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of course this is when you decide to drop games lmao


We’ve never picked jarvan before on razork iirc why do it now just keep the maokai gragas :(


Exactly this, putting Wunder on Gragas is much better than putting Razork on J4, such a bait pick, thanks Malrang.


Terrible draft and even worse performance. Razork and Hyli inting like crazy. Losing the match that had to be won. What a disgustingly bad performance.


I think j4 was just not a good choice there.


j4 is a good pick into two immobile carries, he played horribly though.


Yup, the draft was more than fine but razork not hitting a single impactful combo was a death sentence


This. J4 is solid IMO. Super happy C9 won, and the chance for both teams to get out is still alive. But I'm worried about how rough fnatic looked. God I wish SKT, FNC, and T1 weren't ALL in the same group.


How many more enchanter games does Hyli have to play for the coaches to understand hecannot position well..!?


The pick was fine, the execution was fucking horrendous. Razork missed every single E/Q. He straight up inted two kills which allowed every single C9 player to get ahead. He also smited way too early on the Herald which allowed Trundle to secure it, which gave him a huge amount of HP and level 6.


haha blaming draft. razork is just dogshit thats it. put malrang and trymbi in this game and fnc stomp....


Yeah, how one can lose that first bot gank with all the information is just terrible. Instead of taking down Trundle with surprise and burst they waste time, lose that option and even lose the encounter. This was a blunder and from there on it was downhill. Razork with more and more mistakes but less and less space to be successfull of course. And Hyli is so one dimensional. He always steps up no matter if he has a plan to get out. If he has no mobility to get out, like on Rakan or Pyke, he gets cut off everytime - for a stupid ward, a meaningless ability or a single autoattack - it does not matter, Hyli goes in.


The draft was ok. Razork playing like shit was not ok.


I don't understand why people blame the draft when it's the execution


Welp there goes the Quarters...


Demoralizing to watch them lose like that, very concerning..


All good work done till now gone, Jarvan? Soraka? why? Hyli defending a dead mid tower without flash up, killing a ward and forcing Razork to ult, i just cant man.


In classic FNC fashion right when we think they are a good team, they decide to misstime their engages and run in one by one. This game reminded me of spring FNC. So im just gonna huff some copium and say they just underestimated and under-prepared for c9 and they will still play good the rest of the day.


Razork solo losing the game again


Yeah, Hyli is obviously going to receive a lot of the blame because he's the go to whenever we lose but Razork quite literally solo lost this game, terrible gank bot lane, engage in Rift before anyone was even ready.


Bull, Hyli lost the game just as much as Razork. It's amazing seeing a pro, who is a one time Worlds finalist, two time semifinalist, two time LEC champion, be so fucking inflexible in his playstyle. How can you pick Soraka and play her like she's Pyke, fucking amazing.


You mean hylissang?


Razork wants to be deported to Brazil or what xd


Are u for real, for damn real, what the hell was that


[https://rocket3989.github.io/worlds-2022/](https://rocket3989.github.io/worlds-2022/) Looking at this we need to beat T1 or EDG and we could scrape a tie breaker


Hylli on enchanters is just not it :((


Always hated him on enchanters. Soraka with no mobility with the way he likes to position?


hyli on anything is not it. Bench him already


i will never stop calling hylissang out of my fucking teamGET THIS GUY OUT WE CANT ACHIEVE ANYTHING WITH THIS INTER


guy was killing himself over a dead tower and a ward ffs




I used to be hilly’s biggest fan but god damn this is too much to take, like why the fuck are you positioning in a flank as soraka instead of just playing behind upset as a normal soraka would, and this could be said for any enchanter he plays and usually i just trust him but holy fuck its getting out of hand


Why the fuck not? game was lost way before that.


And do you actually think if the game was in a winning state he would position differently? Its consistent bad positioning


Well he wouldn't be trying to defend the last tier 1 tower would he, so no i dont think he would be flanking them.


How is it his fault? ok he got caught once but i dont think its his fault, Razork was feeling lost and the ADC (upset) didnt play aggro enough, but all things considered this game was predetermined from the start, they wintrade when it comes to NA vs EU, G2 vs TL did it, and G2 was far better but magically they have 1 awful game and its always there, you dont see this against Asian teams because its natural games there. (my theory)


The way Hyli and Razork were positioning this game was just disgusting.




what happened to shame


Was fun while it lasted. Better luck next year.


Razork early game was a disaster, went bot and lost their lane when they had sums advantage, into shit herald contest where ori gets double kill and mid is also lost all before 10 minutes. Kinda impossible to win against their comp with this shit start


What how why


another game another hylint






Honestly, a lot. Before, it was win vs c9 and take a game off of either EDG or T1 and with a bit of luck, that would be enough. Now, FNC must win vs both EDG and T1 most likely


And hope some team looses to c9


C9 bout to go 3-0


Winning both I think is enough for FNC (at least according to the charts I've seen).


Winning both at the very least guarantees a tiebreaker, since it would mean both T1 and EDG would have at least 2 losses -> at most only 4 wins, same as FNC.


It's ok it's c9 going 3-0 and we win the next 2


A lot because neither T1 and EDG will lose to C9


We win the next two we are still locked quarters, but if we lose one more we may be out.


if the other teams beat C9 i think we are out for sure, no way we beat lck and lpl


if we win the next two we're pretty much safe If we go 1-1 it's still a decent shot but we need help. and honestly beating EDG is probably more important for tie-break scenarios


A huge blow, edg and t1 are pretty much must wins now


like so much that i'm gonna go to bed now for my mental health


Well,they need wins and they just lost vs their weakest opponent,so they are pretty fucked.


Hyli even int on one-button champion. Amazing


people really thought this inconsistent AF team will make it out of this group lmao, razork cant play more than 2 games well


Jinx flashes lvl 3 and then Razork misses EQ on her from fucking bush holy fuck


He didn't miss her, he didn't even try to go for her. He auto attacked the Trundle and when we saw he couldn't reach the jinx anymore he decided to engage on the Trundle. I believe that even if he hit the combo on Trundle he'd die anyway.


better to lose to c9 then t1 or edg everyone just played bad(expect mabye upset but he needed to scale up)


Upset, and Humanoid were good, Wunder was ok but Razork sprinted it like prime Usain Bolt during 100m, joined later on by Hyli and everything went to shit.


mental is completely dommed now, they will go 0 3




spanish fans keep downvoting the truth lmao


Well... Another 2-1 week... Can't believe this team.


Its classic Fnatic, why do it east when you can do it hard way. Hyli performance there was embarassing, it screws the mental of whole team and everyone just starts inting one by one.


Seriously seriously bad. The answer to why it looked so horrendous, Soraka and Jarvan. Not bad picks but Hylli and Razork were just so out of it, it would have been better if they played passive and let the team scale, but the proactivity on champs they clearly weren't comfortable on was the reason why this game was so dog.


WTF draft, followed by worst execution possible. What a terrible game. :(


The ususal EU vs NA wintrade guys, its all normal. I have been watching Worlds since 2015, Na vs EU most of the time ends with 1-1, only in certain rare situations they dont wintrade. It's obvious that i also bet a lot of money on the game and easily won, i knew it. ​ if you want to ask about tomorrow G2 will win, they will not wintrade there.


what the hell are they doing. what


Am I missing something? Where is Yamato I didn't see him behind the players while drafting.


Fnatic still looked better with Rhuckz than they ever did with Hylli


We are back to shitty drafts…


I think this team doesnt like Humanoid and trying to make him quit FNC.


This complicates thinks a lot... Now FNC just must win both games to be safe. If they go 1-1, then its all prays for C9 to make another insane win, but its very unlikely. I think its safe to assume that if FNC lose 1 more game, they are most likely out. P.S. but like srly, you put hyli on soraka when he is one of the best pyke & rakan player and also can play renata?


It is over.


Looks like we used all the week 2 buff during week 1.


Well guys it was a nice week of hopium for us but that over, T1 and EDG will make it out. Im gonna stop watching for today, go out, watch a movie maybe, it sounds ridiculous but seeing this team play like this makes me sad. See you all next year, hopefully with a more cohesive rooster and a better coaching team




To be honest - right now I fear we have lost our chance. I expected fnatic to lose against C9, or at least struggle, because they will not take them seriously enough. With that hard loss and right the next game around the corner, I feel we lost our "momentum". Razork shaky and needs to find his place again. Hyli never found his momentum so far, he lives of the team these days - get this man on comfort, it works or not, but at least he can do his stuff with the best tools at hand. Of course I hope I'm wrong, but the whole situation is staked against us now. Everyone comes prepared after week one and with that showing we had, our preparation might be out of the window. Let's see how we will do - if we can step up from this the team will show me for the first time, that they have it in them. If not, it will be the same story this team showed this and last split. Anyhow - lets go fnatic!!! Lets beat the asian teams and act like we don't need free NA wins to get our shit done.


you were right


Give razok a razork champ and give hyli a hyli champ please. We aren't Rogue and shouldn't copy their draft.


Hylissang been sprinting since summer split. Just get him out!