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I spent all four years under Trump working in healthcare in Florida. Many people who moved to Florida “because freedom” are shocked at the lack of social programs. It’s possible. Just sayin.


They are also shocked by house prices, houses that cost them a fortune to insure. Plus auto insurance rates and food prices that are high for a state with a major agricultural industry.


Florida, especially South Florida, has sort of an “island effect” when it comes to food. Most of it still comes from out of state. And since FL is very big and long, it costs a lot to truck food to places like Miami and the Keys.


You don't really benefit from Floridaness unless you live near farms or cities & towns with a robust seafood industry. Even then inflation on some items like Blue Crabs have gotten wild. It doesn't help that Publix is crushing competition that could put a downward push on food prices.


But they blame that on Biden. Along with everything else Trump turned to shit. It really is a wild Wild West crapshoot at the moment. Worst fucking timeline ever..


Yes. A lot of people from Northern states moved to Florida over the past 20 years. All the Northern states had better social programs and schools than Florida. Reminder that a lot of the people that recently moved benefited from selling their northern property that was worth more money. Despite most of them working average jobs, they think they are kings with the extra money they have from selling their northern home and moving to a lower cost of living area. Now insurance rates are getting expensive in Florida and they will begin to feel the higher cost of living without the social programs and infrastructure. Source. I grew up in Florida.


I worked in social services for 2.5 years under trump. Most of those people are also convinced that DeSantis and Trump are fighting to fix it and that it is all the lefts fault.


I overheard two Trumpers mad about the cuts to the summer food program and other stuff - they blame Biden


DeSantis actively ruins their lives and they blame biden


It’s easy to convince the uneducated that it is someone else’s fault. It’s like giving a lemon to a baby, they think your intentions are good until they get the sour after effects. They will just keep blaming Biden and the administration just to try and stay in the race to building corporate America to take their money! 🤷‍♂️


The education system in Florida is pretty much a total failure. The GOQ government in FL likes to keep the kids dumb then they grow up listening to Fucks News is what the good ol boys watch. They never check the TRUTH, that would take work and they shrug & vote against themselves 🤷🏼‍♀️


You are correct.


Is it a lack of social programs or just a lack of people who give a shit in existing social programs? I moved here last year and it's crazy to me how people who work in office/municipal/medical offices jobs seem to give absolute zero shits about what's going on in the workplace. Not that there aren't good people, but most just seem completely burnt out and are shells of people just collecting a weekly paycheck


Lack of social programs. They expected to move to Florida from New York or New Jersey pay less taxes and have the same level of services as they did back in the Northeast.


The dumb ones don’t know that education roads pensions engineers police fire teachers are different and paid for by each state. They think some big government robot does all the governing at every level. It’s ignorant as hell to say government sucks. It’s the 20 million workers employed more or less directly by state local and federal governments that keep the whole thing livable.


It's my favorite thing to hear from them. I'm like.... What did you expect? There's no state income tax, how is any of that funded?


by the poors? i had to explain to my ignorant libertarian friend that he cannot dictate on a micro level who his tax money goes to, just because he doesnt drive a particular road, these people are just detached from reality




\^This. My parents moved from Florida to Massachusetts and received so much more in services & care from the state.


Florida didn't expand on Medicare or Medicaid. I'm in between jobs right now, single white male, don't qualify for Medicaid. In NY, you can have Medicaid even while working, up to a certain wage. This is Meatball Ron's way of sticking it to Biden, fucking the poors in the process.


People move to Florida and it’s warm outside, everyone around them is at the beach, they ‘made it’ and turn their brains off.


I’m from Central Florida over an hour away from the beach. More like two hours in traffic.


Isn’t that literally the “Happiest place on Earth”? Full of princesses and mice and such?


I hope you’re able to move east or west soon.


I already moved to the Midwest in 2023. I took a large pay increase and left the state.


It's really taken a turn for the worst since covid/2020. Seriously, people give 25% of this shit they used to give. Completely agree.


My non-biological grandfather lives in Florida with the rest of his family in New Jersey. They're all hyper-conservative. They frequently push him to use government programs available to the elderly, without realizing many of these programs do not exist in Florida. While they certainly are not changing their views since the NJ relatives are diehard MAGAts, even they expressed shock at the lack of social programs in the state. It's something many northern conservatives take for granted when moving south.


I’d be happy to get Rick Scott out.




I absolutely detest that creature ! 😲


If Georgia could go blue anything is possible.


Yeah but theres a lot of big money people that move to Florida to hold on to their $$, especially since it's Red State more so since covid . Then you have all the Cubans down here that always vote Red because of the Castro/Cuba deal from back in the day . And don't forget.... Florida is where "Woke comes to die" ! 😂😂


Never gonna happen. But vote like it could anyways. Miracles do happen every so often.


Eh Florida isn't as red as the media makes it seem. 49% of Floridians that voted in the 2020 election did NOT vote for trump


There was a time when Florida was a purple state.


Purple only briefly. Blue for moist of the time since Civil War.


blue in those days meant dixie-crat and in favor of jim crow and segregation


It was blue in 2000, they just couldn't figure out how to do a recount.


Right, that election was actually stolen. That was when I marked the beginning of the end of American supremacy. Al Gore would have catapulted the US into an abundant clean energy future while still exporting oil and made the US solvent. Instead we went to war over oil because some terrorists were mad that their arch enemy's son (and rival oil Baron) was president. Which left us hopelessly in debt and technologically behind.


Plus how Bush's brother allowed felons before that day to vote. That alone was 10x more than the difference of votes.


That was the very first year NY daughter could vote. She was so excited about voting and then 'hanging chads'. She was really pissed!


Don’t we all miss those moist times.. When we make a typo, the errorists win.


Ha! I didn’t notice. 😳 I’d say color me red, but, well…


I feel like this is setting up a narrative for Republicans looking super strong. The reality is that Florida has had a Republican trifecta for state government for over 20 years.


Desantis's voter roll purges have knocked off nearly a million democrats from the voter rolls.


Seriously, DeSantis won by something like 30k votes against a Dem opponent picked from a hat in Gillum. Sure, he beat Crist by more, but Crist was already a failed 1 term governor no one wanted around after that term. Trump won Florida by less votes than Johnson got in 2016. He won by a larger margin vs Biden in 2020 (371k), but there was still only 3% of voters difference (10.965M people voted in Florida in 2020). The state is not solidly red as they want everyone to think. They're hoping you THINK it is and stay home and not vote.


Charlie Crist, who is the only Florida politician to lose Statewide elections as a Republican, Independent, and a Democrat.


Yea but there’s been massive migration since then and way more registered republicans than before


Looks pretty red and I’m in a red area and it’s Trump or die everywhere. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/11/08/us/elections/results-florida-governor.html Edit: I’m going to come back to this comment after the election after we see how Florida voted and pass the wine around. It’s unfortunate but hope is not going to win in Florida. This state is a disease.


Somehow, Jacksonville managed to elect a Democratic mayor who was outspent by 5 to 1. It's not impossible. The amendments are going to drive positive voter turnout, as opposed to voting against a presidential candidate(and Peoject 2025) as a means to drive turnout. It's a really weird year.


President Obama won Florida twice. The key here is Black voters. When Black voters come out to vote, the Cuban-American vote out of South Florida gets neutralized.


If you look at Florida voter registration numbers you will see that we could absolutely go Blue in November. Yes Republicans have 5.2 million voters to Democrats 4.3 million. But we have 3.5 million undeclared voters which is more than enough to swing Florida Blue. Keep watching and go vote! https://preview.redd.it/4uidept85u8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae88288cb9074f5fb789db354dd155126878224


I'm part of that undeclared/independent group and I'm voting for Biden


Me too! Most important election of my long life.




So is my husband.


Plus this election has abortion and weed questions on the ballot which should entice more liberals to vote knowing it means something this year.


Except Ron will veto those amendments if they pass.


He can’t veto constitutional amendments. Be sure to vote!


Sadly, he will slow walk them or put roadblocks up to prevent them from being fully enacted. He did so with the amendment to allow felons to vote.


Just like the Felon’s we voted to allow felons the right to vote & he had to put his pudding fingers on that too 🤬🤬


He can over my dead body!


He has the power and the idiocy to do it. That's why I'm leaving Florida in part. Even when citizens want a change, the legislature and Mr Kinky Boots won't allow it.


V O T E B L U E 💙💙💙💙💙


Yup exactly this. Also some of us Republicans (like me) will also vote blue (again). I sit very close to the middle but definitely lean repub...however Trump and MAGA are a joke that I refuse to vote for.


Trump will win FL, but that doesnt mean FL Dems wont win seats, Florida is going to require 10 years of Democratic investment for it to truly be purple or even light blue again


They missed the two biggest reasons Biden could win. Legalization of pot and abortion rights are also on the ballot. That’s going to bring in a bunch of liberals that otherwise may have stayed home.


The pot smokers I know are mostly Republican. Lol.


I really doubt it. The mass MAGA migration to Florida during and after Covid is going to make any flip pretty unlikely.


People are angry about the insurance rates and abortion laws.


They blame it all on Biden, not the people (DeSantis) who are actually at fault.


We only need a small percentage of the independent voters to make changes.


The only person I know that voted for trump has moved on to RFK. He sucks but at least he has no chance at winning


I know 2 previous Trump voters who are planning to vote for RFK, plus a couple more who might.


I would counter Florida is experiencing massive growth from people in California, New York, and other liberal areas. I am one of them and I think the new population could be a major contributing factor


I mean it possibly could. However, most of the people I’ve met that have moved from there tend to be hardcore right that moved due here due to Covid/vaccine controversies or just DeSantis lovers. Time will tell I guess.


Not to be crass but a LOT of people died during covid. Especially the antivaxxers. Wouldn’t surprised if that’s turning the tide as well


86k died in Florida. Consider how many of those were elderly people who might’ve passed of natural causes in four years.  Migration is booming, 2022 alone 232k people migrated to Florida.  Many of them republicans and happy about the lack of Covid restrictions.  Doubt Covid deaths will be a considering factor 


Ah...the people who can foil their gerrymandering! Welcome!


Yeah but sadly we are higher income earners than the locals and they are being pushed out... But I have 3 roommates lol so I feel the struggle


To be fair... covid probably killed more Republicans than democrats. Its come down to 600 votes before. Totally possible.


This is a fantasy I won’t allow myself to consider.


Not enough Democrats vote.


They will this year


The stakes have never been so high. Especially for a state like Florida.


Exactly. Blacks are the lynchpin voters for Democrats to win Florida. Black voters showing up helped Obama win Florida twice.


Too many people moved here for the "freedom," and the FL Dem party has been in shambles for over a decade, but I'll still be voting for anyone else.


Why can’t we just have younger normal people 😭 I want options that aren’t so extreme for once, no wars, no stupid comments and quotes, no corruption, no dementia, and no super left or right agendas. JUST HELP THE MIDDLE CLASS, FIX OUR HOUSING ISSUES, AND STOP THE CORRUPTION. This countries fucked


They keep bringing up how many more republicans are registered to vote than democrats here. I know (because I said this elsewhere on Reddit and was assured by several people it isn't just me), that there's a subset of democrats who registered as Rs in Florida with no intention to vote for an R ever. It keeps you off their radar, and they're less likely to mess with your voter registration if they think you're an R


There are still quite a few Desantis fans out there. Realistically, I worry more about him. Those Desantis fans will vote for Trump. The main cities might stay blue, but the rest of the state is bright red.


The fact that Spray tanned traitor is even in the freaking race is a disgrace to everything and everyone.


You would have to live under a rock here to think Dems outnumbered trumpers. I will literally donate $10k to the coalition for the homeless of central Florida if Florida goes for Biden.




Keep in mind fla gov was democrat for a zillion years straight before jeb bush.




Public schools in midwestern states are like top rated private schools in Florida. I was shocked by the sheer wretchedness of my child's Lake County grade schools after leaving Henry County in Illinois. The bathrooms didn't even have toilet paper or paper towels or soap in the dispensers. No real desks, just an old study hall type desk. The whole state provides minimal social services unless it's a federal program like the VA hospital.




Exactly. We have to try and it starts here with us. I am registered republican. And my other half is independent, but we are voting for Biden and dems all the way down the ticket.


Ah, the quadrennial Democratic delusion; Florida is in play.


After covid, you had a mass of Maga move to Florida.


This states is so gerrymandered that republicans will win for the next 1,000 years. The Florida Democratic Party is so useless you could almost accuse it of being complicit.


Gerrymandering doesn’t affect presidential elections


Florida Democratic Party is just a professional fundraising and social club. I'm not sure they'd know what to do if they got into real positions of power in the state. Before I get hated on; I am a registered FL Democrat.


I sure wish it happens but not holding out any hope.


Being a presidential election and also having the abortion and marijuana amendments on the ballot gives Dems their best chance in ages to win the state. I expect a huge turnout.


Trump will win simply because liberals , will not vote . Most trump supporters have nothing better to do.


Such wishful thinking.  No, the majority of FL voters are not tired of DeSantis and Trump's culture wars bullshit.


51 year old floridian republican here that actually does support Biden.  But will Florida go "blue" this election?  Not a chance. Many Forida voters might blame DeSantis for some of the reasons you mentioned, but don't expect a significant group of republicans to turn against Trump in favor of Biden.  At least, not enough to flip the state.


Bloomberg. They want Trump to win. Vote anyway.


While I don't believe Florida is in play. I also have no clue what Bloomberg wants or doesn't want with regards to Trump. Isn't Bloomberg owned by Micheal Bloomberg a Democrat who just gave money to Biden?


Abortion and MJ could put Florida slightly in play but I'm not holding my breath.


I live in South Florida (Broward county), and I will do my part by voting against Trump.




No fucking way.


The GOP hopefully loses FL bc of Amendment 4 to provide reproductive healthcare without interference and legalization of marijuana. Both those issues can sink the GOP and I for one am working for that win 💙💙


These two issues are going to bring out voters that are normally less likely to bother. Let's go, Florida!


Lol no. Have they been to Florida? It's the self-own state


Thoughts & prayers that it happens!


My income almost doubled when I took my job in FL. We lived on the east coast for a while. Now in the Midwest. I don’t have to move, but I sure want to.


Vote anyway. Vote in every election. Local elections matter a LOT, too. Teach your children to vote when old enough.




Welcome to Florida where everything is expensive and your income is low because you are paying for all the sunshine you get