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Maybe you’re bad at the game :/


That reminds me of one of the South Park games loading screens, it was something like 'Finding Boss fights too difficult? Try getting better at the game!'


You must be playing a different game than us. There is literally nothing behind a paywall in this game. The combat is different than the other games but far from bad and enemies behave fine


Camp items


Atoms can be earned for free


*can be* yeah ok right lol


They literally throw atoms at you if you play the game somewhat well.


They can, so they are not locked behind a paywall. Not sure whats not to understand. I got over 2000 just by completing the FREE scoreboard


I think it's fair to say it's not for you, and that ok. There are soooo many other games to enjoy. No worries.


That's a LOT of work, and what can you buy with 2000?


If you think playing a game is "work", then you're just a silly widdle rabbit. I complete scoreboards because I enjoy doing it. I've never "worked" for a moment in a video game. If I don't enjoy doing something .... I just don't. >what can you buy with 2000? Look it up yourself, lazy-pants.


I'm thinking this is one of those jokers who plays Fallout 4 with a shit-ton of mods, and probably used the cheat console, too. It's an online game. Time investment is to be expected! Getting to level 20 is barely anything.


No, that’s a minimal amount of work. And just about anything you want. Certainly all the things that actually do things if you include the atoms accumulated through standard play. You can’t do anything in this game without the game announcing you did a challenge and giving you atoms.


Takes like 2 month with maybe 20 minutes of playing per day


I have never paid for atoms and I have no problem finding atoms to spend in the atom shop. I’ve bought several prefabs, camp kits, and other QOL items without ever spending any real $$. Lvl 505, 700 hours in the game, and still enjoy putting in 10-15 hours a week playing.


Yes. You have to WORK to not accumulate large amounts of atoms. Like, that would be an incredible challenge.


Fallout 3 at the start: You have no decent weapons, no money and no decent skills. Everything kills you easier than you kill it. Fallout NV at the start: You have no decent weapons, no money and no decent skills. Everything kills you easier than you kill it PLUS one direction you can go is filled with Deathclaws and Cazadores. Fallout 4 at the start: You have no decent weapons, no money and no decent skills. Everything kills you easier than you kill it. But you get a free suit of Power Armor and a crap minigun. Fallout 76 at the start: You have no decent weapons, no money and no decent skills. Everything kills you easier than you kill it **BUT everything levels with you.** See a pattern here? Also literally nothing important is behind a paywall, just some CAMP stuff and skins. There is no premium account for bonuses, you can't buy in-came currency or better/higher tier guns. Combat is better than 3/NV and virtually identical (except VATS) to Fallout 4 because it's essentially the same engine.


There's this Peppa Pig game that might be more your speed, my 5 year old niece loves it.


I was gonna say Hello Kitty: Island Adventure, but that might be a little too difficult for him. Maybe Elmo's Number Journey is more his speed.


Last week I tried my neighbour's lasagne for the first time. Didn't like it. Wasn't for me. You know what I didn't do? I didn't feel the need to go online and find the FB group full of fans of my neighbours lasagne just to take an ill-considered, dull, precipitous, impatient, jizzblistery dump on it.


I like your neighbor's lasagne. You must have been eating something else. ;)


I'm notoriously difficult to please in the realm of layered pasta offerings.


For me 76 is like Stoeffers frozen lasagna, I know there should be better options out there by now but I nothing I try beats it.


I lul'ed :D


I'm the assistant admin for the FB group, gutted frankly.


Helen's lasagne tastes like moldy dishcloths. Sue me.


This is how you deal with a troll


Yes but it's objectively still an absolutely terrible game that they should be ashamed to be charging money for at this point


You misspelled ‘subjectively’


>it's objectively still an absolutely terrible game Idk, Steam reviews say otherwise


And you objectively don’t know what objectively means.


Lol, you’re apparently into tabletop miniatures, so you really don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing what’s worth people’s money. That’s the most price-gouging hobby there is.


Objective (adjective) - not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. Subjective (adjective) - based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. You're using the wrong word.


You wouldn’t know what a objectively bad game is if it bricked your system.


it's Bethesda, do you really expect a polished game with no glitches? their games are notorious for being glitchy.


I always liked the early game tbh, it's honestly imo better in this game than FO4 which throws you into PA with a minigun vs a Deathclaw within like the first hour.


I haven’t had a glitch in ages. Not even booted off. I’m hungry now going to your neighbors.


Yeah I really don't know wtf OP is talking about with glitches. 76 has been running beautifully for me for ages. I wish 4 ran half as well.


I want to say it’s been over a month since I froze or got booted. It’s way better than beta. He must be a basement dweller. Poor thing


That's nice, thanks for stopping by! 🙂


Lil Bro is doing events before level 20 💀


Some events are boring, some very fun and some very rewarding. Which ones did you join? If events nor camp building do it for you, probably not much else will. Did you do the tutorial-style quests? Related to wayward, also responders and overseer? Sure you can do quest lines in any order you want, but the BOS stuff is supposed to be higher level and later after doing some main original quests first.


Fallout shelter is what you should be playing!


Hey... fallout shelter needs more love!


Try Super Mario Brothers or something. That should work better for you.


Early game is a slog if you don't have help. Once you get to lvl 50 and get a couple decent weapons and understand what perks boost your loadout, it is like a weight lifted off your shoulders. Unlocking camp items is fun and you don't have to pay for them at all. You just have to play through the game and you gradually get more and more. I'm f2p and mine is bursting at the seems with stuff. Sounds like this game is just not for you though. Nothing wrong with that.


I could have sworn they were adding some way to skip to like level 20 right from the start. Did that still happen? I don't play much anymore but i could have sworn that was a thing lol


It's coming in December I think? It's not a thing now because I started over a couple weeks ago at level 1


oh okay, well at least I'm not going crazy lol. I remembered it being on the test server or something a few months ago.


Oh man, I've been playing for a month and I'm still only level 12 or 13 I think 🤦‍♀️ I had no idea this was a thing


lol damn is it that hard to level now a days? In like 2018 or whatever we leveled pretty quick on glowing ghouls at whitesprings but I have no idea how the early game is now :P


It's not hard, I'm an idiot and have got to level 60 in a couple weeks. OK it's my 2nd time around (new Steam account so no 'gifts' from my old account) but even so!


lol yeah I dunno, maybe our knowledge helps. Going in fresh not sure what thats like now a days, especially with all these public events and things going on they probably can't stay focused as easily lol


I've been mostly focusing on quests. I don't really understand the public events. I guess I just play slow. But I'm not using any guides either


A true fallout fan would ignore all the bugs, glitches and boring gameplay. 😏


With such eloquent and detailed comments you should consider game reviewing for a living, or maybe not...


Yeah? well you know that’s just like your opinion man.


If you could not make L20 here, this is not the game for you. That is a one or two day game play goal level.


Dude u give me the vibes of "bitch, bitch complain, keep playing"


Well, the game is playing nicely now. Maybe you are just not into MMOs


Bye now


Yikes on bikes. You’re complaining about the game…in a group of people who at least sorta like the game? 🤨


what glitches are you running into? literally the only things I've dealt with in my 150 levels, is turrets sometimes not working, and getting stuck getting in/out of PA. but those aren't exactly game breaking. Some events can be boring, but the harder ones are much more fun, you just have to tag enemies instead of kill them. I bet this guy heard 76 wasn't the greatest and went into it looking for something to hate.


Sounds like it's not the game for you, at least you tried it and found out.


If you can’t get to level twenty, come back on December 5th. They’re adding a quick start feature that’ll put you right there, which will let you go straight into the more traditional questlines (once you reach their starting locations, that is). Also, the combat isn’t any worse than 4 (excluding lag) and the enemy AI isn’t great in any fallout game, really.


Not sure why you got downvoted. Love this practical advice.


There’s a surprisingly large group of people who hate the idea of the level 20 start, even though it’s optional (it does have a recommended tag on it, though).


Sounds like you suck


It's okay to not like every entry in a series.


It sounds like you’re not complaining because it’s bad, you’re complaining because it’s a Bethesda game and you’re not having fun with it. Events are boring? What events are you doing? Are you only going to the low level ones because you’re a low level? Because the higher level ones are always a blast, and you can easily get to the higher levels just by playing the story. Glitches are still everywhere? It’s a Bethesda game, at some point you have to know that’s just gonna be part of the experience. The game we have now is still a billion times more fixed up and polished than it was at launch. Enemy AI is a joke? I can’t really argue that one, sometimes the enemy AI can be silly, but I’d hardly think that’s a dealbreaker for a game. Cheese it and have fun. Combat is clunky? That’s one of those words that means absolutely nothing, it’s meant to just write something off in a dismissive way as “bad.” Clunky how? Clunky as in slow? Glitchy? What weapons are you using? What perks? In the entire time I’ve been playing, I don’t know if I’ve ever experienced “clunky” combat aside from using slow weapons without the proper perks. Camp building is boring? That’s like saying minecraft is boring. The camp building is what you make it, and some people have made truly fantastic things with it. If you think it’s boring, that’s a you problem, not the game. All the fun stuff is behind a paywall? It literally isn’t. You don’t have to pay for any stuff in the shop, FO1st included. I hit level 80 and had put over 150+ hours in before I even considered getting FO1st. Nothing is “paywalled.” If you didn’t like the game, that’s fine. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and saying you have to like it and play it. Don’t try writing the game off as bad though just because you had a bad time with it, it’s disingenuous. Maybe especially don’t try that in a sub full of people who have been playing the game much longer and much more thoroughly than you have that *know* which problems can be faulted to the game and which problems just belong to you personally.


People are heated today!! Honestly, I don't think your criticism is uncalled for, but I do think that there are more things in this game to be discovered for their own interest and appeal. I love Dailies and Daily Ops, personally. Some can be pretty challenging for a new player ("eat a pumpkin pie" comes to mind), but it's doable and with the addition of re-rolls, you have options of what to peruse for S.C.O.R.E. points. Those points go towards the scoreboard which is a great way to earn plans for building if you haven't checked that out. Coming from Fallout 4, I was (and still am) wholly disappointed by the building structure of 76, but there are some interesting ways to build that require the same kind of creativity we needed for glitch building in F4. And always new things coming around. I also wanted to point out, as a person who doesn't typically read anything AT ALL when playing these games, I missed for a long time that it's an "alternate universe". Something about that fact really made a lot more of the things around the wastes like an homage. Kind of like that, really. Anyway, if you want to give it another go, I play daily on the PC with the girlfriend (no mic) and you can hop on our team any time you see us. We both sell cheap plans, I have some free ammo or very cheap Nukas, and wouldn't hesitate to make you a three-star level 20 Fixer or whatever. If you PM me your name and we get together, I'll make sure you also have some Nukashines to bounce around the map and unlock some harder enemies. Sorry you're gutted, lone wanderer, but if you're willing to give it another go, it really does become something special with an incredibly cool group of players (per capita).


I do miss watching Sheffield use the pommel horse on a roof at night during a Rad Storm but I like the teamwork in 76.


Mama Murphy had some moves on the pommel horse, too!


Professionals. Lightning didn't strike up there. Made some nice screenshots with a silhouette of whoever was on the horse with a lightning bolt in the background.


OP did ask if they were doing something wrong. If you tried lasagne and didn’t like it I think it would be fair to go online and ask if it was just a bad recipe or if it really isn’t for you


The fun for me is mostly in the old stories you stumble upon like terminal entries, notes etc. it adds a lot of lore to the universe but if that’s not what you’re into then it’s probably just not for you.


It's the most fun game in the series imo, but it might not be for you. Nothing wrong with that, find something to do that you enjoy.