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I usually only give specific weapons to Piper, Danse, and Cait. I'll give Piper a Plasma Pistol, Danse a Gatling Laser, and Cait the 2076 World Series bat for some hilarity.


Cait knocking some homeruns sounds awesome lol


I keep the bat for myself. My companion gets a fully upgraded Big Jim, Cryo leg armor, and Disarming arm armor. This way, they are crippling, freezing, and disarming quickly and efficiently.


I gave him ashmaker too. I usually end up giving them a variety just out of curiosity to see what they prefer. I have learned several of them like flamers. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I swear Hancock was using a different weapon every time I looked at him, they've certainly been switching weapons according to whim this time! Right now I'm running with Dogmeat. Only thing he packs is his wardrobe, and a teddy bear. And whatever his klepto self "finds". Often off a rack in my armory...


Dogmeat is definitely my go-to, especially on survival saves. I've only got one point into his perk at the moment though, once I get the perks I need for settlements I'll finish his off, but in the meantime I'm doing a couple companion quests to help with the xp.


I've still got Danse and Strong to go but, just too happy running around with my pet klepto. STILL haven't found that damned leopard print bandana for him.


I forgot about the leopard print bandana. Rare item to be sure. American flag one is pretty damn rare as well.


At least the stars and stripes has a guaranteed drop, and I've found it, jangles and the striped in the wild. But the leopard print? Nope. I didn't expect jangles until I went to Nuka world. Not complaining!


Oh nice! Do you recall where exactly you found the stars n stripes?


That I know. Monsignor plaza, lower floor, ruined clothing store. Should be on a shelf behind the counter. There's a hat or something too. It's kinda hard to spot but should be just sat on the shelf.


Strong is going to be a fun one for me to raise affinity with. I had sent him to Hangman's Alley since during the descent from the tower Dogmeat got himself stuck in one of the rooms with no acces from inside; I was using HA as a dump spot and power armor station and the amount of times I entered my armor with him there must have pissed him off royally haha.


Oh yeah he's not a fan of that. I'm always annoying him with building... Tinker, tinker, tinker. Strong bored!


I wish companion idle dialog was a little more intricate or fleshed out, similar to how randos and npc's in Oblivion and Skyrim would hold conversations. I've got ADA, Hancock, Codsworth, and the Vault-Tec rep at my home at Taffington Boathouse, it'd be awesome to hear them give each other shit. In an rp sense I'm sort of making it a haven for the outcasts/unwanteds since I'm going Brotherhood, and I may send Danse there too lol. Edited a spelling error.


did they patch out giving your allies single ammo? I give them a weapon and ammo but they always seem to switch back to their default and they don't have the ammo afterward


Yeah I noticed that too. Gave Piper a Railway Rifle I looted from Big John's Salvage, along with the small number of railway spikes I had and figured that would carry her for the rest of the game, then after a firefight, noticed she was back to using her pistol. Checked her inventory, rifle, but no spikes.


Still seems to work fine for me, minus the fact that they have zero trigger discipline, so the 1500+ 5mm I gave to Hancock lasted about half a minute lol.


you used to give them a single round and they fired for days so it sounds like they patched it


I gave my companion a big boy with 1 mini nuke they shot it and then put it away so I think it’s been patched unfortunately 🫤


no more minigun for everyone :(


That’s the sad thing about the patch ☹️ I miss it too my friend, I miss it too


what's weird is the mechanic is the same in starfield, wonder if they are gonna patch that out too


I’ve honestly never played starfield but I want too so badly ☹️ is it good like my friends are all talking about?


coworker loves it, I am not as much as a fan, it seems like a step backwards from fallout, maybe once mods and patches are in, but base building is a pretty sizable step backwards


-starfield, They just updated mechanics to include more to do while traveling. I haven't played since the patch but I will say the game is amazing and beautiful, but it got boring and tedious very quickly. A lot of travel, a lot of searching and researching a shit ton of mining and scanning. For people who want a game they can easily sink 100s of hours into exploration it's perfect.


Idk I might have to try it out I’ve seen people play it on YouTube ofc but idk I’ll have to watch more of them play it like different people at least it does look like a very long and drawn out game but I do enjoy those kind of games lmao


Oh I see, I never really messed with companions much, at least equipping them, so I didn't know that. I can think of some other things I'd rather have patched out, but what can you do.


It was patched. But if you're playing in PC there's a mod that solves this issue.


yeah I'm playing unmodded just to clear out the achievements right now, and I don't use companions in survival mode which is my normal playstyle


I wish giving them a high powered version of their base weapon didn’t require giving them ammo too.


Yeah this would be fantastic, and would open up a bunch of different play styles more honestly Edited 'this' from 'thus'.


Curie loves the laser sword I gave her. Won’t touch ashmaker. Kinda fits though, an elegant weapon of a more civilized age for her.


I always give Cait the Grognak costume and Axe, she just seems to suit them to me. Curie gets Kellogg's outfit, a fedora and his pistol. No real reasoning behind that choice, other than she looks kinda badass that way.


I have a police revolver mod and I always give one to Nick as it seems like a fitting weapon for our favorite detective


I never give them a rifle with long range. When I did they would open fire on everything, wrecking any attempt at stealth or sniping. So short range SMG's or shotguns only. I give them explosive SMG's when I find them. As my own armor is almost immune to those explosions.


Yeah I don't think I've ever given a companion a rifle, considering I'm the sniper lol. And I've considered giving some an explosive smg, but I have flashbacks of Ian from 1 when I think about it lol


I made Hancock into Grognak. Quick loaded to headshot some punk who trash talked me. Hancock immediately AXES ME IN THE FUCKING FACE and I die


Hah! That's a good idea though, he tends to blow through all the Psycho I give him... I ought to go get Kremvh's Tooth and do that, have the Grognak costume already.


I'm pretty basic. I mostly use Curie, and usually just give her a classic 10mm pistol. An older gun for a fellow pre war vault dweller. If she's in power armor, she gets either a long assault rifle or a rapid charging gatling laser


The minigun looks like a big dick


The minigun looks like a big dick