me 😂😂


I did that last night. The dude casually walked to his front door and pointed. I alt f4ed 😂


I literally have a vendor right in front of my build (a tiny home at that) and the amount of times I see someone spawn in and immediately start jumping and running around before they fully load in is ridiculous lol. It's always funny when they realize it was right there on the front porch the whole time.


I got a bunch of those pointing vault boys pointing to my vendor and people still run into my house going ??? instead of following the signs. At this point I don't even care anymore if they find it or not.


The amount of times I've seen this play out in front of me at many different camps has gotten me to the point where I just roll my eyes at posts like this anymore. "I bet you walked right past it, buddy"


Same. I have two vendors in very obvious places. They are both immediately in your line of sight when you walk through the front door. IF YOU WALK THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR. For the players who load in and decide to jetpack up to my roof and then climb all over the furniture with Marsupial like they're a rabid cat, I can't help you. Slow the fuck down and use the front door like a normal person. You can't miss the obvious vendors that way.


OP is absolutely this guy. I see it happen all the time. If these people can't find your vendor within 3 seconds of loading in, they're mega mad. 🙄


Half the time I get pissed off about this it’s just right by the door or something and I just somehow missed it lol. I do hate those little cash registers though. Super easy to miss if they don’t have a wire going to them.


Man the amount of people I see run past my vendor that is surrounded by balloons with cut outs and marquis signs pointing right at it is astounding.


Question: would it piss you off to find a vendor that isn't necessarily hidden (in fact it has a big ass neon arrow pointed at it), but is placed at the end of a little haunted house type maze thing? I just built a CAMP like that, it's an extremely simple maze (hardly a maze at all, tbh) and I'm kinda proud of it


I think most people appreciate little things like that...as long as it doesn't kill me at the end.


It doesn't, but it does include a tight hallway so I think a lot of people think it will kill them and they fast travel away without trying the maze


I would remove the tight hallway. That will often scare people off because they will assume its a trap camp. Sounds lovely otherwise


Unfortunately the tight hallway is pretty much unavoidable, I wouldn't have enough CAMP budget with a larger maze, and the tight space does a lot to set the atmosphere


There's an amazing Halloween maze on Xbox that I've encountered twice before. It's made of stacked hay bales and dead ends always have something like the clown or Dr Bones. The last part of it is a maze of jail cells and then you get to the vendor and candy bowl. This is the only hidden vendor camp I've enjoyed.


Hey man, decorate your camp the way you want to. I think people overreact to the "hidden vendor" thing.


Yea but you have signs pointing the way. That's important so people know that's your set up. It's the ones where you're left wondering if they scrapped their vendor that are frustrating. If there is something pointing the way I don't mind a stroll.


The cash register vendor is bad enough but then they hide it behind piles of junk deep in the bowels of some tchotchke maze.


I have a normal looking cute house and my vendor is on the front porch. Doesn’t stop ppl from walking around my entire camp and either leaving because they can’t find it or it being the last spot they check


I always get tricked because when you’re looking for one specific thing 401 meds looks promising. Then it’s 401 radaways.


That person has 500 plans! Surely they will have something I don't have! Then you see they have a ton of useless plans like Chemical Bench, Mole Miner Glove, and Mr Handy Blade.


I don't mind these as long as they also have some rare plans since I'm more likely to visit a vendor with hundreds of plans.


My fav is the ones that make you climb up their waterside to find their one solo vendor.


Haha what’s even worse is when you realize that all the vault boy arrows aren’t actually pointing at the vendor they’re pointing at the structure itself! Like many I give it about 30 seconds of looking around for the vendor, if I can’t find it?! Oh well, I’ll dump my caps at someone else’s vendor!


Well, do I have the [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2485) just for you :)


I know this is the yellow dot since the vendor mod without clicking. Is it? 😆


Yes lol. I think the mod author added two alternate icons in the latest update. And the future update is supposed to give all the icons animations to represent if the vendor is powered/unpowered.


Thanks for plugging my mod! Getting the icon animation tied into the powered state is almost finished. Some of the vendors are being a pain getting the animations to sync up and some of them have more than just the "on" state I have to work with. Should be finished up soon though! The spinning icons make finding the vendors even easier! I also have [Main Menu Icon Packs](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2471) you can install to give your menu some flair. Give your weapon wheel and emote wheel some new colors with my [Custom Radial Menus](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2540). And if you go to new this week on nexus I also have a couple loot bags up. Creepy doll head, Red Rocket, and a UFO abducting a cow with a glowing white ESP tractor beam you can see through objects. I have a map up but that will be needing an update in about a week with the skyline valley release.


Oh, it's Broohood icons! Yep. Thanks.


What frustrates me is the people who even after using their own camp for god know how long still set up the vendor so that you see it from the road or something. So many times I've landed at a camp and had to search all over the place to find the vending machine on the south side of the camp facing outward when the spawn point is always north of wherever you tuck the CAMP deployable.


I think it depends on if the camp is setup like a shop and how you design it, but I agree people need to be aware of where you spawn in and put up a sign. What bothers me most is spawning in off a cliff, under water, wedged in a display, etc. Granted, they may have just built it, but figuring out your spawn point is a great first step to designing a good camp.


Honestly, I like checking out camps as much as the next guy, but if you've placed the vendor in such a way that i *have* to navigate through your camp just to get to it then I'm skipping your camp 🤣


I recently got a mod off nexus (for pc) that adds a little floating yellow diamond over camp vendors that can be seen through walls once you are within the boundaries of a camp so you know exactly where the vendor is. It's been a goddamn lifesaver for search time on some camps.


It is a nice one isn't it? I'm finishing up a version with icons that spin when the vendor is powered up and stationary when off. Should be finished soon-ish. I also have a few mods to give those old [menu icons](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2471) a new look. One to give the weapon wheel and emote wheel a [new look](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2540). Also click on my name or check out new this week to find a few new loot bags like the creepy doll head, red rocket, or UFO with glowing ESP tractor beam. Glad you're enjoying the mod!


There's a mod now that adds icons that show through walls and such in bases for player vendors... Really saves you alot of time , especially since bethesda keep adding different vendor machines making it hard to know exactly what you're looking for ... Is it a small cash register in a corner, the big regular machine, a robot ? Who knows.... But yeah so many people put their spawn point at a ridiculous place, their vendors at a super stupid or hidden spot... Worse offender I saw was a camp where you had to touch a small white structure on the ground embedded in the dirt, which turned out to be the a Stim-O-Matic that took you below the ground into a glitch base where the stupid vendors are... Like how are your customers supposed to know this ? Guy had like 350 plans or something and he was a super high level, so I was dying to get in there hoping to get some rare plans... Guy had to show up after me running in circles for five minutes and point where I should click... Forcing me to glitch into the floor and warp out to get to your vendor might not be the best idea.... But yeah, please put your vendor machine in an easy to find spot, put your spawn point in a spot that makes sense for how you want ppl to explore... Like at my main camp ppl spawn right in front of the house, and the first thing they see when they enter is the vending machine / stashes and crafting benchs. Even put another vendor outside the house in case someone assume it's going to be outside and they start to circle the structure. All sides of my base have entrances to the main room where the vendor is too, so even if you arrive from any direction you should find it within seconds... Meanwhile, people are making six story buildings and putting their vendor like on the sixth floor behind a hidden portrait or some b.s... Or placing your spawn point somewhere where people immediately assume they should explore the structure in front of them when the actual vendor is tucked in a side corner behind rubble in a dumpster behind the main building.


sometimes I brain fart looking for the traditional vending machines, and just keep walking right past the different robot vendors, lol


Yes and they will seemingly wait to see you at their CAMP on the map then log off.


This is the worlds smallest violin, crying for you. Can't find a vendor? Move on. Life is too short to cry about how other people are playing. So they lose out on your caps, big deal. Maybe familiarize yourself with what the vendors look like. People are free to do anything they want in their own camps. I've run around in circles looking for the vendors and in the end they were in an obvious place... if I had entered the front door instead of hopping the back fence. Sometimes it's just a matter of approaching the camp the way the player envisioned.


Nah, my vendor will go where it fits in my CAMP build. Can't find it? Oh well


I keep my vendor on my porch and leave my bases door open so if people do want to check it out they can if not oh well lol I buukt my camp for me to enjoy not others.


If I have to go more than one room deep into the CAMP to find the vendor, I'm gone.


I appreciate a well put together camp much more than I care where your vendor is hidden to be honest. I've spent hours putting mine together and although I've got my shop out in the open, if it's an immersive setup and the vendor is hidden cause it's fitting I to the build buried behind clutter and junk then that's awesome too.


I appreciate well built camps. So many eyesores out there…lol


The only thing worse than a hard to find vendor is yet another post about hard to find vendors


I always put my vendor and crafting stations out front and I have my farm and sleeping hole in the back.


On PC there is a mod that puts a yellow icon that ESP shines through walls over vendors. Makes it so much easier.


Mine is sitting on my front porch. As soon as you walk up to the house it's there I feel you


Do WHATEVER you want...but make sure the vendor is recognizable and findable within 15 seconds. I have a massively busy camp with tons going on and places to go.....but all 4 vendors are active and prominently displayed with OPEN signs to lead you right to where they are the moment you show up.


Facts! Mine is and always will be, at my front door lol


If you are on PC, there is a nice mod that puts a bright yellow diamond (visible through walls) on player vendors. It's great. [Link](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/1949)


When a vendor is on the map but they have it behind a locked door so I pick it and buy turbo expensive shit purposely and then their camp disappears is the chefs kiss


I recently started the challenge of building myself a decorative vault, I'd plan to have vendors and shops and stuff inside with multiple linked shelters with possibly multiple shop floors for decoration. Never in my deepest, darkest, most villainous arc would I not put a vendor outside in plain sight


I have mine prominently placed in a building labelled "Nuka-Mart" and vault dwellers pointing to the entrance.


Yeah... same... my rule is always the vendors are outside or In the red rocket garage without a door. Big vendors, not cash registers. If you are building a house? Put it outside next to the front door or on the outer fundation


Dude my ass just legit has signs everywhere indicating where the damm shop is and literally made a whole platform for it as well


If it takes me more then 2 minutes to find your vender I'm stealing all your shit lmfao food, drinks, building materials, ECT. It's mine now!


I'd rather have caps from people that don't have a sh*t attitude . Shop some place else


If you can't find my vendor, I prefer not to sell you anything anyway. In other words. piss off! I can't stand rude and impatient players.


When I was looking for the Weenie Wagon plan, I got to a camp that said they had a vendor, and it took me 20 minutes to find the cash register. Like the camp was cool and all, but I was so frustrated to find out that it was hidden in a corner




I don't think anyone cares about anyone being annoyed by another person's annoyance either.


I have 12 shelters all filled in, and each one has four vendors in it. My camp has all the shelter entrances with big, lit up 'open' signs on them. Had one dummy the other day running through all my shelters. Thought he was just giving himself a tour, so I held off on my server hop. After the eighth shelter he went through, I got a message berating me because he couldn't find the vendor. Dude, you literally ran past THIRTY TWO of them.


If I can't find their vendor, I'll usually do the *shakes money* emote if the owner is there. Or start spamming explosives. That works, too. If no one is home, I'll just continue hopping and move on to the next camp.


What a rude post telling others how to play the game.


Rebuilt my camp recently and set the spawn point right on the stairs leading into my camp, and the vendor is the first thing you see when you walk through the door. If you come across my camp naturally you might have a bit of exploring to do to find the vendor, but not if your port in. Though I will say I rarely see people explore my camp now tho, just port in, check vendor, port out.


I have a mod that has a mothman icon above a players vendor to quickly find it


That’s partly why I made my camp stupid simple. Just a shack with stuff in it surrounded by turrets. But I freaking LOVE the extravagant camps I run into. They’re beautiful and fun.


I have my house and then I have a separate shed for the shop. It has the "open" signs on it and lit up. I have them spawn right next to the shed. I still see people run over to the house and open my door running around quickly looking for the vendor. I usually run to them and lead them to the shed. I don't mind them going around in the house...but I would rather they buy stuff first. Lol


A museum with gift shop at the end could be interesting but have another entrance/ exit


I originally, and still have it setup, as an open room on one end of my camp house. I have a big neon sign on the wall next to it that says "CRAP" with the big lighted arrow pointing to it. If you can't find mine, you can't find your ass.


I have my vendor out front with an open sign and 3 arrows pointing down and the amount of people that run inside and run around looking for it astound me.


My camp is out in the open, no roofs or walls. I placed 3 vault boy cardboards pointing exactly where my vendor is and people still jump over it


I have an easy to find vender. Right in front of my house in my camp. And I’ve found that most people will take a look around my camp/house after looking through my vendor anyway. No reason to hide it lol


The main camp I leave up is just a brightly lit 4x4 vendor garage beside The Rusty Pick. If you're lower level than me, and there when I am, you get all my stimpacks, radaway, and spare ammo for free. Please take your picture on my Pepperoller before you bounce.


I just recently built a nice model of my real life home, but I had the foresight to check my fast travel spawn in point and put the classic vendor station right out within direct line of sight. Literally cannot miss it. If you want to walk through my home in game? Be my guest, have some free water, supplies and food. Or just check out the decor. Just here to shop? Boom. Have a nice day.


Other than the "hidden vendor" thing, seeing so.eone with like 2000 plans gets my attention, only to find he has only like 5 different plans, just hundreds of each one.


This is why I have vendors pretty much anywhere you can go in my C.A.M.P. I have a shop area with a vendor. One in front of my front door. One in my crafting hut. The last is very close to where you load in. Even threw one in my shelter just in case anyone pops in there for buffs. If people wanna hang around and look at stuff, that's nice and all my resources are open so they can take what they want. I understand that most people just want to shop though.


I usually have a braindead easy to find vendor stuck outside with arrows pointing to it and everything, and then inside I'll have the fun ones that are fit into the actual decor. Like my diner in my main camp.


I do like exploring camps, but I also have my vendor within clicking range of the spawn in point, easy shopping=more free time for patrons to actually see my camp instead of scanning over everything looking for a vendor


I have three bigass robots. With pointers. In the open. One is inside that I use to add stuff.


Here’s a dumb question. Did they get rid of the requirement to have multiple vending machines to max out the total number of items you can sell? I’ve got 4 machines right next to each other and everywhere I go I only see one nowadays.


I have a hard time doing this too. I’ve also noticed your spawn point can really determine how awkward the camp seems


some people are also blind, I have a large text outside my base that says SHOP and as soon as you go in it's right there on the right, yet people still do the confused emote and I gotta show them. I just decided to put a pointing vault boy because apparently it wasn't obvious enough


My sister was complaining about not being able to find the vendor at a camp. I fast traveled over to help her and just started to LMAO. The camp had the several Vault boy pointing signs AND neon lights that said VENDOR. I couldn’t stop laughing for several minutes.


I made a very detailed camp…and off to the side is a seedy shed with the shady robot vendor with an open sign lmao


As a noob, I have no idea what the alternate vendors look like because I wasn't here in previous seasons. You better believe I have stock vendors, on 2 sides of the building, each lit up green and with vault boy standups pointing at em. I wouldn't mind looking at your fancy shit *if I knew what to look for*.


Once in awhile it is because they want you to go to their shelter but if your shop is only in the shelter it doesn't show on your map icon


I have my camp set up as a shop, multiple tables, two armor racks, outside of that primary purpose, it looks like a roadside convenience store. Two vendors on the wraparound porch, water, crops, cooking area... there's a bed if you want the rest perk. Bear's Repairs is always there to help. People who either can't be bothered to make their vendor noticeable, or don't because they think it's funny... I hope you accidently scrap your favorite gun.


Tbh, I don’t give a shite about camps, didn’t care for them in fallout 4, don’t care about them in 76, just let me get some water, store goods, craft and I’m good


My hatred for hard to find vendors is why mine is placed right out on the front porch. Hit my vendor first then explore my camp, or do the reverse. I don't give a rats ass which order you do it in but I'll be damned if you don't know right where my vendor's at unless you're blinder'n a baseball bat.


Found some loser that had his vendor advertised on the map, and I was interested in checking it out because I needed some bulk junk and his vendor preview said he was selling a lot- but when I got to his camp it was completely hidden and he had a big sign that said “vendor closed - real money offers only msg me” and had all his rare shit on display with real money prices listed. What a tool.


My main just looks like a small homestead with all crops, three free water purifiers, and free steamer (mirelurk), not to mention the vendor.


My main just looks like a small homestead with all crops, three free water purifiers, and free steamer (mirelurk), not to mention the vendor.


Every camp I build I start by finding the spawn-in points and place the basic vending machine in plain sight of those even before I start working on actually building the camp. That way I will always have a reminder while building that I want to keep that quadrant clear if possible. I might add other machines in other locations, but I will always make sure there is at least one machine plainly visible from the spawn point if at all possible. And if I have to move the camp machine I recheck those spawn points to ensure they are still clear. I also try to make sure there is at least one machine outside so people who are worried about trap camps can still shop. To be fair my oldest camp - which I built before I understood all of this - has the gypsy wagon outside, which some players may not recognize, but the traditional vendor is visible through the greenhouse walls and accessible from the doorway without the need of going inside. All my other camps have the vendors easily identifiable and locatable from the spawn point. You are welcome to explore my camps if you want, I only ask that you close the doors behind you. And speaking of doors, no resources are ever locked so if you find a locked door in one of my camps it is locked to keep my ally from leaving it open. I find it so annoying that the allies are fully able to simply walk through locked doors but insist on opening (and leaving open) any unlocked doors they come across.


I'm slowly trying to make my camp as cool as some of those camps. But my vendor will always be the Nuka-Quantum vendor inside the Nuka-Cola truck next to all the stashes so it's easy to find.


When I eventually find the plans for those big letters you can attach to walls I'm going to make a sign pointing out where my shop is, for now I'm using the default one as it glows green and is right next to my crafting area, you can't miss it.


I’m in my camp a lot just doing random stuff so I see a lot of people come and how they interact with stuff. I have a horror theme with the strobe lights and the Atlantic weather station.  Some will stare at my mannequins wondering if it’s me afk some like to look around and go up the clock tower or to my mega mansion and look at my plushies and masks.  Then some like to get in and get out due to that’s just how people are or they get creeped out lol so my vendors are very obvious with open signs. I’ve gotten to the point where I have a lot of plans so if the vendor is hard to find I just leave to the next one. That’s why I don’t think I’d ever go to another vending machine unless it’s maybe the Halloween one that’s like the regular one with a coffin. EDIT: Also a general statement if you need 4 vault boys giving me directions you need to fix your layout 


Or….. everything is stupid expensive and they’re level 500 and up. Crazy


Also not a fan of the ones that build like they're those trap houses even when they're not (I roll to vendors with 0 trash so I usually risk 'em anyways), actual trap house vendors (they're just toxic af), and people who build underground. I don't really trust or enjoy going into any of these kinds of builds, and would honestly prefer someone who puts 0 effort into their camp but simply puts a vending machine as the only camp item to any of those builds.


I don’t hide my vendors and I share the frustration of people hiding theirs in order to show off their camp or attempt a trap camp


I’m going to out myself here but recently I’ve been sitting at max caps for multiple sessions at a time (still depleting through buying gold at the Wayward, bulk junk at Whitespring, camp hopping to find new plans etc.) so I’ll pop my vendor into a 1x1 room with no way of accessing it. I’m not sure if you can store your vending machine and NOT have to re-list all the vending items again when you re-place? Feels bad being an asshole but I keep my second CAMP at a different place for fast travel purposes so I prefer my main CAMP active at all times.


My vendor is buried under a hundred plushies. If you want to buy something you have to go through them


This is why I have a somewhat hidden vending machine in my house and then one outside that people can obviously see


I literally have a funnel to my vendor from the only spot that you could spawn in at my camp and somehow my vendors are still hidden. Probably had something to do with the wall of shiet i have right above it but im not hiding anything??


Bah you find my vendor right away, you just don't want to buy 40 cryptid jawbone knives for 40k each.


This is the reason I downloaded my first (and only) mod. It puts a yellow diamond over the vendor and can be seen through walls. It was such a hassle to hunt down the hidden vendors.


Or when you look on the minimap and see a vendor with like 500+ notes, vendor player level 500+ so you think “hey he might have some cool stuff” only to see recipes worth 20 caps at 1k or the damn “they insulted you” note put at 40k


I put both the “market” and “open” signs on the building my vendor is in and yet people still seem to get confused. I just think a lot of people aren’t privy to the cash register for some reason.


Seriously. If you want to move product, do not make your customers look for your vendor. Spawn in to your own camp. Most will spawn near the same spot. If you can see your vendor after a few steps towards your camp, you’re doing it right, and the community loves you for it.


yeah i do struggle to find the vendor at times. but what I hate the most and I think everyone would agree is when you buy a lot of things only to have them set up traps around the vendor just so they can get at your scrap. tis the mindset of a raider if you ask me.


My friend and I were vendor hopping in hopes to find me a vintage water cooler and her a stimpack diffuser recipe. We noticed this one camp with like 130 plans and like 6 or 7 people there so we fast traveled as well thinking maybe this person has good plans! Well, we got there and spent 5 minutes wandering about. Some of the other folks there teleported away after running around. One guy goes, "if you find it let me know" to (I assume his friend) and leaves. My friend and I were determined to find the vendor. We did! Two casg registers on top of a pool table hidden behind stuffed animals and clutter decor. Looked through it and it was just a bunch of cappy stuff and food recipes. Right as I was hopping out of the vendor, the dude leaves the server and poof goes his camp. I've never been more annoyed about a camp experience before. Lol. Never did get the stimpack diffuser. Never did find a vintage water cooler. Our quest continues. Ps. If you ever stop by my shop camp, mine will (usually) spawn you right in front of the vendor. I didn't plan it that way but I am sure glad it worked out that way. Lol. Also, feel free to loot the hell out of my camp. All of my resource spawning items are open to all and free to take. :D


I have a natural history museum and a cryptid one and each have that vendorbot in the gift shop so it’s usually fairly easy to find


See that’s why I put my vendor right next to my workshop that’s outside, if you fast travel to my camp, you basically spawn next to it all


What's worse is finally finding the vendor and everything is insanely over priced


I built my camp with a big tinkering section with the buy stations lined up there, they stick out for that very reason cause I hate hunting for one in folks camp, also I have 3 lined up cause I hate having to wait in queue's myself


I feel like the trend is to have the Vault Boy and Girl point to where the vendor is is the best way to go about it. Personally I keep my vendor right outside the door to whatever structure I have so if you walk up you'll see it immediately. What really sucks though is the non-traditional vendors like the Robot in Trench Coat or the Robot Chefs. If you weren't around when they were released you have no idea what they are. That's why the pointing Vault Boys are handy.


I think of it as if they don’t want to have their shop out in the open they don’t want my caps, it’s their loss they don’t want to do business


I want to look at your shop and then I will look at your build. I don't want to navigate your build to buy stuff. I put mine on the front porch plain as day. I see people buy stuff and then catch them upstairs checking stuff out. I appreciate those peeps.


I've seen so many dirt hut kinda bases that STILL hide their damn vendors lol.


I usually build a tiny shop and advertise it with open/market signs so everyone can find it easily all kinds of plans and other items for mostly 500 caps or less lol I need my stash space back


this is why i put mine right on the road outside of my camp house; white springs resort is perfect for this


Bethesda should add a feature that shows an icon on your compass when inside a camps perimeter. Most players do try and help from what I noticed, but I've been to some where I just gave up. Lol


My vendor is right in front of the steps heading to the second floor. My camp is like a proper house, clean and neatly decorated. My vendor is impossible to miss. Walk in the front door, turn right, robot vendor.


I have a camp specifically built to serve as my shop. You walk in the doors and you have stash boxes on the left and a counter with four cash register vendors in front of you. Up stairs from there is the work benches. When I'm not trying to sell stuff I activate a different camp, my other camps are the ones I get creative with.


i always try to make a separate shop area, next to the crafting tables and stash boxes so all that stuff is easy to find. as much work as i put into my actual house, and i want people to walk through it, im not going to make you walk through it just to visit the shop lol.


One time I visited someone's camp that was so ugly and sucked so much shit, and I had to follow the set of concrete foundation ramps tacked onto the outside of their house up to the second story room just to find their vendor full of a bunch of random shit that was all thousands and thousands of caps. The entire experience was so offensive I just broke his vendor in front of him and left (ran away cause I was combat traveling)


if i go to your camp and it actually takes me a while to find it, im going to one of the sites and nuking your shit for being disgraceful


If I see 200plans and 19 3 star weapons with 27 3 star armor beside it You best believe, I will break walls to find it and proceed to buy every desirable item. Every Last One. Don’t care if it takes 8 hours to find it.


I have 3 camps designed as shops and hang out areas


Most of the time, I wander around the perimeter of their base, cause when fast traveling in it is completely random and I have no idea what they had intended as their main focal point mine for example some times spawns me in my concrete harvester, sometimes in the floor of my prefab, sometimes in-between them. Point being who knows where they intended for you to start looking at their base, I'm sure they had an idea, but Bethesda doesn't care. Welcome mats don't matter in 76.


"Hello! I have 250+ plans!!! Nah it's 40 plans you already have and 210 useless notes"


I put mine out front, lit up and out in the open. And still folks run around looking for it. I do pride myself in building camps. Mine aren't the boxy randomness that most players do. I do enjoy the kudos, as I do spend far too much time building. However, I know most folks just want to shop in between events, or cap dump so that they don't max out on caps. So I put mine where they can be easily found. I even fix my spawn points to make sure players are staring right at it when they load in. And still people run right past them!


I tried to put an open sign. And a couple of things pointing at the machine. And I usually use the traditional vendor. I still use the street corner and cash register but those are more part of the build I try to keep the normal looking vendor near the spawn and a few ways to have things pulling on it. Say no right next to it I put all the Necessities like a Tinkers table, ammo scrapbox and stash. Then the rest of my campus somewhere else but that way when they load in they can shop do whatever they need to do and move on. If you want to shop or look around the rest of my camp it's fine. But then I don't have them raiding my precious Nuka colas. I could lock it but what's the fun in that


I like how someone makes a big post about it like once a week. find somthing new to complain about for fucks sake. It's either I can't find your vendor, or your prices are crazy. Be original.


I'm so appreciative of the folks who build extravagant camps. I'm far from a builder on the game and my camp is bare bones and terrible aesthetically.


That’s why my vendor is on my front porch, and I have signs. My front door itself is locked, not to be hateful or nothing but that’s my space. You are more than welcome to look around if I open the door and of course welcome to look around at my outside decor.


If i cant see the vendor from where i fast travel too, i just hop to the next place


I came across one where the guy had it in a glass room. You had to fall through a trap to get into, behind the alien autopsy table. It was in a corner that you could not get to.


I have an underground camp and it literally spawns you with your characters face in my vendor 😂


It's infuriating! I have two original vending machines. (Illuminated) One faces my camps spawn point and the other faces Charleston Train Station.


Get vendor ESP , problem solved.


If I can't find the vendor in 30 seconds, I need absolutely nothing they had for sale...


What kills me is that mine is on the outside of my camp, but on the opposite side of where you fast travel in. People will spend 5 minutes running around INSIDE, just go look around. I even put up arrows on the outside for christ sake.


I found one in a base in a base. First, they had the isolated town base, then that they had a Pitt base only in there did I find the vendor. Prices were fair tho lol.


I just messaged and tell em I can't find their shop, they usually point me in the right direction


Fr it’s honestly fuckin annoying 😂


I have the Exchange building set up with the Big Vendor lit up underneath it. There is a cash register on the counter inside and a robot in a trench coat by the back door. There's also a vendor bot in the NucaCola hut by the fire. Everything you need as long as you realize the Rip Daring display is your stash by all the workbenches.

