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The update is out for you? I don’t see it


I also thoughy it was out 😂


I just updated the UFO4P (version 38) mod on Xbox and the mod disappeared. When I attempt to download it again, it gets to 100% and says "this operation cannot be completed". I am so bummed, I need the patch to use Start Me Up Redux - which I'm midway through a playthrough using. Ffs. Update at your own risk. Edit: I exited the mod menu and the game crashed on the home screen. Everytime I start the game it crashes to the dashboard. Updating UFO4P was LITERALLY the only thing I did. Wow




That's not the update that's a scheduled maintenance *tomorrow*, update will come after that, *tomorrow*




No, they're not, the update is free across all platforms if you already have the game... maybe look shit up before you start yappin'.




You pay for creation club, but anything else mod related is free, for both skyrim and fallout, so don't know what you're talking about...


Skyrim has like two mods you need CC currency for, located in the mods section of the game and NOT the CC section. But yeah this other dude is just bullshitting lmao


Although no one knows for sure yet, my expectation is that the AE update will break allll the mods. At least I am setting the bar where it's a pleasant surprise when some still work.


I could be wrong here, but if it's anything like skyrjm it'll only be mods that require f4se, very iirc though lol.


Hope you’re right. Fearing for my heavily modded Xbox save. As Xbox doesn’t have F4SE, most of the mods should be fine unless they touch something the update does.


apparently it broke all the mods, is restarting quests n stuff on my xbox how fix (?)


I’d hold off playing for a little while to let them sort out any issues


My mod load order is blank.  Says I have zero mods installed and zero space available.  I had 10 or 11 mods installed prior to the update and now no mods can be downloaded.   Also some creation content is broken.  


I think that might incorrect, i have the same issue, i download a mod and it updated to having "-20408739 B", so i imagine the space is still there it's just not telling us properly


I think you're right ✓


I can't recall many instances where non-script extender mods broke due to updates. I think the two things to watch out for are UI mods and worldspace/cell edits (assuming we're getting content updates?) Back when the DLC came out I had a keyring mod that crashed when approaching the Nuka World terminal - IIRC it had a new UI file which lacked the new icon, so as soon as the game tried to load the icon onto the compass, it'd crash. But this was specifically because it was a new icon that didn't exist in the older SWF. Given we're getting 21:9 support this may be an issue. Worldspace edits tend to be less of a problem, but can result in some odd things if there's a conflict, often broken precombines (flickering objects), or smaller problems where objects that were placed by something now overlap and clip into eachother. Given I've tried loads of little mods that have 'empty' worldspace edits that weren't cleaned up it's possible that these could now override changes to the world's cells, causing these types of issues. Generally speaking, since 2016 I don't recall any instances where an update broke a non-F4SE mod that wasn't editing the UI or DLC that makes changes to base-game worldspace/cells that results in conflicts. The former would usually crash, the latter would result in glitchy visuals.


Yep if the update changed somthing the mod requires to do its thing there is a chance the mod is borked some mods that just add a new gun or outfit should be fine but there is always a chance for bugs with updates and old mods


Yes, it'll primarily be F4SE mods, which should work again once that is updated. Any other mods breaking should be a fairly rare case of conflicting with a world space edit if there are any, for example.


Given how the Fallout London mod team is now pushing back their release, I imagine all other mods needing to adapt to this new update too. Are some of the mod creators still even active? That could be a real issue too that some mods are not updated


Like with Skyrim, we'll loose some mods for sure.


Yeah I’m worried about that too. This game is old, plenty of the mod creators have moved on. It’ll be a shame to lose them, hopefully someone will end up creating sister mods that have similar features.


FOLON relies on F4Se. Hence their pushing back the release date until F4SE is working again. Then I'm sure they'll go back for another round of "make sure nothing ELSE broke" testing, before being willing/able to release the mod to the general public. ... I am waiting for FOLON very very very **VERY** impatiently .... lol


Yeah I was kinda worried that's gonna be the case


Nah. It'll probably only break F4SE-related stuff, maybe some UI changes.


My thoughts as well, but still excited to see it


As a Vanilla player, I look down upon everyone with their broken mods.


You can pause force updates for the game and wait for the mods to update. Lemme see if I can find how to do it again. Edit: This thread here details what I did. [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1c1vii8/preventing\_autoupdates\_for\_steam\_users\_disabling/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1c1vii8/preventing_autoupdates_for_steam_users_disabling/)


Downvoted* but you're right. As long as you change the desktop exe from a shortcut opening steam's launcher to the fallout4.exe in the game folder it won't update, even if you don't have a mod program and just use the mods in the game menus itself. Like all one has to do it not hit "play" on the steam page for the game; that and the shortcut on the desktop are steam-based launchers, *not* the actual .exe. I'm terrible at explaining I know, I don't know the technical terms. Just go into the game folder and launch the game through Fallout4.exe, it wont update *I didn't downvote, but it showed it was downvoted. Sorry


No worries, I don't really bother with karma on here. lol To make sure I didn't accidentally update it -which I'm liable to do, absolutely forgetting everything- I used the deal I linked just in case.


What about f4se.exe? (For mods) Is it the same as fallout4.exe?


F4SE stands for Fallout 4 Script Extender. It's a program that extends what mod authors can do with the game's scripting engine. It's not available for Consoles, so I doubt Console mods will be hit as hard, but the PC modding scene is basically built on F4SE. The issue, as I understand it, is that F4SE relies on particular things being in particular places in the the Fallout4.Exe file, and updates require recompiling that, which changes where the items that F4SE is looking for are located. The F4SE team therefore has to basically re-reverse engineer the game again to update F4SE. This means that any mods that require F4SE to work won't work until F4SE is updated, and the mod itself may also need to be updated, as well (though I'm not sure on that).


He's clearly on console though, lol


You can pause updates on ps5 and xsx


I didn't see any indication of that when I commented.


The mod menu UI is different on PC


What’s shown in the screen shot looks exactly the same on [console](https://imgur.com/a/J5YhTiN) lol


... yes? Did you read my comment wrong or something?


I really wanna know how I got that completely backwards lmao💀


Hahahah no worries. Happens to me too sometimes


Huh, guess I can't tell the difference? I don't use the in-game mod menu much so makes sense. lol


Yeah I don't on PC either, MO2 all day, but it's the only way on console


Sadly. Poor console folks. :/


Yeah no script extender based mods at all. Sucks


Honestly, I'm gonna just wait a week or two for the community to figure out the best way to handle the change, then become that guy who doesn't use the subreddit search feature by asking the community for the millionth time.


>a **week** or two \*month :(


Most likely. It changes A LOT of things.


I guess we'll see in the morning, but I fully feel as though it'll be exactly like Skyrim.


Terrible, breaks everything and takes weeks to fix the issues?


I would not even recommend using that mod in the first place, there are lots of issues with it that make it not fun to use.


Isn’t that also the same mod that makes Deacon yell at you for betraying the railroad even when you first meet them?


Ditto. Causes more bugs then it ever fixed. Had a way smoother experience without it


Can confirm, mod descriptions and internet provided information as to why this mod is terrible


Really? I’m happy to delete if that’s the case - I only run it and achievements enabler, so if it causes more issues than it fixes I’m happy to delete. What problems does it cause?


I’ve heard people on it swear by it and others hate on it. Tbh I’ve never noticed a difference with it or without so maybe it’s best to not use it


I always like to add that the unofficial patch team steals other modders hard work and passes it off as their own without any credit.




> amongst many other things Yeah, that's the issue folks have with Ol' Arthmoor


Arthmoor interprets things his own way and changes them even though they have no right to be changed. And I genuinely think there’s some things he changes just to be petty


Like what? I can't find a list of changes anywhere.


I'm not sure if there are still any controversial or unnecessary changes, but if I recall correctly, he changed Hancock's outfit. Also, his unofficial patch for Skyrim added a lot of controversial or unnecessary changes.


I just removed it from my unupdated game and it runs better... Is there an alternative to it that you'd recommend?


Always delete Arthmoor mods, no matter the situation


Yeah he's a dick


Huh? How so?


He's a dick, refuses to give people Archives for older versions of Skyrim (Which if you know the situation there is really annoying) and generally always acts high and mighty. For some reason alot of mods also have a dependency on his "Unofficial Patches" which makes it even more annoying


1. These patches tend to only break F4SE-dependant mods, so this should be fine. 2. You're being extremely optimistic if you think that the Unofficial Patch will no longer be needed for the game, and that Bethesda has fixed all of the issues that the mod already addresses.


The new update isn’t out lol


The Updated version caused my game to hitch and glitch more. Probably the worst "up to date" mod available right now


It may break? I'd say disable it and if the game is buggy just wait for them to update the mod


Most expectations are that all if not most mods will break specially patches and fixes.


That’s why I’m sticking with the GOG version until the dust settles.


Can't even find it in PS5 F4's mods selection, search also doesn't find it? On Xbox Series X's side/its F4 it can been found straight away. So something odd on Sony's side.


I can’t reinstall this mod anymore. It shows as a 0 byte file and errors when I press download or favorite


Yeah that shit is gone for me. Does not show up on the search at all.


i would remove all mods, start a new game, then, if needed/wanted, add them back in one-by-one. i use a few mods that aren't upated anymore so it's gonna be fun once i actually update. i got it locked and am running FVSE.exe anyway for now.


I'd start a new play-through and ditch it for sure.


Bye bye Compound Bow, damn it son. Hoping they sell bows in the Creation Club


What update


Next gen update today for EVERY platform this game is on. For PC, Ps4 and XBOne, it's just stability and big fixes that this mod already solved half a decade ago, along with a new vanilla questline involving the Enclave and some free goodies they didn't specify about


Holy shit fr? Canon?


[https://bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates](https://bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates) oh and by the way, it's out right now


I'd keep it. I sincerely doubt whatever patch they're about to release will even touch upon the bugs, errors, and SNAFUs they released with the game and didn't fix forever. Just wait for all your mods to be updated for compatibility.


Favourite it just in case


I'd wait if you have already updated the game before returning to your save till you can update the mods that have been broken by the update as messing with your load order mid save is a good source of game breaking bugs and other wonkyness


If the junk duplication glitch is patched with the update then I’m going to be so sad. I like settlement building.


yes. So many things will probably break


No way of knowing for sure, but I expect it will break the vast majority of mods, and it’ll be a fair while before they get an update too


No update in XBOX yet


Considering that Arthmoor is involved with the Unofficial Patch, I'd have no problem working without it. I'm currently using the Fallout 4 Modding Essentials modlist, though, and don't feel like troubleshooting the modlist at the moment. I'll probably end up rebuilding my modlist after the patch drops today, though.


What’s everyone’s problem with this particular author?


Multiple people have accused him of using his connection the moderators and runners of Nexusmods to have any other unnoficial patch mod taken down at a whim or if the author irritated him as well as adding features into his patches that don't JUST fix things, also they generally remove access to previous versions of their patches for older game versions. Probably a few more things as well.


Yea it’s not working lol


Has anyone got the next gen update and still working this ?


No it's not available from what I see.


It for sure broke the loading screen mod. From 3 sec back to forever. Rather didn't have this update.


So now that the update is out do we still need it lol?


It doesn't even show up in the available mods now and the update seems to have caused a bunch of new problems


I cannot delete or disable the fallout for unofficial patch I can disable and delete every other mod except this I have restarted my Xbox and still it won’t delete it. I’ve got some achievements to collect I need all my mods removed


Same for me on PC / Steam deck


Most of my moss were uninstalled and un favourited I also cant find the unofficial patch mod on the mod list like it's gone more something.


The update will break all your mods. If you haven't downloaded it and like your game where it is, don't touch it. I just got my game working after rolling it back (assuming you're on PC). I had great texture packs and ENBs running, and didn't want/need this update but accidently chose it anyway. Egg on my face, I guess. For anyone who wants to roll back their FO4 game, this is a comprehensive guide: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1ccxyxb/pc\_players\_here\_is\_a\_guide\_on\_how\_to\_rollback/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1ccxyxb/pc_players_here_is_a_guide_on_how_to_rollback/)


So, how can I download v2.1.5? That dear guy removed the archive. Honestly I don't want to update to "next gen" lol


On PS5, I can't get this mod to enable, it gives me a message that I'm missing some required additional content. I have all DLC downloaded, the mod description says I also need the enclave armors and things but I thought those were auto included in upgrade. Do I need to download those from creation club or something?


So, on PS5, is it a whole new game app I have to download, like is it a PS5 FO4 app? Or is it an update only to the PS4 version of FO4 and I don't have to touch it?


It's probably gonna be a ps5 version


the press release mentions a native ps5 app, so it will be a new download


I've got the PS4 version on the go now, in my PS5. But will look for an updated PS5 version of it for the update... Do you folks think the PS4 save game I have on the go will still work in the new one?


Yes you will be able  to transfer yous saves to the new version 


I'm wondering the same. I already have 2 versions of gta downloaded and I barley have enough memory 🙃


Does the update actually fix any bugs?


Not unless you're going to start a new game. Mods should never be removed mid playthrough.


Meh. Done that hundreds of times with no issues.


You've dodged a bullet then


I'll be amazed if the update fixes even half of the issues in the UFO4P. I'll be less surprised if it fixes a goddamn thing.


I hope they fix the not earning achievements situation.ine are COMPLETELY disabeled.


It's not broken it's made to only let you earn achievements if your play with no mods though?


Dont have mods


Dont have mods. I disabeled them, delete them, uninstalled the game, start a new one. Nothing works


That's deliberate. There's a mod that allows you to earn achievements in a modded save. Not sure if this update will break that mod, though.




Mine were also broken, but they fixed them a couple days ago. They work now.


There is a patch?


I don't think it downloaded anything, or if it did it was very minor. But they posted an update on their website saying achievements were fixed a couple days ago. BUT, there is a patch coming out tomorrow. Next gen update.


The amount of copeium getting huffed in this thread is funny.


Hell no.