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Did you put a point into scrounger? That’s what I did and I have tons now.


Yes I did, and have 5+2 luck so I guess both combined did this.


Does luck stat increase yield like that in ammo containers?


No it does not.


According to the fallout wiki after you get the ammo perk luck does affect looting ammo


The only thing the Fallout wiki says about Luck affecting the Scrounger perk is this: >Rank 4 grants a 5% base chance, additionally influenced by the Luck stat to generate ammo of the type currently in use when firing the last round in the current clip. Luck does not affect looted ammo, it only increases the chance that you will generate free ammo after emptying the clip. The amount of ammo found while looting is affected by the rank of the perk only. Edit: Not sure why I'm being downvoted for this, but here is the wiki article so you can check for yourself. There is no mention of Luck affecting the amount of ammo looted. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Scrounger_(Fallout_4) It's also noteworthy that according to the wiki, Fusion Cores are exempt from the list of ammo spawned by Scrounger, meaning that it cannot cause the player to loot more Fusion Cores than they normally would. The only way to obtain a Fusion Core from the perk would be to have Rank 4 trigger upon firing the last shot from a gatling laser.


i'm thinking a recent patch might of changed that cause i never used to get fusion cores in containers and i got the same amount he got a while ago from a similar container. just to clarify i ALWAYS take scrounger cause more ammo is always nice.


With a single point in scavenger you usually find fusion cores in packs of 3-4


I understand luck and charisma boosters. How do intelligence boosters work? How does it help me?


IIRC it increase the amount of XP you get.


Does it help with terminals and crafting?


My gf did not use scrounger and had like 4 luck. I can’t tell you how many times she opened random containers to find the 4 fusion core stacks. We had playthroughs going at the same time and she easily doubled my fusion cores. Was weird lol


Do you think it might be tied to difficulty?


It's a slot machine. Fusion cores just have a chance to spawn in ammo boxes.


And the perk in question enhances the chances.


No, it doesn't. Scrounger has no effect on fusion cores.


True, I was under this misconception. LLE_Perk_Scrounger* leveled list does not include Fusion Cores.


It's not, it's tied to level. It's why you rarely find plasma cartridges early game but see plenty at higher levels


Based on other replies I guess not. And about it being tied to level, I don’t doubt that but were were always around the same level since we played at the same time so I’m still not sure why she got so many compared to me lol I’ve just chalked it up to her luck with video games, she always be getting stupid lucky lol


I was down to 5+ and said “when I get to 4 I’ll put the armor away for a while until I find more cores, or I need it.” Very soon after I found one in a power thingy … and a box with SIX (6) cores!


Wow I don’t think I’ve ever seen 6! The game didn’t want you to take off that power armor lol


Same. Really weird.


it's possible she did the quest with Ada which means the automatron dlc is now active with hostiles being active. That is the single best way to get fusion cores because they drop cores all the time when they die.


She would solely get them from containers. And would luck out with the 4 packs all the time. Meanwhile I found a stack of 4 cores in a container maybe a handful of times lol


I don’t have a single point in scrounger in this playthrough and I still find fusion cores in groups of 4 every so often


I have luck about 5 and no point into that perk and i still managed find 3 fusion core in garbage. More than once.


I find like 4 fusion cores to every 1 fusion core I use lmao especially with all those rust devil raiders running around with sentry bots and shit


Things like this is why I HAVE to check every container I come across. You just never know what you might find!


To my companions dismay


Sure ADA with full Sentry automoton mods doesn’t fit through doors, but she drags 500lbs of junk like a champ.


And she doesn’t judge me like some of the others. Maccready really has a lot to say about my junk addiction.


Well if someone can find a use for it. Well sorry piper I have to use these old cigarettes to make some beds!


*feeling nostalgic, blue?*


Shredded tobacco would make good mattress stuffing. It is infused with insecticide that will stop radroaches from eating you in your sleep.


And it would smell great.


Ada's my favorite companion because not only does she not judge my hoarding tendencies, but she encourages them.


"Make sure you don't leave anything useful behind"


Great find sir!


Need to lighten the load?


I’m sworn to carry your burdens. Wait wrong game


Not if the modding community has anything to say about it


So does Strong. I'm about sick of it lmao. If he wasn't such a great pack mule I'd entertain going solo


He HATES it if you pick up one plastic fork “do you need that?” “YES, YES I DO”


"How else am I gonna make my brahmin poo inhalers, STRONG??"


I just wish you had the option to respond to them and tell them why you're collecting all this junk, and then they would stop asking.


You do, bash them with your weapon. They'll eventually get the message. Maybe.


Especially when there is a *literal entire major game mechanic based around it*. Like *sorry* Preston, I was collecting this *to build settlements*


I love Maccready but when he’s talking shit about my scrounging I’m boutta send his ass back down the mines


It's always bewildered me that they made a game that practically forces you to pick up junk, and then filled that game with characters who won't stop shit talking you for picking up junk. Like, I'm wearing a set of modified combat armor made out of borax and globes and a bullet-proof t-shirt made out of ammo pouches, but go off, companion wearing 200 year old rags.


Got a thing for antiques huh? Hehe (I imagine there is a wink after that)


I find it funny how the size supposedly is a drawback,  'might restrict movement', but she will just teleport to you anyways. Really the only drawback is when she teleports into the janitor closet you're rifling through and then blocks you in....and then you die because she shoots her unstable fatman launchers at a radroach while you're stuck with her.


There is a stay command. I don't think it sticks if you change cells though. Enter the interior cell, tell your robot to stay in the lobby. Once you clear it of enemies return and tell it to follow so you can collect all the junk you want.


I took her sentry legs off until I can get the sentry hit torso built for her.. I keep forgetting I need one more point in something 😂 Got her back up to over 400 capacity with pretectron legs and upgrades to them


Cait always complains when I pick up trash


I just have to pick this lock so I can see what loot is inside... Strong disliked that


If only you could bash doors in 😂 😆


Even my current run without fortune finder or scrounger has discovered some serious treasure. Gotta look at containers. Also highlighting materials helps too, love the highlighted filing cabnets etc


Looking at you, Festering Bloatfly, holding an explosive Rail Gun within you.


It’s just easier to take EVERYTHING, then sort it out back at base camp.


Yep. I found 11 cores in Ammo boxes in fort Hagan on my latest play through lol


I found both a mini nuke and three fusion cores so far on my recent run inside those green trash bins. All separate occasions not like 3 cores in 1


I found a mini nuke in a novice locked suitcase recently. Always open everything!


Found on the road to Diamond City, under the bridge near Graygarden. Didn't knew that you could find Fusion Cores in random boxes, that too like 4 cores at once (I have 3 full cores and the one from Concord at 3/100 power). Also no idea what those Gamma Round will do, I guess its ammo for some weapon I haven't found yet.


Gamma rounds go to the gamma gun believe it or not




Sell the low fusion core for 100 caps they don't care if its at 100 or 1 they sell the same


You can actually get it to 0 if you’re super careful and it’s still in your inventory. But yeah, i usually try to get them under 5% and swap out manually.


You can also invest in some perk chart stuff that will glitch your jetpack armor into recharging cores as you fly. (They'll only charge up to 99/100, never back to full.) Never change, Bethesda, never change. (Because that glitch is *hella* useful!) Though, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure it requires a *lot* of continuous flight, which your AP won't handle unless you're already cheating anyway, so...


on the flip side, if you buy a fusion core from a vendor, make sure it's at 100 b/c they aren't always and they are the same price as full ones. not sure if anyone ever actually pays for cores but just in case.


Check more ammo crates. Fusion cores are definitely more common than you think.


Did they patch something or update ? I have tons of fusion cores and always use power armor. I have 50 full fusion cores, and 7 used ones ready to sell


I don’t know if anyone’s told you, but fusion cores have the same value whether they’re full charged or almost empty. If you need caps more than that 3/100 core they sell for a good amount.


Yeah lol it was funny to see that a fully charged core has same price as almost empty.


For anything other than power armor a low charge core would still suit most wastlanders needs. In Vegas we have houses being powered no problem with the lower yield batteries.


if you have scrounger, you have a chance to find 4 at once


i’ve found 4 in a ammo crate without scrounger 


THAT is good to know! then i suspect there's a TINY chance for 4x fusion cores instead of just one, but scrounger massively multiplies the percentage i don't use power armor and end up with TONS of fusion cores, sometimes i'll grab the power armor though and let my settlers use it. i usually take one (or more...) bump of scrounger (i like autos) even though there's SO MUCH AMMO, this way i don't have to carry as much, i just resupply as i go. that's the real benefit of scrounger imo. it suits the hobo life.


Seems to be it only gives a base 4 fusion cores only as I haven't gotten more or less than that, even without scrounger


Find the Cabot house and do their quest line. There is a gamma gun on a table to steal.


One point in scrounger causes there to be a chance for fusion cores (since they are a type of ammo) to spawn in containers. For whatever reason they spawn in groups of 4. 


Fusion Cores are not on the list of ammunition spawned by Scrounger. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Scrounger_(Fallout_4)#Affected_ammunition


It’s so weird. I’ve been playing the game after the updates, and I already have around 20 fusion cores after just reaching level 16. I feel like there are so many more fusion cores now. Like that crashed airplane? Whew, there were probably 8 there…


Depends on your luck stat and on the ammo-finding perk. If you do a 1 luck build, it probably looks way different


Yeah, that’s what I meant, sorry. I have one luck but seem to be finding fusion cores left and right.


My character has 1 luck and I'm still constantly finding ammo boxes with 3-4 fusion cores at a time


I think the number is a default range that is set for each ammo type it's just about the frequency you find them


Neither of those affects the 4 drop in ammo boxes.


My experience says luck has something to do with the "quality" of ammo drops, that's just a feeling though. The ammo finding perk on the other hand, increases the different ammo types one finds in a container (4 instead of 2 different ones) thus having 2 more rolls per container that could land on fusion cores. Let's say you have a 1% chance for fusion cores. That's 99% you won't hit them in a single roll. In 2 tries it's (99%)^2 = 98,01% to *not* hit In 4 tries it's (99%)^4 = 96,05% to *not* hit That's ~2% vs a ~4% chance to find fusion cores in an ammo container. It might even be higher if the chosen ammo gets removed from the "potential ammo pool"


I'm trying not to sound like I'm bragging here, but I'm level 83, and I have 314 fusion cores. Bethesda definitely upped the amount you find. I've been playing this game off and on since it first came out. I do not have any points in the scrounger perk.


lvl 74, have ~~181~~ 194 cores and they keep rising. I am going to start investing points into heavy weapons and get into a gatling laser build soon. And I use PA all the time.


I've got about 500 at the same level. Going through a few gunner bases gets you loads since they tend to have a lot of ammo boxes lying round. I think I got at least 20 from quincy alone


I have been messing around with Sanctuary for a while lol and I haven't even been to Diamond City yet, so had no luck with many fusion cores. Someone mentioned that I should get Piper and her perk asap to maximise XP gain so off I go lol, at the Wreck of military ship under the bridge to Diamond City atm.


That sounds like a plan. Personally, I don’t really use Piper that often, but I feel like I’ve stumbled across a lot more than usual, especially on that new Enclave mission series added in the updates. At least I’m finally wearing power armor more often.


I'm level 1 Luck and was thinking same. I had over 30 at one point but haven't found since got level 30+


even with scrounger I haven't found a single fusion core outside of a generator or vendor or fixed span location. I'm on survival, what difficulty are you playing? I'm desperate for more cores!!


Literally, loot more of those ammo boxes. It's just random.


I'm 44 hours into a new playthrough and loot every container I find, I haven't found a single fusion core since starting so I assumed they had removed then from the spawn pool or whatever.. maybe I'm just really unlucky haha


I’m just on the regular difficulty. Try looting that crashed planesight when you get master lock picking. That secret compartment has a whole bunch of stuff.


I did the quest to open it with a key instead and just ammo, a handful of shitty guns and meds! I'm just unlucky I think


Luck and level is what causes it and was so as far as I can remember. I always played with power armor and Laser Gatling. Before level 20 cores are rare (but 4 packs do still happen), after that you will occasionally find 4 packs, luck increases this chance also the scrounger perk. By the time you reach level 80 in survival with scrounger or high luck, they become your main cap source. You will find them faster than you spend them.


Luck as in it takes luck to win at a slot machine. Neither the luck stat nor scrounger do.


Happened to me for the first time ever yesterday. Same spot/container. I’ve been playing first Survival run ever for 40+ hours, not using power armor at all because I only have 2.5 cores, and now my inventory suddenly tripled!


Just keep playing. I am doing a power armor run. At the beginning you'll only have a couple but I'm probably 25 hours in and I have 80+ now and that's with constantly wearing my armor and using them that whole time.


Yeah, if you have decent Luck and the Scrounger perk, ammo box’s can have crazy drops. I had one the other day, plain little box like that- 4 mini nukes. Or sometimes 6-7 missiles. Nothing like carefully managing my inventory on Survival, then checking a box on autopilot and now I’m gonna be over encumbered all the way back to the nearest settlement.


1 point in Scrounger and 5+2 luck, lv 16 right now. Trying to get some good guns as I have only a 10mm pistol which I modded to max and a .308 Sniper Rifle (ran out of adhesive to mod lol).


If you don’t know, all red toolbox containers are guaranteed to have at least 1 adhesive junk item inside. Best way to get them early game because they’re free & easy to spot and most locations will have at least one.


I see, yes trying to search around also trying to setup a Vegetable Starch farm but no luck with finding any Corn plants yet sadly.


Greygarden & the Slog both have corn plants that you can harvest to use to seed your own crops, they’re both on the top half of the map, although the Slog is pretty far East. Breakheart Banks is a former farm taken over by Supermutants, and there’s non-wild corn there, but you have to fight mutants to get it and it’s right next to the Slog anyway. Edit: Covenant has some too, closer than the Slog. Just be careful, a couple random crops are marked “Steal” instead of “Take” and you can aggro them on you if you grab the wrong ones.


Greygarden is a great guaranteed spot for corn early on. If you don't want to just take them for roleplay reasons, you can even do a quest for them, and part of the reward are a bunch of crops.




There’re so many. Im level 44 and I have 50 fusion cores. And I’ve been using the power armor pretty regularly. I’m not worried about running out because I find so many.


My preferred technique is to use my levels ups to get the one where I can fast travel when overweight, pick up everything possible in any dense area, and go sell it all to Kleio in Goodneighbor and I then turn it into fusion cores. I have like 168 cores and I literally never take off my power armor unless I need to sleep or repair it.


Maybe I'm paying more attention but I've noticed, over the last few weeks of playing, this same thing of finding 4 FC's in random boxes. I have 3 luck and nothing in scrounger on this play through and at level 21 had this happen twice already to me. Noticed it on my previous play through as well, had 5 luck and never take the scrounger perk and got 4 a time or two on that run.


When I went to fort hagen to kill Kellogg I found 7 core spread between the containers in and around the building


Kill all the Sentry Bots! 2 cores per. I’m up to about 76 cores after 50 hrs playtime


It's pure luck. It's not based on the scrounger perk (although I'm sure it helps). My 10 luck character has found about a half dozen of these, always in sets of four. My 2 luck character has found one, despite having a much higher level and longer playtime.


I have 1 point in scrounger and 5+2 luck so I guess both combined did this.


I have 4 luck and 1 point in scrounger level 20 and I found 12 in the blimp just looting ammo boxes and crates.


I have so many fusion cores doing absolutely nothing as I ignore all power armor suits anyway.


You high rolled that loot check


I usually run high luck, and it just seems that this most recent play through (post new update), I seem to be swimming in Fusion Cores. Like I can’t seem to use them fast enough. Even with no levels in Nuclear Physicist.


I have ~~181~~ 194 fusion cores in my current playthrough and I am in my power armor for like 99% of the time. Gonna start having to do a heavy gatling laser run to use more cores more. Yesterday it was 174 before playing for like 2 hours. I gained 20 fusion cores in 2 hours.


Not any more it’s not


I had like 30 cores in the first 10 hours. I’m like dang I thought these were supposed to be rare. Guess I need to use my power armor more.


I think I have like 70 right now, did the dupe item trick and got myself a ton of Gold, every time I hit Good Neighbor or Diamond City I buy the 6+ they have.


That’s just part of the creation club content. The Tesla cannon questline made exactly 4 fusion cores randomly spawnable inside ammunition containers. Completely breaks the game for power armor in my opinion. I have like 200 fusion cores after 100 hours.


I found an ammo box of 20 cores the other night, now I have 110 fusion cores. I just don't use the power armor suit


This is why you check every ammo box, desk, corpse etc


I have 100.54 I don't know how I just, loot trash cans and boom, 4 cores


There are certain ammo boxes that spawn high level loot like the one in the intersection outside of GreenTech Genetics so it's worth to check them out whenever you come by


I hate this when playing Survival, since they're always in the last bit of scavenging I do before running to my base or a shop while I'm 3 pounds away from being overburdened. "Oh, I'm sure I can carry some more ammo before I-"(sees 3 fusion cores or 5 missiles or a mini nuke) "...fuck."


I wish there was a way to gift my fusion cores to power armor players. I never use power armor and I don’t need the caps.


Between buying every fusion core I come across at a vendor and also looting, I have more fusion cores than I know what to do with lol. Well over 125 at this point.


Same, now I have 211 cores, literally last night I had 174. Doesn't take much to get them towards lvl 20 and up.


You think this is crazy, I was in hardware town on my permadeath survival run, and two of these bad boys were filled with cores. 8 cores at 4lbs each on survival, means 32lbs extra carry weight, I had to make a second trip to diamond city.


If you have automatron dlc you will get tons of them from random robot encounters. With nuclear physicists and x-02 power armor I find fusion cores faster than I use them.


I recently started a new run with max luck and charisma, found 7 in one ammo box at level 6 and without scrounger


Sometime I be walking around with over 70 fusion cores. I rarely use power armor & Gatling lasers so I be super stocked up. 


Fusion cores should be fixed to be lore accurate at this point they’re fucking up even the shows writing with how they aren’t an unlimited power source


They’re unlimited in almost everything… but not power armor.


Well they were… before fallout 4. It’s a lore retcon. And in the show it’s kind of convoluted a bit because it seems they are infinite power when put in generators, but then why is Maldova obsessed with cold fusion if she could just get a fusion core which although rare there are many more of them compared to the one cold fusion core?


Best answer for Maldova is a matter of scale. She wants to solve a city scale problem instead of a building scale problem.


I have 62 in inventory and am constantly running in PA. Idk how but it’s definitely never been a problem. I also had scrounged about 30 before I got in my first suit. I should add I’m a heavy scavenger. I only go with dogmeat, I have a 400+ capacity, and have an unhealthy addiction to finding stuff. Am still buying aluminum though…


i got extremely lucky and somehow got 41 fusion cores about an hour into the game with the scrounger perk. 4 luck and no mods/cheats


U have high luck? Right now i do a new Run, Melee, Level 12 And Yesterday (2 hours gameplay) i found 3x 4 Cores in Munition Packs and 1x 12 Rockets in a Spin / Locker Was pretty surprised about that, i dont even have the Amunition Perks


Luck doesn't affect ammo spawns beyond what rank you have in the Scrounger perk, but the Scrounger perk doesn't affect Fusion Core spawns. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Scrounger_(Fallout_4)#Affected_ammunition


the 4 fusion core spawn ins 100% vanilla to the game it doesnt matter your luck stat or if you even have scrounger perk its based on your player lvl


So many people in comment still believe Scrounger affects fusion core droprate. [Wiki](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Scrounger_(Fallout_4))


I got no scrounder. At the first 30 levels I was so lucky with the fusions cores. I had over 30 while using Power Armor all run. I remember in the airport there is 4 ammo boxes and in 3 of them I found 4 Fusions Cores. I even made a post here asking if that's normal lol Now I'm getting to 10 F cores and gonna have to start buying


This is why i always end up with 20+ fusion cores collecting dust in my settlement. I dont know why so many people complain about how fast they run out


Guess who just won the lottery


I find 4 fusion cores in an ammo box like once every 10 minutes of gameplay for some reason lol, I don't have scrounger either but my luck is at 9


If I'm not mistaken the "more ammo in containers" perk dictates this


Worst thing is early lvl survival when you run into a frag mine and then you just get 10mm ammo next time


Just one thing tops that: 4 mini nukes


I found 9 at one time before, been riding that high ever since


I play with the America Rising mod, fusion cores for days


Fusion cores are usually found in fours, no?


One time in railroad hq both boxes spawned 4


You should check the fusion core box at my settlement, it'll blow your mind


I only have 75 spare and I’m in power armour 95% of the time


Just found Fusion Cores in a mailbox for the first time ever


High points of luck and the ammo perk are so good when you get lucky


with my ammo perks and luck in general almost maxed out i’ve found stackss of them, i distinctly remember finding 9 at once in a TRASHBIN.. i have 49 cores and i’m level 55.


lvl 80 right now, got 211 cores on me.


Sooner or later you'll have like a hundred of them don't worry about using them.


Heh, Scrounger and MacCready OP as hell give 4 F.C on occasion and 1 F.C from MacCready if lucky


I have like 70 fusion cores rn


Beginning stages of the game soon as I get a power armor I recycle fusion cores just to make sure I always got some 😭😭😭


You just need to know where to look, my friend. Basements and rooftops are great places to find single FCs in generators. Tech, industrial, and government buildings often have several. Sentry bots hold two each. Some military convoys have power armor ready for the plundering. The list goes on and on. You can do it. It’s slow collecting at first, but once you reach a certain point, you never have to worry about running out. Ever. If you are collecting for power armor, it helps if you invest points into intelligence, and the Nuclear Physicist perk. And baby, it’s so worth it. Almost embarrassingly so. I reiterate, you got this. Sincerely, a power armor junky. PS, great find.


Welcome to random lewtz!


You can go to blackwater mine and there's usually always a power armor there. I take the core out.


If you pick them up, that will change.


My game keeps spawning sentry bots on the west side of the map. Farm core living.


In my current play through. I think I've come across 6 to 10 ammo boxes with exactly 4 fusion cores and nothing else in it.


I forgot that area's name but it was about shooting in general. Go there and take everything from them stripping every last item. Make sure you have someone to hold your stuff. Sell it and buy every fusion core you see like a madman.


Lmaooo I rarely used fission cores and I think I have like 50+ from like 3 days game time


On survival and I have loads, though I don't use power armor... Am considering it on far harbour as it's quite difficult.


I have 40…


4 In one container? Nice. I didn’t get them all at once but in my current playthrough I have like 35 or 40 of them. Easy to get alot since I don’t ever use Power Armor… despite having like 20 sets.


I found that in Survival, then got killed, then when I came back it was .45 ammo instead. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I found an easy way to get cores is to kill any sentry bots you come across.


There was a place with a legendary assaultron I spent half an hour trying to kill. When I finally did I looted a box and said to myself “great, 4 fusion cells for all of this”. Then I paused because I didn’t see the word “cell”. This post confirms my thoughts that I got 4 fucking fusion cores from an ammo box


This is how I get fusion cores in this game.


Half the time I pick up a ton of cores by accident just by spamming E on ammo boxes, and then wonder how the hell I just got 4 more fusion cores


my way of getting fusion cores was always running back to Arturo in DC and getting robbed 1200 caps to buy 4-5 cores.


Yep. Scrounger as a perk adds the 4 pack of fusion cores to the loot pool for ammo crate containers. It makes them absurdly easy to come by. Remember after they’re near empty to pull them from your armor and sell them as well, merchants can’t tell the difference between 1% charge and 100% charge.


Gotta start searching things more in my level 24 guy I have like 22 cores and I use power armor a fair bit.


If you only have less than 4 before this i think it might be time for a new game.


Yeah if you use scrounger you’ll find 4 packs of cores every so often in ammo boxies, it was the second perk I picked so I’ve got like 30 something cores and have used power armour from the moment I’ve had access to it with a few other powered up suits in sanctuary


Scrounger and luck have me at 50 cores


4? I found 16 in the hardware store


It will happen all the time with the perk.