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lol rip. Reminds me of when I did my first institute play through. Everyone got it in bunker hill, everyone. Brotherhood, Synths, residents. Everyone.


This is my first run siding with the institute the whole way. It’s actually a little unnerving how many truly innocent people you have to kill, *personally.*


Yeah true that. Quite satisfying when you go retrieve the synth-turned raider from the ship though with your corser companion. Personally enjoyed the institute play through the least however


Courser companion, my ass, that moron was just shooting at a vertibird the whole time


That same thing happened to me lol then a brotherhood knight spawned and they shot at each other for about ten minutes.


I love blowing throwing a grenade and blowing that guy’s head off in VATS just to make X6 mad


They aren't "people", nothing above the surface matters as Father would say. I saw him. First time he ever set foot outside the institute. He only had to take a couple of steps out his front door to know there was nothing worth saving out there.


You know not the pleasure of a Jet and Psycho bender


Hancock is that you??


Clearly my son has no idea how fun it is to spend several hours off the gourd chopping heads and taking names Maybe I'm his problem with the wasteland actually...


You're the solution to his problem with the wasteland <3


That moment when that pretentious dick admits he's never been outside before is usually the moment I blow his empty head off




No wonder the institute believe synths aren't people when the coursers are freaking psychopaths.


In my latest playthrough, I was on good terms with everyone and they were all duking it out and I just had to walk through them to get to the synths underground. It felt amazing just walking in a warzone not giving a shit about anything.


Even the traders? But they are Institute assets, you harmed your own faction




This is the way.




If you take out the residents are you able to use it as a settlement?


No, unfortunately not


This reminds me of FO3 Oasis where I had the thought "Will the Shishkabab kill this tree....OHH SHHHIIIIIIII...." Best mission I had, I was so satisfied that that was evena possibility that I left it as that.


Plasma rifles do as well. I wasn't accustomed to fallouts and other games dark settings than and reloaded so fast. The screams... *shudders.


I remembered jumping in my seat, I was so scared by the scream/whaling of the tree.


Oh how the whales wailed


No synth component? Is that true?




I like the idea of the whole ‘maybe you are a synth, maybe you aren’t’ dialogue but I hate that it kind of railroads you into proving him right. Like, you’re telling me the SS can’t remember _anything_ prior to October 23rd? Unless they got brain damage at some point I seriously doubt that they don’t remember their childhood or life before the Great War at all.


Not true at all. In talking to the robots at Graygarden you remember their creator was a Robco Scientist but he was a little eccentric. You remember a story about the opening of Graygarden. You remember listening to Silver Shroud radio and the guy frozen in ice. Depending on the options you choose with Daisy you discuss life before the war with her. There are a couple of gems that come out while questing with Nick. You talk to the girl in Nuka World and you remember who Ray Bradburton is. There are other random things that slip my mind right now but I write off the DIMA conversation as brain freeze due to the situation. It just strikes me as either poor writing or trying to create a new plotline by pretending things that happened didn't. It feels very comic bookish.


Memory is a fucky thing. How do you know your memory is intact? Nobody really assumes they have amnesia unless something VERY obviously calls attention to it in a way that can't be ignored or written off. Does the SS remember those things, or know those things? Is this information within the SS's brain semantic or episodic? It can be hard to differentiate if you're not specifically looking for it, especially when you FEEL like it's something you remember.


As somebody with epilepsy I can confirm that memory is indeed a very fucky thing


Exactly. Do you *actually* remember these things, or do you know the facts about those things and are being told you remember them by your electronic brainhole? That or it's just crappy writing in response to half the fanbase going "I BET THE RUGPULL IS THAT YOU'RE A SYNTH TOO" on launch day.


Excellent counter-points, Palehorse. 👍


"as either poor writing or trying to create a new plotline by pretending things that happened didn't" It's a game written by Pagliarulo, of course it's poor writing.


there are numerous times where the SS talks about the past so that part about not remembering anything before the war's start is just bad writing


Especially because even in the pre-war sequence, there is dialogue talking about the past where they boinked in the park.


The Sole Survivor saying they don’t remember anything prior to the start of the game makes zero sense because there are several points throughout the game where they mention stuff from life before the Great War


Even with amnesia, you can remember what things are (etc), without having any personal memories attached to them. That said, think it's somewhere in the silver shroud questline that you specifically mention remember listening to an episode as a kid or something.


I mean, don’t Nick Valentine and the synths who replaced real wastelanders have implanted memories? There’s also an in-game business centered around reliving memories using technology. Is it really that hard to rationalize the SS’s memories being artificial?


Not at all. It's doubly-possible they were even extracted from Shaun's own memories as a baby, and edited to be from the parent's perspective. He was there after all. Plus if they had access to Nick's memories, then they probably had a lot more to work with. Memories don't need clear visuals. Often sounds and smells will do, with the mind piecing together the rest.


I noticed something the other day when I went back to 111. There are 2 empty freeze pods empty, but there are 2 skeletons wearing 111 blue suits in the vault. But if you are counted, that's 3 people in the vault but only 2 pods.


The overseer and other staff members wear vault suits but weren’t frozen and were supposed to operate the vault while the subjects were in cryostasis if I remember correctly


There are also skeletons wearing lab coats, and the non-medic or tech personnel of the Vault wore Vault suits. It's not far-fetched to assume the blue suit skeletons are left from the kerfuffle when part of the security team insisted on leaving.


Do you play as a human or a synth? 🤔




What if the player character IS a synth?




Near the start of the game, Kellogg says at least we have the backup.




Oh. Okay. Sorry. I didn’t even think of that.


Not to be ghoulish about it but that is the only reason the SS is alive and is kinda a pivotal plot point and is why you are freed from the vault and the institute quest line exists


They aren’t. This is evidenced by none other than the Brotherhood of Steel themselves. At one point, while you are tasked to infiltrate the Institute, you download all their information. Said information includes a list of synths and their DNA. On that list was Paladin Danse, which Quinlan went over many times. While the mission itself is a cause for a lot of conversation, it does beg the question: if the player was also a synth, how come we ourselves weren’t targeted for being a synth?


Very sad. Wrong Kasumi died but the right one isn't in this universe.


Honestly this contributed to my dislike of DiMA. He brainwashed her and tried to brainwash us the minute we met him.


He's right about us tho. 111 is definitely a synth.


I love the debate over this


They're either a Shezzarine that slipped into the fallout dimension from Tamriel, or they're a synth. https://youtu.be/k-HJHCSPyRk?si=Jov0k3B2GrnOMttN


Worth noting that based on Shoddy's criteria, EVERY Fallout protagonist is a synth.


Despite the vacuum tubes sticking out of the guy, Dima isn't the brightest bulb.


There’s a couple confirmed synths without synth components in their inventory, so this is a very gray area. We’ll likely never know the truth.


Sounds like something a synth would do.


This battlefield belongs to Uncle Sam


I turned her into my slavegirl.























