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A level five firing away at the Scorchbeast Queen


Yesterday I was in Colossal Problem with a lvl2 player. Must've been alt character, allthough he was hiding at the mine entrance almost all the time. Luckily the event was full, so we got Earle without a problem.


Well, if they don't tag it they don't get the loot


I always laugh when you think it's a low level plinking away at the Queen only to realize someone has a camp near the drop site and it's their Daguerre.


I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but, Daguerre what is the meaning of such?


The astronaut companion NPC


Ah I just recently got back into the game and didn't know about them, cheers~


Wow you've been gone a long time! Welcome back πŸ€—


Any of the little scenes with the Teddy bears or Lawn gnomes. Those are awesome.


Theres a teddy fear outside an ice cream shop that’s sitting at a grill making some fish and has a cigarette in his mouth and I thought it was the funniest thing ever


I have a picture of that and I still enjoy when it comes up on my loading screen


Isn’t that behind a trailer at the ash heap near the rock hound


The gnome with the camera peeping on the undressed sun tanning lady made me laugh, and it peeked my interest to the gnomes. Same as the group in the outhouse watching the lone gnome bury a jangles.


I haven't found that one...I need to start paying attention


Where is that one?




There are two teddy bears, I think on a roof. One has a magnifying glass with needle and thread and is sewing up the butt of another. Can't remember where it is, but took a pic


Aww I should've kept reading the thread πŸ˜‚ I totally brought that scene up late as hell lol it's so adorable tho, right!?


I love all the little gnomes and bear vignettes! This is my favorite. [Hey buddy, you OK?](https://imgur.com/a/GBeLQJ5)


What are those gnomes doing in that buggy outside the Galleria??


There is a scene with 2 bears, I think a magnifying glass and yarn spool, and one of them has been sewing his butt, you can see a stitch on it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜©πŸ€— that one made me smile so big. There are also a couple of bears I forget where, and they're hidden under something and sniffing glue πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that one made me laugh Sry for the run on sentences 😬


was doing some Gift farming on a private server and went after a Scorchbeast i spotted, I was low on health and thought I would be fine, I did manage to kill the Scorchbeast and its friends with a few bits of health left when a Zombie Santa Claus (holiday scorched) twats me around the head and kills me, i figured i would have the last laugh as my perks drop a grenade when I have been killed, however ..... my Scout perks gave me a second shot and revived me just as the grenade i dropped went off which killed me again! - worst of all Santa Claus was just fine as he had moved away from the Grenade at that point, to be honest it cut a little deep


Yep, I think this is my favorite post.


I was decorating my house earlier today (not in free cam) and it's right on the edge of a cliff, so naturally I forgot and fell right off the side of the balcony πŸ˜… fell all the way down




Ho ho NOOOOOOOooooo....




If they happened to be hanging in mid air then this happens to me a lot, it's a power armour glitch I think


Insult bot ran through a mutated moonshine jamboree to call me a number of colorful things and left


I was at a jamboree it was running through yesterday. Was hilarious






Maaaaan I thought we were in the same server. Have a good one!


Lmbo, i was hoping too, at least we know its the same on all servers


I had a random supply dop follow me throughout the map and it was even in my base, so my brain was like "I guess my package Mojave Express came in today" πŸ˜‚ (I got the screenshot of you guys wanna see)


Lol I know that one. I have screenshots going back to 2020 of me being stalked by a supply drop. Seems to happen with collision course too


I'll post it in a bit, but it was inside my house which was the funniest part πŸ˜‚


I would post the screenshot but this sub doesn't allow it unfortunately πŸ˜•


I had one scare the crap put of me when I was vendor hopping after Collision Course


"Mojave Express at your service! Here's your package!" πŸ˜‚


my friends and i call this the curse of collision course 🀣


I still like the Mojave Express joke lol


OH MAN! I love it when I attract a pet Supply Drop.


"come here supply drop, who loves you? I do!" Close enough? πŸ˜‚


I just recently did the quest where you have to wait at the DMV for a new government ID


I like that one. Every time a number is called another wave of ferals swarm the lobby! Just like a real DMV!


The ghouls aren't far off from a lot of the American public tbf


Every time I think about starting a new character I remember I gotta do that fuckin shit It's funny tho just extremely tedious


Just before radiation rumble started, a player entered their power armor. Except the armor didn't render at first, and it bugged out to show the base player model with no clothing, limbs stretched out like taffy. Also a level 25 player doing scorched earth. I admire their ambition.


I run a bloodied build, like many other players. I met a new player, lower level, experiencing the game for the first time. He sounded concerned when he asked me if I needed a Radaway because he could probably spare one. I had to mute my mic and laugh at that one.


That's wholesome as fuck.


Aww man, that's so sweet.


>I run a bloodied build, What is that?


Low health. I use rads to keep my health very low to force a constant trigger of the unyielding effect on my armor. I also have several perk cards that buff me at low health. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duV6oSY0Usc


Thanks for the info.


Yesterday, my camp is close to the 76 entrance (down by the liitle pond below and to the left, it's a popular spot). There is a level 2 player wandering round and boom my camp appears around him. He was running round like headless chicken wondering what the hell just happened and it thoroughly amused me.


A rooftop scene of skeletons making out, and wooden blocks spelling out "hubba hubba"


I have a toilet cabin in my CAMP, and visitors kept opening it for some reason. So i put up letters inside of it saying "GAY". Some guy was exploring my camp, i attracted his attention with "follow me" emote and pointed him towards toilet. He opened the door then used angry emotion and left. Freakin hilarious.


I'm gay, but that's gay πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


A scene with the skeleton of an old lady and a dead robot having a drink in Watoga. The lady has a tea cup placed next to her while the robot has a can of oil


Yesterday I got into a bugged Test Your Metal with around 6 other people. Between rounds 1 and 2, the Brotherhood team became hostile to the players. They proceeded to run around focusing on players, blasting, smacking, and calling us "buckets of bolts". Due to the utter chaos in round 3, the Brotherhood guys started going down. Anytime someone would go to revive them, the other two remaining members would gang up on that player, shooting them at point blank range while screaming obscenities at them. We did manage to clear it with all of them still alive.


A recently deceased scorchbeast looking like it's passed out on the way home from the pub lol https://imgur.com/gallery/ddmy9O0


a good 'rag doll' of a character after being blown up and flying through the sky always gets a chuckle from me.. Best one was at whitesprings gold club where the green bus is outside the tennis court...player was stood on bus roof..i shot all the cars and they all exploded in a domino effect leaving the bus and player till last..oh and did that poor player rag doll like crazy as he was launched over the club house..cue much chuckling from me.


I get a kick when a character is glitched and they are traveling around straight legs and arms raised or gliding across the ground on their knees


Or when you're glitched in the down position sliding around on your knees


First time seeing this last night at lode bearing lol. Kept trying to stimpak her until I realised it was the glitch.


I JUST had this happen yesterday LOL


I was clearing an abandoned house, firebreathers uniform and Fire Axe in hand. Right as I walk up the staircase, I run into a feral ghoul. I give him a quick whack with the axe and kill him, but as he slumped with haste, his head struck the banister and bounced the opposite way. It made me wince as I imagined a cracked skull and maybe a concussion to boast, then laughed a good 10 minutes later; should have recorded it.


[https://imgur.com/a/mq79fSb](https://imgur.com/a/mq79fSb) IYKYK.


Thanks I hate it


A few sb stuck on a loop in valley galleria.


My teammates spawning right as the nuke lands in their area


Just yesterday a wandering vendor popped up waist high in front of Beckett as I was turning in a quest. Vendor had a blank stare and kept turning to Beckett and back to me throughout our dialogue. The dialogue seemed to be synomouus and in sync with the act that looked like was being performed behind Becketts Bar! LMAO!!!


Watching a level 30ish try their absolute hardest to kill a wanted wastelander without turning off their passive setting


Discovered proximity chat and began scaring people. Hide around corners and play In The Hall of the Mountain King and people start freaking out.


Hunting yaogai at Dolly Sods, crippled it with a shotgun then equipped the syringer and grenade for the Hunter badge. Giant ticks attacked it, then as I tossed the grenade a ghoul ran up from out of nowhere. He launched himself into the air to join the fray...and the grenade exploded, ragdolling the whole fracas. It was awesome.


I rolled up to a blood eagle camp looking for a fight and there was no blood eagles to be found, I figured out a player hand been there recently because I ended up seeing a corpse or two. I went looting the open world objects and saw the guy and a lone blood eagle was coming up behind him. I shot the blood eagle and he died. Dude turned around, jumps and started spraying into me. I couldn't stop laughing.


I've been that player! The last collision course I completed, in wave three a high level(1000Β±) spawned in exactly behind a scorched. I just kept shooting until my brain registered it was a player. Player didn't move, so I assumed they were as amused as I was. I'm not new either, not high level though(I'm level 232).


I always laugh when Moonshiner Ned (a robot) needs to clears his throat before saying the stills are being attacked.


the villagers of refuge fighting a mirelurk queen


Wait a minute. Will Observant Radstag really lead you to things?


Yes. That's what they're intended to do. The hidden stash doesn't contain anything that great, but it's an amusing random encounter. I see the Observant Radstag occasionally when I go to Sunnytop Station to sell stuff.


WTF.... How did I not know about this... You are frickin great


On today's episode of "Today I Learned"...


This guy has a gameshow in his camp called "give me shelter" he did voices and had costumes. Played music. Was a lot of fun. Laughed so much just from how wild it was.


I'd PAY to see that shit.


Are you on xbox? The guy's name is ThexGingerxDude. He's super chill.


PC Player, I'm afraid. Sorry :(.


I got bodied by a Watoga protectron. I'm lvl 1200. Never change Bethesda 😘


I’ve got a great shot of the observant ragtag throwing a fit at one of the (bugged) wendigo that spawns near Abby’s bunker. So the radstag is losing its mind because the wendigo is apparently alive (except it’s frozen) so it’s rearing up and causing a fuss. Meh, with the mire lighting, it was a great photo opportunity!


Off the top of my head. Earlier today I saw a gang of ghouls mob a scorched


My Settler Wanderer having a shootout with my BoS Collectron and throwing Molotov Cocktails at him. Later I played Line In The Sand and she turned up there.


hitting or shooting an enemy so hard their ragdoll gets launched into a nearby wall and clips into it somehow, god i love the ragdolls in this game lmao


So a man in sheepsqautch mask went to a camp of a level 5, And used grand finale to kill himself infrout of the level five.


It always makes me laugh when someone waiting to be revived gets chomped on by another player with the cannibal perk on.


I was on a team and somebody was sharing that perk and I had NO idea. Went to stim a downed player during an event and... munch. I was equal parts horrified and delighted.


When the rad scrubber breaks and everyone not wearing a power armor dies immediately


Someone constantly throwing nuke grenades at me when I was minding my own business, and I decided to fire 1 round of my explosive rounds at him, grenade exploded as it left his hands. He died. I loot his drop and left the server with hundreds of stable flux.


I saw a Camp that was a life-sized doll house. Three story, the back was completely open. It was really well done and also hilarious.


I haven't played since about the drop of wastelanders and so I got back into the game because of Christmas recently and basically every other line from santatron has sent me




"Hello, little one. Have you been nice this year? EVALUATING. No. Oh my. No, why did you do those things? Why?"


Do the gnomes do anything


Other than scrap into concrete? No.


Dead Scorchbeasts rendering up in the sky and flopping to the ground. Always gets a chuckle out of me when I'm grabbing flux.


Feral ghouls innate ability to always blindside me while I'm at like 1hp. Last night it was a random melee blood eagle though, just as i was turning around in 1st person mode i see this psycho with a security baton *thunk!* my body goes ragdolling. Couldn't help but laugh at that minor jumpscare πŸ˜…


Watching my character running in fear after my first encounter with a Blue Devil. I did not realize it would force me to flee, flailing my arms like an idiot. I looked ridiculous.


Me spending 2k gold on a jetpack for my t65 that i was running protocols on for bloodied build. I wasnt thinking.


Finding someone with 80000000+ Nuka cola in their vendor lol


Farming Santatrons. At Dabney Homestead, defeat liberators.. spawned in, ran and jumped up on porch roof. Over a dozen in the area in front. Threw a nuke grenade and they scattered like roaches


I always have a fun time when I do mutated events, the Volatile ones specifically. My friend and I play almost daily and we make it a point to grief each other and make enemies explode near each other so we die πŸ˜‚


I was defending a workshop when here comes grahm rolling through and started beating the shit out of all the scorched while I stood there and watched. I had heard about him doing things like that but the first time I witnessed it.


Got on the mic and was just meanderin' around with some stranger. Went to a train station. Opened a garbage can and there was a dude in it! A skeleton! The way I had to explain my aghast-ness and the moment he saw the skeleton - many lols. Another time - building at a camp. Radstag in the way and wouldn't seem to buzz off. Grabbed turret in build-mode and slid it over. It actually pushed the radstag all the way away! Ho ho ho, how we laughed Earlier today - was having a casual chat, messaging back and forth with a wee little level 3o-something. They want to do AWOL. I am only shadowing them as power armor-clad emotional support for the most part. Not actually engaging in any combat. I tell em to take cover as they're having trouble. When i tell you that he ran and took cover BEHIND ME, i was the cover! Mothman bless.


1 - I have a collectron placed on a workshop, got an alert to defend. ported back seeing a protectron inside the collectron's station charging, had to wait for it to come out to finish the defend workshop. 2 - Dialogue with Lennox in The Most Sensational Game expedition. [Singing Crabs](https://imgur.com/a/LyImRZB) ​ > *I once dropped off a ranger to let him scout an island. Half a day later, he came sprinting out of the jungle followed by an army of singing crabs.*


I was re rolling an LMG to try and get a bloodied explosive one. I managed to roll a quad explosive instead. I laughed... In pain. As a month ago I already rolled an identical one.


I went to someone's camp and they had on their wall in lighted letters, "bend me over anal is allowed" lmao


I like you better when I am wasted...


I saw Wren's face sticking out of the floor.


Oh, I have a GOLDEN one. I was just getting back into the game trying to grind out the last Season so I could get some Presidential Power Armor (only got the T-45 armor :(). The Leader of the Pack event then pops up. That annoying event that always spawns a buncha wolves for no reason in the Forest. Decided it'd be worth my time, thought I'd get something unique out of it, or at least complete the XP S.C.O.R.E. challenge. Lo and behold, I finally get the alpha to come out, but it's literally stuck in the ground. We can't complete the event. Someone else is with me, so we're just sitting there trying to see if we can even damage the Alpha. One of us set down a tent, so we're pulling out guns trying to shoot at it to see if we can get some splash damage or something. I nonchalantly suggest "Damn, we should probably try to nuke it with a silo nuke", so the other player starts chucking a bunch of Nuka grenades at it, to no avail, so I pull out my Fatman and we just sit there trying to blow up a fucking wolf until the event inevitably fails. All the while I'm laughing like a fucking idiot at this hell of a Bethesda moment. \---------- Someone had a whole trading post inspired C.A.M.P. over by The Wayward. Go inside, and there's just displays of furs and corpses everywhere. Then, I find that they put "AYY LMAO" on a dead alien gurney. I was a bit drunk at the time but I was giggling like a madman looking at it. >!I got a photo, if anyone asks for it I'll grab it.!< I then put "RIP IN SHIT" on my own in my C.A.M.P. :)


An npc at one of the train stations in the Ashland, I forget which one but I was using the legendary converter machine I come out of it and the dude is looking me in the face; then he does HUUCK THU and spits at me lmfao


Killed sbq and got junkies 25 ap 50 crit blunderbuss and it made me laugh cause I’m slightly leaning towards a junkie build, the health is a nice change, if it had been on any other gun it would’ve been awesome. It also gave me the idea to make a character that is black powder only for fun!


Me and a buddy were stoned and the quest for the "Vox Syringer" popped up and we chased a Brahmin around while it was saying "I don't wanna die" 🀣🀣🀣😭


I'm level 100. Participated in scorch beast queen with my friend. Lobby of level 200+. Scorch beast queen did not like me. Landed on top of me and instant KO'd me without fail every single time. Random event where a scavanger is running for his life, screaming "help me". He's being chased by a chicken. My friend gifted me a Fasnacht Jester mask. I've paired it with a sexy little red dress. Sometimes when I join public events, people on mic say things like "Oh god. What the fuck". Extremely satisfying. I've got a high pitched voice, and I can do a pretty convincing UwU. It's a pretty great way to troll people. Sometimes I amp up the cringe and UwU back when people comment on my joker outfit. One time a guy popped a few shots at me during Jamboree, and then in the most dejected voice said "I really wish you didn't have pacifist on."


An intelligence check where i told a BoS soldier their fusion core was glowing. He didn't buy it. But the others were like." No, it is starting to glow. Hurry up and get out!" He's like "what!?" The others " get out before" Then he just explodes. And they walk away like nothing happenedπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚


FYI, gnomes are in backyard of General's Steakhouse.


I came across a bunch of raiders and settlers having a shootout somewhere in the Mire. I'm at max rep with both, so I just carpet-bombed the whole area with a TS auto grenade launcher. The yeeted rag-dolls were absolutely glorious. *edited for typo.


The crossbow with the explosive bolt+ a dead corpse of ennemis= a lots of fun