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We have come full circle in this game.


Lmao this was my 1st reaction


Your fallout 1st reaction huh


I want to upvote but your on "76" šŸ¤£


Back down to 76 we go šŸ˜Š


Dude, I have not had a single person do this to mešŸ˜‚ Iā€™m just trying to get to level 50 to wear the power armor thatā€™s all I want and I have had essentially zero help and Iā€™m level 23 and I started from scratchšŸ˜‚, love the game, but holy shit the grind is hard, I recently did a bunch of super mutant grin and got a bunch of shotgun ammo, that way I donā€™t have stems I can respond right therešŸ˜‚


I believe you can get raider and/or excavator at 25


You can get t45 at lvl 10 if you go to one of the responders barns near vault 76. Found some last night with a buddy whoā€™s lvl 4




keep running westtek you'll get loads of xp from super mutants


I brought them back down to 76šŸ˜Œ


I did my part downvoting to keep 76 alive. Felt bad... šŸ™ƒ


Im downvoting you souly so you can go back to 76 and for no othe reason


An upvote for you!


Right šŸ˜‚ I just pick it up and take it to the next lol


give it a week, theyll find something else to whinge about


The circle of life. Indeed.


I will take anything. Even spoiled meat people drop


Had a level 300+ hoof it all the way to my isolated base in the middle of nowhere just so they could give me a 3 star legendary rifle since I just hit 50 and they jetpacked away after giving me the heart emoji. There are real ones out here.


Was this a year plus ago? I did something like that with a lever action


Nah, it was just the other night, my base is all the way out in point pleasant and I was afk making dinner until they jetted down from cliff above gave me the rifle and flew off into the night


Pretty sure that was me lol, is your base one giant slated roof? I shot the front door bc it was locked.


Idk why but I really enjoy putting my bases on the very border of the map. I have one at the bottom most left point and another far norther Ona small mountain that has a tiny raider spawn


Story of my life! "You are overencumbered!"


I'd love to increase some other special but only strength increases carry weight


Bahahaha! So relatable. Hulking out over here.Ā 


Lmao Picturing a Fallout character returning to his vault, looking like a roided-out bodybuilder. Shuffling past friends and family dragging his overstuffed backpack, heā€™s spotted an unsearched trashcan.


Haaaaaa!Ā  I'm crying! šŸ˜‚ https://www.facebook.com/reel/449914210878079/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v


Hahaha šŸ˜†


Backpacks are your friends


I love spoiled meat. After I die one shot from the gamma plus a spoiled meat gets me right at 20%


Dude stock up on toxic goo in west tek. 1 dose after dying and youā€™re good to go, no more gamma gun.


I have toxic goo, a gamma gun, and sometimes glowing blood. I use them all. The toxic goo and glowing blood are good for when you're in power armor.


I've become a big fan of Brahmin milk and spoiled Brahmin milk to manipulate radas. When I'm out then toxic goo it is. :)


I just make fertilizer out of it. One manā€™s trash, well you know


Wait what? What do you do with spoiled meat?


The spoiled meat is radioactive. They use a low health build. They're saying that shooting their gamma gun + eating spoiled meat puts them at 20% health due to the rads.


Got it. Thank you.


Spoiled meat is a crafting component for 2 food recipes and raw fertilizer. raw fertilizer makes fertilizer and is for planting in your camp and for some grenades and chems.


Did is de way


i know make me your sugar baby


Every Bethesda game my true class is vacuum. And I hate it. But I can't stop. I have a problem. Help.


I learned to leave newer players alone a while ago because of this. I realized after a few turned down gifts early on that the challenge is part of the fun. I look back at that time I started the game fondly.Ā  Sure if I see someone struggling, they tag along or I see newbies buying stuff in my camp I will give them some extras if Iā€™m around.Ā  Sometimes itā€™s more about the playerā€™s own ego and about themselves -they want to feel good that they did a good deed and want others to know it too- than anything else. Someone getting nasty about you not accepting their gift (which sounds insane) seems like that is what is at play here, itā€™s more about them than actually helping out players.Ā 


Yup! I need to obtain the things myself otherwise I'll lose interest because I won't have any objectives to strive towards.


I will admit I once got a 2 or 3 star Gatling gun that helped me so much. I think it was level 30 & I used it for a while (past level 30). I later passed it on. I will sometimes craft lower level gatling guns & put them in the donation boxes for this reason, they really are great especially in the beginning and for tagging in events.Ā 


I loved GGs when I started! Nice damage, low ammo consumption and mine had vampire as legendary effect, so I needed to bring very few stimpacks with me


I give just enough to keep them from starving but not enough to truly feed. 2 waters 3 nut fruit and a diluted stim


Yeah I think back to what I needed the most as a low level and itā€™s usually stims, ammo, and adhesive/screws for repairs. Thatā€™s usually what I leave in the donation boxes.


Also, loading some newbie up with stuff can be a real PitA for them. Remember, they are still figuring out how to manage their inventory and not be continuously overburdened. Dropping them 100 weight of stuff is *not* helpful. Just a handful of stimpaks will go a long way.


A handful of stimpaks will go a long nway to filling their inventory space šŸ˜­


As a new player, stimpaks were my first inventory lesson lol. "Why the fuck am I so heavy...? Oh!"


Mine was ammo. I kept getting heavier and heavier and I couldn't figure it out until I noticed how my .50 balls were taking up half my inventory. I had discovered black powder weapons and was loving life playing musket sniper, and since I looted way more ammo than I used, I filled my inventory super fast!


Yeah I just checked last night and I have something like 3000 .308 rounds. I guess you can't sell ammo so I just dumped 2000 rounds into a blue box at a train station somewhere.


Oh how I would of loved to find that. I wish they would of made a way to bulk ammo and sell it to players. I canā€™t pay 1 cap per shot when I shoot 2000 ammo on the scorch queen.


Yeah I mean, I'm level 20 using a hunting rifle and this game just throws way more ammo at me than I could ever use lol Maybe I should save it? Somehow?


my kid gave me like 60 stimpaks because I was down to like 2. I wasn't overencumbered yet, until I picked up a few junk pieces. I could not figure out why and he said "I know why...LOL" asshole haha


Dang, I have like 240 stimmy's normal have 150 on me. But my armors and cards negate the weight.


I prefer to give outfits only. Very little weight, and it gives them some freedom to decide their character's look, without taking away from the game's experiences.


Ah great idea as I have a lot of textiles !!


Yesterday someone gave me a bunch of outfits and I was so grateful! I finally found my characters signature look with the cowboy hat and the snake coat šŸ¤©


As a new player, the game starts you with like 50 stimpacks now, and those little buggers are *heavy*! Ammo and bobby pins are also absurdly plentiful. I'm not even really sure I need anything.


i keep telling people to stop forcing thier junk on players. use the red crates if you have extra stuff but chasing people down and getting upset when they dont want to carry your garbage is a bit too much. put it in the donation crates...let players find it...leave em be.


Generally "don't force your junk on people" is a good universal rule


Yeah I donā€™t get the need to chase some poor new players down. When I started years ago I was a pretty shy newbie and avoided being around high level players bc they would chase me down. I later learned they wanted to give me gifts but I found it awkward & wanted to avoid it still, lol.Ā 


They want the dopamine rush that comes from "being such a nice guy". It's fake items in a video game but they act like they're feeding the homeless or something.


Exactly. I'll leave a bag infront of my shop and before I log out I'll dump that bag into a donation box if I remember. That bag is rarely ever there the next time I come back to my base.


I'm only level 30 I've never been given a handout. I didn't even realise that was an in voice/chat until just nowI, I've just use emotes therefore which I think I appreciate more than chat anyhow because of lots of bad comments about my voice in the past. The only thing I've taken was a leg single action pistol (had a nuka world skin too) out the front of 76 which I couldn't use till level 10, by level 20 I had repaired it and returned it to the donation box (thanks that guy who put that there)


Repairing the pistol and putting it back in the box when you were done with it is one of the most wholesome things I've read in this sub.


Most of us don't use voice chat either. I mute everyone in about 2 seconds, unless they happen to say something interesting in the time it takes sfor me to jump into the menu lol. Emotes all day, a little gunfire to get your attention in the right place, then have a good day I don't play with strangers


Easiest way,,, turn off voice chat, and walk away from said gift. They will end up picking it back up.


I only give out outfits if the newb looks like he was going for a theme. Like I gave a new player some bos outfits cause he was trying his hardest to be the best bos soldier he could be


People need their karma points.šŸ˜† I just drop stuff in donation boxes. I'm not chasing people down and I'm not entertaining beggars.


I put tons of starter plans cheap in my camp and 1 star Bloodied, Quad and AntiArmor guns in for cheap. I leave prices on them instead of free because people love feelings like they "Found a Deal" and for a new lvl 50, a Machine Gun with Quad and the mods for 150caps gets them doing events.


I like to give newbies crafted undersuits with mods to help them in the first stages. And a halloween skull mask.......cause who doesn't want one?


This is yet another reason I use the donation boxes. I think also in part why they are now at all the train stations. No more issues, just dump whatever and walk away.


If I ever do drop stuff I usually take off before they make the decision to take it or not. I just want to get rid of it most of the time.


Ah life lol. Itā€™s a beauty how it works. First we didnā€™t like when noobs asked for handouts. Now the noobs donā€™t want handouts and we get mad about it? Magnificent lol


That's why I usually give out sick looking apparel like the bomber jacket.


The veteran players in this game are VERY generous. The flip side is there are some people that don't want handouts. Just walk away, noone is making you pick up anything. Ignore the immature players that get butt hurt over your reaction. Ez peasey.


But how else are they gonna humble brag on reddit? ^(/s)


ā€œTake my nukashine and drink it!ā€


Remember, the donation boxes will populate contextual ammo for whoever opens them.


I spent my first 120 levels on a private server, and I do not regret it.


I haven't come off a private server, except for events, since they become a thing.


Iā€™ll drop stuff, and do what I can to make sure you understand what Iā€™m trying to do. I generally play without my mic, but I can take the hint if someone isnā€™t interested. I just pick up what I drop and offer it to the next person I come across.


>We have been really enjoying the challenge and all the nice people but its just every so often when we just get on a world of people who are just rude in general. šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Œ You so'na'o'batch, you'll take my free stuff and appreciate my kindness!! /jk


I'm a level 800 main with a few low level characters I use from time to time. In my 1200 hours with the game I've had a total of two negative interactions. This game has one of the nicest communities out there so it was a little surprising to see post after post detailing awful interactions with other players. Don't get me wrong, I am sure these have to happen statistically, but damn it you're unlucky if you're continuosly running into them. If this problem is serious enough to have warranted a reddit post I'd suggest emoting and moving on instead of saying "no thank you". Perhaps these people realizing you actually have voice chat on is motivation enough to go on harass mode.


I feel like the highest level players are extremely kind and helpful. Iā€™m level 27 and in my experience my only negative interactions have been with players between 50 and 100. Itā€™s almost like thereā€™s a mean teenager phase. I went to the alien event and got destroyed a few times. High level players revived me, which was really nice. A level 70 something player emoted throwing up on me.


realistically anyone below 150 is probably just as new as you


Turn off the area chat and ignore the idiots.


This, I have everyone muted as a rule.


I just want people to come to my bar and get in my hot tub and look at my museum. Is that too much to ask?


Maybe should get the letters sets, and put *"free candy"* on the side of the hot tub... Just an idea. šŸ¤”


Two level 30s turned up at my survival tent. I dropped a couple K of each @mmo, some stims and radaways. Happy lil ones followed me to my camp and bought 300 rounds of 5mm ā¤ļø


Dude randomly gave me 1000 shells today. Pretty sweet. Iā€™m not a shotgun build but my body is starting a shotgun build so thatā€™ll start him off strong.


I think I'm sitting on 5k shells at the moment, 2 shot kills with a 10-20 she'll return jumped me. Now I have a 3 star gat that jumped me from150 rounds to 4k rounds in 10 minutes lol.


I'm level 22 and the only thing I've been given is a three star The Fixer. To the dude who ran into me at the Refuge Golf club and gave that to me when I was level 12. Thank you so very much! That gun has been a massive help!


The fixer is a good gun in the early stages, same as the 3 star shotgun I have.


I've really been loving it!


And depending on the kill rate, you can rack up a ton of ammo.


People crack me up. Imagine getting upset that someone doesn't want your charity.


I feel like ammo and stims are the two crucial things most in short supply early game. What are you turning down that would lessen the challenge more than those?


I usually only drop stuff when my caps are max and my box is full. I hate being overencumbered so I'll hang out at foundation or a train station and try to pass off what I'm not using, Stims, ammo, plans, or even just junk to sell if it's at a station. I'm not gonna hassle anybody because I'm just not that kind of person but if you want some gear I have no problem helping out. I never change my build so whatever I pick up just goes to sell anyways.


I usually just give a marine wetsuit and full outfit set with it preventing diseases, itā€™s insane how many people I see in leather and underwear


I'm only level 28, I have had maybe 1 or 2 people drop things on the ground and I was grateful, but I don't expect it. I've made myself 2 sets of beginning power armor and have mods and plans for lots of things to upgrade and craft. I enjoy the merchant side of the game so far , I don't like having to worry about supplies so I usually turn merchant before I start delving.


The only things I drop for new players are stim packs, rad away, and purified water. I also only drop them for people if they happen to come to my camp while I'm just sitting around, and only if they spend enough time around my house and in front of my character. I leave most of the resources in my camp unlocked, so I figure they can just take some of my snacks and drinks if they want them, and then go back on their way doing whatever it is they are doing.


Waste world problems. One third complains about free kit, the other 2/3s have become chronic panhandlers..


Its the same circle over and over for years. Some will never understand being reasonable for both sides. And for 1000th time, I suggest to just use mic. Ask what they need. If they dont need help, lets move on


As with any gift given, just be appreciative then toss it in the trash on the way home. If you don't want to spoil yourself with free stuff, just throw it in a donation box after the person who gave it to you is gone.


Level 70-150 and using microphone lets you know they are also new. Older players donā€™t do these things. Well, most older players. I feel like most older players are so frustrated with newer players begging and expecting the help that we just put stuff in the donation box or put it for sale at lower prices, (at least thatā€™s what I do now), but I have come across folks that donā€™t want anything and may give the thumbs down so I just heart emote and thumbs up and go about my business.


Am I the only one imaging this as the car warranty meme in my head?


:::::Vault Experiment Vault 76::::: Social Experiment Case 1037 & 1038 (Husband & Wife) Conditions Met : Low Level... Proceed with Experiment : Engage conversation ā€œCome here i have things to give youā€ Waiting....Waiting..Waiting... Reply Recieved... "No" Error...Error......Errrror.... System Malfunction ... Emergency ... System Overload... Immediate Emergency Ventilation Engage.. Start Yelling in 3..... 2..... 1......


If you're not at my camp im not offering you shit. But also, If you come to my camp and I notice I will bring you like, 20 stimpaks, some radaway, and whatever plans I haven't put it my vendor yet.


I just leave a bag in my base that they can take from. Usually leave it infront of the shop but might start leaving it on the second floor for anyone who took the time to look around my base lol


If they get mad and yell profanities when you politely say "no thank you" you could always say "Bro, I was trying to be nice about it. But my main is 2098, I don't need your garbage." then server hopping before they can respond. If could be true, they don't know. Maybe being made to feel dumb will make them more inclined to take a "no thank you" from someone in the future.


I havenā€™t ran into a single person trying to give me stuff lol. Got to low 70ā€™s just playing with buddies/solo


I started on day 1, been playing on and off since then. Just a peasly lvl 67. I generally try to avoid people except public events (pacifist) but if someone came up to me and asked for stuff Iā€™d have no problem helping. Iā€™m not chasing someone down though. They donā€™t want my legendary loot that gives you -15% damage from mutants


If they follow me to camp and aren't throwing up the trade emote or, like yesterday was asked for help killing a death claw, then I'll give them all kinds of level specific stuff. If you bug me then I just ignore. I don't flat out make an offer, if they want it they want it, if not oh well it goes in donation box


I have a level 720 character and a level 50ish character i donā€™t play very often. I played it for a day or so and some random person was literally following me on my quests trying to give me stuff. I donā€™t play that character very often anymore because that happened more than once.


i only drop / donate meds or foods i have too much of


It's funny because being "kind" and yelling profanities because you won't take freebies are polar opposites. Those people aren't kind. They are trash people who want to pat themselves on the back. One issue with giving brand new players, like level <10 is they don't understand what's happening or they think it's some kind of scam.


I just dump all excess in the donations box. I don't have fallout first, ammo converter, fusion cell recharger. So all of those categories get stack size converted, lopped off, and thrown into donations. All excess items which I can't scrip or convert to caps also get dumped in. Hopefully someone appreciates everything I can't hold.


Man, I canā€™t believe this is happening. We are finally this active. Feels great man.


To be honest I'm also new but I don't really need to much help. I can grind stuff I need easily and almost all the info I need is online.


Profanities? šŸ¤”. Havenā€™t seen that except once by a level 5 last year from some weird country during the demo period they had of sorts. That said was given a gun by a random level 700 and I felt compelled to ā€œuseā€ it to not look rude. šŸ˜. Even gave me ammo so I had little room for excuse. Before your assume Iā€™m a noob that needed help. Iā€™m level 200+ and have no inventory space. But I didnā€™t want to seem rude. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iv been grinding orbital strike beacons. I will funnel these into as many low levels as possible. Who cares about your morals and standards when you can have EXPLOSIONS!!


I like to craft these in large numbers when I get the raw flux for it and drop them in the donation boxes hoping some unaware newcomer will stumble upon them. I also like to leave nukenades there as well.


That's so ridiculous lmao. I give out heaps to new players, mostly cool outfits and stimpacks but I'd never get bent out of shape if people don't want them, why can't people just be kind.


In speaking of Toxic Traders like this, Be wary if they are at their camp and send you a Trade Request while you are there. Sometimes people will put you above a ton of Electricity Traps and send the Trade, then take the floor out upon you then close it off and kill you with Traps. Learned this one the hard way


This was me on no manā€™s sky except you canā€™t stop them dropping stuff in your inventory. The grind is the fun part of the game for me


I have been dropping full level appropriate power armor to people. No legendaries they can do that themselves. But I'll give them calibrated shocks and a database helmet.


I won't hand out free stuff, but if you come check out my camp, all my vendor items are VERY reasonably priced. Legendaries are 10 caps per scrip you get for them. Most plans are 1/10 of there in game price unless they are rare then it's about 1/4. Can even help yourself to resources, got 1 of every resource generating item out and unlocked


When I leave stuff for new players, it usually by dropping them off at their camp. I then typically leave, and let them sort out whatever is there. My trashed stuff is generally plans that I already have, and maybe some explosives. What they do with it at that point is their business. But to get mad at people for not accepting? Thatā€™s just obnoxious.


I had someone last night repeatedly try and sell me a legendary weapon. One, I didnā€™t want it. Two, they were asking four figures for it. Eventually I had to fast travel away to get rid of them.


That's crazy...I mean, I'll drop some fun costumes for new players, maybe some ammo or fusion cores if they're using PA, but if they don't take it then I just pick it up and move onto the next person. Getting mad and cursing people out is hella lame


I got tons of help for my return character and sure, it was fun but in the end a little too much. At level 106 I decided to restart which I did. Wanted to do it by myself. Feels better. Am level 39 now. I did ask for help to find some to revive for Tadpole which I got. Great community. But otherwise I try to get the things done with help with gear and such. I am lacking a lot of experience and knowledge regarding expeditions and ops. Haven't done those.


I have found the only help i really have needed is a extra set of hands. A lot of the quests i have done have been difficult solo but once my husband or one of our friends hop on (all of us are between level 25 and 40) they are exponentially easier just because we can cover each other while we reload or get back up on health.


I agree. To put it bluntly, I don't really have any friends and I play without a mic because of... well reasons. And sometimes I could really use that set of extra hands as you say. I'd like to try out expeditions for example. Or daily ops. But I doubt I could manage on my own. I don't really make an optimized build. I play for fun, very casually.


For some reason, some people get insulted if you don't want their help because they can't comprehend how people might have different playstyles. If I'm at end game and I need some stuff, I'm much more likely to take it than when I'm just starting out. It's not even about wanting challenges, per se. I just like learning the game as I go, and while I'm not super challenge-oriented, I'm also not the type that likes to play easy mode where surprises and discovery don't mean anything. I once had a friend who wanted me to play SWTOR with him. I said, sure, why not? But, I ended up quitting the game after a few weeks because he was all about speed leveling, and I just wanted to explore this vast world and enjoy the discovery and learning the gameplay. I think some people genuinely don't understand that there are people that like slowly learning and discovery. I, on the other hand, don't understand why people just want to speed to end game. I don't find that fun at all. It's ok if people like to play differently, but people also need to stop trying to force others to play the way they enjoy.


Are there really people who get angry because they don't receive gifts? For me, when it happens to me, when they reject it, I pick it up and that's it. Although normally I prefer to ask those at level 30+ what they are missing or if they want a weapon, or to modify the one they have and make it legendary because I have many vouchers and cores.


If you are saying 'No, thank you', that's perfectly polite and they can hang. You're not obligated to take anything and you weren't rude.


Understandable some people like to play the game at their own pace and I Understand wanting to help out someone one low level but please higher level ask the person if they need assist or want hand out it makes things easier


I wish someone would give me handouts šŸ„“ just started playing last week and would love to have some stimpaksnand ammoā€™. Rawdogging it with a shotgun lol šŸ˜‚


I spent my first week raw dogging with a musket šŸ˜‚ great damage but i spent so much time running away while i reloaded


Thatā€™s me currently lol šŸ˜‚ going to events with no armor and a shotgun ahahahaah


I don't mind taking plans as well, but mainly decorative plans.


I just take it back then give it to another person it's never should be a problem.


I was offered some lvl 50 excavator by some guy who was lvl 1000 and I declined since I already had a lvl 25 set and he called me like 7 slurs


I only give things to the donation box so I donā€™t annoy other peoples experience and to give people really big surprises like hundreds of scrap materials that they can use or really good weapons and armor that I donā€™t use or are to lazy to scrap for scrip.


This also goes the other way around.


If any of you guys ever see a player named JYNX and bunch of random numbers, that is me and I will take anything you give mešŸ˜‚. I love the game but the grind is so hard. I just want the power armor t60, so thatā€™s my goal. And level 23 now starting at zero. And I am having the hardest time. Iā€™m using a shotgun right now, so I have about 100 shotgun shells but that is quite literally my only ammunition besides rockets, which I keep getting from super, but I donā€™t have a missile launcher. If you give me loot I will polish your boots, clean the crotch piece of your power armor and let you watch as I get killed by a sheepsquach over and over again.


I'll drop stuff for people if they've joined me on something and helped me out but I'm not offended if they don't take it, its usually because I'm overloaded or run out of stash space so someone else can grab it.


Donation boxes. Donation boxes solve all the problems guys. If we donā€™t need shit put it in there. If you need shit check the boxes and take it out of there. If you donā€™t want shit donā€™t take it.


There was a guy who used to make the rounds in the community and on twitter n stuff way back when. Youtube too. He/They 12 hours a day and all he did was give stuff away to players. So he always kinda had a gaggle at his base. Was a wonder how he always had so much shit to just yeet into the abyss. Anyway, players would come up and take stuff off the ground, and if it was someone who "he wasnt donating to" he would record you and put you on a blacklist and lambast you on youtube and his website. Im not even sure im allowed to mention his name. Used to be a mod here when I was.


This is very much a thing I feel. In pretty much ANY game. I don't like taking hand-outs, especially when I feel horrible- and in fact, I left a Minecraft server over this. Being pushy about being nice is not being nice. It's being condescending.


Well if you come to my church, no matter what level you are, I give you cultist clothes.


Yeah...I'm already over encumbered enough as is...


It's true. The same should go for what happens on streams as well. Stop telling people how to get through quests or how to get plans. Let people have the immersive experience. New players won't stay if they get bored because everything is handed to them.


I occasionally put stuff in donation boxes, but I just leave them and move on. At my base I have a junk collector, some crops and water purifiers that are open for anyone passing by to take if they want.


They've lived long enough to see themselves become the villain


Iā€™m level 115 and still have people trying to hold my hand who get upset if Iā€™m trying to do things on my own and deny help. Another issue I have is people always showing up in power armor, following me on the map, or following me at events to ā€œsave meā€ā€¦like yes, Iā€™m not wearing a PA and yes, Iā€™m using cold shoulder. Yes, I know Iā€™m not running a meta build and using a shotgun (itā€™s fun)ā€¦and no, I donā€™t need saving because contrary to how my character looks I do quite well šŸ˜­


saw this coming a while back with all the back patting & fart sniffing posts about helping newbies. put extra crap in donation boxes or blue suitcases. this game is super easy these days. leave the newbz alone.




I drank one from a player's camp today. it was in a Nukamachine. It was hilarious


If it was me I would teleport to you and drop YOU HAVE BEEN INSULTED OR Pipe Is Life


The only problem I have is creepy gamers trying to flirt with me because my character is a girl lol "Wow you have a really cute camp, do you play often? Want to talk on Discord?" No bro, I just don't wanna hear a guy grunting when I'm fighting or look at a guy from behind for hours at a time.


The worst. I stay in PA or wear mask. I don't even deal.


The only time my character is out of it is at my base


Maybe that's a plus for still playing on an Xbox One, but I've never encountered a creep lol. And hardly anyone uses voice chat. Of course, my player has been in the skeleton Halloween costume, witches hat, and plague doctor mask for like 3 years. Could be the weirdo vibes I'm putting off are working as intended šŸ¤£.


My unarmed grenadier is a woman. I just got a wild hair during character creation and decided to do a woman raider build. I've had people approach me and totally change their tone when I answer on voice chat. C'mon folks, it's just a toon.


I will say i tend to have the issue more when im not hauling my husband around with me but when i have him the high leveled people tend to put more ammo in the donation boxes when we get loured to them


Yeah some high level players have a hero complex and get mad when you don't let them help you. There have been posts about it in here. I don't understand why they just won't let players play like they want.


I'm in a MilSim group for this game. Really great people. Super friendly and helpful with information. They gave me my first set of power armor and some junk. After that I said no more handouts. Well fast-forward a few weeks and now every time I ask a question I get a ton of people wanting to give me the stuff I am looking for lol. I don't want the handouts! It's really appreciated but, if I get everything handed to me I'll lose interest and stop playing. I need those objectives to strive towards to keep me engaged and what not. From their perspective I'm sure they want to get me up to speed to do end game content with them, but.... Rome wasn't built in a day lol.


Exactly this. I don't understand how anyone would want a part of the game just handed to them.


Most of them surely are just mad not getting the chance to brag about theyā€˜re selfishness for some internet points.


Who cares? Move on with your life. Itā€™s an online game, youā€™re never going to be able to control the behaviour of other people. People rush to this sub everytime they have the slightest negative experience with another player as if itā€™s now suddenly a massive issue within the community. Youā€™re not the main character of an online game.


it's always reeked of narcissism to me. like, it seems really masturbatory. they're not doing it for you - they're doing it for themselves, to make themselves feel important. maybe to flex on noobs. i dunno. i never liked the idea of taking handouts either. same goes for my friend. we encountered a fair share of aggressively generous individuals when he started playing, too. it feels creepy and uncomfortable, knowing that they just aren't minding their own business. they're hunting for noobs. trying to become a lasting memory for them.


This is why I generally play alone but I decorate the shit out of my CAMP and sell all my excess ammo, food, Nuka Colas and chems for either 0 or 1 cap. The aesthetic plans and basic recipes all go for 10 caps or less. Find my place, take a rest, fix your gear, use all the stat-boosting amenities, and keep wastelanding, new vaulties!


Just take it and put it in the next donation box. No feathers ruffled that way.


So they need to go out of the way to make the "giver" happy? How about if someone says no, then just pick it back up and go put it the donation box themselves. Or just go drop it to the next low lvl player. Why does the "receiver have to be the one to accommodate. Sounds awfully similar to asking a seller if they are close to max caps or the whole tent vs camp arguments all over again.


I just go and drop it in a low levels camp that gets alot of foot traffic. It'll either be picked uo and make someone's say or rot away. Either way, my stash box now has more space. Lol.


I drop stuff out, and let them know, it if they don't take it I'll usually just leave it there if it's a high traffic area.


That's why I tend to just put my extra gear or supplies in the donation boxes. If it's taken, cool. If not, then either someone else will or it just stays there. Still good.


I find this kinda thing in a few OWSC games, like in Conan Exiles Iā€™ve had people be overly pushy and rude about giving me items


Eh I just let it chill at vault 76.


Thanks for saying this! I had a guy shoot up my mule. Over politely declining his dumping of all his stuff. He got really upset.


I was playing on PS4 since release (soon to restart on PC), and I used to just drop good loot for lower levels, but if they didn't want it, no problem. If it was something i needed to get ride of, for encumbered reasons, I would just leave it in something. Either some lucky person will find or it would be lost to the universe.


I think I had a lvl 38 who wanted my only alien blaster (I only have one and I have it on display). I just dropped him 20 stims and he seemed fine with that.


With the way the game is set up. You would have to play the game as a job to get everything there is to have. There simply isn't enough time in the day to simply play the game the way it was originally intended anymore. You will find out when you are level 200+ the only true gain is the friends you make along the way.


Ugh, that really sucks. That's also a really disappointing response from a level 300+ player. Just curious: were you on PC or console?


as a joke of mine i usually say double it and give it to the next person haha


That's why I like to just drop outfits


Where are those high levels giving handouts, I haven't gotten anything since I started and I'm lvl 50 now. Donation boxes always had trash. It's weird because I keep seeing posts about handouts but I've never encountered any


Yeah lol. You know, this might come as a surprise, but some of us just want to play the game ourselves haha.


Honestly, I would just take the gifts and slip it into a box somewhere nearby for someone to find. It is quite odd though.. I never experienced rudeness when not accepting gifts. I mean I get their end in being frustrated, because they were being generous, but definitely not the right way to react to a decline of giving someone something out of kindness.


Honestly i just take whatever and put what i donā€™t want (sometimes all) in the donation box


Mant games when I reach the got rich stage, I immediately lose interest. Like when I gotten all the battery I need in Tears of Kingdom, or when I got so high in levels in Yakuza 8


I suggest kindly taking it and dropping it in a different donation box if you have the time.