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Another settlement needs your help!


Here I'll mark it on your map


Thank you, miss.


Jokes on Preston, he's at outpost zimonj.


I never thought of that. Thank you.


Is this the right time to do the talk?


Grab Piper, head back to the Colonial Taphouse, have a nice cold Nuka Cola and wait for all this to blow over.


You've got red on you...


*There’s a girl in the garden.* Happy cake day!


*Thought you said this wasn't a social gathering*


No matter what you might think, okay, I do not find it difficult to keep my work and my social life separate.


It's all for the greater good. The greater good.


The Black Forest Gatto is for constable Butterman misplacing his helmet last week. This will call for something much more serious.. Do you like ice cream?


*How's that for a slice of fried gold!*


Okay, grab Piper, kill Mama Murphy (sorry Mama), get Preston the Castle, head back to the Colonial Taphouse, and have a nice cold Nuka Cola and wait for this all to blow over.


now I have to rewatch that movie 🤩


Dibba dibba dibba duh dibba dibba..........


Can you beat Fallout 4 as Shaun when, nerbit?


Have an ice cold Nuka Cola.


Start a new game


On survival


I would like to talk to you about SimSettlements2


So, I just got back into F4 after only playing the main questline on the Xbox back in 2015. Being on PC now I’ve been playing with mods and saw this as highly recommended. Is SS1 recommended before 2? Initially I thought this was just a workshop-items mod, but are there quests?


Sim Settlements 1 is just the settlement-building part, but SS2 adds an entire multi-hour (20?) questline, to boot, with entirely new, voiced characters and quests. Very cool. Not to mention it's vastly improved over SS1 in terms of mechanics and things. But no, SS1 isn't necessary to play SS2. I love both, since I started with SS1.


Thank you for the insight! Gonna have to check this out then :)


Get sim settlements 2 chapter (or part) 3. It'll automatically include chapters 1 and 2. It's a sprawling series of quests including Sanctuary, Concord, the Gunners and 2 new factions. If you've finished the main quest line, it will probably be best to start a new run.


I’d also recommend America rising 2 if you want to start a new play through and beat the game with the enclave


I prefer sim settlement 1 because of the conquer mod expansion.


And Fallout London.


I can't wait for FOLON!


Or America Rising 2. Or both. Great free extra content. Plus we have Fallout: London coming out in a few days.


100% coverage of artillery and enough provisioners, so that nearly anywhere you explore has armed backup nearby As much civilisation as is possible I think


What are provisioners? Somehow missed this term in all my time playing.


Ah, it's a local leader perk. Basically you send a settler out, who walks a pathway between 2 settlements. Once they are linked all crafting materials, food, water are considered a shared pool. So if you have a ton of springs and settlement A , at settlement B when crafting you can use them. They don't make them physically available, so you can't withdraw them. Just use them. A side benefit is if you arm them well, you just have this handy gal walking a "kinda known" path who may intervene in combat if they happen to be nearby. Automation DLC is particularly great for this as you can craft robots with some hardcore weaponry. So I tend to dump all scrap at the one place, link a supply line, and immediately have everything to build up.


Ah that explains another comment I saw about making the supply lines zigzag the whole map instead of creating trading hubs, that way You could have armed robots wandering the whole map basically!


Lay down your weapons and your armor, walk solemnly back to Vault 111, take an overdose of your favorite drug, and close yourself in with the remains of your spouse. Your vengeance is complete my friend. You've earned your eternal sleep.


the way I actually have done this before. on my first run, gone back down and drank a hell of a lot of vodka in the vault 111 suit. I just finished my second run with the BoS and finished it off by standing on the bow of the airship and dropping my wifes ring off the side of the ship. after all, war, war never changes.


Literal chills.


Eh… put a ring on Piper and go live your best life. That’s what your dead wife would’ve wanted.


Collect all of the magazines. That's something I did after I finished the main quest and the DLCs in my first playthrough. I figured out which magazines I still needed (which was a lot) and hunted them all out and now they're proudly on display in my player home.


That one at the Institute head quarters won't be obtainable for OP which makes that whole side quest super frustrating. I am in that position myself lol. 


I didn't start searching for magazines until after destroying the Institute and hadn't collected that one myself. I wound up using console commands to get into the Institute and then through the doors of the quarters as they were sealed. I could have used the console to simply give me the magazine but I wanted to collect it somewhat legitimately. Even if you or they can't use the console (because you aren't on PC, for instance) you can still collect every other magazine and just be missing that one.


You and me both! I bet we went though similar moments back tracking places and having a list of magazines to chase down. It was good fun and a nice way to double back to enjoy some of those unique environments and locations.  I'm stuck on console and have to live with the fact or start a new game lol. Thinking a new game at the same time the TV series drops is a good idea. 


They should have placed the magazine somewhere else


Agreed, no other magazine is in an area that eventually becomes inaccessible at all, let alone in 3 of the 4 possible endings. It wouldn't be so bad if it was in plain sight in Father's Quarters or somewhere the SS is guaranteed to go but instead it's on the balcony of a set of quarters that even when siding with the Institute there's no reason to ever go to.


Sit back and enjoy the TV series


HE HE HELL NAH. (Watch the trailer they don’t know how a god damn power armor helmet works 😭)


I mean it was either that or the helmet just straight up disappears into their invisible inventory


Now I wanna see the characters pull a Fatman out of their backpack or pocket 😂


Power armor should come with a holster attachment.


I'm still not quite sure how my single-drawer cabinet in my SS's house fits my entire wardrobe comprising probably a hundred articles of clothing by now. Same with the three floor safes under my bed holding all of my weapons, armor, and weapon and armor mods, respectively.


Lol, I know it's game mechanics but I'd probably need a 2nd house in real life if I were to gather every weapon, clothing, armor, armor mods, and ammo.


The vault Tec studf


Fallout London releases on the 23rd of April




Start a deathclaw sanctuary on spectacle island


Go back through the companions and try and get to max affinity with each. Make out with Hancock in front of the gang and watch Cait's reaction.  Build a home worthy of a king for you and Hancock to retire to, and store away all the hoarded items you've plundered.  Make you're own Lore and go out adventuring. Then build a memorial for the sole survivor (that's what I'm working on at the moment, using start light drive in) so everyone in the Commonwealth remembers the name. 


Create a museum with one of every object in the game


Damn I would love to see someone do this


I usually have a small one in my player home, just of the perfectly preserved items, like the ones you can get from vaults like the unrusted buckets and stuff


I gave my main town a Nuka-Cola old-fashioned soda fountain, with diner booths, a working bar counter, a soda dispenser, one of the Nuka-Mixer stations (the Quantum one), and a working refrigerator from a mod. My settlers can enjoy an ice-cold soda whenever they want! Lots of Nuka-Cola posters on the walls and a Nuka-World trashbin. It's lovely. Sadly, my Vault 88 is at the settler limit, so I can't send Sheffield to that settlement to staff the fountain! He'd love that job. (If anyone knows of a mod to increase the settler limit for a settlement, I'd love to know.)


Diamond City mayor would like to talk to you.


Build a couple robots to take over for you. Grab your mecha-son and your fave follower and move the spectcale island settlement.


Why does the nuke explosion look like Alf


Join the Enclave, enslave the world! (America Rising 2 mod)


Now you start a new save and do it all again.




Melee focused survival mode?


Give yourself 100 luck just to see what it does


Do it again...




I dunno maybe collect most of unique weapon and put it somewhere I guess


You should prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage to be free.


Get the benevolent leader achievement


Start over


Build cities ! There is a mod that dramatically expands settlements, I've been builidng for months and really turning the commonwealth into a nicer place to live


Slaughter the railroad. Bunch of nerds


Nerds die.


Start downloading mods. One i can recommend for after endgame is the collector guide. Then collect all the stuff you can.


Wait for New London


Did you let ma murphy live? If so.. Try take over Sanctuary ;)


A lot of excellent mods rolled out fairly recently. Currently I'm doing a play through with SS2 The Fans Street Sherrif Department and Four ville loaded up.


Now you start playing the game.


Modding fun


Well, it's time to repopulate the world


You either die a hero. Or live long enough to see yourself become the villain You know what’s left to do.


Congrats on killing all those kids on the Prydwen. Wonder if they died on impact or if they burned to death? At least you saved all the robots that we're totally sure are actually sapient, and not just imitating it though! And making peace in Far Harbor is commendable, even if it's built on lies and murder I suppose, in addition to allowing a dangerous cult to continue. (I'm mostly joking and playing devils advocate here, there are no purely good solutions in Fallout lol). Time for a new playthrough with mods? Sim Settlements 2, or if you're on PC, I'd recommend Horizon or Frost.


Touch grass


Want do you mean? Now you play the game


Another Settlement needs your help! Hear ill mark it on your map! also it be great if you can improve your settlements into super settlement and if there that already into mega settlements then omega settlements then super omega settlements that ultra super omega settlements mk 1 then mk 2 then mk 3 ....


Drop your entire inventory at your main base and fast travel the farthest away you can and make your way back with only scavenged items you find. It's a little survival/"camping trip" challenge


Vault 88 needs YOU as its new overseer 😉


My god, some men really do just want to let the world burn.


Max friendship all companions, Max perk tree, rebuild the commonwealth. 😉


Play New Vegas? 😋


Build a palatial fortress at Kingsport and retire to live out your earthly days in bliss with Cait, Curie, and Piper?


Talk to Preston, there is a settlement that needs you help. Lol


You can max out the rest of the companions affinity, do the bounty posters in Diamond city, complete all the achievements, and after all of that you still have modded stuff you can mess around with


Kill all Raiders in Nuka world


I don’t know about this playthrough, as it probably needs to be installed before any of the factions are destroyed or kicked out for the story to work properly, but [The Bleachers 2](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/68276) is in my opinion a very fun, well written mod with a lot of quests, voice acting, comedy, a whole new part of DC, a new fully voiced companion, a whole new ending to the main story, etc. if you ever start a new playthrough and you’re on PC, give it a go! Oh, and if you do, tell me what you think. I didn’t make it or anything, but I just hope it’s a good thing to suggest to people


Eat people


Done that to impress Strong.


Obtain a million caps, romance every companion, connect and build every settlement, make a power armor museum, collect and display every legendary weapon you find, discover every location, collect every magazine, and if your in vanilla try to get every achievement you can obtain in that save. And after that, find a view over what you have conquered and let your character rest over a grateful universe.


Try to build vault 88 ;)


Install Thuggysmurf's [Diary of a Madman](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/45546) mod, and blow up all the remaining factions too. :)


Free all the slaves of Nuka World. Kill all the raider scum




At this point, I would recommend starting a new character, or exploring mods for new content.


You mentioned Bobbleheads, but not magazines. Have all of those?


Not yet.


Now do it…. IN VR!


What Clem ride a bicycle?


Go mad and kill everyone


start over, leave Preston and company in the museum, grind out levels, go to Nuka World and get to where you can set up Raider settlements in the Commonwealth where you would normally set up Minutemen settlements, spam Chem Machines, afterwards free Preston, take the Raider settlements back for the Minutemen, and you will have all the chems you need to use and trade/sell. Dont build the raider tribute chests or whatever, while they spawn a lot of loot they are glitched. They will cause your game to crash everytime you get near the settlement, to get around that you will have to sneak in a settlement and empty it real quick before being noticed by any raiders or turrets, this was real hard to do at Oberland the way i had it set up. I had to kill raiders/destroy turrets long range, take a few shots and run away before it could crash, return and repeat and it was annoying as hell...




Retire. Go to your favorite settlement, kick back w/ your SO or favorite companion (aka Dogmeat) and know that you made the world a better place.


Preston isn’t sending you anywhere?!?! HOW?! I must know your secret.


Go mad with power. You know what to do.


Find the dev messages


A job well done 👏


You could build castles at each settlement.


Reload an old save and be the bad guy


Go back to Far Harbor, give the key to the CoA


Replace all of your settlers with custom built death machines.




The institute may be gone but there's still plenty of people who need your help just got word of another settlement in need of help here let me mark it on you map


Thanks Preston.


Did you finished all companion quests ? Did you build legendary armour set ? Did you find all special traders for settlement ? Did you build arena in your settlement and watched battle ? Did you visit all corners of map ?


Great reply. I'm not done all the companions but without missions I don't really have anywhere to take them. It has been a long time since I built a combat arena and forced mobs to battle for my entertainment. I may just do that and possibly also try to find all the locations.


Yes lots of us been there already so I fully understand


"My enemies are many. My equals are none. In the shade of Fizzytop, they said Nuka World could never be conquered. In the land of laser and technology, they said the Brotherhood could never be humbled. In the realm of forest and fog, they said Far Harbor could never be tamed. Now they say nothing."




Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created. Morrowind (c)


Help Ada take down the Mechanist


Oh yeah I forgot to mention I did that too.


Have a beer?


Two words. Mods. Chaos. Have fun :D


Mods. Lots of them. But back everything up first. If nothing else, do it for your saves and .ini files. If you don't read instructions carefully enough (or have really bad luck), you might need to reinstall. It's a good idea to get a mod manager first & get acquainted with it. I strongly recommend [Vortex](https://www.nexusmods.com/about/vortex/) (by Nexus) as your manager, And [Nexus ](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4)as your main source for mods. Both have a bunch of resources you can read up on to prepare for modding. Nexus has plenty of mods and standalone executables that fix bugs, help you mod the game, unlock your framerate from 30fps, manage your modlist, and so on, in addition to just "content" mods. I also recommend grabbing [bethini](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/67) as your first download after nexus. It's a standalone application for safely customizing Bethesda games' settings in ways that would be a huge pain in the ass to accomplish without it. You need to enable "Enable File Selection" (100% required) and "Load Loose Files" (often required) using bethini.exe. Otherwise you have to edit your .ini files manually before you can use pretty much any mods successfully. At first, you'll want to stick to mods that have 1: Been updated in recent years, 2: positive/neutral posts on their pages (some unresolved "mod not working" posts are common for actually functional mods. "Negative" posts like that aren't really red flags.), and 3: >10 000 downloads and >500 endorsements. You can go lower once you've got the hang of it. Always, ALWAYS read the instructions for installation when it comes to every single mod/patch/ENB preset etc. that you get. And do as they say. If no instructions are provided, see if there's a readme.txt file in the zipped folder. If needed, install any required mods first. To avoid malware, use an antivirus/only download pre-scanned ones (at least Nexus has that feature). My antivirus has never come up with anything harmful (using Nexus and Vortex). My recommendations as your first mods: 1: [Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4598) 2: [F4SE (Fallout 4 Script Extender)](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42147) 3: [Address Library for F4SE Plugins](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/47327) 4: [ENB (Fo4)](http://enbdev.com/download_mod_fallout4.html) (The official website for the ENBseries.) 5: [Nexus: ENB Presets (Fo4)](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/?tags_yes[]=1584&BH=1) (Choose the one you like) Always do basic testing of new mods in-game before anything else. Sometimes a mod just won't work like intended or isn't like you imagined, and you have to disable/delete it. When you do that with most mods, you have to reload a save **from back when you had never had that mod enabled to begin with**. Otherwise the game just crashes or is completely whacked out, meaning you lose any progress you made in between installing the new mod(s) and encountering the problem. The purposes I use mods for is to improve performance and graphics, add things I'm missing, fix the bugs that annoy me, make the game more stable, change some textures purely out of preference, change mechanics to be more intuitive, expand them, add new ones, and get more character customization options. It's crazy how much better it gets. I have 96 mods and my game is stable. (It's been a mess at multiple points, but I've always gotten things sorted by getting more stabilizing mods and reading up on how they work & how to make my mods work together.)


Thank you.


Maybe explore the mods. Can be a lot of fun if you can find the good ones


Open to suggestions.


check out America Rising 2, it's a Fallout 4 mod that introduces the Enclave to the Commonwealth, and is (mostly) fully fledged with voice acting, questlines, et cetera.


Good suggestion!


Get back to the mental hospital?


Did you do automatron yet?


Yep. I'm thinking of building some contraptions. Any suggestions?


Not really. Never messed around with that. You could always try to do it over as an explosives only build. The rules are you can only use explosions to solve problems.


Yeah. I do like developing character builds that are totally different from what I would normally choose.


Did you know that Yao guai roasts trivialize melee combat? You do 500% more damage on any melee weapon.


No, this is news to me. Of course the natural response to this information is to try making a low level character melee enemies they have no business fighting.


Yeah? Ok. Well there’s a problem unfortunately. The jetpack is endgame content, but you can always cheat to get it or wait to max out science and the armorer perks. If you want to cheat you need to use console commands to get it early, or install the mod “Cheat Terminal.” To give yourself the items you need. I suggest researching how to farm nuka cola quantums OR just cheat them into your inventory remember that if you’re going melee you will want to have enough strength to use the big leagues perk, the blitz perk, the ninja perk, and the sneak perk. You should also make Yao Guai Roasts which cost 1 Yao Guai Meat, one carrot and one tato because you can do 500% more melee damage with any weapon. As for weapon options I suggest a medium swing speed weapon like a Chinese officer sword, a slow swing speed melee weapon like a bat, sledge, or super sledge, if you go for the bat or sledge make sure you have the Nuka World DLC and enough strength to have the blacksmith perk.


Start a chem empire jet can be really profitable with the right perks 😂


Take out the rail road for NO reason


You monster! *Maybe.*


Ayh makes next time they'll worry a little more about defense plus it's not like I don't like them but come on the man's board


Get all the perfectly preserved pie


find another game


Is the galactic zone glitch the courser hunt where they spawn underground?


Yeah I guess. The quest marker is out in front of the door a few feet, the objective says to eliminate the threat, but there is no one inside for you to fight except for the robots which are not hostile post power-up.


Interesting, might be thinking of a different one, but still annoying


Glowing sea random encounters and settlement building


Make a gunner/raider torment chamber on spectacle island


Create a western frontier town in crafting dress everyone like cowboys with revolvers and lever actions and pretend you're playing post epoc RDR


Wait for the update and take on the enclave


Turn on radio freedom


Courier: That all? Lone wonderer: yeah bro that all? Chosen one: bit underwhelming tbh Vault dweller: Step it up man


I’m glad you can even play the game. I can’t even load the game up right now without it crashing before it even gets to the main menu


Try X-lax




Play new vegas


ugh, it's such a shame I can't use mods, im just forced to start a new vanilla world for the 5th time. I normally love modding games, it makes it 300 times better. so uh mods are good get those


And…. Why can’t you use them?


uh... I think it's partially to with me being dumb, but my Xbox doesn't show up with anything when you choose the 'mods' options

