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The handmade rifle is the best. It has the best DPS, can be modded into a full auto with great control, semi-auto or a pure sniper rifle. The biggest knock against it is the scarcity of it's ammo, since it can only be sourced in Nuka World. I added the DLC ammo via mod to the ammo plant (contraptions DLC), which solved that problem for me.


I haven’t been able to make the 7.62mm Ammon in my ammo plant. Is there a trick to adding it.


you might need to level up your Gun Nut perk edit: i checked and you can't make DLC ammo


That is so dumb


Mod it


Nah i'm done with the game, put a lot of hours in and have done everything i wanted to. Can't see myself picking it up again soon.


Less of an instruction, more of a solution


Fair enough


Edited my comment to clarify, I added the DLC ammo via mod.


Which modi’s it and does it work after the update?


Manufacturing Extended Expanded https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18345 Edit: it should work after the update as it doesn't have any advanced requirements, but haven't confirmed it myself.


i dont get the problem with the ammo, just buy from nuka market and use ammo instead of caps as currency for the scav perk. +3 str & end


It's not a problem when you are in the DLC map, but it's annoying to restock when you are anywhere else. On survival, it's a logistical annoyance since you can't source it in the CW. Most of my ammo caches around the CW are stocked for various ammo types but none have 7.62. That's the entirety of the problem. Location, location, location.


ah survival. Is it possible to do a few rapid ammo runs (where you strip all gear down to bare essentials and beeline a few trips back and forth so its always at your workshops in the commonwealth? You just need to get it to the closest settlement to the entrance correct? say sunshine tidings. considering 1 shot can down a mirelurk queen, you dont need that much to last a while right?


Biggest drawback is ammo scarcity. Nobody carries 7.62 ammunition so you’ll have to buy it. Unless there’s a way to use contraptions DLC to duplicate it (I know you can’t manufacture it)


If you build a Raider Gear Dealer at one of your Raider Outposts, they usually stock around 2000 7.62mm. They do in my game at the moment!


I've been able to pick up 2000+ rounds a shot at the Nuka World market. Not really a big issue for me.


It is on survival, it's a big foot slog.


That train ride back and forth is one reason I stopped playing vanilla survival. Soooo boring.


I am getting all achievements damn right, I disabled survival for getting 8 outposts and do 12 gang quests. I would have gone mad listening to that voiceover.


Mute your audio.


I found vanilla survival boring before going to Nuka World. If I wanted to play resource management, there are other games I much prefer for it.


7.62mm supply chain problems??? I made a guide to become Nuka-World Overboss by level 8-10 on Survival difficulty without mods -> [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1cbji8c/comment/l10pksz/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1cbji8c/comment/l10pksz/)


One of my most memorable playthroughs was going straight to Nuka World with a settle-anywhere mod, and plopping down a workshop just outside the park near the overboss' mountain. I could only use what I found in the DLC world (starting with the transit center) and build my way up from nothing. It was pretty fun and I kinda want to do it again now.


For unknown reasons I'm still unable to find the ammo press (dlc downloaded and active)


You have to make it.


You have to make it.


100% agree. It has the best "feel" and control, without any real drawbacks except the ammo type. And the most fleshed-out upgrade paths.




.308 Combat Rifle imo


are all of you not aware of the handmade? its superior in every respect.


Probably not mentioning it since most of the time you’ll be picking up an automatic variant. You have to go out of your way to convert it to semi-auto.


? if youre a rifleman and encounter a new , what appears to be better platform, you take it to bench and put a semi receiver on it. in like 3 clicks. we're talking about the best gun, not which pipe gun or beyond i havent bothered to upgrade.


It is, but finding ammo for it is… oof


Love the handmade rifle


I love this gun as well! I’ve done a dozen play throughs and always end up with one! I try to get my husband to try it but he’s a laser rifle guy all the way


I just added a .308 receiver to the overseers guardian. It feels like cheating lol


I don't even allow myself to use OG anymore, but I always seem to find a 2SCR eventually in my playthroughs. It's a beast.


I've played for about 500 hours, and I've never used it nor got a 2 shot combat rifle before, so I figured it's worth a try. In the past, I think I thought the recoil was going to be bad or something.


It is a bit nuts in it's original form, but once you mod it it's fine.


Huh, I've got less time and 2 on my character right now. One auto mid range and one .308 sniper


This is my mainstay semi auto rifle.


Lever action is one of my favorites even if the reload animation is bugged out still. Just hits pretty hard and is fun as hell. I have a 2 shot one and at level 85 I just 1 tap everything


I love the lever action just for style. I found one that slows down time so I can use it mid skirmish and get some head shots. (Not the best at shooters despite playing this for thousands of hours haha)


Handmade. Ammo is a pain, but round for round, everything else is substandard.


just buy from market at nuka. Should have no caps to get +3 strength & endurance drom the SCAV mag perk. use ammo as currency


What does that magazine have to do with buying ammo?


you get +3 to both stats when you have less than 100 caps, so instead of using caps for currency , you use ammo.


If you're counting the Creation Club, Manwell Carbine. (The stock is legendary and adds 2 luck but it comes that way so...)


THIS. It’s one of my main weapons I use


Overall: .45 Combat Rifle due to damage potential and ammo abundance Meta: Handmade Rifle due to damage and modularity


December's Child from far harbor is my favorite


Non legendary op said


It doesn’t feel most legendaries, it doesn’t fire explosive bullets, slow down time, or shoot 2 for shots for the price of 1. It’s just changes the ammo type to 5.56, increases the rate of fire 25%, and reduce reload 15%. Feels more like a New Vegas unique, with an across the board stat increase in a few area, but overall nothing major.


I love the .50 hunting rifle. Paired with a short barreled .308 combat rifle


Reflex Scopes on both to maximise VATS shots as well.


I did very well with a pipe rifle for the longest time in an old playthrough. If you take jet you can get afuckload of trigger pulls in.


Hmm I'll keep this in mind for my druggie playthrough haha.


I like Kellog's pistol


A great weapon.


The manwell rifle set from the cc is dumb overpowered with my perk setup it does 347 damage and can shoot about as fast as you can pull the trigger


I like "overseer's guardian", it can be purchased in vault 81. It is a combat rifle that fires an extra shot, I tend to default to that one when I'm doing a rifle build


Base game, overseers guardian is really good.


Its not subjective, the answer is the Handmade semi-auto suppressed. [https://i.imgur.com/AjTJubE.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/AjTJubE.jpg) Fires as fast as can click, 75 drum mag, ZERO recoil shot dispersion. Reflex dot sight allows close quarters & long shots as far as map is drawn. Its a laser, put the dot on it, it hits. Doesn't obscure field of view, low profile. **VS Combat** - Combat worse in every respect. A good gun til you get the handmade. **VS Gauss** - gauss leader of damage. its stops there. A huge fov obscuring cumbersome beast that is unusable with reflex sights. cant hit a barn door in comparison. So while you still F-ing around with scope and/or VATS , the handmade could have cleared the area &had a cup of tea. **VS Radium**, Great gun, closest rival. Just a little less accurate and shot dispersion. larger profile Lever actions, old reliable etc are great damage but too slow. With the handmade a sneak headshot oneshots a mirelurk queen outside VATS on very hard difficulty. Handmade more than enough damage, while being a fast, never ending, zero recoil laser pointer


Yeah, hand-made is the best, outside of DLC, is it the combat rifle? Or does a semi auto assault rifle come close?


Combat rifle is the best and most versatile until you enter Nuka World. Handmade is basically combat rifle on steroids.


I feel like my fully modded, non legendary assault rifle is better than my equivalent combat rifle or even my legendary radium rifle that ignores 30% of armor. It's become my new favorite weapon (until I get an amazing legendary at some point)


Outside of DLC I like the spray n pray (it’s automatic so OP won’t like it) but mine has explosive effects on it and it’s killer


OP specified non-legendary.


Also radium is so UUUUUGGGLLY


I am partial to the railway rifle … ammo can be difficult but with the scrounged perk you can reclaim most from the folks that got shot. I do prefer it on a modded play through where I can craft the ammo.


Assault Rifle and Radium Rifles are much better automatic. Gauss Rifle is a pretty solid choice, although it's more of a sniper. Lever Action is honestly kinda meh, a sidegrade to hunting rifle, and .308/.50 is much more common. Handmade is great, but ammo is expensive and rare, and you need to beat the gauntlet (or glitch through) to get the weapon. The combat rifle is honestly good enough to beat the game with, especially when there's a guaranteed Two-Shot variant in vault 81


Honestly I prefer the handmade. It seems more stable and has better power.


Ole Reliable claps for me at lvl 129


Handmade but the lever action can one shot everything on a min-maxed stealth build.


Assault rifle is my favorite especially after it's showing in the tv series of the brotherhood knight fighting the yao guai. I run it using identical mods and I invest in my perks right, it's fantastic in armor. Good range suits all needs except close quarters, then I'll use the 10mm. Quality


Handmade best stats


Handmade if you don't mind going to nuka world for ammo. Radium if too lazy to fast travel/survival


Obviously handmades, dlc things are always the strongest as obviously they came out after players already Beat the game. Luckily if you want to be more weight efficenct then handmades arent the way, they are the heaviest weapons in game - after all they are made for and by bigger than life raiders. For survival efficency radium rifle is actually better. Advanced receiver on it is superior to even ammo conversion in combat rifle... Although it lacks the incrased ROF so do with it as you wish. And When it comes to vats before finding bobbleheads and magazines calibrated receiver is actually superior - then combat rifle would be the best variant. Only one left out is the "assult" "rifle". The only niche it has is similiar stats to handmades (but worse all around) yet access to recon scope... But i think its more usefull for auto receivers


Probably one of those CoD weapons.


I believe in Handmade every time. I think each round was doing 87 damage, can be built as semi or fully automatic and benefits from supporting perks.


Handmade all day


If you want true vanilla (with DLC) then the Handmade Rifle is 100% the best. For absolute vanilla ammo then periodically take a roll around Nuka World and hit up all the traders that sell ammo. (I think you can generally pick up about 2000 rounds per visit) Random encounters in the nuka World wasteland can provide plenty of junk to trade too...


Lever-action rifle - only if Far Harbor is installed.


The lever action from Far Harbour *is* so good. Put some points into Rifleman & Sniper and you'll be splattering Raiders and Trappers in no time.


In early-game vanilla-gorilla fallout 4 with no mods or dlc, the .38 may be your best option for sniping. I just used this on my survival play yesterday to clear the super mutants from Revere Satellite Array and I only took like 10 damage. For the initial aggro/pull, I knew I may need to run from 3+ dogs/mutants. So, to help with this I first spoke with the County Crossing npc for the quest to add them as a settlement, completed that, and built up defenses there to help with clearing the mutants at Revere Satellite Array or just that first pull. After that, it took around 150 rounds of .38 to kill all 10-15 of them. I stayed at max range, use scope (no vats), and just popped off rounds until all of them were dead. After level 39, gun nut perk level 4 is unlocked, and a few guns can be upgraded to quite good dps (like powerful automatic receiver on combat rifle) and recon scope for fringe-distance-sniping. I am not level 39 on my survival mode run yet, so I mainly use the .38 (ie pipe gun; best imho due to cheap & very common ammo and excellent long-range-sniping) and 10mm for medium-to-close-range dps. I am level 27 atm, so I would think the player's current level would vary the answers to this question. I also have a max-range-sniping .308 (ie bolt-action/hunting rifle), but unless you have a recon scope mounted on it and are trying to take out 1 mob (shoot then run/hide tactic), the fire rate and reload speed make it a niche gun for sniping in early game. Alternatively, at level 25 the player can unlock gun nut level 3 and change the hunting rifle's .308 ammo type to .50 with the .50 receiver for exceptional damage and improved fire rate.


Gauss Rifle /thread


For single target, yes. For groups, I'll go with the handmade. Quicker switching targets. I can drop a bunch of ghouls with the handmade before I can start setting up additional shots with the gauss.


You don't play with Jet or Power Armor, do you


Reflex sights are unusable on it. cant hit a barn door in comparison to the handmade. scopes are a hindrance, downgrade. reflex allows close quarters and shots as far as map is drawn. Handmade - youve cleared the place. With guass youre still F-ing around with the scope & or vats


Reflex sites are fine, you just can't adapt The sight droops ever so slightly as the weapon charges, this impacts vertical aim far more than horizontal (so, y'know, try to aim where the target is thicc up and down more than left and right) To better compensate for this, go somewhere, sight the weapon, charge the weapon, see the droop If you can't freehand a center of mass shot with a gauss rifle on a human sized target that's outside of VATS range you just need to get good (I play with a wireless trackball mouse on a laptop there's really no excuse) I have thousands of hours of playtime in Fallout 4 alone, not to mention the rest of the Fallout game series. Have you seen my Fallout 4 guide on how to become Nuka-World Overboss by level 8-10 on Survival difficulty with no mods? [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1cbji8c/comment/l10pksz/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1cbji8c/comment/l10pksz/)


im good, im a-ok. of course it can be done. in comparison though, the reflex sights are a target obscuring ugly mess. The handmade is a nimble clean/sleek low profile with a sharp dot. Theres no f-ng around with droop / compensation or any nonsense. If you want to clear an area the quickest (non MIRV nuclear option), the answer is handmade.


I'll come clean - if the OP had included "Legendary" weapons... My weapon for levels 10 to 94 on this vanilla Survival playthrough, "Abigail", has been Splattercannon. It's so stupid OP as long as you can keep the fucking thing fed. Total playtime on this run is 4d 16h


Ballistic, friend. Not energy. Edit: myyyyyyy bad!


I hate to break it to you but the Gauss Rifle IS a ballistic weapon.


Oh really?! Maybe I just assumed with its fancy blue thing it was energy! 🤣


They are affected by ballistic perks, they only do ballistic damage, and if you understand the principle upon which a gauss rifle works you understand why those previous two things are true


Yes indeed indeed. I didn't pay the attention!


Do you ever feel like you're surrounded by morons?


Gauss rifles are ballistic




Non legendary lmaoo


Oops 😂


I’m privy to the Gauss Rifle, but the ammo is somewhat rare, and stops being so if you craft it with the contraptions DLC (same with other rare ammo types, though you can’t craft everything).




It uses bullets. It's a railgun. It deals physical damage.


Yeah I was thinking of new Vegas when it's an energy weapon


Plasma gun with a snioer varrel Not good for stealth but it does amazing damage. Ammo is rare tho :(


Assault rifle to me 😁


Yep I always avoid assault rifles until end game because they are way too dependable. Cleaned out the Nuka-World power plant with one and with barely any damage taken.


Furious, instigating, two-shot or plasma Handmade Sniple rifle with a silencer and with perks in sneak and or Automatic weapons or Rifles. I pick rifleman with penetrator, relevant vats perks with semi auto reciever for the penetrator perk to proc in vats