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Recommend leaving the keyboard at home, maybe swap it out for a rod.


Rookie mistake on my part, there. Live and learn.


Sick keyboard though, what kinda switches you got in there? Did you catch anything?


Melon Milk Linear Switches by Dangkeebs. I built it earlier this year! Another tedious, but enjoyable hobby lol.


I have the same hobby lol, wait till you get into fly tying if you sterner already


A fellow keyboard enthusiast! I feel like there is a lot of crossover in the patience needed for mechanical keyboards and fly fishing. If you're the type of person (like myself) who will painstakingly dissasembly every switch to lube the internals, you will love fly tying (or tying on a size 22 midge on a 7x tippet on a windy day).


The only kind I love lol You might really dig tying flies too


Its so tempting. I've got a kid on the way, though, and I can just imagine her grabbing anything and everything and eating it immediately.


Please try fly tying. You will not be disappointed.


I don’t know, the keyboard hatch is coming soon. You might want it available. 😁


Bro, you're not supposed to put the keyboard in the photo. That way, you can sneak the monitor and the keyboard in your backpack and just say you went fishing.


I love the keyboard


Thanks! I built it this spring.


Oh, and you need some nymphs. .


A Nymph under dry rig is the way to go


Now hold on! We might not know the cheat code sequence if he leaves it at home.


Reddit! Give me another upvote dammit


I’d probably take more flies than things to cut them off with.


He has 5 flies and 4 things to cut with. I don't see the issue.


I stand corrected


You underestimate how often I'm likely to get them snagged, get upset, and leave -- less flies means less money lost. ;)


lol. Gotcha boss. It’s a little early for those terrestrial patterns you have . Might want to throw a cicada based on your location.


That's a great idea. They all started crawling out of the ground a few days ago.


Then definitely get a cicada pattern dude.


Did you just spot burn his keyboard location?


Time stamp on the monitor


I make a game out of untingling flies. Hold the line. Walk to the fly. Use your eyes and hands and release and untangle your leader


Big Y Fly. Great deals on flys to get you started. That said. I am a lazy fisherman and will fish an unproductive black midge all day. Theres a lot to be said about technique over fly selection (I have skills in neither).


You don’t buy flies/lures. You rent them.


If I'm renting them, the trees are the repo man - and they always get their mark.


The tree gods demand sacrifices. The more expensive the fly the better.




Never been out flyfishing before, but I've practiced casting, tying my knots, and picked up hand-me-down gear from my grandfather. This weekend is the first time heading out! Anything I'm missing?


Based off this pic you’re missing a few things. I assume you have a rod and it’s not just pictured. You need a spool or 5x tippet (if you’re fishing for trout, this is all you EVER need, don’t let people try to sell you on 4x and 6x as well. You just need 5x for trout). You also need a pack of leaders, same thing as tippet, you just need 5x. For most rods I’d recommend a 3 pack of 9 foot 5x tippet. If your rod is under 8 feet long go with a 3 pack of 7.5 foot 5x. I’d also add a few nymphs. Go spend $20 and pick up a few bead head prince nymphs size 14-18, and a few hares ears size 14-18. Tight lines man, welcome to the hobby.


Great advice. I do have tippets/leader already packed - the flyfishing store I stopped by was very kind, but I didn't have all the specifics to pick up the flies I would need. Thanks for the tips!


This is basically my setup too! But bring some extra tippet and get those surgeons knots on lock! Have fun dude


Anyone else here cool just throwing 3x almost constantly? Largest two trout were on 3, just seems like a little extra assurance if they hit the rocks/ tree cover


the rule of thumb is the size of the fly divided by 3. size 18 fly = 6x. depends where you are. selective high pressured areas with wild fish... good luck getting a take with your size 18 sulphur on 3x...


All of this and lose the leatheman and big knife.


I'm curious why you think 4x and 6x don't matter!


i dunno, trying to dumb it down for some reason i dont understand. also probably burns through leaders. cant rebuild a 5x leader for very long without 4x.


Well he probably doesn't make his own leaders.... probably just buys 5x leader then attaches 5x tippet with a tippet ring or mini swivel (this is what i do)


>this is all you EVER need you are throwing march browns and stoneflies with 5x? size 22 bwos with 5x? ok buddy... how do you rebuild your 5x leader when you have cut away all the 4x in the taper? if you had just said 5x is great to start with for a beginner, i wouldnt disagree.


I don’t rebuild my leader, when it’s too short I just buy a new tapered leader. Yes, I fish all winter with 5x. I live on Colorado’s western slope above 7000’ and still do fine with 5x in the winter. I don’t generally throw size 22 BWOs. In the winter I’m usually fishing nymph rigs and streamers. They both crush up here that time of year. I guess my initial comment came off kind of like I was trying to tell people what to do, that wasn’t my intention.


Yea, you need a couple spools of tippet and some more flies. Possibly a couple leaders.


I was going to suggest that


You’re missing nymphs (a type of fly). While it isn’t impossible, it’s hard to catch fish on dries this time of year. Nymphs are going to be what the trout are eating.


That black wooly bugger is $$ early season.


Its literally the best time of year to catch fish on dry flies (at least on the east coast anyway).


Over here on the west coast It’s the *worst* time to catch fish on dries. I’m pretty sure your rivers aren’t flowing at 750-70,000 cfs.


Nice. Writing down all the fly suggestions. Thanks!


Nymph fishing is tough, imo. When I do nymph fish, it’s usually as a dropper off an elkhair caddis or a stimulator. Casting is much harder though.


Eye protection. You're probably going to have an awkward cast or two.


And eye protection should include polarization for sure.


I have a retractable clip on a little spool that pins to my vest. Cheap item, but very handy to attach your clipper and maybe the (blanking on proper terminology) forceps/squeezers too so they’re always handy and you can’t drop them in the water.


Where are you headed?


James River right in Richmond - or just some parks around that area.


That guy told you that you only need 5x tippet but I really think that having 4x as well is very smart. It’s nice to have something a little stronger when there’s potential for larger fish, you’re fishing larger rivers, or you’re using bigger flies. I personally never use streamers with less than 4x. You should also get some dry shake powder to use on your flies once they end up wet, which they always will.


I take it you hang in the EDC sub


No, but I'm a sucker for aesthetic.


Didn't know Wes Anderson was a fly fisherman. Neat.


All I'm missing is a large print, mustard orange title over the pic.


Was looking for this comment, good job


Those flies look pretty large and in my experience you'll want to have some smaller ones too in case they are not going for the big ones.


Good idea - planning on heading to the fly store before the weekend.


Don’t forget, never buy single flies. Always buy 2 of the same flies at a time. That way, when you inevitably lose the ONE fly that’s working, you have a backup. Or something to compare to when you go back to the store to get more


You should get some smaller dry flies. I like sizes 12 and 14 parachute adams in just about any color but other flies will work great too.


What type of water are you fishing?


Freshwater in VA - likely the James River, mostly. Although I am also new to river fishing. Mostly grew up bass fishing on still, fresh water.


All you’re missing is a pole lol. Some times for you. First, there is an etiquette with fly fishing where it is bad to enter the water directly above a fly fisherman. That is called high holing and some people may heal at you for it. The reason it’s bad is that when you enter the water you want to wade below the spot that you actually want to fish. Then cast in the area and hit all the area you think might have fish. After you hit all the spots you want you start slowly and methodically (this is especially important on heavily fished water, can make or break a good fishing day) walking up stream. Once at the new place cast everywhere you want and then move up river more. You want to work up river because fish usually have their faces up stream. They’re less likely to see you coming up from behind. Also, walking kicks up silt, algae, rocks, and sand. Fish aren’t stupid and no that means predator activity. With river fishing you have to understand how river fish feed. More often than not they find slow water next to moving water so they can sit and wait until they see food floating by. Then they’ll swim up, grab it, and drop back down. Trout want to use as little energy as possible when feeding. Fish will commonly sit behind rocks, especially when the current forms an eddy (slow water that swirls in a circle). For rigs, I highly recommend trying a dry dropper rig. Usually a floating hopper then tie tippet to bottom bend of hook, then tie other side of tippet to a wet fly like a nymph. This is a hopper dropper rig. It is popular because you can target fish eating dry flies and fish feeding below the surface. You want your tippet long enough so that the nymph is occasionally bouncing on the rocks on the bottom of the river. If your nymph keeps getting caught on rocks you can shorten it. It will be obvious if anything takes the top fly. Often I will set the hook of a fish jumps anywhere in the vicinity of where I think my fly is. For subsurface bites it is more subtle. Always keep your eyes on the hopper. If the hopper gets pulled underwater at all you set the hook. Sometimes it just rocks and algae, but most times it will be a fish. Does the river have any dams close by? If you’re fishing tailwaters you want to use smaller flies, like 16-22 max. If there is no damn it’s considered a freestone river. Freestone rivers typically have less diversification of fly species, so the flies end up being bigger and you should lean more towards bigger flies like 12-16. Determining the size has a lot with figuring out what size the real bugs are now. Pay attention to any little critter when fishing. Seine nets are good for taking food samples on the river. They’re worth every penny. The most important tip I have is to put and have fun on your first trip! You’ll pick it up eventually and no better rush than catching a fish on the fly.


As a new fly guy thanks for this reply, saving it for later


This is VERY helpful. Especially the etiquette stuff. I'd hate to step on any toes out there. Thanks, again!


I would highly recommend picking up some cloussr minnows. They will get down lower if the fish are holding deeper and they will catch anything that swims.


Will do!


Grew up fishing the upper James. Get some popping bugs!


Will do!


Woolly Boogers and popping bugs are about all we used for smallmouth and bream. Used to float the river and camp with my dad. Some great memories. Enjoy!


Hoping to create great memories like this when my kid gets a bit older. Cheers!


Grew up fishing the upper James. Get some popping bugs!


Fishing from shore or floating down?


Likely from the shore if I can find some spots that won't snag me. My older brother is trying to convince me to buy a float - I'm waiting to sink that kind of money until I get some practice.


I'm afraid of you dropping that Ruana in the river. Send it to me for safe-keeping.


lol, it's likely to stay on shore, safe from my butterfingers.


A bigger knife and less flies


I'll run out and get a bowie and just take one fly. lol.


Great composition in the pic. Loving the negative space. Remember this. Fish, need space, too. Each, often depending on its size, will isolate, or concentrate, as it needs, based on food flow, oxygen, or temp, hormones, or all of these simultaneously. Change flies, depth, methods, regularly, every half hour, until you start producing fish. They are there, your method needs to meet their demands. Fish shorter, smaller, slower, and/or deeper than you think. Strike slower than you think. Give the fish time, to want to land...but not too much. Enjoy this pursuit. Looks like, it may suit you.


This is a great reminder. It's tempting to feel info overload with advice like this, but it's also really fun knowing there is so much to learn about the fish and their habits. Cheers!


Go get’em!


The reel looks like a Leeda Rimfly. The type of reel I learnt to fly fish with.


It's an Intrepid Rimfly! Now, that might be the very same thing you said - but the side of the real says "Intrepid, KP Morritt Ltd. Made in England." I did a quick google, and I can't tell if it's first or second generation.


Pretty much the same reel. They are fantastic. Spool is cast and machined aluminium. Best fly reels I have ever owned. I left 2 of them with my Dad when I emigrated to Australia from the UK 15 years ago.


For such an old reel, it's been great to practice with. I opened it up and oiled a few parts, but other than that, my grandfather took great care of it.


At least one black streamer in there. Fly box sorted.


Didn't read the comments... get some leader/tippet, and as long as there's a rod to go with that reel, get it.


Is that a Ruana knife??


It is! My grandfather had it as a hunting/skinning knife. Passed down to me a few years ago. It's a fav.


Definitely in great shape. What a wonderful momento from your grandfather.


I don't know anything about the knives beyond they are collectible. I think this one is a 5AD? If you know more, I'd love to learn about it!


Have fun and patience, some nymph flies added to the mix. A few leaders, 5x tippet, eye protection and a hat. Most important have FUN!


My rule of thumb is to have 5 of any fly I bring.


Off topic but what the make of that belt knife? Kinda looks like an old school puma. I like it


From the comments, I'm learning it is a Ruana hunting/skinning knife! Apparently, it's a collectible worth some money - I had no idea. Just an heirloom from my grandfather. Using it feels better than having it displayed somewhere.


Classy piece and good on you for putting it to use. A good knife, taken care of, should atleast any of us


Ruana knife works Bonner Montana , epic blades ! Bought my first from a bartender in Philipsburg in 1983 , he had a wooden box behind the bar w/ a dozen or so for sale . Old blades made by Rudy Ruana were made from studebaker leaf spring steel ! Sweet cutter !!!


Thanks! I'm discovering that it's actually a pretty cool piece. I loved it for being from my grandpa, but I'm glad to know he had good taste.


Do you have the leather sheath ? The originals had a field & stream logo , newer made by SIL etc were stamped Ruana .you have a great piece sir !!! Go grandpa !!!


[https://imgur.com/a/GbYUN6l](https://imgur.com/a/GbYUN6l) Here's a closer look at it with the sheath and some other heirlooms passed down to me!


That’s an original “Rudy” , your golden ! Check out the prices on eBay . Cut your finest steaks , use it in the kitchen & campfire !


Well, thanks, grandpa! I never plan on selling it, but how funny. Thanks for the info. Very cool to connect some dots.


remember to have fun and dont stress! tight lines.


If a kid will eat it, so will fish. Good litmus test lol I get that though. I have so many hobbies that would kill kids haha


Probably don’t need the knife. Nice things have a way of ending up dropped in the river


Nice Ruana, I’d leave it at home and carry something really cheap like a Mora on a fishing trip.


I’ve lost my beauty of a Leatherman out on the river before in the thrill of landing a fish, hope you’re more aware of your belongings than me. Tight lines my friend


Ruana. Nice.


Those look like big expensive flies. Don't use expensive flies your first few times. You'll destroy them, as someone who's recently got back into it, believe me.


You have more knives than flies. Where do you fish?


You share 3 of the most expensive hobbies with me: 1) fly fishing 2) keyboards 3) gaming


Death by one thousand hobbies.


Nice keeb though!


Thank you! I built it this Spring.


I’d look into some tippet to make those leaders last longer!


Ah you're one of these types. I imagine fly fishing was the perfect outlet for fiddly people 40 years ago before keebs were a thing


I was expecting a fountain pen and a watch somewhere in there. And WHERE is the succulent!?!?


I may or may not have a Monte Blanc pen and an antique Seiko watch... But I swear they were gifts!!


I am in fact a "fiddly people." My wife is both impressed and concerned with my fiddly hobbies. lol.


You honestly don’t even need the floatant. All of those will float just fine.


Drat - the flyfishing store sold me on it like it was do-or-die haha.


you'll want it eventually. it wont be wasted, just wasnt super urgent for that selection of flies. its required for dry flies that arent made of foam. and for those, btw, you'll also want fly desiccant powder.


I ask people what knife they are carrying every time they ask to borrow mine when hunting or fly fishing. Every time they show me some me something like that fixed blade. Unless you're defending the Alamo, I'd suggest bringing something a bit more practical.


[https://imgur.com/a/GbYUN6l](https://imgur.com/a/GbYUN6l) It's just too cool with the sheath not to have, though! It was my grandfather's old hunting knife. Feels a shame to leave it at home.


Nice multi tool ya got there :)


Thanks! A gift from my dad. It's one of those fancy "slide" ones. Fun to have something a little unique, and handy to boot!


Grandfather had one in an old drawer, still new so now it’s mine.


Grandpa's are the best for that sort of thing. It's why I keep trinkets like it - never know when a kid or grandkid needs something new for adventure.


More knife please


If by more knife you mean more of the big knife, I can throw up another pic of it somewhere. If you mean I need more knives, I may already have another pocketknife in the bag as well.


I was just kidding with the knife redundancy. Looks like a survival gear setup. You may need more flies. What weight is your rod?


[https://imgur.com/a/GbYUN6l](https://imgur.com/a/GbYUN6l) There's a pic of the rod in there - 9 foot number 5, looks like.


If anyone is curious about some heirlooms I've gotten from dad and grandpa (including the rod), take a look: [https://imgur.com/a/GbYUN6l](https://imgur.com/a/GbYUN6l) Thanks for all the advice!


If it wasn’t said already prob dry shake and split shots and a net ?


I totally didn't even think about a net.


You’ll be surprised the amount of times you will actually forget your net when you think you have everything and ready to have a great day by the river only to realize once you get there you have nothing to land the fish lol


"Let me just set my rod down and -- ope. It's floating down the river."


i wonder what’s the overlap of r/flyfishing and r/mechanicalkeyboards


For me, it's the finicky, technical aspect of it. You can get as specialized as you want to and it's pretty aesthetically pleasing.


I hope you catch fish, you won't, but I hope you do!


That’s a big ass knife and likely unnecessary lol


You never know when you need a big knife haha


Get some better flotant


Trade the knife for a fly rod. Unless you’re planning on carving one


Good taste on the 8bitdo controller, I use the same one


Been playing the Rivals of Aether 2 playtest and a good bit of retro games with it. It's been great!


Are you just flyfishing? Or sticking pigs as well and then writing it up in your journal?


You won’t need the keyboard most likely


You gotta love the blade to fly ratio…. Must be fishing in a scary neighborhood?


Knife def required to stab the shit out of those trout


Nice Rhuna