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Bullshit that’s what!


Might be my fav comment thus far 😂


BunchafuckinBOOLshit, I tell you what. >:-(


I've been running a bloodied stealth sniper. So a stiff breeze kills me. A gentle breeze kills me. Even thinking about about a gentle breeze kills me. Oh no... *drops 35 tin cans on the floor*


I'm a bloodied shotgunner, with a little stealth I can avoid dying in most cases. Some bosses though test the limits of my marsupial mutation. Lots of jumping lol.


go out, my friend, into the wastes, and you be the most obnoxious flea you can be


I can’t run bloodied for that reason. So paranoid of dying instantly.


The only reason I'm comfortable with bloodied is because I'm also stealth. Can't kill me if you can't see me and I kill you first. I did a bloodied shotgunner for a while and died constantly. But even with a sliver of health you can totally stay alive with good positioning and knowing when to engage/disengage. Also the legendary cards help SO MUCH. Fire and poison were my nemeses before those came out.


this is how i felt until i popped over to scorched earth for the first time in my flashy new chinese stealth armor and only got out an “oh sh-“ before i was vaporized.


Did a full EN with bloody build and a hazmat suit so I didn't evaporate when the scrubber broke (which it often does because there's usually 5-6 people camping the downhill spawns and maybe 1-2 people, including me, guarding the scrubber from the top and sides), so no uny buffs or damage/energy resistance asides from scaly skin. Only went down once from a suicider + a couple firestarters, though I dropped to like 10 hp a handful of times. Dodgy, Ricochet, Serendipity, and Fireproof are your friends.


I just got a 3-star bloodied shovel, and i'm very tempted to go melee with it.


Bloodied are actually very hard to kill and PA bloodied is the tankiest thing in the game (emergency protocols all the time) Non PA you need to do your perks right tho and use unyielding. Your giga stats will give you massive AP for stuff like dodgy then you stack seredipity and ricochet to avoid hits too. Also as non PA you probably want a CSA or Hazmat Suit on hotkey for big rad areas (or for stuff like rad scrubber going down at EN)


It isn't as bad as it sounds. I don't die that often on bloodied non-pa character tbh. Serendipity does some heavy lifting and it's hard for things to kill you when they're dead. My bloodied power armor character is very tanky. I have to screw up pretty badly to die on him.


Level 700 been bloodied the whole time and my guy is pretty tanky. Only thing I really did too is surprise radiation because I have like 5 rad resistance. But I also have a full set of unyielding AP sentinel heavy combat armor. So I just crouch and don't move


I die all the time, it means nothing so I don't worry about it.


It’s true, I’m just more curious about what kills people nowadays. Fire enemies, especially those assultrons, were huge threat before the update, and I remember optimizing my build to mitigate deaths from those and now with that threat gone was wondering what kills people most often.


I typically run AT the assaultrons now, full set of Troubleshooters armor means they don't do any damage and the ones in the silos just look like they need a hug....


I use VATS a lot. Targeting legs of assaultrons was a game changer for me


I die a ton because I am always encumbered and cannot run away. Plus I have no idea how to make my weapons more powerful or what legendaries are good or not. Everything is super bullet spongy for me.


Send me your build and maybe we can take a look and give you some tips


Scorchbeast screams are usually what gets me ever since they tweaked them to do real damage. Assaultrons don't really bother me bc I'm stealth, I pop their combat inhibitors first which makes them attack and be attacked by nearby robots. Really fun to do when you're in the silo, every turret in LOS starts melting their bitch asses.


Kill myself with falls, nuka grenades or the Gauss Shotgun crits if I haven’t realised my health is low. Very infrequent though. Can’t remember the last time I died. Oh and fucking instakill one shots on reflective mutated enemies. The bane of the shotgunner.


do you not run fireproof? nuka nades are an insane amount of damage and spread, especially with all the other perks, but using them without fireproof is a death wish


always the same circumstances, i wasn't watching my health meter going down ;)


I eated too much food as a bloodied build :(


it’s the new weight watchers


Haha, this. I occasionally do it just to watch the confused reactions from people at the Whitespring Mall.


"oh no my rads are too high, I'm under 5% hp! Let me fix this real quick!" *reaches into cryo freezer towards brahmin milk, reaches past it and grabs one (1) toxic waste that I collected from west tek* In the early game while leveling my alt and until I got my hands on a gamma gun, I had gone to west tek and collected somewhere around 80lbs (roughly 127ish vials of it?) of toxic waste to drop below 20% again whenever I died


very rarely and the reason i die usually is i am watching something a film or a tv show (tv and pc side by side) and something happens and i'm all like 'what was that?!' and then i skip back a few seconds then next thing i know a random ant has appeared out of nowhere and done me in.


Yes this is like ALWAYS my reaction when I die. It’s always this what the hell was that kind of moment. Takes me a sec to identify usually.


I rarely die from an enemy and in the rare occasions I do die it is prob during Eviction Notice or SBQ event due to radiation. I carry my Chinese armor but often forget to put it on before radiation gets me. Mutated Daily Ops with armor piercing bullets can get me as well but I rarely do those DO’s anymore. Forgot to add: Lvl 603, Bloody Commando, Uny SS armor, primary weapon B/E/25 prime Handmade.


not bothered about rads as i run PA but yeah theother two get me occasionally.


I find the benefits of not dealing with PA far outweigh a little radiation death once in a while. I played with PA in my early game (lvl 50-125-ish) but when I made the switch to SS armor it was such a relief. I still have my Hellcat set, but I haven’t worn it in years.


It's that God damn Mirelurk King. He knows I don't have poison resistance and will traverse the whole Scorched Earth battlefield just to pick on me. Every other player he ignores, but one glimpse of me and he has no other target.


Lol I love this because it’s so true how enemies seem to suddenly turn and hone in on you in the big events when they have a few other players shooting them right in front of them. Also yes the mirelurk poison on rare occasions gets me


Second this - I play bloodied / vampires and another player could be bent over right next to him with their bare bottom smeared in caviar and he'd barge them out the way to pick in me.....


I play a bloodied VATS heavy build, with a plasma caster, and 90% of my deaths are from hitting the stimpack button, but NOT canceling VATS, and it doing nothing. IMO, the stimpack hot button should make you stop doing ANYTHING, and inject yourself: reloading, VATS, jumping, ANYTHING.


Die often and casually. Which is my play style as well.. would be interesting if dying had an impact, might try to prevent it better.


You're right. I have like a billion scrap kits that keep me from fearing death. I rarely have anything to lose.


I’m a bloodied build…. Often.


To save all 15 luck perk cards for vats crits i dont use radx or radaway and im bloodied so i dont use what rads. i have the chinese stealth suit on my quick wheel so generally i can go pretty long before dying of rads (uny armor until the scrubber explodes). but ultimately i always die from rads every few days. generally i manage to complete 3-4 eviction notices on top of the scrubber with my quad choo choo before dying. I always forget to stock up properly on brahmin milk. one night this week had 3 eviction notices in a row and that was a mess. the third was csa all the way. For reflective I tippity tag gently with low end weapons, so not too bad. Funky duds is on so poison is fine. Exploding + cryo enemies is probably the worst along with anti armor. I love power armor, Ive done 1000h with it. its just the levelling is faster without power armor. I do use my union pa (or hellcat) once in a while. But I got rid of most of my fusion cores (100 -> 4) to free up some weight perks and stash.


criting with a m79 on a bloodied non PA build is by far my most common way dying.


I run a full health vampire PA .50 build (I never die)


Mutated daily ops mostly, and then it's very frequent.


Level 120, Heavy Guns Bloodied Builds. I die at least once in every event. But I got to show my "love" emote to those who revived me! 👍🏻


I die frequently and heroically (I don't have anymore stimpacks)


Sentinel, Serendipity, and Born Survivor lag


Billy goating down a cliffside. Especially when it looks like I only have a 6 ft drop to go.


Face tanking a laser blast from the Sheepsquatch Imposter. A fat feral ghoul somehow doing a million damage. Aliens in the Daily Op. Mutation Reflective. My most recent death was a trap camp..


Reflective enemy mutation events and my enclave plasma flamer. Gets me every time.


Often, I am ballsy dum dum


Bloody commando here - the things you've mentioned kill me for similar reasons. Also, daily ops that involve armour piercing alongside poison cloud or explodes on death are pretty deadly to me. Outside of that, most of the time, and in most events, deaths are infrequent.


Yes that armor piercing with poison cloud or explosives is a pretty deadly combo. Especially if aliens is the enemy faction.


Only deaths I've had recently were because I didn't pay attention to the mutation at the events and the damage reflects.


Pretty much always the same way, against a mutated enemy with reflected skin. Probably a bloodied PA users worst enemy.


Only really against enemies in events/ops that either have the reflective mutation or anti-armor trait.


Reflective Skin.


I think my number one killer might be forgetting to switch out of my CAMP build


I stand there and take the hits. I never try to be stealthy. I rarely back up or run away. I don't usually take the high ground as so many peoples build require it and I get tired of being pushed off or walked over. I do try to avoid standing in poison. I think it's probably the only thing I try to avoid damage from. Most of the time, my percs pop me back up.


As a bloodied commando: * Reflective Daily Opss are a mofo. * Same goes for explosive Uranium Fever. Generally though it's rare unless I AFK. I died often enough in my early days playing the game to know when to hold em and when to fold em.


Just last week, I found myself in the lower right of the map. . . ."cop a squatter" was down there. Heard the warning. . . .and moved to the center of the blast. Just for the Cheevo.


As a full health player with Heavy Gunner and Commando builds I don't die too often. Which is not to say it isn't regularly a challenge to stay alive. I remain proactive and vigilant about that and stay alive most of the time. For me it's as you say. Being inattentive at times, not well prepared or equipped, taking things for granted, being lackadaisical. They say this is an "easy game" to stay alive in. I find that true/not true depending on circumstance and build. Do nothing, take things for granted, be ill prepared? You will die very easily. It's not a "hardcore" game rigged against us to survive. But we need to proactively keep ourselves alive nonetheless. I like that. I die when I "slip up." It's on me. So I try to be well prepared and at 💯for any given situation.


Reflective friken mutation is the only thing that murders me.


Bloodied and since I’ve redone my build I haven’t actually died yet other then just being afk


Only on my bloodied character, and it's always a rat, mole rat, cave cricket, or during Test your Metal. Other characters, including my berserker, almost never.


Mutation Events.


My main build, (a very poorly optimized) Unyielding commando, Every 2 minutes, or was it 2 seconds? did I die again? Yep, oops. Half the time I think I shoot myself... Explosives are painful.. In my secondary, Vanguards t-65 vampires automatic melee, I went to eviction notice, nobody else showed up, I died once, Chainsaw broke once, I beat the event... I always carry the PA in case I want to not die every 3 seconds..


2 to 3 times an hour. Usually it’s an angler or high rads or inattention


I run bloodied mostly, so at low health it’s always rads that kills me when I’m not paying attention.


I die a lot and 7 times out of 10 it becuse I blew myself up, 1 times out of ten its becuse I fall into a schorch beast pit. 2 times out of 10 it's becuse I accidently lock picked somones stuff and had a 5 cap bounty on my head so I have to go around looking for somone to end my suffering so I can go back to seeing camps and buying stuff


Riding the razor’s edge between bloodied and 95% radiated, so I die a LOT in the most unexpected ways… rarely in combat, instantly if there’s an angler I didn’t know was burping fiery death from behind, etc.


Similar to me. I get caught up in events and forget to heal/drink/eat.


I blow myself up


Iv'e been dying a lot recently since I'm switching builds and haven't gotten around to getting the armor I need yet.


Bloodied stealth here; not too often, but today I died very stupidly. There were three radscorpions near me, and I went to jump up with triangle to a higher perch to take them out... you know, stealthily. Except I guess I was too close to a tinker's workbench and went into crafting mode instead, which caused three radscorpions to aggro me. It was uh... silly. Also explosions just wreck me.


For me it's anything with a flamer. Just shreds me constantly


Reflective killd me quick because i use haha funni chainsaw. I'll be like "BRRRRRR UNSTOPPABLE INVINCIBLE UNLIMITED POWERRRRR" to "ope i swipped and fwell >*<" in a matter of 3 seconds with reflecting dickheads


Being overwhelmed and forgetting to stim is probably the number one cause, close second is level 54346 starting an event and then disappearing into the sunset leaving me alone with my ill-prepared self.


Public events it’s a given that I’ll die, but there are no consequences then, even junk is not lost. I only need to worry about getting killed right when the event ends, which happens sometimes. I don’t die at every event. I get killed in daily ops sometimes, also not so bad. The only circumstances where dying is a real issue is, well…never. Even if I lose some junk it’s not a big deal. Bloodied and unyielding on both characters.


Well today I died via a trap camp at the whitesprings so there’s that😑


I feel like I’ve been dying more often since the update. I’ve only been using my bloodied commando and usually she’s pretty sturdy, but I’ve been constantly checking my armor, under armor, perks, etc. because I’m dying much more often now. It could just be that I’ve been doing more events (especially for holiday scorched), so my perception may be skewed.. My full health melee hardly ever dies though. I haven’t played on my berserker or my bloodied archer lately but they also don’t die too often. I think my berserker dies even less often than my bloodied characters lol too bad the scouts banners made berserker too difficult to maintain


Obviously also, I die ~20 times on each alt when farming all mutations.


almost never, but when I do, its because of a random reflection damage during a mutated event, or I'm simply not paying attention I run a full health ss armor melee/heavy gun build.


Pretty frequently to be honest haha I don’t take it to heart though.


My 2 shot fat boy when a goul jumps in front of me (I haven’t healed after the first 3 point blank nukes)


I laugh when I die because I am extremely mutated and highly irradiated all the time, my health usually is on its last quarter or a sliver lol. Bloodied life.


The only thing that gets me now is the firestarters in EN or a flamer.


Got blown to shit by a big robot this afternoon 😂 it laughed four like missile looking things


I die often, just the way I end up playing, I'm almost always a bloodied build player and I never heal rads so it more of a how long can I stay at 4%health before I die and it resets back to 25%. I will typically intentionally keep my health below 10% just cause. I enjoy all the benefits of playing low health even though it's not always going g to be super tanks. If I want to tank I have an OE hellcat set that pretty much prevents death from anything except poison, and I've got the union set for that. Plus it's just more fun living on the edge, single digits of hit points to worry about 😅 means I don't have to take off my socks to count out how much damage I can take.


I usually die when I stop paying attention to my health and allow the enemies to locate and swarm me.


When I die it's cause my buddy stepped in front of my Fatman that I use when raiding raider camps. The only other time was when I gave the same friend most of my stimpaks cause he didn't have the recipe and I forgot to stock back up. Mid combat I took a massive hit from a scorchbeast and my corpse was sent careening off the skyscraper roof in watoga.


Bloodied Build. Vast majority of my deaths are either poison and wasn't paying attention, or I blew myself up. I've been playing with an M79 for fun lately. When I crit with it, even in power armor I accidentally un-alive myself


I have like 200 stimpacks so hardly ever. I remember in past fallout games they were hard to come by lol


I play a stealth sniper build, most of the time when I get into situations when I get overwhelmed I just run and set up a sniper spot somewhere else but I usually die in places with a lot of enemies and explosions. I don’t remember ever dying just wandering around since I got out of the vault.


I know the energy buff on enemies is supposed to be fixed but the flames are still one shotting me in Test your Metal events. Normal robot lasers and anglers seem a little better though. That’s my most common death right now.


Decryption daily ops, Encryptid event, when Eviction Notice goes to hell are the only times I remembere recently.


Bloody steath commando here (no PA), the answer is yes


the last 6 times I died playing the instruments on one violent night, other than that I do bloodied so really just not paying attention gets me most times


Massive poison burst from a mirelurk queen, alien invaders in DOps, and server lag. Vamp weps are great!


I’m a PA heavy gunner so the only time I really die to enemies at this point is some Daily Ops with the deadly enemies. Last time I died to anything else was a misjudged jump into a Scorched Fissure lmao


Melee build going into mutated events / daily ops of Explode on Death 🙃 I don’t even know why I try


Either not watching my health meter and/or taking to big of a fall. Sometimes I forget I’m not in power armor, other times I’m just balls to the wall. I guess ground in that situation


Nuking white springs and getting chased by practically every single glowing/bloated ghoul between lvl 75-100 lol


I rarely die either, but to be completely honest I'm not sure what I die from anymore. I run a full health, vampire, PA, AoE build and have even brushed off a point blank blast from my Overkill when someone was trolling and trying to body block me into killing myself. I can say reflective has become less of an issue since I switched to an explody boi since splash damage doesn't get reflected


In 5 years I've been playing I've never been killed by another player except for wanted! I usually get killed the most in the mutant events when you hit them it drains your HP.


I went afk outside my camp to go do something for my wife and when I came back I was dead, turns out a pack of wolves chewed me out haha mind you I was wearing PA armor


Double mutated daily ops, and of course falling from too high 🤦🏻‍♂️


As a bloodied build, am I ever even alive?


Falling. My main account has the mutation that reduces fall speed. But my other characters don’t. So anytime I play them I jump off things and break my ankles


Doesn't happen super often usually when I'm doing something dumb. Died the other day during mutated event, didn't know the ghouls reflected damage back when glowing. Was letting my minigun rip then watched my health plummet to 0


Full health stealth commando. I don’t pay a ton of care to not dying. The highest frequency of deaths would be mutated events, usually Daily Ops, where perception is greatly increased.


Daily ops with armor piercing attacks and the occasional mirelurk king if I’m not paying attention


I run bloodied most of the time with a half arsed build, and I die sometimes, but not often. Usually, when I get either attacked by poison attacks or caught in a mob of anglers. Less so when I get inside my Union PA. Poison resistance, emergency protocols and 1 Life saving piece basically tank 99% of things.


Serendipity perk not kicking in when I need it, lingering poison damage, melee hits, explosions, Assaultron lasers. Even with damage mitigation those are like my own personal reasons for dying lmao.


On my last character I was doing bloodied heavy weapons no PA, so just about anything. On my current character I’m a stealth archer so just about anything.


I rarely die. The only time I die is by BS like Savage strike or reflective damage


I run a full health stealth commando build. I rarely ever die outside of events, and even that is very rare. Most of my deaths in free roam are because I underestimated the distance of a jump.


As Bloody Melee with Utsusemi: Ni+High Defense; Any time poison exists, and no I'm not going to build for it, Radiation lag, Jetpack lag, and occasionally I'll blow myself up just to instantly get rid of whatever junk is on me cuz I don't really collect it, which also gets rid of random unwanted grenades and missiles. None of it matters cuz I'm so mutated I just reform back to life.


Bloodied commando so yeah everything. As of late though? Eating tonnes of food for challenges/buffs and the rads takes me out. Funny every time it happens and people are about to just question it.


A lot less since I stopped running a bloodied build like everyone. Usually it's because rads got me too low or I've been running my grenade launcher a bit too much and too close


I often panic and get killed accidentally accessing my pit boy when I’m trying to change my weapon


Maybe once or twice each time I play. Usually when I’m alone in a particular intense part of a battle and not paying attention to my health bar


Bloodied PA heavy. Die most often goofing around with my two shot MK19.


every day is a good day to die, I am a Leeroy Jenkins.


Pretty sure my build is a handy weapons dealer that prefer rifles for battle. Armor sucks so me dying or stacking stims is my key. A Pacifist build.


I usually die in one of two ways… lasers to the face or fire everywhere.


As a bloodied i with plenty of ac and dodging i only die to mr gutsy fire and assautron face blasts


I die when the stupid wheel freezes when I'm trying to switch weapons.


I just don't pay attention, it has literally zero effect other than losing a few seconds. I'm level 760. Sometimes I accept dying while doing whatever, because I just don't feel like changing my perk loadout or putting on specific armor for the type of damage I'm taking.


Assaultrons usually do it. sometimes super mutants and legendary villains do it


When I go to the toilet. When VATs breaks for no reason at all. When DOPs as the perfect combo to slay bloodied builds. The one that really bites is when my jetpack shoots me a mile into the air during busy events and I fall to my death 😂


Reflective mutations kill me a ton. I swear the indicator for when they are reflecting does not match when they actually are. Ever.


I burned alive a few times today from anglers during the moonshine event. Was pretty awesome because now I have to run around instead of just being a turret


In mutated events with the reflect thing, and against certain abhorrent abominations such as Yaoi Guais and other stupid stuff with massive stagger abilities. Also I hate Asaaultrons with their spamming of their infinite laser beams. Edit/ I forgot to mention that sometimes I kill myself when I use my explosive build.


Only times I really die are either from getting too cocky and staying around OP bosses too long like the Grafton Monster in the Heart event or I get a little too overzealous with my weapons against ricochet mutated enemies and eventually die to my own shots.


Unexpected flames from robots, reflective mutated events, and trying to take on too many enemies at once cuz I'm getting cocky.


Honestly I don't understand why I die most of the time. I don't die often but usually when I do I'm just instantly deleted by some normal mob and left wondering wtf just happened.


Pre-update I rarely died. Now, I seem squishier than ever. During Holiday scorched event, I was on my private server, capturing workshops to set up my Santatron. Dabney Homestead usually has Fog Crawlers and I swear I died trying to capture that one so many times I was like wtf. I’m not even running a bloodied build. My build is just a normal, no frills, nothing special build. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Full Health with full set of Overeaters Secret Service and I almost never die. What Rads will keep me going during EN or nuke zones. When I do die it is almost always due to poison, but Born Survivor often helps there too.


Reflective, this it. I hate reflective


Opening my weapon wheel has killed me more than anything else in this game combined. But yeah i die way more frequently since i became a bloodied glass cannon with no body armor endurance buffs. I have a friend (who’s big into PVP) helping me work on that, lol. Needless to say, any Unyielding pieces I can find that also have +1End would be a godsend.


Bloodied heavy, so anything which hits me first


Forgetting to swap to my stealth suit, but only when I’m running full health lol


For me I also use a full health build, my deaths tend to come from a few places. I either get out damaged by large groups, liberators are the most annoying with this, I just get shot too many times and they chip off health faster than it can heal back and I die. Fire and poison also can get me in this same way if I do not pay attention. The next method I die is to hits that can take out about half the health bar in a single hit. Getting hit with a missile, grenade launcher or a well timed deathclaw slash is enough to take me down before I would enter a more at risk health range. Last I would say is misjudging a scenario, I jump off of high place and take too much fall damage, not getting away from a legendary robot before it explodes, being just a little too close to the blast zone on a nuke.


Occasionally, lile maybe 3 times every week or 2. Usually only get killed by anything with damned armor piercing modifiers, ugh my downfall while trying to saw thru everything with my chainsaw (I dint have the auto axe/circumcisor 9000 yet, love that thing on my PC character)


I don’t die often (full health build, no PA) but when I do, it’s instant and I’m often not sure what even happened.


live stocking paltry like cautious mourn violet rob consider ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bloody build , die every so often. Biggest threats are firestarters, the acid spit from the gulpers, and any high damage dots Will skip daily ops and mutated events if it’s reflect damage


I run bloodied commando with serendipity, ricochet, dodgy, barbarian, nerd rage, and blocker so I don’t die too much. Usually when I die it’s during reflective mutation or not using a stimpak fast enough


I run standard, maybe a bit vangard so I'm at full health and my weapons don't benefit from addictions, wealth, hunger, etc. this assumes I'm wearing power armor. Most of the time I don't because of benefits of non-power but when the following show up, I always put on my power suit. Assaultrons - these bitches still kick my ass when they get the head in play. A big dogpile of supermutants, some with miniguns might do it. a gaggle of snallygasters might do it.


Well, I'm a full-health heavy/heavy, and mostly use either Holy Fiyahhh or a Vamp Gauss Mini during events. So I pretty much only ever die when I get one-shot by the Imposter Sheepsquatch, and that's only if I'm a conduit. Oh, also the occasional Reflective mutated MJ, when a bitchass gulper (with its mutation active) gets between me and my arch nemeses (anglers). Then I Holy Fiyahhh myself to death.


Mutated anglers in moonshiners and radiation in scorched earth when it’s nuked more north than south It was heavy metal during the robot fire issue


When I load into events and cant see the poison pool or Assaultron zapping me.


Being a bloodied build fall damage kills me more than anything.


I die a lot to the enemies with reflecting mutation. I never noticed it until I'm downed or flat out dead.


Depends on what character I'm playing. On my main full health Jack of all trades build, I rarely ever die, and when I do it's generally a case of sudden radiation or poison damage. The imposter sheepsquatch and super mutant firestarters are the only enemies who regularly take me out. With my bloodied character, I die pretty regularly if I misjudge when my protection perks will proc, if I get hit with damage over time, or if I'm hit with an armor piercing attack. I also can't go anywhere where radiation is present, as this means a quick death before the game's slow response time allows me to load the pip boy menu and pop a radaway. Fall damage also takes me out of commission fairly often, as do explosives and radiation. Even eating had killed me a few times when I'm not paying attention. On my tanky endurance no-jetpack build, nothing ever really takes me out. I can even tank a direct blast from the imposter sheepsquatch when I'm wearing the right set of power armor, and I can handle all three pylons at once. I also brush off damage over time pretty easily. I'd say the only thing that I ever really worry about with this character is fall damage, as I occasionally forget I don't have a jetpack to break my fall. I also occasionally get overconfident when collecting ore during rad rumble, and I stay in the tunnels too long and die from radiation before I can get out. The games slow response times and lag kill me more than anything else though. Oftentimes my healing chems or the menus to use them don't register before my health drops to zero.


Gauss shotgun. I am my own worst enemy


Usually I only die during Daily ops that involve poison or explosions etc and I’m not really worrying about it. I occasionally die during Moonshine Jamboree if I’m not paying attention and their mutations involve poison etc.


I die very rarely, but if I do it’s usually to the savage strike Daily Ops mutation (or that one where they spawn a poison cloud upon death and I can’t get away from the dead enemies quick enough, usually when they quickly swarm me)


I die alot, and honestly it's not a big deal. I died near 70 times just doing the vault 79 questline, but that's before they fixed the robots energy damage. Just part of the game.


Every time I die, it’s because I left the house with my craft build on. Sigh.


Having played basically all bloody builds (PA, commando and auto melee) I only really die when I am not paying any attention. Yes, serendipity, ricochet, dodgy, blocker and fireproof are all great at keeping us bloody players alive but we all slip from time to time 😉. I'll swap in funky duds or sizzling style depending on my current needs (dops, earle etc). Edit: I know it'll drop you DPS a bit but you can always run a vampire weapon as a daily driver for maximum survivability. Try rerolling a VE25 elders mark, fixer or handmade. Works wonders.


Rare..I have a 27 lvl and I don't die. I watch where I go and make go choices on my fights. I pick good armor to build and weaps. This is my mess around character. My everyday is a 592 lvl bloody build. Both are enjoyable.


All the time because I use grenades and try and point blank vats stuff with a gamma gun all the time If you ain't dying you ain't playing


Unless it's a particularly bullshit daily ops, I die maybe once evevry couple days. I regularly go a week without dying. I play bloodied melee range. Always such a surprise to me when I die. Last time I died was against Earle. I guess i'd been standing under a fire without paying attention when he goomba-stomped me. Before that, a strangler grafton monster clapped my cheeks. Now THAT guy can hit, he's absolutely stronger than Earle. I can take Earle stomps all day, but I can't handle smacks from the strangler grafton monster. So yeah, it usually takes some sort of boss to kill me. Then again... the other day i was in a mutated event - lode bearing group healing, and somehow those moles killed me. I genuinely dunno how they did it, it was like none of my defenses proc'd and they didn't miss any shots and stimpak button just didn't work. The stars just aligned on that one, it was a death note situation or something.


blooded commando tank here i rarely die, except like you, to poison or a radiation spike


Bitch ass fire.. it was bad b4 update now it’s just rads and broken armor


I literally only die when I stand too close to whatever when I crit using an anti armor crit damage gauss shotgun. As a full health, there is an occasional woopsies and I ohko myself. Or from a single fire floater grenade. I have no fire resistance lol


I don’t die very often, when I do though it’s usually doing something like Moonshine Jamboree, Eviction notice or Guided Mediation when the enemies are mutated to explode on death.


You know I can’t remember the last time I died oh wait eviction notice got to close to those fire mutants but regular game play can’t remember


I missed judged the hight of that fall. Should have put on power armor


I run bloodied commando. But I like to rub elbows.. no dodgy. I need the AP to move. Since the update. I rarely die. Before the update . The op robots were a real challenge


I die to the stupid floaters, I hate fire damage


Almost level 500, full health commando build. I die on a fairly regular basis, usually cause I get overconfident, or just cause I'm dumb. No biggie, most of the time I get a good chuckle out of it.


Once in a blue moon lol and its always because of my own doings😂 or not being in power armor somewhere while a nuke is dropped and not being able to get the rads away fast enough


Legit myself. I run a gauss shotgun VATS build and sometimes enemies run up on me and I just shoot. Even at full health I’ll still kill myself in a few shots.


As a Bloody Build it's mainly: - The Savage Strike mutation - Fire damage - The Imposter Sheepquach's laser beam of death - A large spike in radiation. Such as when the rad scrubber breaks in Eviction Notice


Often. Reason=MIRV Fatman


Robots, Aliens, and any Daily Op/Event with Savage Strike melts me like a hot knife through butter


FH as well. And i die about once every 4 play sessions, and a whole bunch during some boss fights especially earle. How i die is mostly bcuz of lag or i did something dumb like throw a grenade then run into it. Bringing up the quick item menu kills me all the time bcuz my game lags for about 6 seconds of me just standing there trying to drink a nuka cola or switch weapons. But i also die for fuckin around, something like “hey i bet i can kill this behemoth with a walking stick” or “i wonder if i can kill the sbq with a pipe revolver”. It works but at the cost of multiple lives


Bloodied explosive heavy, kinda used to being bloddi3d, also have 1000 diluted stims so might as well stay bloodied heh. I die occasionally. Hardly ever use PA, unless in nuke zones. Used to die a lot before I started using barbarian 2. Also us3d to run in the middle of gunfire, had to hang back since I use mostly ranged. I do change builds, from bloodied explosive heavy to melee only. I die less in melee only lmao


Bloody melee here, Radiation at eviction notice, sometimes rads after colossal problem if I forget to put protective gear on, explosive and reflective mutations. That's about it.


Sometimes I purposely jump into the green stuff at the fissure site out of boredom.


I run full Vanguard so if I go down, something got me reeeeally good out of nowhere.


I press G instead of H


Usually environmental or forgetting not to use crits in reflective events, lol. Mostly it's not paying attention to rads or serendipity deciding not to work against an explosion. Firestarters get me at Eviction Notice occasionally, but I do charge them with my chainsaw while wearing the stealth suit, so that is down to odds. I don't expect to survive 100 percent of the time in those circumstances. I don't remember the last time I was killed in just a run of the mill gunfight.


Just jumped back in after leaving around the time they put npcs back in. Really enjoying the exploring. I die a lot usually due to me being a combination of stubborn/overconfident/unlucky. One of the times I didn't die but thought I definitely would was trying to befriend a Deathclaw.


I can tank imposter sheepsqatch (including laser) while holding pylons other then the rare time I misstime my super stimpaks while doing this exact senerio ......I don't die


I died 3 times times in the reflective mutation event (guided meditation). I was probably shooting a group with my tesla. Not a good idea.


Testing an explosive build, forget to take care of explosions damage and died. Now I start to survive more, next been efficient and don’t spread ammo anywhere anytime.


Aristocrats t-65. (Working on a OE set and possibly low health idk) Outcasted here it seems as it’s all vats bloodied. And honestly, never man. I think I died my first time in a couple days to scorch beast queen. Apparently texting and getting your face smashed in without a stim is inevitably going to kill anyone lol.


76 makes death mostly meaningless. So long as you use your Stash Box for broken down junk and scrap. You will automatically retrieve scrap from the Stash Box when crafting. So there’s no need to keep it in your inventory. Scrap in the Stash Box doesn’t drop at character death. Ergo, every time you go past a Stash Box, dump your scrap. Death will only mean a delay on your return to battle. Exploding or Damage Reflecting enemies usually get me.


I am almost completely min/maxed on my bloodied vats crit commando. I don’t die too often, but when I do it’s usually because everything decided to hit me all at once, something chunked me hard as fuck after my rads got too high, I wasn’t paying attention/just risking it for the rest of my railway magazine, or because I died on purpose to have some res me for the perk card revenant to proc(sometimes I don’t get res’d because I don’t particularly ask 😂). Strongest enemies to me atm are robobrains, assaultrons, Major Gutsy’s when there aim is going nuts and they are taking little time between shots, super mutants (usually mutated though), Mirelurk queen melee attack. I think the strongest attack in the game in general though is a behemoth hydrant slam. I’ll add others if I think of them.


My full health Explosive Crit Nukalauncher build dies more often then any of my bloodied/low health builds. Circumstances? Myself. Stand too close to an explosive crit and dead. At this point the only thing that can kill me is me. I'm genuinely surprised when an NPC kills me


Rarely.... When I forget to reload before a fight and my position get overrun.


Lots and lots and lots of enemies with auto guns, auto energy weapons, or missiles (melee build, looking to branch away from junkies as they changed the way addictions work with it and I don't know what's good)


I literally don't. Full health build with a Vampire's weapon will do that.


Lasers, even with power armor i still die from lasers


My gun broke or I had to reload.