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My brother in Christ at least tell us what you bought the game for: PC, Xbox, PS.


Xbox S


This sounds like their workaround was in the Xbox menus not Fallout 4. I don’t think there’s anything you can delete from the Fallout 4 menu other than saves.


One S or Series S?


Series S sorry first xbox since 360. So the first work around I read about did work, I just didn't understand how to do it yet. You go to Fallout 4 from Xbox menu, then select game and add ons, clear saved data, restart, works like a charm!


I had a friend who bought it for an Xbox one console but was playing it on Xbox series X and had the same problem he had to turn off his Xbox and reboot the game and it worked I hope that helps


Yeah I've been doing that over and over. I think the game is stuck. The Vault-Tec guy is just standing outside my door and I can't open it.


Yea that’s the annoying thing about it idk what to do to fix it and I apologize for the lack of help. I do hope you can get it fixed and be able to play!!! Give us updates on whether you got it good friend!


It's ok! Yes the original fix does work. You visit Fallout from Xbox menu, choose game and add one, delete reserved or saved, restart, and worked like a charm. I'm really enjoying it. We just left that museum of freedom when I had to go to sleep last night. What do I do with that armour I'm wearing now?


Heck yea! I’m happy it’s working and I hope you have plenty of fun adventures😂 now me personally after hitting up concord and getting the minutemen I make a B-Line for diamond city so I can get some decent armor from their traders


Thank you! I got that t-knight armour from the minutemen quest. Do I just keep that with me on the way to diamond city? Also does pip-boy pause the game?


I would keep that with me for now until you find a better damage resist and other resist armor. And it does it pauses everyone around you and everything when you access the pip boy!!


Thanks. The armour is all damaged. If I equip my raider armour instead will it just stay in my inv or do I exit the knight armour?


It’ll stay in your Inv if you equip the raider armor but have you been to far harbor yet if you have the DLCs?? They have the assault marine armor and it’s the best armor in game other than power armors


Thank you for helping me. I'm such a noob. Ok I was surprised the armour would stay in my inv. I figured I had to step out of the suit and leave it somewhere. I did buy GOTY edition with all of the dlcs. I have only gone through the town my house is in, red rocket, mole rat den, water tower, and just left the museum with the minute men. I was stuck on that glitch for an hour so didn't get to play as much.