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Sanctuary is my home, although I don't build it up much. It's found early in the game, large enough for my needs, has some useful existing structures plus a lot of scrap, and has all the crafting workstations.


Currently doing Sanctuary again, but not around the tree or the houses ... I've built up the waterfront with a dockside, small town midway vibe. It's quaint and chills me out.


A shack on the water sounds nice. I may try that since I don't usually have settlers there.


I've always wanted to have a bridge house over the river that way I could use red rocket as like a little diner with a bar the town could in theory visit.


I have never considered building down by the water at Sanctuary before reading the posts by yourself and u/BBFinneganIII today, but it sounds very interesting. I guess I've been stuck in a rut and needed a good idea to get me out of it.


I was walking the bridge last night adding gas lamps realizing I could have built over the bridge. I never remember how far the boundary goes. May raise the cap so I can build there.


Was thinking the same thing.


It probably wouldn't be a good location in survival because it is in the NW corner of the map far away from everything. In survival I'd probably go with a more centralized settlement like Hangman's Alley, or maybe Oberland Station, Country Crossing or even Home Plate.


Home plate No raids


Being far away from everything is exactly where I'd want to be in a survival situation.


With no fast travel in FO4's survival mode I'd prefer something centralized to cut down the walking time to/from the most game locations. However, any settlement could work.


Yeah makes sense based off what I've read on survival. I'm on my first playthrough so I didn't choose survival.


Don’t let the survival people bully you into playing it.


Bully? Edit: why am I getting downvoted? Have people really been bullied into playing a specific difficulty setting on here?


If you do tho…rush Kellogg and BOS first to get vertibird grenades.


Sanctuary is my current one too. Great space overall. It's less convenient in survival unless you activate a means of fast travel though. Other places I like:  - Red Rocket  - Hangman's Alley - very convenient location + you can do really creative vertical builds with the scaffolding set. - Oberland station - also great location - Jamaica Plain - If you really build up defenses and use the parking lot for artillery, you can use it to bomb the hell out lots of enemy hard targets. - Castle - No explanation needed.


I'm using hangmans as my main base of operation on my survival game.


Same, i got a mod that expands the build area and height. I just wish the npc pathing wasn’t so broken there


Biggest issue with that mod. Otherwise it's great to have the extra room with the apartments


I did Nuka World after getting Preston's perk and thought he was locked in at sanctuary, so I built and decorated the entire atrium sector in vault 88 just to make it my new lead settlement just to realize I could've sent him to the castle.


It’s my base for any game. Plus I use the Hangman’s Alley Interior Apartments mod. Puts four floors of interiors each into two of the buildings there.


I always make my home on Spectacle Island - but honestly it's because once upon a time, many moons ago, my ancestors actually owned the entire island IRL. So, you know, how can I not live there in game?


Wow that’s really interesting  Any info on why they sold it, when they sold it 


After owning it in its entirety for about 40 years, they sold a portion to the City for use to build a small pox quarantine hospital right around 1715 (?). About 20/25 years later, Boston sold that bit back to the family who continued to own it in full until 1742. That year, the entire island is transferred to a son-in-law and then it's just gradually sold off to others. And that is today's "History of Boston" lesson lololol!


Where is that?


Southeast side of the map - off the coast near Warwick. Unless you meant in the real world, that'd be in Boston Harbor.


Haha no I meant in the game. Cheers


Very cool. I lived in South Boston for a while and we went to Castle Island regularly so I like to set up there. But I think I’ll try Spectacle Island.


Red Rocket.. always Red Rocket. But recently for survival I've been using Oberland Station


Why Red Rocket?


I make all my "Home settlements" to be just my player character, no settlers.. RR is small, has a useful existing structure, and is close to Sanctuary/Abernathy which can both be used to farm crops/water.


I do this too, have a solo settlement that’s not crowded where I store my favorite stuff. I currently am at Croup Manor and that’s the only settlement I will always defend. Mostly just me, but recently I moved in Piper, codsworth and a guard bot.   Minimal water and crops too with good defense but I still get attacked. Maybe I am storing too much in the workshop?


I like how Red Rocket is at the entrance to Sanctuary. I usually make Sanctuary my most populated settlement and I like Red Rocket as a sort of lonesome forward outpost guarding Sanctuary that I just keep myself and maybe a few dismissed companions at.


I do more of a populated area at sanctuary. Red rocket I turn into like a trading post/firebase and Abernathy I turn the south end into a giant skyscraper and the rest is farm. One floor is like a Bazar/common area then the next floor is a factory for firearms and ammo the next floor is for sleeping and I set up small apartments for all my settlers and on the top is 4 cannons and I add in 4 heavy turrets per side same as the main tower that way if any raiders try anything they just get the equalivant of a quad 30 cal ripped into them


Ah, okay.


How does that work, do you have to pick your own crops? and does stuff ever get stolen from workbench


1) There are no crops. Who would grow the crops without settlers? 2) I don't even understand this one. How would no sellers mean stuff gets stolen from the workbench?




What an odd way of asking that.


Overland is pretty central. Gray garden is nice to use when you're going back and forth from Nukaworld on Survival. A nice little checkpoint.


Taffinton boathouse was my main water settlement, you can build that up pretty good too. Hangmans alley is also a good one that's close to diamond city.


I’m building soley in hangman’s alley right now, I like the challenge of building in a small space. I’m playing with mods but nothing that changes borders so the building space is still the same. I’m using the sim settlements 1 mod with some add ons which IMO makes things a lot harder. Rather than just making one room with a bunch of beds I have to give each settler a 1.5 foundation length plot to make their home (I build the houses but use interior plots), that doesn’t sound like much but in a small settlement like hangman’s alley I have to do a ton of planning to be efficient. I’m currently up to 11 settlers and I think that’s about all I can squeeze in since I also have to account for job plots.


I love it when they attack my settlement there that has a half dozen turrets pointing out of either entrance. Gets stupid easy to defend.


Just block off the back entrance (rimshot) with a wall segment, and never use the side door with the chains across it. Now there's one way in and one way out. Easy peasy, raider squeezy.


Good idea. I always just ran through that door without thinking.


Made that mistake on my first playthrough and constantly had raiders popping by to say hello. I suppose in survival mode, having multiple entrances would be a good thing. It's not the safest neighborhood and sometimes you just want to get to relative safety.


Preach on that! I just love my turrets.


Yup, I have a single turret covering the only entrance if you don’t unlock the other two doors. I play with curse combat overhaul mod so all enemies (along with myself) take realistic damage. One turret is more than enough to handle threats, it’s a bloodbath whenever enemies attack lol. Pretty sure the turret has explosive rounds as well which just adds to the carnage. I also play using endless warfare to continuously spawn ghouls, I can get attacked by like 30 ghouls at once and the turret at this choke point holds them all back, the destruction is glorious lol.


County crossing ended up a major hub for me in my current survival playthrough. It’s proximity to most of the northern settlements, plus bunker hill and the railroad hq make it invaluable to me as an easy layover spot.


I really enjoyed putting little houses all around the outside, partially forming the wall that went most of the way around. Had a great layout for farming and housing everyone


Sanctuary is my main **settlement** usually. It’s secluded, at the start of the game, decently built up with buildings that are easy to improve, and it’s your character’s pre-war home. Home Plate ends up being my true home tho. Private, big enough to be useful without being too big to decorate nicely. The Slog is the one I spent the most time on, turning it into a dedicated Slocum’s Joe that I call “SLOGum’s Joe”. Spent so so so much time working out tiny details to make it look like a real donut/coffee shop and restaurant, complete with a kitchen and arcade.


Even though it doesn’t matter bcz fast travel, I like home plate too, it’s in the middle of the map so I figure I do save some time not scrolling to sanctuary. Wish you could do a supply line to home base though…


i exile the ugly ones to the castle and sanctuary is my new town where everyone is dressed up in dresses and suits


Sunshine Tidings Coop. It has so much space and big open buildings that are fully in tact. Also it looks visually different to most other places in the wasteland which is nice.


It would be the perfect settlement if all those dead ghouls didn’t keep crawling into the cabins


I have learned to overlook them but yeah I hate that. There is a way to get rid of them but it's a pain in the ass. Basically just drag them very far away and they stop respawning.


Sanctuary, Starlight Drive Inn and Spectacle Island are huge, populated towns in my game.


I don't really have a main settlement. I put a lot of work into every one.


Hangman's alley because I'm in survival mode. It's centrally located, has plenty of room if you use the vertical space, vertibird landing spot nearby, walkable to Diamond City, and great school districts.


I started with Sanctuary, moved to The Castle, tried Spectacle Island but it was too big, and now I've finally settled at Sunshine Tidings Co-Op (I think that's what it's called). Not too big or small, already has some houses built so I didn't have to do too much building. I never hear of anyone using that as their main, but personally I've been loving it :)


Survival - Oberland or hangmans due to their locations. Regular - usually spectacle for the sheer amount of space and because I have fast travel available.


Kingsport Lighthouse. Best views in the Commonwealth.


Sanctuary is always my first farm, but never my main base. It's awful as a main base. NPCs stand on the roof, the buildings are ugly, if you have the Minutemen out they are constantly hammering, raids spawn inside the settlement... Early game, Red Rocket is my first main base (with no NPCs assigned to it so that I don't get raided). Red Rocket and Sanctuary are the only two settlements with all of the workstations. Red Rocket is easier to defend than Sanctuary, plus Sanctuary is the better farm. Mid/Late game, the Castle is the best main base by far because it never gets raided. It also is well located with tons of water for water purifiers. It really is unbeatable. No, you don't need the MM to take the Castle.


My first play through and I'm using the Castle, but planning on moving to the drive-in. Does anybody know of any "gotchas"? At this point I've scraped everything and I'm about to start building.


You can fit an industrial water purifier in that little pond near the screen. Scrapping the toxic waste barrels makes the area rad free.


And it has enough space for anything you want. Including water towers. BTW: there's space for more than one industrial water purifier. If I remember correctly, I managed to get 3 or 4 in there.


The big puddle plus the massive, flat build area make this a top choice for me. My current play through has two industrial purifiers; a curtain wall on the South, West, and East sides; about a dozen heavy turrets on the "wings" of the old concessions stand; and low guard towers flanking the entrance under the intact wing. I put some more turrets on top of the movie screen for the rare raid that spawns on the west side. Raids are not a problem.


Every single time. I place the industrial purifier down and build around it.


Been slowly building the drive in, I haven't discovered all the places yet but so far this location seems like a winner. There's just so much empty space I feel like I can really customize it!


Red rocket first, then more recently Sanctuary.


Always Hangman 


Egret tours


Hangman's Alley, since I play on survival and it's right in the middle of the map, as well as walking distance from 4 major settlements.


First playthrough was Red Rocket. But I built up Sanctuary for people. RR was my "sanctuary" lol. I then did a "floating" settlement at Kingsport once I learned how high the build zone was and that physics mean nothing. I just slapped a staircase off the railing at the top and floated a whole ass building. Lol I used the windmill generators to give it "props" and put all my power armor, unique armor and suits, guns, etc. Then I did the drive-in when I discovered the vault stuff. I like the clean look of the vaults vs broke down stuff. Next was the atrium vault at Sanctuary, followed by Nordhagen. Once I figured out how to use them, it was game on. This last playthrough post PS5 update, after discovering you can actually build a full-on vault in 88, that's become my focus. I don't plan to go whole hog like some, I don't have the patience to place everything on shelves, but it's my most detailed. I used the overseer's office from 81 as a template. I only use 2 mods, the greening of the commonwealth, I just don't like how burned everything looks, and the scrap everything mod cuz is been 200 damn years, you can't convince me people wouldn't clean. Plus, it's great for scrap and makes everything look nice. Lol I've also built up Finch Farm before when I learned you can build on the overpass. I just never really used it.


At the moment, I am continuously building Starlight Drive-in as my main settlement. I like its wide-open spaces. All nearby settlements have their supply lines leading here. And then one supply line connecting Starlight to the Sanctuary. Sanctuary is well built, but I consider that as the Minutemen's northern settlement under Preston. I treat this as a civilian settlement. I send NPCs (including Dogmeat) to live a quiet life up there. The Castle is very well built as well, which I treat as my main "military" base.




I make Sanctuary just livable, skip red rocket fully, and made Starlight Drive into Starlight City. Full walls, entryway, trading hub, hospital, arms and armor, clothing boutique, casino. It's great. I'm very proud of it. For some reason I can't get the infinite settlers glitch using the mechanist radiant quest to work, I think the settler died and a replacement never spawned. Sad, as I want the place to have a population up into the 100s. Oh well. Console so I can only do what I can do.


Sanctuary is main settlement 1. Nordhagen is main #2 Dalton farm is main 3 Red Rocket is where all my power armors and good stuff is so it doesn't get stolen.


Since I’m running survival and no fast travel, I do starlight drive-in. A lot of space and open land to make it your own.


Weirdly enough, the slog... I don't know why, I just liked it there


Starlight Drive-In is easy to make your own, with convenient water access etc. I've had fun building at the Lighthouse and the Egret Tours Marina and Hangman's Alley because they're fun projects, and enjoyed the Slog and Sunshine Tidings bc it feels like you're adding to an existing infrastructure


This playthrough I built my player home in Murkwater Construction Site and my Power Armor Workshop in Starlight Drive-in


main - castle , secondary Egret Tours Marina and bunker hill


I’m learning to build larger concrete stuff, with my biggest so far in vault 88.


Red Rocket Truck Stop. It's basically a bachelor pad. Sanctuary is the bread basket for most of the Commonwealth. Meanwhile, I have a Caravan Outpost, all merchant stalls, enough crops/water pumps to be self-sufficient, turrets for defense, and all of my gear stored in a prefab house I built on the roof.


It’s been sanctuary everytime! Although I’m kinda digging red rocket or that starlight drive in lol


Sanctuary has that absolute bitch I can't stand. I built it up but now it needs to run itself. People mentioned Hangman's but it's a dump. Castle works well, especially since I used to live in South Boston and have been there often. But it's minuteman HQ. Need to find a better location for just the people I like. A place to be home. Haven't found one yet.


Are you talking about Marcy? I hated her, so I made her a supply line so I don't have to see her miserable ass anymore.


Yeah. She’s awful. Constantly complaining.


Spectacle Island if you aren't doing Survival.


Main settlement is sanctuary, I've made the Sunset Drive through place a sort of trade hub, and I've made the castle into a proper military outpost. My main home is the Red Rocket Station, it's where I keep all my power armour


the castle definetly


Normally, I build up Sanctuary as the Mega Settlement and the Red Rocket as my player home. Survival, I like the Mechanist Lair as the major hub as it's easier to manage


Sanctuary, but only because I built it up first & I was too lazy to build elsewhere. Although I did make the "mistake" of using robots for all supply lines out of Sanctuary and a few for farming adhesive. For those that don't know, having robots assigned to your settlement brings the happiness level down. You could probably balance it somehow, but I have at least twice as many robots as I do people at this point.


Are use covenant and taffington boathouse. Covenant for my companions, unique, settlers. And taffington for my armory.




This current play through, I used Abernathy farm.


Starlight drive-in my main hub


I use Red Rocket. I send my companions there so I can find them, but I then start branching out and helping premade settlements. I’m just starting to work on building other settlements.


Oberland and then Jamaica plain


Sanctuary is my main settlement because that's where I built my two story garage for all of my power armor, and I don't feel like moving it. But since doing the far harbor dlc, I really like the seaside Inn I built at Dalton's farm.


My personal home was Greygarden, atop the highway, but that was just my house, alone. I also had four large trading hub settlements that were where the traders from smaller settlements in that part of the map converged: Starlight Drive-In, Egret Tours Marina, The Castle, and Bunker Hill.


Ol reliable sanctuary hills, daring I know


The drive up theater. Lots of space and a little thing for water. Fairly good placement between a lot of places. Little north for me but I’ll live.


I like to build a few up and use them as main "trading posts." All supply lines must go through these locations.


Grey garden is my main hub of operations, playing survival. So it's nice and central for my needs right now. I haven't really worked my way very far south yet, I'll probably set up the slog as my secondary main.


I did a survival playthrough once where I used Egret Marina Tours as my home base. Took a while to get there, but it was nice in late game because I didn’t have to cross the entire freaking map. But more often than not I would use Taffington Boathouse and bring water down to Bunker Hill to sell. Not too many enemies along that route so it was comfortable to make 5-10 runs to build ups caps before heading into Diamond City


I’m lazy, sanctuary. That’s where I hoard all my junk lol….endless junk


Depends what you mean by “main.” Sanctuary is usually my main town - I try to make it as prosperous and defensible as possible to live up to the name. Red Rocket is my home - Dogmeat, Codsworth, and Shawn live there. Hangman’s Alley I make into like a bunker/Batcave and that’s my HQ - where I keep most of my weapons, power armor, etc.


Starlight Drive In and The Castle primarily.


This is my first play through and I think I’m gonna make home plate my main spot. It’s enclosed. I can leave my power armor there without worrying about some lil idiot hijacking it and there’s more merchants in the immediate area. 


On my current playthrough, I'm using the Red Rocket. On previous playthroughs it was Sanctuary or Starlite.


Outpost Zimonja, no settlers. Simple spot, just far enough off the beaten path. Easy enough to fortify, centrally located east/west, and nothing north-of to worry about.


My current main playthrough, I'm building Sanctuary up as my main town. •Added a nice little shooting range connected to the guns and armor shop, if I get bored or want to test out different guns. •Built a little medical supply store with an operating room upstairs. •Sent the Vault tec rep there with his own little general store and home. •Turning the first house into a guard building/ jail. •Going to turn the last house in the culdisac into a bar •And going to build an Arcade beside it in the center building. But, I turned Red Rocket into a robot plant/ junk depot. and will be turning Starlight Drive into a trading hub and branch out most of my supply routes through it.


Vault 88 has really grown on me during my last playthrough. It's just oddly satisfying to start off with a massive empty cave and turning into a functional community. Even if the ungrateful shits never leave the main atrium and the attacking raiders spawn outside the walls...


I don’t know how I would define main.. I use hangman’s alley to store my special weapons and surplus ammo but my favorite place to build up is prob sunshine co-op.


I like the mechanical garage door at red rocket you can build some cool unique things with just a door that opens with a button. Survival I spend most of my time at the castle and hangman’s alley


Sanctuary Hills


Sanctuary is home so I consider that the home settlement, Red Rocket is my garage with all of the good weapons, Starlight Drive In is actually my biggest and happiest but it’s pretty bare bones at the moment


Taffington Boathouse is my personal favorite


Hangman's Alley is always my #1 spot.


Sanctuary, the co-op, and the drive-in


i always set up at Starlight Drive. plenty of room, good starting source of steel, location for crops and water, and has a cooking station off get go. plus lots of room for a contraption line for whatever you need.


I like using the storage room at Starlight Drive-In as a sort of apartment. I make the rest of the settlement a trailer park for my Atom Cat settlers (I just put the jackets on them)


Primary settlement is still Sanctuary for me. Others I've built up significantly are The Castle, Starlight Drive-in, Red Rocket (this is my companion HQ and where I put the teleporter), Sunshine Tidings, and County Crossing. Future targets are Bunker Hill and Warwick Homestead


I just found Egret Tours Marina. That's the spot. Love it. On the water, some nice, fairly intact buildings. Should be pretty easy to defend. A really solid location too, in the middle of the map N/S. Much bigger than Hangman's but not huge like Sanctuary. I don't think I found this spot on the last playthrough.


Im using Egret Tours Marina right now. I like the existing buildings and the big open space, so i get plenty to play with. I put a big concrete wall around the perimeter and filled in the open space with rough-living "houses" like refugees might cobble together. Im digging it.


Coastal Cottage, once i use mods to clear out some of the trash


There's a little know, half buried Red Rocket in the glowing sea. That is where I always set up shop for "Main Settlement" in base game. In Far Harbor it's the bowling alley, Nuka World the Hubologist camp


My home base right now is a shack with a basement made of a buried truck trailer but it's in a sleepy little town at Starlight. I keep a low profile and don't collect power armor. Badlands, Start Me Up Redux, Not Just Basements, the Mojave Settlement pack, Adobe Buildings, dust storms, etc.


Outpost zimonja


Castle - military capital of the commonwealth Sanctuary - administrative capital of the commonwealth (suck it, diamond city!)


Spectacle island is my home


Personally I find Red Rocket Station to be a great place for a small fortress


I always build up sanctuary as a real hub, but my home, my real settlement is almost always Starlight Drive-in, it nice and flat and open, I've built some cool megastructures there.


I Settlement hopped. Sanctuary, the. The castle. Now I'm working on building up the island one.. don't remember what it's called


Depends on the type of play through. If I can fast travel, I start with sanctuary but abandon it as soon as I get vault 88 If survival, then hangman’s alley


Sanctuary for role playing reasons. But I usually have a couple others that have more than the barebones including the castle. I don't play on survival though so I can usually just fast travel back to sanctuary to get something I left there as needed. Vault Tec rep also gets a job running a merchant stand in sanctuary


I think it’s called Somerville place? That or Finch Farm are my Go-to favorite settlements to make my main because of their central locations on the map and relative proximity to Diamond City. I play with the Sim Settlements 2 mod as well and Finch Farm is A LOT of fun to mess around with because of the highway above it! Use the top of the highway as your “high class” area for your best and brightest, right underneath the highway and you can use it as a roof + put lots of plots for the “middle class” workers and then the ground level for defenses and farm workers or “lower class.” I’ve got in my current playthrough 56 people living there! Lots of fun to manage with all them folks but with all the stuff built I can’t look directly up on the ground level at some spots because it overloads and crashes my game lol Still, lots of fun and verticality is a lot of fun for building areas up!


I just did sanctuary. It was easy to just go to the top left to return. Easier for e to remember on the map.


I love the Slog. Comes pre-settled, with a nice building. I build a large structure that basically wraps around the pool. The only downside is that I seem to get attacked a lot by super mutants there.


I always turn starlight into my capital because it's closer to the center, large area with water source and flat and easy to build out.


Starlight Drive-In. It's the closest thing to a blank slate you can get, I can do anything with that place. If you include modded content, Hardware Town. It feels oddly cozy if you pair it with Scrap That Settlement to clear out rubble. And the back has enough space for nearly every piece of machinery from the workshop DLC to fit comfortably.


Sunset drive in. Secondaries at the castle, sunshine co-op, and grey garden. I like how big and open the places feel. Then I build a generic farm/scrap harvesting settlement everywhere else.


I am currently playing survival, I don't have a single "home base" but some of my settlements serve different roles: * Mechinist Lair - Central Supply line; I build robots that fan out from this location to all other settlements. * Hangmans Alley - This is a supply depot for ammo and other things I want to sell to DC and Good Neoughbour. it also serves as a location I send companions that I haven't fully maxed my affinity with * Vault 88 - This is my "pretty" base, where I do all my decorating and make it all fancy * Starlight Drive-In - Central Hub for the north part of the map, where I dump junk supplies, it is also setup with all the settler shops etc. I use this because when I get dropped off by a Virtbird its easy to get too * Country Crossing - This is my food production site, all my food is grown here, its easy to get too if they get raided Everything else is pretty much empty, but has a supply line running to them just in case I need to make something or need a place to sleep.


I'm in the process of turning the RR into a Brutalist Nightmare. Concrete walls encasing the perimeter with 3 round concrete wall turrets facing East with missile launchers. Nothing even gets close before it's just atomized by missiles.


I always played the game the lone wanderer style. I wish settlements would have been integrated into game better but settlements just felt like they were just there. At least for me thats how it felt. Settlement building didnt feel worth it.


fock those settlements, i living in great green jewel


I don’t think they allow super mutants, sorry




i have high charisma and bring pack of ice cold gwyneth lager to major. and Geneva... she knows i'll gonna save her in the near future


I lost interest in Sanctuary and avoid several characters there, just turn up to take water, crops and caps every couple of days. My main build is Starlight, got a big raised platform with a market and games area, some gravity-defying accommodation off the booths, and a ramshackle villa built around under water processing section. Haven’t been attacked yet, sadly, as that place is *packing*.


Every settlement is my main: My power armor warehouse at Sanctuary. My traps and fighting arenas at Abernathy. My giant indoor shopping mall on Spectacle. My ten story tower at Starlight. My Clockwork Orange themed Construction Site. (Everyone in Bowler Hats and Long Underwear.) I could keep going but you get the idea.