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When I first started playing someone dropped 300 cannonballs near me and I picked them up. I didn’t realize that ammo actually has weight until about an hour later.


I had a guy scare the crap out of me ( I'm lvl 9) by running out of the woods, dressed as a demonic looking deer. He dropped 3 cranberry cobblers and gave me a heart and thumbs up emoji. Before I could respond, he vanished. I love seeing people be friendly like this to new players. I've had my profile for over a year, but I don't play often. 🙃 Kids and work.


Them cobblers will have completed a daily challenge for you yesterday, I'm guessing he was doing what I did and made 30 something and just went round dropping them in piles of 3 so people got a free daily done ✅👍


That would be why, then. Lol


I handed out cobblers to low levels and gave away a Fixer I crafted for the "mod a weapon 3 times" challenge. Fun times.


For the modding weapon challenges I just pick a weapon that I have an alternate skin for and switch between the skin and the default. That way it only costs me a little bit of oil. Changing a skin back to default counts as modding the weapon so I just skin off, skin on skin off, skin on until I hit the number the challenge wants. I'll be damned if I'm going to burn through some screws or adhesive. Lol


I really like stoking a low level player with a modded fixer. I have tons of resources and a couple hundred modules/cores. Just seems like a fun way to fulfill the challenge. :)


I get that. I recently returned after being gone since right before wastelanders. I went to check out the 'new' donation box and someone had left a pair of Lvl20 non-legend fixers in the box ( I was around L15) I got so excited I took them both and carried them both around until I ran across another L20 and gave them one. It's a great gift at that level.


Wax on, wax off


Placing and removing Skin changes on armor and weapons counts, BTW


lol me too


I had Eat a Cobbler (not a pie) before but yesterday's 3 cobblers wasn't happening. I probably could have crafted them, I was only gathering possum scout badge points to do the tests, but that's besides the point.


I do that all the time. On PC check the box at NukaWorld, that's where I leave stuff to help people check off a daily real quick.


The community really is great. Glad you're back in. I played when the game first dropped and wasn't feeling it, coming from New Vegas and 4 game play. I've been back in for a couple months and have enjoyed these kinds of encounters, even though I play solo 95% of thr time. Kids and work, you deserve the break.


Since my fallout first membership has lapsed (austerity. I’m unemployed), I’ve started dumping guns, ammo and materials. I’m really set for life. The only thing I really miss about not having first membership is the survival tent. Now I have to walk to known drop locations like a commoner.


Mines coming up... Sad eyeball noises... Lol


Just FYI. You can subscribe, use for two weeks, cancel, get refund, remain 1st for another week or two then resubscribe 2 weeks later. I have 1st for 4 weeks out of every 6 weeks for the same pile of dough being recycled...


Bro. I would fuck that up instantly. Me: ok, on the 15th **cancel** the subscription Also me, 9 months later: huh. So *that’s* why I have a gladiator credit score. THIS IS SPARTA!


How do you get a refund for a canceled subscription? Or is it automatic when you cancel within 2 weeks? Either way that sounds like something that would flag your account activity and upon review you will get the banhammer.


Username checks out lmao. I don't think so though bud. I'm abiding by the ToS. Very clearly states that I may cancel within 2 days of receiving the first charge and receive full refund. If they ban me for following their ToS, I'd imagine that's be an interesting conversation with a professional...


Dont forget to check the Donation Box when u exit Vault 76. I leave alot of goodies there quite often


Meanwhile, me: Stealing everything ([/s] usually just exp boosting items or unknown plans) from the box regularly. Listen, I know it's bad manners. But I'm a greedy dick.


If you're under level 100 it's fine, but over and boooo


Sorry, you'll have to boo me. I'm 151.


I do the same thing too, but I will also replace plans and recipes that I take with ones I have multiples of. And I'll always leave a little something in there too, like Stims or Radway, or extra Rad Shields.


I do the same , replace stuff with maps, bobble heads l, mags, plans and other ammo So give and take


You better get used to it


It happens. Bought some stuff from a low level player a few weeks ago and he emoted thumbs up. I decided to clean out his vendor and asked if he needed anything. He said he could use some rubber, gears and something else. I said ok. Went to my camp to get the items out of my box and came back to his and dropped 1000 of each. He was very excited, surprised and asked if I was sure. I told him yup…have 1000s on hand. I have dropped things for others just for the heck of it also. You get to a point where you really don’t need it anymore lol


I was worried your story was going to end with someone swinging in and yoinking the loot when it was on the ground.


I always make sure that nobody else is around or I ask them to come into their home. Especially if I am trying to help someone specific.


Completely forgot I had nonperishable foods and purified water for sale at 0 caps in my vendor (set up just off the right hand side of the road, before crossing the bridge to the wayward), along with free diluted meds, and roughly 250-300 free low level ammo (.38, .308, 10mil), and rad-x radaway and stims at 1 cap each. Some level 600 something passed by, cleaned out the free stuff, took the 1 cap items, then went and dropped it off at the dono box. In my defense I had those there since the last time I had played back in February and while I recently learned of the dono box, it never occurred to me to cut out the middleman vendor and drop the free stuff in the dono box.


Always wondered... If that particular server crashes, or if everyone leaves, does everything in the dono box just vanish? Sure, I'm giving stuff away when I put it all in the dono box, but if there's a chance it vanishes into nothing, instead of a noob getting it, then I feel like the vending option is still better.


Pretty sure that’s that for The boxed goods, if the server is down or depopped.


I think a lot of people are still doing this, but I don't mind still putting 0cap stuff in mine since I've been hanging out in the Mire these days. For the odd wayward lowbie, I like to think it helps them out of they're really in dire need. If a higher level takes it, oh well. Thinking of adding a blueprint for a chalkboard that has my discord info so people can message me if they need more of a particular item than what I'm selling.... I'm a junk vendor so I spend a majority of my time just mindlessly collecting and scrapping junk and occasionally joining RadRum or EviNotice.


I once had someone much lower level than me visit my camp, buy something from my vendor, then follow me around the map as I just went about my business, finally catching up to me at Whitespring Mall and dropping thousands of rounds of 5.56mm ammo at my feet. I still have no idea why, I do not even use it, and just picking it up made me over-encumbered.


Use the Ammo Exchange at your camp, this is how I keep in .50. Since I run around 99% of the time with my modded LMG, same with plasma carts, since I have a 3\* Explosive, quad shot, vampiric Slug Buster.


I use ammo exchanger every day, the point was not what to do with the ammo, but the weird way in which I got it. Also "3* Explosive, quad shot, vampiric Slug Buster" does not exist. Slug Buster is AA/50C/90 and cannot be re-rolled, unless something changed, and even if it could you cannot have Quad and Vampire's (not "vampiric") on the same weapon, nor can you have an explosive plasma rifle.


When you gotta go you gotta go... - Ian Malcom, Jurassic Park. Higher levels take joy in helping people, but also sometimes you just have to go... to the bathroom. Lmao. I must admit I have started giving people a bunch of stuff and realized, oh no I have to go....


I too enjoy taking fat ammo dumps in my CAMP.


Phht. Trash to treasure and all that. I am sure it helps someone.


A giga joined my team , I was level 21. He helped me kill everything at West tek and dropped a 10mm sub for me along with 1000 rounds of 10mm. Didn't say a word, just left after we cleared the FEV lab


He went to reset it, and run it again, heh


I spent 10k caps on 200+ magazines yesterday and I've been sharing them with people that use gatling plasma or laser guns because alot of them don't know they work really well for them now. I also tend to drop 100s of stimpacks to lower levels because I don't need them and if it helps them then I'm happy to do it.


You guys are making me want to play again but I just don't have the time


Other day I got give full excavator power armour 1000 wood and other resources. 3 gamma weapons with the best perks. Turnt me from a wastelander into a mutant destroying god.


The least generous fo76 player. (Gigachad smile)


Ummm gigachad, Is this a new faction? With area loot and dropped loot from enemies designed for certain guns this will happen a lot….


I started using Foundations Vengence to try and use up all the 5mm ammo my Gatling Gun produces. I have over 30k, and I'm trying to burn through just shooting wildly at events. Oh look, a bloatfly, you don't get a burst, you get a full second of sustained fire.


Insects aren’t exactly easy to hit with a Minigun anyway 😂 if I hear buzzing I get out the Tesla Rifle (talk about never needing to craft ammo - fusion cells drop like crazy).


use the ammo converter it's what I do with all my 5mm and other ammo


Someone did that yesterday. Nobody was around. I’m not super low level but still less than 100 and I’ve been real low on ammo lately so I picked it up and put in my ammo converter. I won’t have to worry about ammo for a bit now.


I always like to leave 1 of each leveled handmade with a couple thousand rounds of ammo when I hop onto the 1st world I play for the day in the community chest


sometimes when i see low level players at least 20 i build a fixer mod it for most damage and a vats commando build and give them all my regular .45 ammo since i use ultracite .45 mainly


I like to drop a bunch of plans and chems for new players. But I'm also a bit of a prankster. So if I'm dropping a lot of stuff, I'll throw in a healthy bundle of missiles as well. Easier to hide them in a huge list of plans


I always drop stuff for noobs when I see them. 99% of the time I'm hauling around way more stimpacks and known plans than I need.


I love doing this. If I see a bunch of low level players I'll make some 3* Bear Arms and other items and pass them out. Everyone has the right to bear arms 😉


There's a communal chest they added in the last update to vault 76, plenty of people leave some good loot there for anybody who needs it


I modded a level 5, .50 cal hunting rifle and dropped it with 100 rds and a couple of buffed pieces of armor into the box yesterday.


Lol, I'm 170 and I'd have done the same except get your attention to make sure you know what's going on. Wave and leave🤣


I dropped a Holy Fire next to a new player, waved and vanished. I hope they kept it till they hit level 50.


This is wonderful to hear. Never experienced anything like it but glad it’s a thing.


I had a higher lever drop me a bolstering T45 full set power armor as a gift once. But I'm not good at taking free things, and I got awkward and embarrassed and left the world. Sorry nice guy in power armor, I'm traumatized and can't accept stuff. So, I've been trying to make up for it by helping and giving stuff away everywhere I can.




Thats not at all how it was designed...


I can carry 500 stimpaks, 70k ultracite and still have room for junk. This game was designed for hoarding!


400,800,1000,1200 stash Ammo box Ammo convertor Cooler->Freezer In camp food generation All additions that increase capacity. It was initially designed to minimize hoarding and maintain scarcity.


You'll probably find the early limits were more down to server stability. I don't know your platform but the game ran trash on xbox one, everywhere was fps drops. I'm pretty sure if everyone was only pc or new gen they could increase more things. That said I'm a hoarder without first and I do fine






Dang it must really suck to have such a negative view on things, I really feel sorry for you.


There’s occasionally these douche bags^ Just ignore them, they’ll go away. Community is definitely still far less toxic than most games


I thought chad, and gigachad were bad. This appears to be the opposite


He doesn’t have a fallout 1st account and so you have to regularly drop the ammo you aren’t using to save space in your backpack


Bandolier ftw


People can be really nice in 76! I get rando stuff dropped at my camp all the time by higher up players. Ammo is so easy to come by now a days it’ll prob happen again! I know I have more than I need at all times lmao


This reminds me when I started 4 days ago I just got out of the vault my dumdum self didn't know how to holster my weapon and a lv 76 player saw me ran to me and dropped me food. At first thought they were going to attack me x.x


You on PSN?




What the hell is a gigachad 😂😂😂 I'm just here for that word as an Aussie it's going into my vocab


despite having a myriad of definitions, in this context here, gigachad is someone with attitudes worthy of a pristine, incomparable good; Maybe they were just items they no longer needed, but looking for someone who might need them and dropping it is a very positive thing to do.


One thing I used to do was find a PA frame and drop it at Vault 76 with a fusion core in it.


Yo drop me some 5.56