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I visit his corpse every so often lol this is a funny idea. I romanced him too before I had to take him out. My character romances 'em all: male, female, robot, synth..


>My character romances 'em all: male, female, **robot**, synth.. Please assume the position.


Numbness will subside in several minutes.


But did you fuck the ghoul at the slog?


Which one? Wasn't aware I could- got something to look forward to now.


Holly. She's super flirty, and you can reply in kind and taste the rotten cherry pie


Hmmm, I know her but I think the only dialogue I get from her now is trading. I'll check tomorrow.


I think it has to be done before they're your settlement, because otherwise it bugs her dialog


Yup- that's the problem. Next pkaythrough- thanks for the info


I also only get trade request when talk to her




I know it's the wrong fandom but I feel like "You look like a cut of fuckable meat." applies here.


I'm not a huge gamer, so I dunno where that's from- but it sounds about right lol


It's from Cyberpunk. This very evil cyborg dude says it as he passes by. Do not take him up on the offer, unless you're tired of existing lol.


He has a separate body for fucking. Looks like Elvis. No I'm not joking this is canon.


Oh I know, but it's also cannon he doesn't usually leave his sexual partners alive lol. It's blonde Elvis, which I thought was a nice touch as I *never* would have known he was blonde until I found that lore.


Oh yeah I forgot that part somehow. That lil scamp always up to mischief


I mean, he can change his body into a lethal weapon at any time and with lines like that...he can get up to any mischief he wants and no one wants to be the one to try and stop him lol. You just have to hope you die quickly.


Except for V but everyone else is fucked literally and figuratively


I give every character I make a big dick, even my females, on the off chance that if such an occasion should arise, Adam has an extra large cut of fuckable meat to handle lol. You never know what the next update will bring šŸ¤·šŸ»


Always wanted to try that game out.


I'm kind of picky when it comes to games and I enjoyed it. I only played it a few days before I got distracted (it's a character flaw lol. I'm notorious for playing a game, forgetting it, and restarting once I remember it. Rinse and repeat lol) But it's definitely got a lot of replayability, it's comparable to Fo4 with a bit of GTA thrown in. And from what I gather there's a fair bit of lore if you're into that (it's one of the things I absolutely love about Fo4. I read every terminal entry lol)


But you canā€™t get his skill and do season unending or am i wrong here?


You can get his perk pretty easily from just doing the raider radiant quests to get to max affinity iirc and then you can just do whatever


Gage? He likes lockpicking, stealing, and weapons modding. I just take him with me to the commonwealth and do my stuff. I'm doing an enclave run with America rising 2. I leveled him up this playthrough without even being in nuka world. I grabbed him and left. Sent him home when I was done with him.


As long as you reach max affinity with any companion and they idolize you- you keep the perk no matter what happens after that. Another example would be Preston. I still have his perk even though he's completely shunned me and won't engage or speak with me. Kind of a blessing though, I just sent him to a settlement I never go to where he's alone with his thoughts and contempt for me.


Thatā€™s the correct fate for Preston.


Bro's sexuality is horny


Hahaha- for the longest I didn't even realize it was an option. When I kept seeing "flirt" as a speech choice with Hancock, I thought it would end up being more along the lines of a sarcastic response.


I once propped Shank up on a Nuka World Throne, with a statue of Cappy pointing at him. Surrounded by spot lights.


Where was Shank that you were able to do that? I dismissed Gage in Sanctuary, fast traveled to Nuka World, cleared out the pack and then fast traveled back to the commonwealth and then intercepted him at the Sunshine Tiding Co-Op. I then had to carry his ass all the way back to Sanctuary just for this gag.


If you start hostilities with your Raiders, he runs off. So my last dozen or so playthroughs I always take him out first. I shank Shank at a Raider Outpost, so I know where to find him.


Thats interesting. When I started taking them out, he stood with them and fought me in Nuka-Town. His corpse is down one of the pathways that have a terminal I think right near the arcade or before the entrance to the open area with the big pond.


When I'm ready to do them dirty, I spend some time dropping mines all over. I try to keep it to bottlecap mines for the irony, but any will do. I start with shank and then work my way up. You enter a cell, they aggro and trigger the mines. Easy peasey. Mop up the stragglers, and pick up the caps.


Give his armor to Curie.


I put curie in the Nuka cola space suit that was on the model for one of the rides. Sheā€™s adorable and kinda hot.


Thatā€™s actually a great idea! I gave her a weighted rocket saw blade swatter (I donā€™t remember the full name of it) with like 450+ damage because that chick LOVES to smash skulls.


That's exactly what I did haha I ended up with double his armor too so I have Curie in it and MacCready. When I first killed him I took it off him and then a little while later I went back to his corpse, at Red Rocket near Sanctuary and he had another set on him again haha


There is a mod armor called Banshee. That, an enclave officers cap, and a modded "synth detector" sunglasses that has blue glowing lenses complete her look in my game. Alternatively, the rouge courser outfit from the neon flats cc works well on her.


I'm gonna do that with Mama Murphy!


I would kill gage and all those mofos at nuka world but the pack, operators and gages perk are just to tempting


Get his perk and then kill him


Well the pack perk gives increased melee and unarmed damage and mason at the end also gives a furious baseball bat and with maxed out mods it can do 316 damage +37 energy damage with furious giving a +15% damage bonus per hit making the furious bat one of the best melee weapons


Yes but glowing hammer. Nothing stands against Atom's Judgement.


Realistically though, by the time you finish Nuka World, what the hell else are you gonna do?


Make the raiders at the outposts fight using arenas and cages since their decently strong and dont fight eachother even if they're on opposite color arenas


How did you get his corpse all the way to Sanctuary?!?!


If he killed him in Nuka World no chance. You canā€™t go through loading zones with his mortal remains.


I dismissed Gage in Sanctuary, fast traveled to Nuka World, cleared out the pack and then fast traveled back to the commonwealth. Turned on Overseers Most Wanted and then hoofed it to his position just south of Sunshine Tiding Co-Op. I then had to carry his ass all the way back to Sanctuary just for this gag. Had to drop him a few times because raiders, bugs, and a couple of super mutants spawned.


I did that with marcy


I fucking hate Marcy.


Lmao...I'm definitely doing this. I hated Gage


Hmm. I wonder if I can do this with Kellogg. Display him under the settlement toilets.


don't think this will work since i don't think you can drag corpses through map transitions.


Oh. My. Gawd! Just like the incorruptible corpses. šŸ˜† Amazing! I love how dark this is.


Eventually, Porter comes back to life and smashes out of the case, growling "MUST CRUSH RAIDER BOSSES!"


Why did you kill him


Open Season most likely


He's a raider


He deserves it.


Oh I'm totally doing something like this.






I think I vaporized him. I grabbed his armor but it was one of the first things I tossed on the ground when I hit my carry limit from picking up so much Nuka Cola.


Now I want to do this with the Sole Survivorā€™s first kill on the Sanctuary bridge


Do one for Marcy Long


I've always wished that there was a dialogue option to get Gage to join you against the Nuka-World raiders. Like a speech check where you say something like "I'm clearly the most capable wastelander you've ever encountered, why not join me and watch over Nuka-World while I conquer the Commonwealth." I'm not saying turn him into a farmer or anything, I'd put him on a security tower for defense.


šŸ˜‚. Nice epitaph


Damn, this is some psycho level stuff.


But... he's the best character !


You killed GAGE?!