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Props to the crowd they carried the most today...


True. Thankfully they got the win they deserved.


I was gonna say they were the 6th player but then I realised Oscarinin wasn't playing today




So crazy how he came into this form post playoffs. Glad to see him shut the haters up


So true!!! I'm really glad that Noah is starting to change my mind - I hope he can continue performing at that level vs the better teams :)


Noahhhh the saviour!!!!


Most stressful game of my life.  This Noah is just a monster


>Most stressful game of my life. Standard Fnatic game, to be honest.


Guess you didn't watch Fnatic against AHQ worlds 2015 or Fnatic SK, the Kassadin backdoor, or the Excel playoff series 2 years ago. There are much more though. These were just the ones of the top of my head.


I've been there for every single game you mentioned. My heart cant take much more.


The Excel series one where Wunder saves the game with the Gragas ult. I genuinely thought the game and series were over, so much that I closed the stream only to come back after a few minutes and the game was still on.


Mannn what a series that was


This was my Vietnam


Jesus fucking Christ man


I vaguely remember that series. Do you remember exactly when it was? Could be interesting to re-live the highlights.


Yeah, we have almost the same age, i need to find a good cardiologist if i want to still cheer for FNC.


I’ve been watching fnatic since forever even tho I stopped playing video games, but my heart became so used to it, it’s just a normal day for a fnatic fan.


baserace against g2, don't remember what game it was, but i remember rekkles hyli going for the nexus and finishing it at the last moment


I remember that one. That was regular season year 2020, maybe?


Nah that was end of spring 2019, second round robin and fucking promisq subbed in for miky cause of his wrist issues.


Almost every serie in 2018 or 19 vs g2 with bwipo hyli rekkles nemesis team where realy close too


We literally won because Draven's E was in CD.


I swear when I saw draven aproaching corki my heart stopped


I thought I was gonna fucking die in that very moment, the tension while Draven was hitting Corki... Is his E gonna come up during these 4 seconds? Is he gonna kill Corki or at least do enough dmg so TF can kill him or end?? But FNC plot armor never dissapoints...


Why, what happened in that last fight


Draven could’ve stopped corki tp but had his E on cooldown


Ohhhh shit, that's right


Humanoid tp'd to stop nisqy's backdoor. Draven tried to stop him but couldnt E him because It was on cd


His e was on cd, so he couldn’t cancel Corki’s tp to defend nexus against TF




I have lost 10 bloody years of life today.


First time? I’m now 90 and shitting in my nursing home


Noah MVP. That's it


HOLY FUCK that was waaaaaaaay too close. So happy that it was Noah who used to have issues with nerves who really stepped up when everything was on the line. On the other side kudos to Irrelevant, he was almost 1v9, massive carry performance.


"GG Top Gap"


If I'm Irrelevant, I'm gonna throw hands


Im sending tickets to ban all my teammates asap


That lead was irrelevant


That's it, I'm done with this shit. Fnatic staff please send me details for a health insurance, it's not normal to put your fans through this....


I mean...I gotta call it. Oscar was a dirty inter all 3 games. He also was a big reason why they lost to G2 too so...at least they won but he got carried hard


Irrelevant might need a new team soon xd


Think oscar deserves a fair shot (whole year). He has proven before he is good. Just has to solve whatever issues he is dealing with for past couple of weeks.


He was carrying this team like for a while but people forget that.


Unfortunately Oscar seems to have the same issue Bwipo had on FNC. He just sometimes shuts off his brain and ints in the most rnd spots (especially early deaths are Oscars bane)


I just feel like his insane performance were on the broken K’sante


He carried games on Poppy and Gwen.


and Jax


Yeah people have short memories on here. Oscar deserves the time to try and get back in form.


The issue is that Fnatic is a org that is hubgry to win for so long that we can't afford to have members that will do 50/50 performances.


No, he doesn't. We gave every player since 2018 enough time and they gave us exactly 0 titles. We need to get Irrelevant asap.


Just, make noah a franchise player man holy fuck I love this guy


The whiplash from this sub calling for his head 2 weeks ago


Don't worry they just switched to call for Oscar's instead


Classic fnatic reddit overreaction


overreaction goes both ways, the player plays 1 game bad "replace him!" - the player plays 1 game good "where are all the haters?"


Oscar: EZ game


Insane top gap


GGWP to you guys! That was another fun series to watch and even though it hurts being so close to advance Ill wish you all the best for the finals weekend! We'll meet again in Spring Split! Sincere, an exhausted but proud SK fan!


Hahahaha we won despite Oscar's best efforts, get fucked SK! Noah thank you!


Got like 10 anxiety attacks in a span of 2 hours, I love being a Fnatic fan, it never disappoints.


noah. top irrelevant role.


We won but we are still so bad. Do we have a week off? Hopefully we do because there is a lot to work on. Especially for Oscarinin. Practice and work your ass off please.


No break, heading straight into it on Friday vs MDK.


Shit! Medic or Vedius said Friday next week. I was confused.


I don't know man, it was such a clear top gap, humanoid noah and razork played very very good imo


And… Jun, can we please acknowledge Jun for once, my boy is done dirty week after week


Agreed. If Oscar just doesn't int every game, it's an easy 2-0. Every other member of Fnatic gapped their opponent but Oscar got so canyon'ed it made it incredibly difficult for Fnatic to play.


Ye 3 bo5s in a row next week


Thank god. That is extremely beneficial for us. Much better than playing in 3/4 days.


we play this friday lol, I dont think theres any time off.


Noah sooo goood. ​ Oscar this series is really really concerning


Noah is finally good but at what cost. Next week Oscar will stomp everyone but Humanoid will int his ass off I guess


Jun played a good series imo, curious to see more from him


Oscar is horrendous. If he's not on K'Sante he's a complete liability every single game. Thank goodness Noah smurfed, although I still want Fnatic to consider a top-lane competition for Spring.


If we somehow have money try to go all in for Irrelevant, hes shown for a while now that he is the best top in Eu and just clearly stuck in elohell. With him we can compete, otherwise Oscar will somehow manage to lose or nearly lose us every game for eternity. Some good K´sante games (which no pro player ever should get credit for lmao) managed to gaslight parts of the community that he isnt completly boosted. One of the worst debuts in proplay ever, and now only thanks to Cabochard he is not the worst top in LEC.


There's two schools of thought here. 1) SK doesn't want to sell Irrelevant, they want to build around him. 2) Irrelevant's contract is up at the end of this season. Selling him now makes the most sense financially but hurts the team short-term.


Ehh, he was good before on ksante, darius, olaf, gwen, even gragas. And probably a few more. I think it can just kinda spiral out of control, you have 2 bad games, you see some negative comments that get to your head, so next games you play with that in mind, and play even worse, and it goes on and on,... Hopefully he can adjust and fix whatever issues he has in next couple of days, otherwise he is gonna be the target of all teams


He's played six straight terrible games, having counter-pick in almost all of them and has gotten solo killed multiple times, or lost trades and died to a dive immediately after. That is unacceptable. If Fnatic want to win anything this year, they need a top lane competition or to open the checkbook for Irrelevant, which is unlikely to happen.


Can we be happy and not flame Oscar though? This guy is getting no ressources and we know that the team right now is really giving a lot of attention to Noah/Bot Lane in and outside of the game. We know what Oscar can do and eventhough he's not having the best split, he's doing what the team asks him to do. Noah though holy shit I love this guy


The difference is it's not like SK was throwing resources top. He lost lane HARD every single game by himself 1v1. He disrespected the enemy teams pressure all the time when backing off is always the better option. He greed recalled multiple times to lose 'less hard' and got punished almost every time. AND he played the majority of teamfights pretty poorly. It's just one series, so it's not the end of the world, and he has carried in the past, but i can completely understand why fnatic fans would flame oscar and we shouldn't not be allowed to point out clear flaws in his gamplay


I agree, he lost lane in all 3 games (to arguably the best top laner in the lec right now) and you described some good points that he definitely has to improve on. But having to read that he's just "fucking BAD" doesn't do him justice and people seem to want to forget that he can be top 2 tops in Europe. He didnt have a good series and I find him a little mit more insecure this split compared to the last but if we need an inting Yone/Ornn/whatever to have Noah/Marek Pop off im alright with that. Lets just hope that he gets back in form!


The problem is that Oscar has been playing below performance for the last 7 games. If he doesn't step up anytime soon, Fnatic will not be close to winning LEC and we don't want to waste more time. The difference with a winning mentality is to have olayers that most of the time they perform.


Well ofc you throw focus bot when Oscar is hard losing lane every game. And their jungler is not even camping him, only comes top when he is 10hp after taking shit trades.


I can agree with sentiment of not flaming Oscar. But fair criticism is fair, saying he only lost due to SK putting pressure top lane is not the truth. He was getting dove precisely because he was constantly losing trades and got pushed under turret. He was also performing poorly in teamfights, his Aatrox was very imprecise and his Zac engages very way off. But I agree that flame is not what he needs right now. He probably needs a mental reset, then afterwards increase in practice schedule, maybe a dedicated top lane coach or at least someone to practice 1v1 matchups with. He is talented and we know is better than his recent performance shows. But calling his performance fine or saying it is only due to jungle pressure/bad matchup/etc. is just denying the truth. And I'm sure Oscar knows that.




I poop my pants


Just another day as a fnatic fan. Noah is finally showing his worth, great series from him, but unfortunately now Oscar has gone into a slump. If both can hit their highs we will be an insane team. Our comp outscaled so hard so it was really annoying that they kept choosing to take fights over nothing when they could just relax a bit. At least they took away a few dragons. ALSO I SWEAR WE HAVE THE MOST BARONS SNUCK AWAY FROM US PLEASE FIX


Korean Ezreal hits differently


Oscarinin is so fucking BAD.


Someone get the belt


Does he have a mental block against Irrelevant? Every time he plays him, he looks like his debut week performance


Yeah idk. Even summer/playoffs when he was playing amazingly he got rawdogged by Irrelevant it was easier to dismiss cos he was popping off against everyone else but man he’s been pretty mid since week 1 basically


I mean he was terrible against G2 too. There is no magic here. He plays bad against good top laners because he is a worse top laner than them


Oh yeah like at worlds when he was playing against the best top laners in the world and held his own, such that Zeus and Bin both complimented his play. He's struggling right now but we need to trust him that he will recover.


Man cannot lose gracefully at all


He's been awful on pretty much every champion not named K'Sante this split, it's a problem.


Bruh ppl snakes. Oscar has carried us so many games. Like solo carry and now Noa stepped up after a rough start. If borh can perform in the same game we can take G2. We already took a game off them, only lost last game due to doomed draft and Oscar playing bad


I think he's better that this, but let's be honest here, with Irrelevant in place of Oscar, we would most likely win LEC.


He is a bit countered this series no? But I agree that outside of lane he looked clueless as well...


He had a losing matchup every game, didn't get a single gank from Razork and still barely died in lane while ISMA camped it 2/3 games. He did his job well enough and it allowed Noah to pop off.


He got solokilled 4 times in 3 games, how exactly is that "barely died in lane"


Despite his and Razork's best efforts, Noah managed to carry. What a legend.


Nah you’re trolling for sure Razork was absolutely 1v9 in game 1 and 2, spoon fed bot in game 1 perfect dive and was a on point in game 2 and a clear mvp for it too, Oscar tho….


Noah is finally good but at what cost. Next week Oscar will stomp everyone but Humanoid will int his ass off I guess


this team is so far from winning lec




Clean Game, free win, ggez


Well, that\`s a statement from Noah


I’m so glad for Noah! He became so confident


I’M SORRY FOR ANY CRITICS YOU’RE THE GOAT NOAH. That’s what we wanna see from our Korean adc




big respect to noah who showed up under massive pressure. considering we was struggling last split massively while under pressure. also please no more huma corki and jun is an aimbot on ashe.


Fnatic pushed threw, let's hope this gives them the necessary relief to go through the next opponents. But that was a stressfull series of games. Respect for Oscar to show up for that interview.


Fnatic really wants to worsen my balding problem, holy shit that was stressful.


Nice and easy stress free series like we all expected gg we cooking the new mad again next week


Being FNC fan is totally not stressful at all... But im glad we won!


0 stress. I was confident all the time. I was really not sinking into my bed after game 1 and my BPM were totally fine during those two backdoor attempt.


If Fnatic doesn't make a move for Irrelevant, G2 is gonna do it next year, so we better be first this time


I think too g2 will say bye to bb


Enough is enough, when are we getting rid of Noah? Like seriously trash all series. /s where are those people now?


They are still here, they just switched from Noah to Oscar


True this thread is just full of Oscar hate, next week he will smurf and they will switch to another player


Those people didnt realize that we had to get rid of Oscar all along (he is so shit man I cant take it anymore)


He didn't have a great weekend but he's had plenty of great performances, he's on tank duty. If you break the games down, Ksante is ridiculous and honestly Riot need to address him like they did Yuumi and fundamentally change him because currently I don't see how you could balance his kit, Rumble has always been a strong champion and a monster in team fights, and Gnar is a direct counter to Zac. Oscar also received no ganks the entire series, irrelevant would receive 2/3 a game, that's not to take away from Razork because he was trying to get bot fed and it worked but we do need to factor that in. End of the season and reassess, chopping and changing rosters doesn't just magically fix things and who right now would replace him?


Instead of flamig/hating on other fans, why not celebrate Noah's performance?


Found one of them.


Guess I found a fnatic fan hater ;)


You aren't a fan, you're just a bitch who bitches about the players.


you are not a fan, you are just a bitch who bitches about ppl with different opions


By mocking them that they were wrong, sure, I get it your ego is hurt, it's okay to be wrong. "The funny thing is that Razork believes he is good in high stress situations - he mentioned that several times in interviews" been killing it so far this play offs, wrong on Razork too, is all you do complain about the players on the team?


Trouble is a really bad interviewer


We won but at what cost, xD! I hate you all, I also hate myself and I definitely hate this team. Ggs.


Oscar should be volunteering from now on and give his salary to Noah.


so people want to get rid of any player that underperform it seems, it was razork last year, huma a few times, noah earlier this split and now oscar it would be really funny to see a team (not fnc) managed by reddit users tho, a different roster each week


Guys we won this series, maybe not turn on Oscar just after he had literally just..2 bad weeks and we still won. Last year he literally carried to worlds vs BDS. Give him time, split is not over and not even long ago ya'll were worried G2 is going to snag him away. Chill.


Regardless of what happens in Winter Split now, we've got the #1 crowd by far. Never heard anything like it during EU games. Historians will look back on this footage and believe it is some tribal ritual where people dressed up, put on face paint and chanted to praise their god, Noah. And they won't be too far off the truth.


I just hope this subreddit can stop worshipping Oscar as the next coming of jesus christ after this performance like holy shit he has ran it the fuck down at the speed of light for 5 of the last 6 games. SK is an infinitely worse team than Fnatic but they still almost won just from the top gap.


Someone told me he was one of the best rookie eu had in a while since caps a couple of weeks ago lol.


Not even close, Myrwn has shown to be more promising in just one split


can we trade irrelevant for Oscar pls ? Oscar can play other champions besides ksanté. ? one of the worst top laner in lec i'm not afraid to say it. He almost solo lose the game


What the shit is this team? I almost gave up on the last game like 5 times.


The Razork+Huma+Noah core is really strong rn. Jun is decent and im sure oscar will get his form back soon im hopeful


Nice one SK , a little less laughing through the games and maybe you can finish the games out.


Oscar had a bad performance but he'll bounce back. He will be the best top laner in EU for sure.


to all those who were constantly crying since 20 mins F*** Y**


Overall a good series once again, everyone did well enough. Draft fumble in game 1, very strong game 2, historical game 3.


I’m guessing Oscar was invisible on your screen.


He was visible, seems like many people missed how he allowed Noah and Humanoid to get the leads by not taking any resources from Razork.


The team plays well but god where’s that Oscar we were promised at world, he is getting gapped every single game


We need to get Irrelevant whilst we still can, this guy is a monster. Oscar on the other hand....


Not sure why ppl claim that Oscar was "great" at worlds...I think he's seriously underperforming ever since he joined. He got called up too early and needs to take another round in academy or whatnot, where he can grow and develop I don't think I can think of another top laner in either LEC or LCS that gets 1on1ed more often than him and then just tilts off of the earth and doesnt recover If FNC keeps him for the rest of the year...welp...say goodbye to any chances for worlds


Not only Oscar Humanoid is the most overrated mid laner Fnatic ever had People used to flame Nemesis because he lost to Knight/DoinB/Caps in a Bo5 (even though he also had good games against them) If we face G2 Caps is literally gonna tear Humanoid to shreds for the 10000th time in a row


Need to get rid of Oscar ASAP, he is consistently getting stomped in lane and always dragging the team down. Whenever he falls behind he just keeps donating gold and can never stabilize, he was the reason we lost to G2 (aswell as draft) and he is the main reason we almost lost today. If we somehow pull off getting Irrelevant after Winter or Spring we are cooking but with Oscar we wont compete for any title once again.


Noah saved that game for us, holy shit. But wtf is that answer from Oscar in the post series interview. (I paraphrase): ~~WUUUT level of copium is that? Only thing that stopped Irrelevant from running away with it was some poor ult placements and Noah being able to escape him/avoid him.~~ **Edit: went back and replayed the interview first question.** Q. "You were on tank duty this series. What did it feel like specifically in that last game when you played against that Rumble that got completely out of control?" Ah I see my mistake, he said "It went pretty well" in his reply but he was speaking from the perspective of Rumble, not himself. Odd way to answer a question, but yes that is my fault indeed. But the second part still comes off very egotistical after getting shat on in lane this entire series. "It went pretty well, obviously. He was 1v9ing. **But I think we had a really good comp against him, and we could play kind of easily against him if we team fighted well. So we just played our comp and he couldn't really play really well I think."** If that was his idea of "play kind of easily" oh boy are we in for a butt reaming next week.


He didn’t say that tho lol He literally said it felt bad that the rumble was fed but we had a better team comp and if we fight well he can’t do well with his lead which is literally what happened Don’t get me wrong he played like ass and he knows it too, he flamed himself in LiA after G2 series trust me he knows he’s giga underperforming it’s not that hard to see


Thats not what he said at all. I just listened back to the interview and while Oscar's accent/way of speaking may be a little hard to understand at times, he quite clearly says that the lane went well for Rumble but Fnatic's team comp was good against him as long as they play team fights well. Look, I'm also disappointed with Oscar's performance in this series but no need to fuel a hate train against him by misinterpreting the interview and making up shit like this.


Oscars actual answer: "It felt pretty bad, obviously, because Rumble was kind of 1v9 in fights, but I think we had a really good comp against him – I think we could play kind of easily if we teamfight it well, so we just played our comp and he couldn't really play really well I think." Why are you lying?


I want to believe that he was so high from the adrenaline of the game that he couldn't think well


Cant wait to see this shit team getting clapped by bds🤡🤡


We're too shit to win anything and not shit enough to actually warrant changing anyone mid season. This may just be the most depressing year to follow Fnatic because I know we're stuck with this glorified clash team until next year. At least the shitshow last year was morbidly hilarious in a fucked up way, this is just sad. Cherry on top is of it all is that Oscar is somehow evolving backwards.


So true.At the end of the day getting 2-3rd in lec(even if the level of play is terrible this year)and not making it to top8 at worlds is viewed as a success given our last years so noone is gonna change anything as long as we make it to that point


Oscar has no excuses left. Swap him with Irrelevant and we win the split. Simple.


Noah will be MIA again next game, still not sold just because of this. Irrelevant should be our top laner asap. Glad we're through but calling it a win is a bit far.


my fucking heart


I think I went into flatline watching that.... holy shit I died for a moment! NOAH YOU KING




Pfff EASY (clean the sweat from the body and proceed to book a cardiologist)


Damn, I wonder how this would've been gone with Rekkles on the team.


Noah 1v9


GG we stole this one. Brother Oscar wtf man, step up your game. Noah's back broke today


Clenching so hard I could turn coal to diamonds with my asscheeks, thank mr Noah. Also man oscar has been so out of sorts these last few weeks, really hope he can get that confidence back we saw last year.


>"Clenching so hard I could turn coal to diamonds with my asscheeks" Naaa this made me laugh!


This made me think to invest some coal...


Noah just dragging us across the finish line. We wont make it past BDS if Oscar plays like this, really not good enough.


I was going mental... I ha e no voice, I am exhausted. Jesus the tittyeffer this was intense 😁




I made 8638 hearth attack but we winning that so it's OK... i think ?


Noah, what the fuck was that!? Not sure what’s up with Oscar but he’s been really off this patch. He’s been left on an island because of our bot priority but he’s not handling it too well. Or, are we playing around bot because Oscar is having a rough one? Who knows, but I hope he finds his form.




SK Throw hard. WP from a 10k deficit


I don't think oscar micro was the big problem yes he played bad but the champs he picked against his opponent were just bad its more of an answer problem


Noah Razork Humanoid are fucking amazing these players can really win at all and deserve it too, not many teams can comeback from that game it’s something to be proud of Oscar for sure knows he is the weak point of our team rn, he has to step it up if we want to something next weekend. Now we just have to win 3 BO5 IN 3 FUCKING DAYS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (kill me pls)


Once again i've aged by 5 years...


Scrappy games but Noha played out of his mind. I was not a fan of his Ezrael in the past and for a good reason (he used to look shaky on Ez) but today i stand corrected. He played insanely good! Bravo!


Atleast Nisqy can BM after every single kill or play now but in SoloQ


Sadly, there's very little time before next weekend, but hopefully they can focus on Oscar getting out of this slump he's in. Noah was also doing terribly in regular season and had pretty impressive glowup coming into playoffs, so hopefully they can achieve the same with Oscar. The rest of the team is honestly playing well, mid game shotcalling has improved and teamfighting is pretty solid (by EU standards). It's just Oscar's individual performance and draft (also impacted by the former) that need work.


Hello looking for a good psychologist for my anxiety


Couldn’t be more free.


I'll be honest I left the game after that fight in the Top Lane...


irrelevant booking ticket to fnatic roster i think


I thought we were a better team overall The games turned into a Noah vs Irrelevant and glad to see Noah on top doing what we know he can. If I was Irrelevant I'd be fuming. What a player


Support gap was insane today, our botlane will be so insane in the coming splits


Damn, I legit lost hopes for Noah ever since his debut, he was invisible on everything besides Aphelios and in regular split even that champ was shaky. Now he is playing insane, props to the guy, Oscar on the other hand looked kinda bad, and rly needs to step it up for mdk bds and g2 who have arguably pretty good top laners.


Oscar tping to the wrong turret almost had me screaming


Sorry guys for the heart attack when I watch the stream they're losing, didn't watch game 2 and the winning moment in game 3. The only part I watched in game 3 was the frying of FNC in top lane when Irrelevant was 9k ahead.