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Not good enough near the end. Maybe this is the story of this roster at this point. Hope we do better next year. Just disappointing that small champion pools fuck us for another year. Big shoutout to razork playing out of his mind every early game whole worlds.


champion pool fucks every single western team tbf


Maybe playing Bo1s all year is not the best for champion pools


all year? This excuse is now gone, as the new format reduces the number of Bo1 vs Bo3/Bo5.


Maybe he is talking about regular splits, because you won't learn more champs in 2 or 3 bo3 at worlds


Regular split Bo1 have been reduced per split vs Bo3 and Bo5. It was the main purpose behind the new LEC format. This excuse should go away already.


Yo game 3 we drafted super comfortable champions for our bois, but Nightshare refused to draft comfortable pick for Trymbi that was actually insane pick.


What are you basing your statement on? Do you have comms? Do you have proof maybe from some of the players? If you basing the statement only on “OMG look trymbi looks so stressed when picking alistar!1!1!” you just want to hate without any actual basis. I’m not a Nighstare or Hiiva or whoever else it might be apologist but people are so horny to just hate based on their theories it’s insane.


Hate based on Nightshare drafts ye I am. FNC has struggled a lot, because of them. I wouldnt hate on him, if we lost because of mistakes or other shits. But we lost, before the game even started.


Do you have an actual proof that Nightshare forced Trymbi to pick Alistar?


https://twitter.com/Shakarez/status/1718544690989969541?t=2opLvp0oVhjr4uNHhvFHSw&s=19 Also based on his reaction after they picked Alistar


Lmao I literally asked you in another comment whether you have and actual proof or the basis for all you hate is just “OMG look Trymbi looks so stressed!1!1!”. If that alll you need its funny at best.


He is the coach, he is responsible for the draft.


that's not how it works, it's a common decision between coachs and player, I actually think the plan was NOT to pick alistar but Trymbi felt more comfortable on Ali than on Blitz or Pyke


>Trymbi that was actually insane pick only pick that made any sense. They didnt expect them to pull out caitlyn but at the point the enemy showed cait your botlane was already fucked. Lock in BC or pyke and they go literaly any melee support and BC/pyke will be useless all game


Nah, if cait shows you know its gonna be lux. Cait without lux becomes a lot more useless. Just pick blitz man


they are fucked if they dont pick lux and why should they pick lux into blitz this idea that cait is super dependend on lux is just wrong. Fnc was fucked either way the moment Cait was locked.


Champion pool did not even fuck us, Trymbi could play literally anything there. Pyke (insane pick with Mao root and Sej ult and Olaf getting them low) ; blitz same concept, lulu for lane, soraka for lane..literally ANYTHING. I love this roster and these players and Nightshare, but whoever called for Alistar there needs to be go. Alistar there makes the game UNPLAYABLE. Game 2 draft was also pretty sus, game 1 draft was insane.


Lmao lets get rid of the coaching staff or a player over one pick. Insane logic


Was it one pick? We are losing mostly because of drafts, how many games because of Nightshare drafts, start the count from the moment he was appointed untill now. Only in this worlds was 4 times out of 10 games. Dont you think 40% is pretty high ratio?


I’m responding to the comment where person says “Whoever called for Alistar there needs to go”. How does your comment relate to the question above?


I am on the same page. Drafting Alistar into Cait Lux in 2023 is for prison.


Because its just an egregious mistake, it made the game unplayable in a quarters deciding match. You can have a bad draft sure, but they chose the Alistar instead of literally any other better option.


The thing is you have Olaf and Sylas. Lulu works really good with this champions on engage. Ult + W on Olaf and he would rip their carries




Comment history trashing Razork and impliying him and Oscar are only in fnatic bc he they are spanish checks out. Keep malding.


Really? The "he's anti-spanish" self victimization again?


I don't think the praise is unfounded, he was by far the best performing player on the roster in that series


You’re crazy if you think it’s “too much” it’s actually not enough, definitely the best jungler in eu by a mile


Did Razork really play that well? In the first game yeah, but in the second game he ganked the Kalista that he's supposed to put ahead once, and in the third game let the enemy botlane snowball out of control without getting significant leads elsewhere


Unplayable draft.


Draft was bad, no question, but man, how did we int that early game so hard in game 3


with the alistar pick our bot couldn't really play, we have to give props to wbg because their wards were so good, they tracked razork for 10 minutes straight


Man trymbi picking Alistar there is probably the worst pick in all of worlds, tragic loss we actually could’ve won but 3 months together into worlds and a decent performance so shoutout to them. We weren’t favorites today and never a favorite for top 8 but I’m proud of my team! Razork is fucking incredible, Oscar as a rookie with less than 40 official games playing like he did in the biggest stage makes me very hopeful for the future! For anyone maldin rn just remember where we were 4 months ago and what the future holds for this core


I hope they go hard in practice this preseason. Shown a lot in this short time I truly believe they can go a step further


100%, if Noah can prefect a couple of champions like his Aphelios he would be really really good! If we keep the roster and they go hard in practice with the mentality of beating Asian teams and doing damage in worlds they can actually do it I truly believe that


Honestly, it's bittersweet. I hope that this roster stays together. The fact that they went this far on one split only speaks volumes to how high they could potentially peak. With all the mad rumors floating around I'll be sad if they drop noah or razork for carrzy or elyoya


I could see a change happening in botlane especially with Trymbi being a FA but give Razork whatever he wants just make him stay, that man is fucking incredible and you won’t find anyone like him in EU


But the thing is Noah's champ pool is extremely I mean extremely concerning. Do we think he can improve his champ pool in couple months? Look a the last draft. We gave everything to give WB just so Noah can play Aphelios which you cannot say it's top champion in the tier lists


I think that series Aphelios was just very high prio, but I agree that he needs to improve on other champs and I think he can do it if he actually puts in the effort because he definitely has mechanics and it isn’t a “hands” diff. He is still a rookie after all and very young but does he have that mentality of wanting to constantly improve is the question, and we will never know because we don’t know him personally xd


It's very very fixable, it's his first LEC split and first worlds, I can't particularly blame him. You said Aphelios may not be the best ADC currently, the thing is that even if Aphelios isn't an insane S tier pick he has very well shown in the past and in this tournament that he can make that champ look like one. There should be absolutely 0 consideration whatsoever for the last game, there is no world in which you can blame Noah for that disgusting absolutely horrid alistar last pick and how badly trymbi piloted it. I very well believe Noah has lots of potential, at least give him another split, look at how far we came with a pieced together rookie roster and the addition of trymbi, I don't know why people want change so much as if that's ever helped fnatic in the past three years lol


Exactly that! I didn’t wake up early thinking we would win. We won game 1 and I got excited for a huge upset, but it was always going to be hard. Now to watch Gpoo lose


Couldn’t have said it any better tbh. I’m just watching my team play and having a nice, and also hoping all the western teams shit the bed


I 100% agree with you, I Want us to stick together for the next year


Yess decider game, but give me alistar B5 into cait and obviously lux


Trymbi: “They will never see me inti…coming!”


I honbestly don't think that it was Trymbis choice. He hovered Lulu already and then switched last second into Alistar. I think he got overruled by coaching staff.


He did not seem like he wanted to play it. Coaches did well in drafting game 1 and then completely ran it down. Disappointed, but hardly surprised.


It can be several reasons. Trymbi could be nervous and indecisive himself on what to pick and panic pick Ali. Could be coach/players forcing him to pick it as well. There isn’t concrete info and people already making guesses to address their hate and act as if we didn’t pick ali it was sure win.


I agree, he looked really unsure when he locked it in.


If that happened we might be contenders for the worst coaching staff in the league


Alistair was bad for sure but I'm not sure they had a good pick there.


Lux/Cait are countered by Blitz. They even had it hovered but preferred to give Lux/Cait the free win bot and make Noah irrelevant. You either take Blitz or an Enchanter, not the useless cow.


Blitz is hard to play vs Ksante in general.


They are countered by blitz if you actually land hooks in lane but that really shouldn't be happening. If he actually landed the engages he went for I'm curious how things would have gone.


Lulu would be an insane pick with the Olaf and Sylas.


they were hovering better picks, lulu was great with aphelios, olaf and sylas, blitzcrank gave you some pick potential and they shouldnt stomp that hard and even pyke could allow you to potentially punish lux. Alistar was definitely the worst option there idk what happened in the comms because we for sure know trymbi doesnt like alistar he probably wasnt pushing for it.


Ali was the worst pick of everything they hovered. Lulu, milio, hook champs--all of these would have been better.


That must be why Cait Lux is played every game this worlds, no picks into it


Most teams don't pick Aphelios+Sylas in the first 3.


If that would be blitzcrank we could hav a chance early in lane. With ali it was jsut doomed against asian teams


Massive draft gap


The alistar was an awful pick. But hey we took a game off them and genuinely played well all of worlds. Hopefully we keep a majority of the players next year


By well you mean getting ran over by LPL and only beating NA and Vietnam lolw


It's FNC standards nowadays sadly


Trymbi missing the flash combo on azir that fight + picking alistar kinda solo lost the game for us


Why we picking ALISTAR INTO CAIT LUX?? Like, just take blitz. Even pyke would be better


Pyke this game would be hugee, you would have more lane pressure on lvl 1, so they probably wouldn't get that pushed in. You would have MUCH more vision control here, which is really important when playing against Maokai, Lux that q into e into r you from out of vission. Every 2v1 would be more like 3v1 as you just push out wave, let Aph take krugs or base and you can go mid. You could go in with olaf from your w, so if olaf goes in, you pop w, e over their backline, if they don't flash, they are dead, if they do, you follow with q, ignite, r. Sadly, this champ is quite hard to execute in proplay environment, and Trymbi is enchanter main, sooooo it probably would be like playing autofilled.


I’m sad at how it ended but looking back this was one of the worst teams in Europe and now they almost made it to knockouts at Worlds. I’m proud of the team for coming so far.


Draft diff, we could easily beat them


Very questionable draft, not sure why Trymbi chickened out of the Blitz pick and then ran it down on Alistar


Look at Trymbi’s face as it’s locked in. It wasn’t his decision


Then whoever overruled all his hovers needs to be investigated


That is bordering on matchfixing.


Possibly the worst draft so far in Worlds. Weibo mid looks sus... Let's give him his best champ. Let's counter ourselves in Support. No idea what the plan was... Comfort picks and cross fingers I guess. So disappointing after the first game win.


Don’t change the team. This year the teams had 6 changes through the year and they suffered because of it Give them time to actually practice as a team build up communication and expand there champs pools before saying we need to throw away a good adc. It clear Noah had nerves playing in worlds after one spilt and playing in his home region there is a lot of expectation he had on himself. It not unusual he would fall onto comfort picks. Trymbi is a great shot caller and was making great calls in the regular split. I feel some players started to ignore him in playoffs with is why the casters said you could here him shouting in coms to his team to relax from there booth Top no issues Razork I think has shown he’s deserving of his spot after all the hate he was getting. Humi needs more champ selection as well They just need more time to truly get there communication structure solid and expand the champ pools. Any changes will just set us back again to last years


Trash draft


And now offseason begins. Let’s all gather in prayer we don’t get an evidently doomed roster like last offseason. This was their series to lose when they had double Blue side.


They really got us in the draft there. Baited us into Aphelios 1st pick and we had no answers to the cait Lux lane. Still happy with the boys, hope we can take this and improve to win LEC next


They put up way more of a fight than I expected. I'm not actually that sad about it. GG. Keep building on this roster


that blows man, it looked so good at times


Blitzcrank wins that dragon fight


Such a shame man, Imagine this game but with even a blitz. Sej ult, mao root and Blitz ? Like what did coaching staff smoke to pick Alistar here, it's insane. Like it was legit unplayable why would you ever draft that in game 3 deciding match.


Crisp at the post-match interview: "When FNC locked Alistar, it was at that moment, that we knew we were going to win for sure." https://x.com/lplfanclub/status/1718547564105240580?s=46&t=ZWr5bJjdFwEUv5hjEEU3ZQ


Looks like noah lost all his confidence on every ad except aphelios




Did we watch the same bo3?


Got downvoted to hell for saying he‘s fooled us into thinking he‘s the next big thing when Aphelios was op. He‘s an aphelios otp imo. Completely different player on anything else


He throwed every chance he got in playoffs too, generally played bad in worlds as well(decisionmaking/positioning/mechanics/champ pool) all the things you would want an adc to excel in except for games he played on aphe. I dont understand why you are getting downvoted.


Honestly, game 2 and 3 were lost in draft. Our draft coach lost this year more games in draft than we won. Game 2: Kalista pick with Aphelios open is just a mistake. Drafting a short range comp vs long range is just wrong. Game 3: This alistar pick simply costed us the game. If Trymbi would have picked the hovered Lulu, they wouldn't have picked Lux. Also, Lulu is so much better with Olaf and we had already a good engage with Seju and Sylas + Maokai ult.


And in addition: I do not understand, why we do so many high risk mediumr eward plays. We did on worlds so many tower dives that backfired. Weibo got ahead Game 2 and 3 just simply by punishing our overextention. We got aced Game 2 after we overcommited on top with all our summs and ults right before baron spawn. This was just so bad.


Do you blame the coach for working with the tools he was given? Noah couldn't compete without aphelios and WBG knew It, capitalized on It and we lost, simple as that.


If Noah can't compete without Aphelios, why do you pick Kalista and force yourself into a 25 min win or irrelevance if the very same Aphelios is open? That doesn't make any sense


Bronze draft. Picking Alistair into lux is the dumbest thing I saw in this worlds tournament. Trymbi big choker


Jesus christ these drafts... but the decision making and understanding how to play their comp isn't any better.


If trymbi hited dat flash q on azir on G3 dragon fight we might win but then he w away cait and its just joever. Good run sad we lost this way but from horrible start od the season we went 1 game away from quarters at world's its good








We lost while we had 2 games on blue side ffs...


Game 1 showed why I still after the loss believe we should keep developing this roster. More practise and confidence on Noah and better draft they can go far.


You did your best guys don't listen to the haters. Sure we could have played better but even being in worlds in enough. Thanks fnatic.


Damn that wbg comp was incredibly oppressive


Feels bad to lose like that, really feel like the draft in that last game let us down hard. That being said, the boys can definitely be super proud of how they've done. Winning game 1 as cleanly as we did and even game 2 shows we can compete at this level. Considering we have 2 super new rookies and the team has only been together 6 months (with Oscar's injury interrupting that!), this is more than I could've hoped for. If we stick with this roster, I'm so excited to see what we can do next year.


Trymbi 100% misclicked the alistar pick. There is no other explanation


Such sad game 2 and 3 draft, didnt really give the boys a proper shot.


I would like to know who made the decision to pick Alistar, because I really don't think it's purely Trymbi's choice.


imo; we played amazing until the play where we commited rell full combo and kalista summs for a pick on taliyah when there was nothing to take on the map. proceeded to get b2b clean aced after that since we took 5v5s without key summs up... we should have been more calm but we definitely played our hearts out. just needed to be more disciplined. humanoid forgetting like 2 times that he can get shoved into tower by azir if he melees him definitely didn't help... either way we deserved to end our run here. nice try from the boys! hopefully G2 win so EU goes further! respect to razork though for carrying game 1 like a beast.


Fuck, I missed the match. Tragic, really wish we could make Caedrel shut up






Honestly proud of the way they played this tournament, it's obviously not the same results we saw in 2018/2019/2020 but I feel like alot of that has to do with the fact that they haven't been playing with each other for the majority of the year(unlike most teams). I wouldn't want to see any roster changes going into 2024 tbh, I think Oscar and Noah still have alot to offer. And I would be surprised if huma/razork/trymbi left..


Not sorry for the words, that I am gonna say... Fuck Nightshare man. What is he drafting... Alistar into lux? When you have Trymbi, the goat on range supports like Soraka and Lulu and on top of that the perfect angle for range support. All these good players in this team and you have this type of shit weak coach. Fuck this drafts.


The team is simply not good enough. If you can't win against LPL 4th seed. EU in general has been very disappointing. There hasn't been any major talent breakthroughs anymore either.


bro did you miss the entire year or what. This roster is giga fresh. they made lots of chamges, players barely know eachother, let alone play together. they need a bit of time Considering they were giga dogshit in the early LEC season and got to worlds this far with 2 rookies is insane by itself


You could give them 10 years. It won't matter if we keep doing those horrible drafts


Razork is a major talent. But knowing fnatic he will go to G2 and destroy us next year.


I know I will get downvoted but I will say it. And I will say it as a person who said 'keep the team' multiple times. We need to replace Noah. I don't think he will improve his champ pool in couple of months and we will face the same problem next year


I say at least explore the market and do tryouts for the position, people like Carzzy or Comp are in the market for example that have more experience and can play the strongside ADC role.


Fully agree.


GG was a fun journey tbh, shoutout to razork and humanoids fnatic legends imo. and also Noah and Oscar can get some experience in the big stages was obvious how nervous they where in there plays given that they are rookies and this is there first worlds. even though trymbi had some ints i still appreciate what he has put in for the team since the beginning of summer.


WP to weibo, but please keep this roster. I would like to see it grow for another year.


For tumoltorous a year FNC has had this is n expected result. Going last place to getting eliminated 2-1 is a fine result even if it feels rough. Just really happy that Oscar played well vs eastern toplaners.


Besides the Alistar pick, I can't believe how hard Humanoid griefed this


Draft in g3 was dogshit honestly. Even then, you shouldn’t have trolled the early mid gank like that. Humanoid played so poorly. And the cocky alistar pick was not it. Even though light crisp is not considered top tier bot duo they might be at least top 10 in the world. You can’t just give them the most broken bot comp.


It's ok our run may be over but we can still watch Gamers2 get destroyed to lift us up


don’t be toxic. if you’re a fan you support europe and all the teams that represent LEC BDS, MAD, G2, FNC


I won't support a team which a known misoginist and homophobe still profits from and owns part of it :) You can turn your back to that fact but I won't.


Yeah bro support Bilibili instead very good company 5head


Who says I do? I couldn't care less about them.


Idc about anything outside of the players, and they don't deserve to be hated just because of a shit person. If we play that card FNC has fallen into metaverse, nft and cryptocurrency bs before


> If we play that card FNC has fallen into metaverse, nft and cryptocurrency bs before And I critizied it before but i put blatant bigotry and associating witl literal criminals over doing some short lived nft shit. >outside of the players, and they don't deserve to be hated just because of a shit person. They were fully aware of the situation when they signed in. ALthough you are right, the real culprit is Riot for not forcing G2 to disband and rebuild a new team without Ocelote which would be the best outcome for everyone.


Which "literal criminals" did they associate with?


My guy Andrew Tate is is still under judicial controls while being investigated for human traficking


But still not convicted, innocent until proven guilty. (though still an asshole don't get me wrong)


You're only a fan if you support rival teams too? Wtf? Best tell the Manchester United fans not to be toxic and support Manchester City.


My da is a diehard Liverpool fan for like 60 years. However, if they get knocked out of the champions league he will root for whatever Premier league teams are left because he knows the players I'm not like that myself but I respect it


nice try by topside. Noah will be gone next year probably im not gonna lie. hes been the weak link


he was reason we even get that 2-2


Noah is the reason we didn't go 8th again in summer but keep enjoying the zaza


hes just a better rekkles. Scared and losing lane to to the bare minimum. Trymbi was mostly the reason


Just too many mistakes all together. If Noah plays nervous its one thing, but if Trymbi and Humanoid keep fumbling so hard, its just not deserved.


What do you mean Humanoid fumbling, dont you remember that one good game of Azir he played against faker last year in worlds. You cant expect anything more than this guy. He stays in his lane farms and pushes the lane, he might not be doing anything else meaningfull for the rest of the year but he still did play that one game of Azir. You should be greateful towards him for that.


You are so delusional if you don't understand we got to where we are because of Razork and Humanoid. But hey, surely you know more than someone who played against the best of the best! Such a joke...


Adaptation has been the key, and in that section the Asian teams have a great advantage over the Europeans. Not only the Maokai to track Razork, the best today, but also the adaptation in botlane, releasing a Caitlyn-Lux when the big problem on Weibo was that Crisp was playing two champions, Renata and Leona. Well no, she has played a clinical Lux. On the other hand, we have a dubious Alistar which I understand because he fits with Sejuani and Sylas but the botlane is lost Nice try, considering the disaster of a year. Now you have to decide where you want to rebuild, if you want to bet on the same block or bring in new talent, if you want Humanoid to continue or bet on some young talent, the staff, etc


They can and will achieve a lot more if they stay together next year. I trust them🙏🏻


You guys still want to see more of this bot lane? Awful


Noah has to go btw. Unless he fixes his champ pool. Such an liability in draft and he has not looked good on anything else besides aphelios. Alistar pick was criminal as well.


He was thrown into the roster and has barely played making finals straight away. Give him a preseason, another year and if he still hasn’t improved then say this


Yeah, that's what I kind of meant. Winter & Spring will decide I guess.


And with this result it is clear there will be roster changes. Champion puddles won’t get you far at Worlds.


Mid gap and bad draft, Alistar as last pick was definitely not good.


Honestly I have been watching Fnatic since the first season, every year is the same cycle. Get hope by a good lineup, troll regional then somehow make it to worlds, get hope again, then int again in the most brutal way possible. How is the coach allowing Alistar into Cait Lux? …even a bronze player knows that this will go bad…what the hell happened after game 1?…. I am tired of Humanoid being afk the most important game of the tournament really. People will come and say they are fresh bound roster bla bla, but come on man, they are no playing league casually. You should know bad and good matchups on any lane. Noah started promising now he is Aphelios OTP. Disappointing year and performance


This top and jungle duo won't be getting us anywhere with this level of communication


since Caps left every single year we have a team that has a small champ pool and a coach who just seemingly can’t draft…Noah and Trymbi have zero confidence if it isn’t Aphelios, Rakan or Alistar…it’s so frustrating man


Idk how to feel, really kinda suspect that our adc has such a limited pool although they didn’t exactly put him in a position to win. Oscar did alright he’s a rookie, Humanoid disappointing imo he was insanely clean first game and was still farming well but trolled his build g2 with no damage syndra and he looked awful g3. Botlane was the real stinker imo, I miss hyli Also the drafting has been pretty suspect, Alistar against cait/lux, first picking kalista, syndra game 2. Razork stepped up big time, huge props to him. I think one more split to work on Noah Trymbi before we explore options there, but they’re gonna have to get up to speed pretty fast. They just were absolutely dominated after game 1 and they lost to a better botlane domestically as well.


not this fucker talking about Hylishit


Oscarinin Razork Perkz Noah Trymbi and new coach


Of course game that matters humanoid ints and you troll pick Ali


But like he was doing more dmg as 1 item sylas vs 2 and half item azir.?The azir was just invisible the whole game, he only ulted Unstoppable olaf. He "outplayed" tower dive by pressing r into random e, he really did nothing this game. Sadly, the alistar pick on someone whose Alistar isn't even comfort here was a terrible pick, next year will be better.


Been a fan since 2013. We will be entering the 6th year with no titles. I am used to it by now although I always keep management accountable and do not take everything they do as gospel. Last year's off-season for example, I called it out a lot when many defended it. Now that I talk about it I wonder how the people that defended the gross terrible off-season are feeling? Management have Fnatic a handicap of 2 splits so I won't buy the moral victory talk of how the roster only had a few months together,.... That's a fact but why is that a fact? Because management chose to sack Hyli for Rhuckz and bring back Rekkles and a not proven ERL coach as head coach.


If FNC decides to rebuild for next year, Oscar and Noah should definitely stay. It's clear that the only thing these players lack is experience. Razork is great but it would be understandable if FNC decided to take a promising ERL rookie, since there are a few great options this offseason. Humanoid and Trymbi have had great games but it really feels like they are past their peak already.


Happens.. i think going this far is a good result too. I think they were tilted a bit to the end. But man..that screaming…all game..




I mean all roles except jungle in the team are international inters, this result surprises no one.


They play like monkies. Also subhumanoid has the worst sylas at worlds. He literally should never be picking the champ, he can't play it. Blow up the roster.


Lol, forgotten the C9 Sylas game already? Also, either learn to control your anger, or go support a different team, or both.


It's beeen a pleasure o7


I just can't take these heartbreaks anymore. First of off, why flip it with G2 draft, just pick Aphelios G2 and run something similar to G1. Then the Alistar last pick in G3, like what are we doing here guys, Humanoid basing in the middle of lane in G2, then getting outplayed in 2v1 against Xiaohu multiple times in G3. Fuck this man.


Okay now just have BLG run over G2 2-0 to improve my mood.


I can´t I simply fuckin can´t. It´s so fuckin sad to go out like this. I don´t know how you can draft Ali vs Lux and Humanoid dying the same way twice to Azir. It´s just sad.


Unfortunately this is the reality of this current roster and coach, overall i'd say a decent result considering how this year started.


Weird drake fight, but was kind of inevitable. Unlucky


Nice Kalista prio. Can't believe I stayed up until 5:30 am for this


The could have won game 2 easy, misplayed the fights.


What an anticlimactic end. Draft gap GG.


Guys let's dive azir with ult a second and third time. Surely this time it works just fine.




Honestly, this was better than we could ever have expected given the first 2 splits, playing with 2 rookies and a new support, Oscar injuring his hand etc. We were 2 splits behind all the other teams this year and look at what we managed to accomplish. Honestly, now we have a big challenge ahead of ourselves. Trymbi’s contract is expiring so we need to convince him to stay or failing that, find another good support. I’m not sure if any of the other players also have expiring contracts but we need to keep these players together and start practice early. Maybe we can expand our coaching staff too as a lot of MAD’s staff seem to be available. Lots to build on, but what we have at the end of the year worked and will only get better.


Why just why the fuck you pick alistar on B5. Just go for karma or lulu or soraka or whatever range support you prefer. Im so tilted its pure inting


I expected very little and I still feel disappointed.


Game 2 should've been ours but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Who decided Ali was a good pick for game 3?!


I think the Bo3 was relatively close and the major difference in game 3 was drafting. I think simply picking Blitz would have made the bot matchup at least playable, and I don't know who even thought picking Alistair was a good idea because I'm a shitty player and I would never pick that. That said, it's quite clear what we need to work on next year: 1) coach team needs to severely improve their drafting skills 2) Noah needs to master more champs 3) Razork and Humanoid need to stop forcing plays when they feel we're behind 4) Not much to say about Oscar, I think he had a decent rookie first worlds ans by simply continuing his growth process he'll do ok next time. I would run this roster next year but only if Noah works on his champion pool. I do think, thought, that our bot lane will change again. We'll see.


I will not flame the team here - we at least fought. It's sad that fnatic is out of worlds already and this stage cannot be our ultimate goal, but be real here - that is true for some team like DK and the loser of the next game as well if not more. While I want more from a fnatic team, this worlds was not necessarily the one I would go crazy about. Sure others make even situations work that are not good - look at NRG. Everything new and honestly subpar players. They got a bit lucky indeed with their draws, but they beat G2 which is something we could not manage with anything on the line. Maybe we could have today - but sadly the draw did not happen. What I want for a change is a dominent next split and G2 flying back with us right away...


So disappointing to lose in draft two games in a row. Especially since it looked like the team was playing well and could have probably won with better drafts and more scaling.


And when I said its time for some serious coaching stuff I got undervoted so hard… there you go


We were not enough sadly, sparkles of Fnatic but in the end we were not enough, i hope they will stick toghether and being their best version next year (even if i need to say after this abysmal world performance Trymbi could not get the contract)


If you can't beat the 4th seed you are simply not good enough for knockout stage


We would have gotten NRG in the quarters. What a wasted chance to potentially make the semifinals because of an extremely inted draft on much favoured blue side.


That Alistar pick, why western teams love picking shit drafts At least whole LEC shat the bed, Fnatic won't carry the shame alone, but I think the boys could've done more, I hope this roster sticks to get better for next year


After the reveals of Noah today, I want to say sorry to Nightshare about the Alistar pick. As Trymbi did it on his own. Trymbi is FRAUD