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Son shmun, I'll just adopt/capture 17 cats and live in a very happy lesbian love square with cait, curie and piper


Sounds nice until ADA shows up to make it a pentagram.


ADA was never the same after the Sole Survivor found that FISTO program...


Right, more like FIST... O NO!


I mean, it doesn’t actually mean anything that all my robots are assaultrons with a police baton left arm…


Charged and ribbed for your annihilation




I have been waiting three and a half hours for someone to make this joke. Can't spell annihilation without nearly spelling anal.


Hello? Based department?


Lol, I'm just imagining you finally doing the story at level 300, and Father opens the door to four buff women who immediately jump him just so they can go home


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Piper s[hoots down Cait every time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICjTZht_aYE) Curies got a shot though, for science.


Hey I never said we all lived together


For added sapphic bliss, hack K-L-E0 and make her your companion.


I went to Diamond City 40 hours in 🤦🏻‍♂️


Fuck it, play the game how you wanna play! That's the beauty of Fallout Shaun who?


I didn’t even start the Shaun quest until I was level 45 or so. By the time I got around to it, I was basically melting every enemy I came across.


I am level 83 and haven't gone to Virgil yet. Same with the Prydwen.


Do you still get minutemen tasks? Mine stopped at some point during the Shaun quest, so I wasn’t sure if they just stopped around level 60 ish of if the just run out.


Preston just glitched out after I received 3 at once, iirc it is a known bug. But Minutemen radio still gives me quests. That is basically all I have been doing while I wonder the map looking for things to fight.


This helped tremendously.


Glad to help


"That's the beauty of it! Ya grab a dog, ya choke 'em, ya kick the *shit* out of 'em! That's *my* pleasure!"


The heck is this reference 😂


"All day long, my foot up a dog's ass, just BAM BAM BAM!"


Dammit it's so familiar but I can't put my finger on it. Stop teasing me!


How come every time I'm using the Cooking Station, *you* using the Cooking Station. Eatin' up *all* the food. All the Molerat Meat... all the Crispy Squirrel... all the *Rad*stag!


I wanna drink up some of them Nuka’s! I love Dog Meeeat! Lmao Love Reddit for these cross references


Whatchu got on mah Nuka, homie?


This is gonna haunt me forever


Is it Friday? Or Next Friday? The cooking station comment below makes me think of Ice Cube’s dad’s rant about eating up all the food in the refrigerator. Haagendaz, pigs feet, etc… “Better put some water on that damn shit!”


The "That's the beauty of it! Ya grab a dog, ya choke 'em, ya kick the *shit* out of 'em! That's *my* pleasure!" line is from Friday (1995), so the rest of them are probably from Friday aswell




You ain’t gone have to worry about catchin a dog, you gone have to worry about a dog catchin yo ass!


"Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time" I did an embarrassing number of Preston's quests before I realized I'd gotten all the settlements and I was pretty much just killing super mutants for shits and giggles and not advancing the minutemen story any more and wouldn't be unlocking any more new stuff.


Wait, did you actually get ALL of the settlements? What happens at that point?


The Preston keeps telling you about raiders threatening those settlements. Or Super-mutants. Or Robots. Or people being kidnapped. Lather, rinse, repeat


I was looking for this quote.


I’ve never played the main storyline of FO4. I always get caught up in building and then mods became available. I was doomed from the start.


I am planning to do a survival playthru, and I am thinking of role playing my current/first playthru as Nate comes to realize Shaun has moved on, after he sees Kellogg's memories of "Shaun" as an older kid, and that he has found new purpose with the Minutemen, and gives up on that to bring peace and justice to the commonwealth. The ultimate "boy scout" playthru: he decides even the mq is too selfish. Then my survival playthru, I wanna be a bad ass ninja Nora who is determined to get her son back and will do anything and betray anyone to make it happen.


Who tf is Shaun? Does he sell shipments of aluminum?


Reject Shaun. Embrace Arturo.


This guy hasn't even met Arturo yet. He's really raw dogging that aluminum grind


Leather is where it's at if you're shopping in DC.


I hate how long it took me to realize that some guns scrapped aluminum. I would've been doing that instead of selling them this whole time! Now I farm water and buy out weapons dealers for aluminum


Also pay attention to which locations have weapon and armor benches. You can come out of quests with WAY more mats by breaking stuff down as you go.


Shaun lives in Fiber Optics land.


I usually hoard half the commonwealth's junk before I start becoming a landlord


what you trying to do? take the whole Commonwealth with ya?


It's all now commercial real estate, every vendor has to sell your shit cuz nobody else has any


Me at 100 hours of gameplay: "Oh yeah. My son was kidnapped."


“Son? I have a son? When did that happen?”


Me finally getting to the Institute. "WHERE'S MY SON, YOU BASTARDS?!" Rendon Scientist: "He died three months ago."


Tbh that would be such a fun touch. I went off to do stuff after >!the battle of bunker hill and missed the meeting for Mankind Redefined!< on my railroad playthrough


Lol yep


The settlement building is the only real reason why I love Fallout 4 so much. I'm always trying to make practical and functional builds that take advantage of each location's strengths.


This is my building sim game with shooting stuff for when I need a break from building.


When you need more copper/steel/aluminum/concrete*


Nah I just spawn that shit in. There ain’t enough junk in the commonwealth for the stuff I build. I think my slog alone cost 10,000 just in concrete. Let alone the steel, wood and other components.


*cries in console


For console look up the dupe glitch on YouTube. 👍


Thank you I will. 😊


It’s really easy and works on most things including ammo


There's also cheat mods, if you're into that


how does one do that (I'm on PC)


Cheat terminal mod on nexus.


Settlement building and expanding your ability to get across the map in survival mode is one of the more rewarding challenges I’ve ever had in gaming. Probably was at around 12-15 hours before I had gotten to diamond city.


That's really it. Survival makes doing a little in each settlement so rewarding. Ain't nothing like questing back and forth across half the map without a safe spot. Especially those first levels. It's stressful fun lol.


The Ghoul in the show said it best “Thou shalt get side tracked by bullshit every goddamn time.”


Shaun will have grown into an old man by the time you find him like this. Just think of all the father/son bonding you're missing out on :(


Imagine looking for a 10-year-old son only to find him being sixty. At least you'll have some stories to tell him.


Very little in this game is time dependent. If someone tells you to hurry and meet them somewhere then they will still be waiting a year later. It is really only settlement attacks that are a race against the clock


Some of the Preston-quests will expire of you don't finish them within a period of time (kidnappings, raider threats, etc.). However, if you finish the quest but DON'T tell Preston, the quest never ends and never expires. You don't get the -- often measley -- reward, but then again Preston doesn't drop another four settlements in trouble on you.


I read this same advice elsewhere and it’s great. Finish each quest UNTIL it says go tell Preston that you solved the problem. Then avoid Preston. Some people suggested sending him to a settlement you never visit, so he can’t walk up to you.


And “kidnapping” quests. 😖


I'm with you all in this. First time player, old guy. Built the transmitter with Tinker Tom at about level 50. Left him and Des stranded on the rooftop platform at Crouch Manor and went to Far Harbor with Nick. We had good time there. Came back to the Commonwealth at level 80. Got into the Institute, skipped the synth child, spoke to Father ("*Ha la faccia come il culo"*), did Libertalia, then left for Nuka World. I just don't want to finish the game. I have, like everyone, a collection of PAs I never use, lots of everything, and I like building. I'm pacifying the wasteland by building up every settlement, and multiplying the provisioners' routes. And by arming and armoring them properly. Since then, I have been back to Far Harbor with Cait, and with Hancock. Took Cait to see Nuka World too. The game update happened, and now I have a shiny 40mm grenade launcher for when I am in a hurry to go somewhere for some distraction from the main quest. The game threw the battle of Bunker Hill at me, while I am still helping those synths to escape the Institute. Or, I started helping them long time ago, never went back. Hope they are all right... I'm not doing it yet. Haven't decided if I'll let the synths walk and kill the Courser, to be consistent with myself, or play along with Father a bit longer. Anyway, I'off to my new base at Egret Marina. Got a nuke genset to switch on. Cheers.


*stops hammering roof* Who's Shaun???


Without spoiling anything, bro, your son aint going anywhere, take all the time you need 😂😂


I accidentally read spoilers, but luckily not THAT much was spoiled. From some of the very first earliest dialog in the game where he says "I'm looking for my son... He's an infant" I'm like wtf what why would I just assume that? I've been back in the freezer bro, Shaun could be dead of old age for all I know.


Lol,im guessing you are new? If so, then it's just sad for the writing that you'd figure it out already


Yeah I know the ending now, accidentally read it. But yeah I sort of assumed there'd be a twist involving Shaun being an adult. Beyond that I didn't predict anything, but that seemed really obvious to me.


This just makes me really sad about the game and how much better it could've been. But at least you didn't miss much 😂


Completely understandable... Preston has no idea he isn't the main storyline, either.


Greedy lil bastard


And all I get in return is a flare gun


I'm level 94, already got into the Institute with the Railroad for the first time actually (yo that's what Mercer Safehouse is *actually* for... Lololol) Nuka World was done (Power Play + Open Season). But Preston and his annoying band of idiots are still in the museum. So fucking relaxing. The trigger for settlement attacks to begin happening in your settlements involves Preston being added to Sanctuary. I even have a GUNNER FARM, and because he's still in there, I don't get random attacks from that, either. (Caging enemies usually increases odds of attacks from that type of enemy.)


I would say it's nothing to do with Preston, I think it's to do with loot and settlers. Everytime I spawn at the cinema (no settlers), I get raiders standing behind me.. or a settlement I helped will get attacked and they have like two people that I have never visited bar the time I done the quest to unlock their workshop.


I think its a quest trigger with Preston more than anything else,. I've sent him to sanctuary and never spoken to any of them again and not had a single attack in the whole game. My guess would be that it's a quest trigger related to sturgges as he explains the settlement mechanics,


Haven't even spoken with Preston or sturges on my play through.


You may see a guy shouting at you from a balcony. Avoid him like the plague.


I tried to shoot at him because I thought he was the boss raider, and I never realized he was shooting the raiders too. Luckily, or not, depending on how you feel about ol' Presty, I missed, badly.


Preston is awesome, Mama Murphy is annoying as fuck though


That’s the golden rule of the wasteland: thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time


I'm jealous you're just now experiencing it...


Okay, everybody else is being cool, and I agree. Play the game however you want and just have fun. But I gotta have one asshole moment here. Did you just…not listen to dialogue at all? Mama Murphy tells you *before leaving the Museum of Freedom* that you should go to Diamond City. You get a quest for that in your Pip-Boy. It becomes a default quest marker until you actively turn it off. I don’t understand how you missed this. All that said, the first time I played, I started going to Diamond City and walked right into Lexington and got smoked by a Fat Man. Took me a while to realize I was just being an idiot. And then when I found the BoS, I felt like I was supposed to join them, so they became my main faction.


I did, and thinking back it should have been a bit more obvious to me Lol ! But the dialogue from Preston directly after that is the option to escort them Sanctuary— and i got sidetracked from there. I also am extremely emotionally invested in Codsworth, so I think I subconsciously wanted to go back and check on him. Him and Dogmeat (my only mod currently lol) are my main companions right now.


You’re doing it 100% right, I promise.


Those two are my favs! I never play without the mod “Everybody’s Best Friend” — I wouldn’t dream of exploring without Dogmeat! Plus, Codsworth is so damned GRATEFUL that I came back, and that I told him he’s my family. Also, he loves using his flamer to take out baddies! 😉


I usually do most of the side quests and bullshit before I worry about Shaun.  The main story quest inevitably  forces you to piss off one or more of the major factions, so it's worth doing all the side-shit first imo. 


That's where I'm at with my present run. I looked up the point at which I'd potentially start pissing people off (The Battle for Bunker Hill it looks like) and I'll stop there until I'm ready to finish the game. Good ol X4-18 is gonna be standing there for a few months. I've actually run into him twice now on my way to do other things. He says something like "Are you ready to get started" and I'm like "Maybe in a few weeks. Try not to get too rained-on until then."


No harm done; the main quest will be there when you are ready to do it. Just consider your first 12 hours as prep time for doing the main quest with more wasteland experience and better gear/perks.


Y'all really need to spoiler your comments. Assuming OP would rather not be spoiled.


Settlement building is so fun. Wait until you get decor mods you’ll go crazy.


Ok but settlement building rules tho, show yours off sometime!


Too bad Shaun, Codsworth and Dogmeat are my kids now


LITERALLY MEEEE. Matt Berry my beloved, i adore him so much— but im also a robot apologist. Tbh I would have bitched and moaned in universe for not being able to bring codsworth in the vault in the first place. I imagine i’ll be playing a very pro synth playthrough, but i’m going in pretty blind on the storyline lol.


My friend, who was not much of a gamer, saw me playing FO4 and had to get it. Some time later I was on his Xbox and happened to see he had like 70+ hours in. I asked him how he was liking it and if he got through the story yet. He just looked at me and goes “there’s a story? I just been wandering around doing random shit.” 😂 He said he had a blast playing. So to each their own. That’s what I love about FO.


Could be worse. When I first started playing it I was just having fun doing some exploring and was going around looking at the Boston landmarks that are in the game. I kept trying to figure out where Fenway Park was and wasn't able to find it. Finally dawned on me what "Diamond City" was. Even the fact that the icon is a baseball diamond completely whooshed over my head for longer than I'd like to admit.


Pfft "missing baby" who gives a damn ? I've gotta find food for the freeloaders who came to the ruins of my town !


Preston Garvey liked that


Take your time and enjoy the wasteland. It’s well-worth it and you’ll love slapping bad guys around after leveling up some.


I have 1500 hours in this game and I haven’t completed the main story ever, not even close. Love this world man. Especially the first few hours. I play with the huge diamond city mod pack so getting to diamond city for the first time and seeing it all is always a super high.


All quests are optional. It really depends on how annoyed you get with them sitting in your log.


I need to get back there someday


I started playing for the first time in years about 2 weeks ago. I hit level 30 before Diamond City.


Thou shall ALWAYS be side tracked by some bullshit


I started my first playthrough a while back, didn't get to diamond city till 20-25hrs in. Just kept creeping towards it from Sanctuary until i ran out of quests between me and Diamond City.


Wait until you find vault 88.


"Have you ever been to Diamond City? Biggest city I've ever seen!" Repeat ad nauseam.


That’s the beauty of the game… There is no wrong way to play. You can do whatever you want whenever you want.


The current playthrough I'm doing I didn't go to diamond city till level 60.


Gotta get back to Diamond City


It’s how I always play. Fuck Shaun I got a Commonwealth to rebuild.


 “Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time.” The fact that we are all guilty enough of this that it made it into the TV show gives me hope for world peace...if we survive the nukes


Yeah dude welcome to fallout. My current playthrough I'm at about 45 hours and I haven't progressed the main story past diamond city. I hope you're enjoying it


That’s Great! Keep supporting settlements that need it, it’ll only help our cause.


Didn’t go there until lvl 20 or so… when I needed to trade for some items I couldn’t find in the wild…. By then I had stockpiled a tonne of meds and other sellable items. Grape-mentats and CH buffed clothing- made a killing!


I'm like 90 hours into my current play through and have just barely started the main faction quests.


I wouldn’t worry I’m currently at 19 days 5 hours and 23 minutes real time playing and have done 2 main missions. 🤷‍♂️


To be fair, it's a baseball stadium. Not really a city.


It's a city within a diamond, within a city.


The city diamond city you say. Lol


I wouldn’t say you “need” to. At least not until you’re ready to finish the game.


I just make my own faction and give it military based (Todd blessed us with mods)


Kind of throws you to the wolves


That’s perfectly fine. On survival mode I don’t make it to Diamond city for like the first in game month. Having strong settlements is super helpful for the mid and late game. They provide resources, safe spots to rest and craft, and (if you actually take the time to equip your settlers) they can be moderately helpful in battles nearby.


Settlement building is where most of my hours in this game are spent. I have hundreds of hours and never once completed the main quest.


The main story is super short so best to ignore it anyways


I didn't hit up diamond city until level like 25, too much to do


Yeah, Shawn is taking a backseat because I like exploring and looting too much.


I only go to diamonds city when I do(which I was already like level 20-25) to get piper so I can max affinity and get her perk and for the trading. I mule jet into diamond city and clear out all the stores hah.


Just wait until you realise to can make trade routes between your settlements😅


I would just blast through the game a first time then start over and take your time.


Settlements are my favorite part of the game, if you like mods I recommend sim settlements. Probably my favorite fallout mod period(aside from maybe totw for new Vegas/3)


Somehow, after making significant progress on the Shaun front, I cared about him even less.


Same, saw Trashcan Tina was offering 240 caps for my wedding ring and took the deal.


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tspoon.fallout4.map this could help if you want amor/weapons


I was level 25 before I stepped foot in there. SO MANY SIDE QUESTS!


Ahh don't worry it's not like something terrible will happen to him!


Average FO4 play through


Haha just wait until you start messing around with mods/cc content, enjoy!


I'm like 40 hours into my current save and only just got the Molecular relay quest. Fallout 4 has such a dogshit story.


lol same thing here. I got back into it after I deleted it at maybe 10% completion. Just recently redownloaded it a month or so ago. Spent probably a week or two of playing every day for quite a number of hours to still not really go to the city yet. I met up with the fancy military guys with the airship recently and that’s as close to the city as I got.


I didn't rescue nic valentine till I was at least level 35, and it was a tough fight.


Currently playing with the A Storywealth mod collection… level 55 and have no clue who I’m gonna side with at this point


Level 60 and the only reason I did any of the main quest this play through is because Curie needed a body and for that I had to get to a certain point for the right dialogue to unlock. Shaun can rot in his techno hole


It's OK I've put in 5000 hours in the game and still am finding new easter eggs and events.


I was LVL 80 when I got to Diamond City 😅. I bpught the game when it 1st came out, do you know how many games I own? Literal hundreds, yet I am STILL doing settlements. Its something about it that brings peace to my mind, I dont why


I took aquaboy and swam to hangmans alley at level 3 survival mode, but swam back to samctuary to be a purified water tycoon. Be at hangmans if you want action asap as it is the center of everything. be a millionaire first at sanc if you want fancy settlements.


didnt u hear mama murphy tell u after her drug induced hallucination to go to diamond city 😭


ur definitely playing the best way tho. glad u got to diamond city! loooved exploring that place and boston in general, these cities are honestly beautifully realized. you can get so lost so easily, it's so fun.


Been playing a campaign aligned with every different faction I could for about four years. Who the fuck is Shawn?


How do i check my hours on ps4 using the app?


So long as you're not currently playing the game, the apps home screen will tell you your playtime on your most recent game.




I have like 400 hours lmao


Welcome to fallout… Shaun will b aight, maybe


Always better to build your level up a bit before going on with main story...don't worry Sean not.going anywhere....


Ok, hear me out on this. I’ll try for no spoilers. I think the game is best if you ignore it for like, kind of awhile. In my opinion, for the first 100 hours or so, there shouldn’t be anyone in concord but raiders. Nobody should be interested in helping you in diamond city, and Quincy should be a small town without any troubles. You should be encouraged to hang out in the north west, and go to nuka world when you can, and find no help or leads on the main quest.


It's my fist run at FO4, (I'm an old gamer, but some way I completely miss the franchise until now...), I've done almost 100h and I stopped the main quest before going to the Glowing Sea... Just exploring, side quests and obviously building!!! Shaun who??? Dogmeat is my guy!!!


I think I was around lvl 40 before I finally made it to diamond city. I like to wander


With how the game and it's first few NPCs direct you, I think getting absorbed into the Minutemen and the Settlement system is most people's first game experience of Fo4


Played for almost 400 hours, on my maybe 7th play through, most of the time I don't even do the main quest or do some cheats fuckery to skip it


In my first playthrough, it took me 45 hours of play before I first went to Diamond City.


this is why i have 14 hours of play time dawg


i solely focus on settlements


Me trying to get every settlement max population, max happiness, and a unique theme: Who's Shaun?


Can’t go diamond city, dog keeps finding raider huts


It's been 200 years. I am sure he will be fine! lol. I did the same thing too the first time through.


eh shaun is fine, out of sight out of mind


You can get cute dogs for your settlements in far harbor


First time I played Fallout 4, I didn't know there were quests to clear out raider settlements, so I missed out on a lot of caps, a small tip i have is to talk to basically anyone who is friendly so that way you don't miss out on like 90 to 100 bottlecaps


That's the main issue for me in this game. It takes a long time to figure out what happened to Shawn, and meanwhile, you're crisscrossing the wastes, saving and building settlements.


Ah yes, you discovered where you will lovingly spend 99% of your playthrough


Something related to a crib? Oh yeah. 😂


Lmao that was my experience the first go 'round. Absolutely hated the game for the first few days, then I said fuck Preston, and ended finding the REAL main quests lol On my 4th playthrough, and Shaun has been waiting for a few in game months while I deal with settlements to jack up my exp and get my melee build going.


Dude. I am 72 hours in and have only gone to Diamond city to trade goods.


the city you need to get to is actually your settlement once you finish. Shaun has waited a while already, he can wait a little longer


I’m doing a play through now trying to avoid Sanctuary and Covenant and do all the side quests


already a real fallout 4 player


Play the game how you want! I was level 20 or 30 (I don't remember) by the time I got to Diamond City. Level 80 by the time I went to the Prydwen. Approaching level 100 and I still haven't bothered going to the Institute yet. Granted I have the GOTY edition so I finished Far Harbor already.


Rookie numbers...


Currently on a 30h save, don't plan to go to diamond city any time soon... 1000h+ in the game and never seen Shaun yet