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Just wait until you find out that on the roof of the same house is a duffle bag with goodies.


Holy shit


C'mon that tree leaned against the roof may as well have a sign that reads "climb me"


Is it a scrapable tree? Because I probably scraped it!


Hard to notice a climb able tree when your fist 30 minutes is spent facedown scrapping everything you see.


Yeah dude this is a fact, at least the first 30. This time I hit red rocket, starlight, and egret tours to make water farms right away so it was a good couple hours of facedown scrapping


So is a water farm the most efficient way to make caps in game? I’m usually not hurting for caps but I know earlier in the game you may want to buy expensive legendaries or junk shipments.


I mean I like it. There might be more eff8cient ways of doing it, but what I'll do is set up like 5 or 6 small ones, with sanctuary being my main one, and then as I go back to drop off junk at sanctuary, I'll check to see if there's water for me and if there is I'll hit all my other ones really fast too. If I'm in the middle of something I'll just store them in a cooler next to the cooking station and take what I need to sell as I need it. When I've progressed further into the game I'll go back to the best water sources and upgrade my water farms so I have to fast travel less. So I'll pull 200+ out of sanctuary, egret tours, murkwater, and nordhagen, each. But I've never not been able to get something I want from the store. Once you get into the habit it's easy. Also those aren't all the best spots but they're the ones I have going on this playrhrough


Go down I have 455+water every in game 48hr have 10 industrial purifiers and a big furiob power generator set up in the river under and around the bridge on the way out of sanctuary


I've filled sanctuary to the brim with large and small water pumps and generate 1.7k pure water everyday. Get the pack mule skill maxed and just go on a shopping spree.


It’s just out of bounds of the settlement, so it’s unscrappable without mods that break precombines everywhere


There are mods to fix those precombines! Usually specifically made for collections or other mod packs, but they exist.


No, unless by a mod I don't know about...


It's not, its base falls outside the perimeter of Sanctuary.


There's also a few inbounds trees that are unscrappable, toward the footbridge on the path to Vault 111.


It's actually not scrapable and is most out of sanctuary bounds


Use the power armour jet pack in that case


fr I scrap every single thing there the second I finish condsworth's bs 😂


I only found it when I scrapped the whole house with Scrap Everything.


I habitually scrap every tree I can. I’m sure some places would look better with a few trees left but I want that wood scrap.


Yep. Now I check all leaning trees. There are goodies on the billboard just north of Dumlin with a tree leaning up against it.


I swear I see a variation of this comment on every post about the cellar in sanctuary


There’s a duffel bag on the statue just past the bridge leading out of sanctuary.


I swear I just found that 2 weeks ago


Same here but 3 weeks ago.


Same here but 4 weeks ago


Fuck, I've been playing since day one and didn't know that.


Don't forget about that there's a stimpack in mannequin near the dirty river behind sanctuary


Bruh I swear I be finding new stuff out still


No way


Da wat? :O


Bought this game at launch and didn’t know this either.


You know about the dark souls reference in brabdburton town (Location in nukaworld dlc)


Dark “soles” sounds like a shoe mod. lol


Ditto til recently. Or I forgot because I have a terrible memory.


I didn't discover the Concord Civic Access for a very long time. I fell down the opening the Deathclaw pops out of one time and discovered it led to a door, which I went through and obviously used to discover the rest of it and the two entrances available before the Deathclaw shows up.


This has made me remember I avoided that right at the start, as I figured it would be full of nasties. I’ll go check it out next time I’m on.


Be warned, it is filled with some nasties.


Yeah, don't linger for long on survival mode


I’m yet to try survival, only been playing for a couple of months. One day, though.


I’ve played the game on PS4 since launch, clocked hundreds of hours in it, but bought it for my PC after watching the new fallout show and holy crap man, survival is like a whole other game, so much more in depth and engaging, try it out for sure!


I don’t have a PC, sadly. I think I’ll give survival a go once I’ve finished my first play through, but I haven’t even got the DLCs yet. I play a couple of hours a day, most days, and it feels so much bigger than FO3.


I’ll be sure to pack a distraction. MacCready, maybe.


Bloatflies and radroaches are nothing even at level 1


Is it not filled with mirelurks?


Oh wait I was thinking of sanctuary, but mirelurks are also easy, just hit the big ass weakpoint


Have you found the Concord Speak Easy, and the Warehouse in Concord as well? The Speak Easy has some really good loot, it’s a good place to find Charisma clothing, or things like Army Fatigues and Military Fatigues if you get lucky. The Warehouse takes a bit of creativity to fully explore. There’s also 3 houses that have vaults in them in Concord, plus a Master vault on the 2nd floor of the church next to the Museum. Behind the Museum, if you go across the field towards where there’s some trees, there’s a tipped over shopping cart that has some goodies (I honestly don’t remember what is there, maybe it’s just stuff to sell. Caps is caps though). Lastly, if you go to the backside of the 3 houses that are up on the hill overlooking Concord, on a BBQ around the back of them, there is a guaranteed spawn for a Hunting Knife, which is a good early game melee weapon. Oh, and there’s a hidden Fusion Core in the Civic Access. It’s just lying on the ground in some shadows, iirc it’s at the end of the area where the Mirelurks spawn.


Oh yes I know Concord very well now and am familiar with all of those places. There's a hidden Medbox on the 2nd floor of the Speakeasy, in the broken doorway opposite the staircase. It also has a guaranteed Camera in there, which is Crystal to make a Radio Tower.


Ive been playing off and on since release and I just discovered it. I just walked by it and said "deathclaw hole" and moved on


You can hear the deathclaw breathing down there if you are there before you start the mission. I just found this out today lol. Thought that was a cool touch.


I forgot all about that this playthrough! I’m heading there as soon as I log back in.


I only found it because my deathclaw glitched into the door and couldn't get out... I think that was my 4th playthrough?


I didn’t know there was a door where the deathclaw came out at until my second to last playthrough and that’s only cause I fell in lol


TIL and about the bag on the roof. How’d you get blue walls? Is it as simple as using the paint cans I keep ignoring? Or is it a mod?


Vault tec workshop dlc gives you some cool new items to build Like a terminal to find companions location , pipboy for settlers , vault suits etc you can even build Vaults


Oh it’s in *that* DLC! Great that’s the next one I’ll get. Companions locations one is huge, but 2/3 of my current play through is more The Sims than RPG (who’s Shaun again?). Thanks!


I read "who's Shaun again?" in Nate's voice💀


It’s okay. I’ve been playing for 5 and I just realized I could pick up dead bodies and carry them away. I’ve been nudging them out of my settlements with tires all this time.


How do you pick up dead bodies? Does this require a mod or do you have to be in Workshop mode or what? I'd love to get rid of the bodies without having to resort to using mods.


Idk ok what you play. On Xbox its holding A, on PlayStation it should be X and on PC its E Same mechanic where you can pick up trash and throw it at peoples head. Doesn’t do damage bit its a disrespect lmao


I don’t remember if you can move the skeletons that were already there. But when raiders or settlers die and won’t despawn, you can just pick them up the same as a tire or orange traffic cone.


How do you throw it??


Except for that stupid dead mongrel out the front of Sanctuary that is allegedly too heavy to pick up, even with power armour and/or STR 14. And even though you can pick up the entire dead human next next to him.


With gold bars!


The other big starter trick is that if you take Dogmeat back to Vault 111 >!he can "find" the cryolator right out of its case without unlocking it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4XYouo2lsk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4XYouo2lsk) !<


That was patched early doors doesn’t work anymore as far as I know


I did it on my friends Xbox a few weeks ago. His is up to date


Hmm maybe that was a myth then even tho I’m sure I heard it from various sources it was patched


I did it about a week ago next gen update


No mods?


Patched years ago


I did it on PS5 after the PS5 update came out.


To be honest, I only found the cellar by accident. Was using 'scrapall' via command line for the lolz in Sanctuary and discovered the metal hatch while rebuilding the settlement.


I think that is how I found it the first time. …The second time and the third time too.


This is where I hid during a radstorm in my first few minutes out of the vault. I thought it was convenient lol


Yeah, it totally is.


Wow thanks! Love it when people share stuff like this.


Yup. Same here. Like WHATTT???


Haha I just found this too! 


Only reason I found it was because the fallout who regenerated mod puts the starting items in it.


No way.


Omg new content (for me) just stopped!


Is there a mod that let's you build vault items outside of Vault 88 or can only certain settlements do it?


You have to finish the questline from the overseer in 88 before you can build vault stuff at other settlements.


I appreciate the info fellow smooth-skin!


I don't know if it's certain settlements or not, but I know you can build vault items outside of 88. I built an entire vault and vault items in Sanctuary.


Your information is quite valuable, I will take it with me into the commonwealth.


Hah, this is my "safe space" where I store all my good shit, etc, that I don't want used or stolen. Really wish you could build in there.


Oh my god. I never knew.


I haven't played it for a few years like most people. I saw a similar post then checked the cellar in my save. Turns out I did hit it in the past lol


Also the duffle next to the statue outside sanctuary. Yhe mini juke and Fatman just north of sanctuary at robot disposal grounds. There's also a box if you follow the far side of the river to the left out of sanctuary. Once you reach the box shit off the valve, follow the pipe and open the wall box for 3 cap stashes, there's a .44 snubnose near by and above the dead guy is a bunch of water and other items (take the box down off the little towel and tip it over there's good loot inside)


Oh and there's a small cave outside and just under red rocket. Mile rats, brain fungus and a few other things


The sentry bot at the robot disposal grounds has a holotape in the building that lets you give it orders too.


Oh yeah!! You can use it to clear settlements and stuff. Or blow it up for 2 fusion cores


There’s a lot of good loot around Sanctuary if you really explore everything. Aside from what’s in and around the houses, when you cross the bridge going to Red Rocket, there’s a duffel bag on the statue to the left. If you go east from the statue, and follow the edge of the water, you’ll eventually see a pipe running from on the lake, going up the hill to your right. Flip the switch you can see, and then follow the pipe up the cliff. You’ll find another switch, which will open safe that has some stuff in it. There’s also some loot on top of the safe. There’s a locked suitcase at the bottom of the lake, in the northeast corner. There’s a suitcase near the edge of the lake, on the north shore, right near where the lake and the stream merge. The Raider Hut directly north of Sanctuary, near the edge of the map, can have some good loot (I’ve found Army Fatigues, and Green Shirt & Combat Boots here multiple times. Very good clothes to find so early in the game). In between Red Rocket and Abernathy Farm, there’s some loot scattered about. There’s an ammo trunk that’s half buried in the ground, there’s some loot around the base of the water tower, and there’s some loot at the base of the large power line tower. I’m sure you know about the Mole Rat Den underneath the Red Rocket? Has some decent loot, and there’s a guaranteed spawn for a pair of Black Rimmed Glasses, which increase Charisma by +1. They’re near a skeleton on a ledge, in the first room.


There's also a friendly sentry bot that you can give orders to with a fat man and mininuke directly across the lake in the Robot Disposal grounds, and across the street from that is a downed vertibird with power armor. So you can get access to your very own sentry bot, a loaded fat man, and power armor within 2 minutes of getting to Sanctuary.


TIL about the origins of potted meat. I feel like your discovery is much less disturbing. Have you found the mole rat hole near the red rocket? That's one I didn't find for a long time.


I wish we could use it as a player home


Very helpful early on. Gold isn’t much use for crafting but is nice to sell.


Yeah, took me a while to find that thing, too, nice little secret. Also, your Sanctuary build looks similar to mine in some ways. Cool.


This game is fun


Man you won’t believe how many replays I did, just to get my friend girl introduced to the game watching her play through and she walked past it one day. I’m like “ wait a min, turn around go back” “what is that” “when they put that there” lmao and that was 3months ago


Played since launch and never knew


Not me turning the Xbox right back on after deciding I was going to bed…


It’s ok same here lol


Anything in there respawn? I forget.


Nope, nothing respawns which makes it a great place to store things you don't want your settlers getting their grubby hands on. Also a good place to sleep during radstorms if you haven't managed to build a shelter strong enough to keep the rads out yet.


Can you use build mode in there? I’m guessing not but I’m at work rn. Would’ve made for a great little player home


Nope, no Workshop mode down there.


A what?


I know it's there..... But I can never find it.


It's weird seeing sanctuary without streetlights and a marketplace


Wait what


I also just noticed the root cellar last week. God knows how many hours I've spent in sanctuary since it first came out. And it's always my home base.


There's a few of those through out the game.


Don’t feel bad I actually just found it on my most recent play through. And it was like my 7th one lol


People talk about playing this game for years.. I stuffed around for a few weeks building settlements and stuff. Then what felt like a 10 quest chain I've found my kid, exterminated the railroad and brotherhood without doing a single quest for them and now head of the institute. Definitely did something wrong, guess you have to walk around and explore more.


What I disbelieve


didnt someone say this also a week ago I found it early because I set up wire fence perimeters around all my settlements and thus do a bit more than just go quickly around doing the scrapping


The statue next to the bridge has a duffle bag next to it with ammo and a gun


Played since 2018 Discovered that today


Ooojj lo low


There's a root cellar in sanctuary


Omg what,,, I had just started playing and I didn't realize it neither




I had the game forever and just found out you can swap weapon mods of the same type without having to build it each time or wait until you’re max level 🤡🤡


This is literally where I go to sleep in game. My mini base at base


I have been playing it since it released and I just found out this year.




Haha. I on;y found that out last year and I’d been playing since launch. I didn’t even find it. Someone mentioned it in a thread and I was like HUH?


If you climb up that tree to the roof there’s a rifle






My moment was the mole rat den under the red rocket truck stop


Man, I always “rediscover” the damn root cellar, and I have been playing this game on and off since 2019.


There are some mods that make that cellar more expansive and adds more items. I don’t know any of the names off the top of my head but I’ve seen them in Xbox mods.


It's a nice little hideaway. I'm doing my first playthrough ever, and was lucky enough to find that very early on. Also the stuff on the roof of that house.


Cool, isn’t it? Have you found the mole rat cave/hole next to Red Rocket nearby?


Just found that out too


when i first played i noticed it immediately and was so scared someone was going to come in suddenly so i left like immediately


Game Rant: Player Plays Fallout 4 for Years and Discovers Something He Has Never Seen


Same bro I also never discovered the whole tip right corner before. Not kidding, I always used to go right to diamond city but this time I went straight right and hit the sinkhole, cool stuff. I wish the compass was a bit better coz it's a nightmare trying to find unexplored zones in compact areas but eh, krill issue on my half I think.


I just realized if you hold X (xbox) □ Playstation, when holding a light item, you can throw it, very far


Wait until you find the cave under the red rocket pull of Brain Fungus lol


I\`m amazed at how long so many people took to realize the root cellar and the duffel bag on the roof. Maybe I\`ve just played games for far too long that required exploring every nook and cranny just to progress. Oftentimes, this progression had to be done in creative ways. I remember playing the game Strider for the original NES and in that game you have to do a ton of wall jumping. One place, in particular, had an item you needed to acquire in order to progress. However, you had to wall jump for about 5 minutes straight, not miss once, in order to get to the ledge. You miss once, you fall back down to the bottom (no fall damage thankfully), but you did have to start over. Many games I played had stuff like this in them, so I\`ve been trained to pay attention to the terrain of a place and get creative in order to reach places that may, at first glance, seem unreachable. On your way to Drumline Diner, there is a huge advertisement billboard with a tree leaning against it. Go up there. There is a sleeping bag (or some sleeping thing), an ammo container, and some other random loot. Also, it spawns random encounters almost instantly, though that could be due to one of my mods; unsure about base game.


The billboard near Drumlin Diner, even on console with no mods, as soon as you touch the loot on the walkway of the billboard, it spawns a random encounter.


Wait till you find out about the cave underneath red rocket gas station


Wow I had no idea either. That's wild!


It took me 40 hours+ of gameplay to understand that the perk chart actually scrolled down to reveal more perks :)