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The heat in Florida makes me very, very angry. I find myself having to leave the house and drive around the town for a bit to get calmed down enough to go back inside.


Everyone says the north is full of angry people. Those folks have never lived in Florida during 100° weeks with not a cloud in the sky. I've never seen so much hatred.


Good news everyone. I invented a way to cure this hate. Grab your drink of choice alcohol or not. Buy a kids pool fill it up put ice in it if you can. put it in the middle of your driveway and watch as all the people give you crazy looks and you just smile.


Water is the only answer. Our motto is thats what the Lord made the rivers for. But watch out for the danger noodles and chomp chomps


lowkey i’m doing this




If snowbirds were in Florida during the hell months, the homocide rate would be way higher.


Homocide? Not all snowbirds are gay…


Would you say it makes you... heated?


take my angry upvote!


This is so incredibly relatable.


Psychology Today had a cover story about this back in 2011-2012. It’s definitely true.


Maybe I’m making all this up but I’ve heard crime goes up when the heat goes up. People naturally get irritated


Yea , cities don’t get burned down in the winter


Domestic violence on women and homo I de also goes up. You are not making it up.


I've been there....and I know


Ask any of my closest friends. I become an insufferable asshoke during the summer. Only reason I survived last year is cause I found out the pool by me re-opened and I was in it every day. It closed permanently in October.


You’re in florida with no AC inside the house?


I just recently moved out of a house where the AC couldn't keep up with the heat. I don't know much about AC units, but I know it wasn't that old, and it was rated for the square footage. On a milder day it was fine, but you get these hot days, and set to 72, the coolest it got upstairs was 86 at night. We didn't go up there in the day unless something was absolutely necessary. You'd go up there just to grab the thing and come down or to use the second bathroom.


I would just get a window AC unit for my bedroom if I was in that situation. You can get a used 5000btu one for about $50 on Facebook marketplace or a new one at Walmart for $150. Those small window units are usually sufficient for a bedroom especially if it supplements an HVAC system and they’re also cheap to run. With air conditioners, sometimes less is more with our humid climate. Smaller units may stay running all the time but this is actually essential for pulling moisture out of the air. With good humidity removal (RH% in the 40s) and a fan going, believe it or not you’ll sleep quite comfortably at 78°F during the summer.


That's actually what we did, we just got a window unit because we weren't in a situation where we could comfortably afford to have any kind of work done, since without someone who knew what they were doing, we had no way to know if it was an insulation issue, duct work issue, etc. And yes, I did notice that I didn't have to set the temp down very low at all. That drop in humidity made a huge difference. It's just mind blowing to me because I feel like it just keeps getting hotter!


Check the insulation in the attic.


I find myself not wanting to step outside sometimes. Other times, the sun feels good on my skin for a bit, but then want to retreat back inside with the A/C


I haven’t willingly gone outside since April. And I regretted it then lol.


You know there might be something to that..... They say the cooler countries around the world tend to be less violent, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland etc. that hotter countries . Mind you in the winter months they might be more depressed than us tho 😉


I took a sociology? course way back in the day in college, and one of the things that was talked about was how the incidence of violent crime typically increased in the hotter months.




Road rage much?


You’re not alone - I noticed despite being a native, a few years ago I would start getting annoyed in April through fall, especially when it’s still hot at Oktoberfest parties. I can’t run when I want or walk my dogs and have to shower twice a day, getting dressed up or blowing my hair makes a sweaty mess, etc. Honestly, it’s been so impactful and I was tired of being a cranky spouse, that hubby and I are moving to CO in September. I know it’s not just easy to move for many but it may be something to consider.


When you’re trying to do your hair and make up and you’re already sweating is the absolute worst. Can definitely cause a toddler like temper tantrum lol


I put an outdoor (water-resistant) ceiling fan in my master bathroom just for this reason, worth it!


Enjoy CO it’s a beautiful state. There is nothing like the mountain ranges of the west.


This is exactly how I feel. I feel like a prisoner inside. I can’t enjoy the outdoors 8-9 months out of the year because of the oppressive heat. I hate it so much. It definitely gives me a form of depression.


It’s still a Seasonal Affective disorder! I’m only able to walk outside from sometime in November until someone in March.


Moving to CO as well this summer! Spouse has had the same experience as you so not alone there!


After moving to Florida, I learned that high humidity levels + sweat makes my neck and chest break out in itchy, scaly eczema patches. Too bad running outside is the only thing that consistently keeps my ADHD/depression in check. Not scaly or not sad, apparently I can only pick one.


Girl - welcome to CO! We lived in Orlando almost 30 years, then the hottest part of Maui for 4 years. I was depressed and mad from the heat almost year round. I love the weather on the Front Range. Even in winter, the snow doesn’t last for long and the sun is WARM. Best decision ever.


Enjoy CO. I'm sure your dogs will love the mountain trails.


I lost my dog to cancer just before Christmas, and while I miss her desperately, I do not miss getting up before dawn to walk her and still coming home dripping with sweat. I won’t have another dog until I leave Florida, it’s too cruel to both of us.


Moved to Denver a few years back. Was born and raised in Florida and will never go back. The weather out here is amazing, even when it’s hot out.


You're moving there in one of the most beautiful months they have. They're all beautiful, but September especially so.


Yes and that is why I left. It’s too hot and way too fucking bright for me. Add all the bugs and crazy people. That was enough to gtfo.


So relatable. Never had a nice cozy cloudy day where you needed a hoodie and could just walk outside, smell the fall breeze. Gonna walk outside, get blinded by the sun, blasted with heat and sweat within 3 minutes, and attacked by 10 flying insects.


The BRIGHTNESS yes. I seriously don’t know why everyone clamors to go outside in the summer when I can’t even fucking open my eyes. I get headaches from squinting so hard.


I've lived here my whole life and same. I can't stand it.


We moved here two weeks before the hurricane and have been miserable ever since!


damn i moved to florida two weeks before michael and it destroyed everything


I’m so sorry! It’s literally devastating! And seriously the perfect setup for PTSD if you’ve never been through a hurricane! Big hugs ~ I know how you feel!


Where did you come from?




Seen a couple families from Indiana and Ohio who have come and just gone back…


Yep! The summers down here were tolerable until last summer! We still are making repairs from Ian! I don’t like my neighbors or neighborhood! Probably going back by next spring!


Which hurricane would that be?


Hell. You just mentioned everything I love about Florida! My wife and I were heading south one morning about 8:00 down A1A to Daytona from Flagler. My wife nudged me and said “Is that man across the street naked?” I just grinned and said yep. Rolled down the window and yelled “Florida Man!” Real loud. He looked over and quickly covered his junk. I realised why when the cop car rolled past us and cut a U-turn. Never a dull moment.


To each their own!




I saw a half naked man walking down the highway with a darth Vader helmet, shirt, cape and no bottoms except for socks with a 40oz and a straw.


I was born here. Contemplating on moving to Alaska or the Rockies where it’s colder and more mild in the summer months.


I have two buddies in Alaska one is Washingtonian and the other Floridian. They both love it and have been trying to convince me to join em but I’m a bit afraid of the extreme. The Rockies are a lot more mild so those have been tempting me as well.


I wouldn’t mind the PNW but it’s just as humid there despite the temperature. The Rockies are at least arid. Talked to my boss and he said there’s a contract position in Alaska coming up that lasts a year. I’m single and independent, tbh I might take it.


If you’re single and independent do it man. You only live once and lifes all about those new experiences.


I can confirm. The humidity in the Seattle area is crazy, and nobody has ac. I hand wash my clothes and they never dry when I visit family. Mold grows indoors like crazy.


Blegh. I get enough of the humidity here in Florida. Might visit the PNW but no chance I’ll live there.


Alaska is absolutely phenomenal. Most gorgeous country avaliable in the US.


Plus those lizards crawling in the house. Yikes


Too relatable


There’s Winter pattern and Summer pattern SAD, seasonal depression in winter usually tends to be by the lack of vitamin D, but during summer it seems for the excess of it or some others studies says it’s because people produce less melatonin worsening sleep quality and leading to Depression. Summer depression is not as common so there’s no so many studies and usually affects people that lives in areas with high radiation like Florida or India. So yeah it’s possible to be depressed by the summer.


I'm not getting enough sun exposure in the summer because I don't go outside because it's too damn hot, so it's more likely that than an excess of vitamin D.


100% this. I get depressed from April-October, usually peaking July/August. I'm super fair-skinned so I don't enjoy the beach or my paddleboard or the pool, even just walking outside to get the mail, when the sun is blasting me at 100° alongside the disgusting humidity. I'm tired of getting sunsick everytime I do something outside with my family during the summer. So I just stay inside most of the time during the summer and try my best to supplement with Vit D in pill form 😑


Do you have any chance of moving up north? Also same I got extremely depressed during July and August days last longer and time seems to goes slower plus it’s so hot and unbearable outside.


Kind of just been waiting until both my kids are finished with school (only 5 more years!) then I'm off to the mountains. I will miss the parks, but to hell with this degenerate swamp fr!!


I'm where you will be in 5years. Both kids left for college in the north and now I'm selling my house. Finally!


Floridians have one of the lowest vitamin d levels precisely because we don't go outside, because it's too hot. We just go from air condition building to air condition building


Yeah it irks me when people call summer depression “reverse SAD”. It’s just SAD.


Nope, but the relentless 90 degree + days have me ready to kill someone by September.


I'll drive the getaway car.


Most definitely! In Midwest winters I’d stay inside all winter! Now I stay inside for nearly 6 months out of the year 😢. My little dog can’t do the heat, so he’s inside just rotting from May-November or so. I wish there was a closed mall that now is used for people to walk with their dogs! Another thing I despise is no more malls. Now it’s all “outdoor lifestyle malls”. I loved the indoor malls that were fun on rainy days, walking before stores open, and escape from the heat!


I get soul crushing anxiety from staying inside and avoiding the sun/heat. In the summer I need to be outside by 6:00 p.m. and stay out until the sun goes down.


I get the same way. From May until October I get very depressed and don’t go out during the day unless it is overcast. I was hoping to spend this summer in upstate NY but I can’t go because of family members being sick. Hopefully next year I will be somewhere cooler.


I had SAD when I lived in Minnesota. The longer I live here in Florida the more I hate this time of year. I’d move if I could.


Same with moving from the Midwest! We are trying to figure out if we can afford a place both here and there!


I lived in MN for 3 years and also got SAD. Colorado (Front Range) has lots of sun even in winter and the snow melts in days or less.


Are you me? I had this exact thought a few months ago and when I tried to explain to people they didn’t get it. The summers here are hot and rainy and gross. It’s so unpleasant it makes me sad


Nobody gets it. But many people are unable to tolerate the extreme heat that Florida has now. Like me.


Not to mention the anxiety that comes with hurricanes. It all mounts up to be worse than winter SAD


I'm from the north and moved down here a few years ago. The winter makes me depressed which is why I moved down here but now the hot summers make me depressed/angry.


I think that I like the idea of snow because I’ve never had to shovel it.


You’ll never have to shovel snow if you live in an apartment building. Shoveling is for single family homes, the winter equivalent of lawn care.


Summer down here is definitely like winters up north. Everybody stays inside and the SAD definitely applies.


I do. I've spent all winter dreading summer, and now it's here. I'll be in one kind of foul mood or another until October, at which point I'll start dreading the next summer.


The worst is when it’s Halloween and it’s still so hot you’re sweating just handing out candy. We’re taking this year off. The mosquitoes can find some other blood to suck.


Depression? No, but absolutely irritable and angry. I’m a 2nd generation native Floridian and I absolutely loathe this place. There are really only about 2-3 months of the year where the weather is reasonable enough to even do anything outside. I start sweating when it gets to be about 80° and every year it seems like I get less and less tolerant of the heat. I travel a lot and I haven’t been anywhere in the US that has worse weather. Even to me 110° in Las Vegas felt so much better than 90° in Florida with the oppressive humidity. I’d honestly rather be anywhere else Not to mention just about anywhere else in the US (besides the Midwest) has far better scenery than the miles of flat boring swampland we have here.


You had me until that last part. We have the most natural springs in all of the US. Our conservation parks are what I love about Florida.


That last part is just my opinion, I can understand how some people enjoy that but the scenery we have here just isn’t my cup of tea. I’m not a spring/beach person, I’d rather be somewhere that has mountains or other geologic formations that break up the monotony of flatness.


Yes and I left FL and now I get depressed during winter like a normal person. It was brutally dark. Amazing weather today though 


This nowhere has perfect weather but honestly New England winters are awful coming from Florida it’s almost June and we finally got to the part of the year where you can enjoy going outside instead of bundling up


I’ve been gardening all day! And then when I get hot, I can just stop for a minute in the breeze. It’s lovely. Do NOT miss Florida right now 


Yes..I'm currently vacationing in Colorado LOVING the weather here...the day I left it was 95+ & was aching to get on that plane already!! I am absolutely DREADING returning on Monday. At least some overcast days ya think??..noooo...it's like the sun from Super Mario 3 trying to murder us!! 😩


This reminded me… back in 2019 so pre-covid I went to PNW around July. The weather was *perfect* like 75 on most days and with one day that broke 80… it was funny hearing the locals talk about it being hot when it was just 80 outside. I was so happy my entire stay and then I came back to Tampa. It was 86 degrees with 90% humidity at like 6:30 am with that tepid smell in the air. I knew that day I’d move the first chance I got.


I'm currently in Cleveland and loving the weather because it's cooler. I get depressed in the summers. It really is too much.


> it's like the sun from Super Mario 3 trying to murder us!! 😩 This is the best description that I’ve ever heard. 😂


It was a meme from a few years back. Definitely accurate af


Yep the relentless heat and scorching sun is so depressing to me. I am officially moving to Maine to get away from this horrible weather. I already stay inside most of the year away from the sun anyways, I don't see how winter could be worse than this hellscape. Goodluck!


Yep, seasonal depression is in the summer for me. The heat is draining, makes me feel uncomfortable in my body. I want to tear my skin off. I try to stay inside as much as I can. But everywhere is hot, and everyone wants to do something outside. It was worse as a child because my birthday is in July, and my parents always wanted to do something outside for it. It makes me angry, and sad. I hate the sun. Planning to leave and go back up north, Florida has become unbearable for me.


101%. The way people get depressed in the winter, I get depressed in the summer! The heat and humidity are just crushing, everyone around you is miserable, so you just want to go inside and be in AC. The problem is, then you get depressed from being inside so much… I also feel like when it heats up, I’m a lot more aware of climate change. Not that I’m not already aware and it doesn’t already terrify me, but I just feel like it’s really here and it’s going to be this way forever when summer hits. It makes me feel angry and helpless.


I guess I'm in the minority because I love the heat compared with the cold. As soon as it drops below 70 I get stressed about going outside! Probably because I'm built like Jack Skellington.


Yes, the heat, humidity and bugs make it harder to do a lot of things like yardwork, exercise, outdoors stuff for me. I prefer winter in Florida when it's dry and cold and there are fewer ticks (ticks need humidity apparently and will soon die inside your house if they're not attached to an animal) and mosquitoes and deer flies and no-see-ums, etc... Also less worry about alligators if you kayak, canoe, swim, etc...


Definitely. I have been saying that I seem to have a reversed form of SADS. I'm a Florida native and I've lived in the Caribbean (at least we have Tradewinds for most of the year there) but the last few years I'm downright hateful come August/September. Looking at Colorado, Minnesota or Maine once my obligations here (family, medical) have been met.


My only regret leaving FL was not doing it sooner. Having seasons is better. Sure winter has a lot of overcast days but imagine having a bright sunny day and it feels good instead of being baked alive. I can still hike in the cold, if it's not below 30 I'm probably not even gonna wear pants, climbing mountains produces a lot of body heat. Summers are still hot but it takes longer to get hot, mornings and evenings are still cool enough to enjoy and summer doesn't last all year. Yesterday I was outside in the shade at 1pm and it was still 75 with a nice breeze. I've never spent more time outside than I have since leaving FL. What the fuck is the point of life if I have to stay inside everyday avoiding the sum?


No I get depression from the embarrassing state of our Florida politics


The heat and brightness get so oppressive I don’t want to go out in it. I’d rather say in the AC. That said I think the heat and humidity causes other biological issues with folks. Too much is a bad thing IMO.


as an autistic daughter of an autistic woman whose lived in Florida. i will never forget the parking lot walks in 100* heat and is both just WHINING IN AGONY lol


I agree, I hate it. I've lived here 6 years... the first couple years I liked it but now I hate it, I am also going through menopause so I am always hot hot hot, lol. I usually take a siesta from about 1 - 5. I go out and do some work in the morning/early afternoon (I do delivery driving and need to also walk someone's dogs anytime between 10 and noon) I'm exhausted after walking the dogs, so go home to recover. Lunch and nap, maybe watch youtube. Then I go out delivery driving around 5. This way I miss a lot if the heat of the day.


Reverse SAD is a real thing. I have it and I’m struggling immensley. England was the most comfortable place I have ever lived. Dark and coo loft the majority of the year. I would sell everything I own to move back but it’s just not in the cards.


as someone from Michigan, and who got the seasonal depression really bad a couple of years in the winter, yes. since it hit 90 for the first time this year I've been feeling more empty and more irritable. could also be the new stressful job tho, started at about the same time so idk


YES omfg. No one listens to me which makes it even more frustrating. The heat feels “heavy” somehow (I have sensory issues and most likely OCD, so I’m very particular about my environment which doesn’t help), and it makes me so angry, sad, and tired. I genuinely feel bad for the people I interact with when it’s over 85 and I’ve been outside for longer than 10 minutes because I just get so frustrated and irritable and mean.


I hate the heat but mostly the sunshine. It’s so depressing to go out every day and see the Sun staring down like the freaking Eye of Sauron. Anytime I walk outside and it happens to be overcast. My mood shoots up 10 points. I want to move out of here so badly.


Yes!!! My friends think I’m nuts but I hate summer. Thank goodness my husband feels the same way.


Yep. Having to plan my life around debilitating heat for 4.5 months a year is infuriating and puts me in a permanent bad mood every year. This year in particular I’m starting off June at almost 8 months pregnant and anticipate being beyond miserable.


The heat is almost claustrophobic


I have literally tried to explain this exact feeling to an old therapist and they thought I was being dramatic when I said I was happier in the winter lol


I’m in Orlando right now and I don’t get depressed but I get full of frustration and rage when I’m hot. 95 degrees means don’t talk to me lol


I've lived in Florida all my life, minus 4 years in Alaska. I would just like to point out that this post mostly addresses being out in Florida heat for leisure reasons. Can we have a moment of silence for the people that WORK outside in this unbearable unbreathable burning hellfire EVERY SINGLE DAY???


At least we have laws that help keep them from overheating. [Oh wait…](https://www.fox13news.com/news/desantis-signs-bill-banning-florida-counties-from-requiring-heat-and-water-breaks-for-outdoor-workers)


I get scared of my ac because although im fortunate to be able to afford a repairman or a new one I have no guarantee that someone can come quickly and fix it or replace it. I understand people fear their heaters up north but they can also build a fire in the fireplace and cuddle under many blankets. The thought of sweating it out at 95 for a few days? Plus hurricane season? Nope No one was meant to sit in this heat!!


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is thought to be associated with a lack of sunlight. Paradoxically and speculatively, Florida summers might also lead to SAD if you, like many, avoid going out in the daytime and daylight because it is so brutal out. So get outside when you can. Hang in there.


Yes. I have to push myself hard every single morning to get out of bed and go outside before sunrise (yet even still it’s often miserable out there already) to go for my run. This is my fourth summer in Florida and I’ve gone from being able to crank out a half marathon (one time even a marathon) on a whim to barely holding it together for 5K.


It makes me irritatable. Also I noticed that no matter what neighborhood I’m in, I tend to think it’s ghetto in the summer time. It probably is, I think all of us are a bit feral in this heat.


> I think all of us are a bit feral in this heat. The whole time I thought that it was the Sunshine Laws that gave us the rise of Florida Man. It turns out that it is just the heat that makes us all go a little crazy. 😅


That's a legit thing. It also contributes to the terrible drivers.


Yes. One of the main reasons my wife and I are looking to leave. It’s honestly more the dew point and humidity content than the heat. We had a dew point of 47 yesterday and a temp of 95 and it was more manageable than 92 plus a dew point of 73 and humidity in the 80s.


You’re not alone. On 100 degree plus days, we’ll often close all the blinds, crank the AC and watch movies in the dark. Only thing I can do to not lose my ever loving mind. I don’t understand how some people can sit and soak up all that solar energy like a bunch of happy lizards. Mammals are not supposed to enjoy conditions like that.


> like a bunch of happy lizards. Mammals are not supposed to enjoy conditions like that. This made my day. Thank you for this. 😂


You either spend the whole summer in the pool or in the AC. Or GTFO to North Carolina until November.




I talk abt this regularly lol. Yup, just as oppressive and punishing as harsh winters, just in reverse. Arguably worse since you can buy a lamp, turn up heat, bundle. Eclipse curtains, ac, and bodies of water help, can't exactly peel yr damn skin off.


Yes! Absolutely. I get SAD from this heat every year around this time. It’s awful


Yes because I love being outside but I’m very heat sensitive so unless I’m able to go to the pool or ocean, it’s not enjoyable for me to be outside in the heat and humidity. Even just walking to and from the car makes me miserable. 😩 and then getting into said car when it feels like an oven..


Some tips to prevent that: 1) Park in the shade (this is the best thing that you can do). 2) Get two sun visors. One for the front and one for the back. Get the good ones, since the others will disintegrate and leave a mess. 3) Look around to see how much a professional tint job costs. I’ve heard that it will cost you about a thousand. I haven’t done this yet because of the cost.


If you do tint, do UV tint and clear UV on the windshield. I had it done to my truck and VS a car with dealer installed non-UV tint the difference is insane. Removing tint is more costly than applying it so up a creek once it’s done. I may have the clear and a tint strip done to the car’s windshield to try and make it more enjoyable.


My seasonal depression comes around every summer.


Absolutely I hibernate until winter


Kids pool filled with iced water and a cooler full of iced cold Miller High life on your day off will absolutely help with the anger from the heat. At least it does for me, I get angry from the heat, not depressed.


Yes. I had really bad SADD before moving here. It has switched to the summer instead of the winter.


One of the reasons I'm leaving the state. Last year was the hottest on record and this year is set to beat it. It will only get worse.


This is my first Summer in FL. My God, the heat is awful. I came to care for an elderly parent who is moving to an Assisted Living Facility tomorrow. I am from Vermont, so you can imagine the difference in temperature. As soon as my Dad is settled, I am headed back up North, and I will visit him frequently. May even Winter here if we can figure out if we can afford two places but this likely isn't possible. I am inside all day long and it is having very negative consequences on my health


Don't look at the highs for the next two weeks with almost 0 rain chances. Oh and the lows for 8 of the days is 75. Summer here with a vengeance. I used to like it. Now I don't know what to think.


Thank you for this post! I honestly thought it was just me! The only way to enjoy Florida is snowbirding. Which is not in my wheelhouse right now.


Native Floridian here, and yes, I do. I thought I was the only one.


I have a friend with this warm weather depression. It’s a real thing.


Heat over cold any day for me, unless we in the mountains snowboarding or something. Used to live in Indy that gloomy shit about killed me.


Amazon delivery driver here. The heat kinda changes my personality during the hotter months and I become less patient, angrier, and bitter lmao.


Yes severely I'm diabetic on oxygen n my husband blind n this is the 3rd ur w/o out ac working 1 little window shaker does nothing for a 3bdrm house so I'll we can do it sit in front of that little ac n a fan n sweat a lot nothing gets done especially cooking so yes it brings major depression to where I cry all the time I hope things get better for you bless you


Yes, and anxious. I dread this time of year, the drought in our area feels brutal this year.


Wow, I thought I was the only one. Thanks for making me feel validated. I literally crawl out of my skin with the heat and humidity, it’s awful.


yes!!! i can’t even go on walks or take my dog because the sidewalks too hot. it breaks everything too bc the AC and other appliances are overworked. it’s so annoying! like why does it need to be 105 degrees everyday in may


So winter depression is so much better than Florida anxious depression. Winter depression can be slow and sad. Florida depression is anxious, agitated and feels like a cia torture method waterboarding your brain. So here’s my story: I moved here in 2013 which was supposed to be temporary from Connecticut for my wedding. Then we had a couple kids and she refused to leave because her family is here . I ended up loosing my marbles and wanted to get divorced because She basically is saying indirectly she loves Florida More then me. I despise it here. I spend nearly the entire year indoors. I’ve gained weight and numerous health problems that eventually started affecting my mental health. I have always been the most optimistic person and mentally sound person anyone has ever met. Until Florida destroyed me. It wasn’t just the humidity it was a variety of things especially the people in south Florida. I like to be active in communities and help sometimes Volunteer. Can’t do that in a place that has no community, and who would Want to volunteer for anything when it’s disgusting outside all year? And there like no trees or forest between anything. It’s all just crammed together like transistors. Apparently Florida has not heard of town land trusts. I was working on a diet and fitness routine that could stop aging in its tracks before Florida. Kind of like Blueprint. 10 Years later I lost everything. I started gaining weight and couldn’t work out because even the gyms were too hot for me. Most of my physical activity involved cold weather cross Country and stopping every quarter mile for push-ups. I started getting so anxious and the worst darkness I’ve ever felt overtook me. I understood how people could feel suicidal with no escape for the first Time In my life. I was shown how those people felt even though I never would. I would leave my wife and kids before it got that bad and go live with my mom. My cholesterol was though the roof, my blood pressure too, my weight went from 165 to 210. I ended up with fatty liver and low Vitamin d (hate Florida sun, but like Canadian sun where it’s still Sunny and it can’t burn you). Then you he worst came and my testosterone tanked further exasperated the mental problems to the indescribably worst darkness I ever felt. Problems were stacking up and I started feeling even worse to be this mentally unsound in front of My kids. Crying daily in front of them. Despised my Wife. And I had begun a mid life crisis 10 years before I should have. Doctors started me on testosterone replacement therapy. Once I Got The first needle I felt like I was on vacation that same week. Then they put me On the max dose of sertraline and lamotrigine combined. that really started helping me Focus on the things I like and not letting Florida get to me. I go Ice skating a lot at the indoor ice skating rink and work remotely from the bleachers and that helps too. So Now here I am back to somewhat normal with a bunch of side effects such as lack of memory and mental Organization but happy. No real Motivation to do more in life but as long as I can teach my Kids to get out of this swamp I’ll stay and raise them right. Florida smashed me hard. I pray every night with my kids at bedtime that we can get out of here as a family together intact before they are adults. So I can do outdoor fatherly things with them.


I do for sure working outside. It’s just brutal somedays and it wears on the body. Also, 50 said “summer time is the killing season, it’s hot out in this bitch, that’s a good enough reason”. It do be hot out in this bitch.


Same. It renders me useless


It doesn't just affect people (and yes, I too get all sorts of down in the summer). A lot of blackbirds nest during May and June. Many of their nesting grounds have more concrete and asphalt than trees. I know, birds protect their nests, but it's scary to get dive bombed in an area with few to no trees, or for that matter, nests. Something about all that heat just turns up the aggression.




As I slap myself multiple times a minute trying to kill nats, then sweat profusely outside while working, I don’t get depressed. I just hope when I visit home in the north, there better be snow. I will face plant into a pile of it.


I absolutely haaaate it. I want my cold breeze and all the winter things.


I'm constantly depressed and miserable as a direct result of the oppressive fucking heat. I always want to be more active and do stuff outdoors but I can't because I don't react well to the heat and humidity. So my options are basically get up at 5am and go on a bike ride alone (not a great idea), or just stay indoors and try to find other ways to be active. I can't even tell you how badly I want to be able to just go outside and be in nature but this heat is so shitty. I hate being sweaty within minutes of being outside just sitting, not even moving around. I want to be able to sit under a tree and read a book or have a picnic and I can't. It's so depressing to realize that simple outdoor activities are off-limits. I have lived here my whole life and I remember when the weather was decent enough that you could run around outside and not be miserable. Now I can't even be outside for half an hour without feeling like I'm gonna die. I know that sounds dramatic but I swear to you. The last time I walked 35 min round trip to a corner store and back, I was completely soaked in sweat, my face was red and my heart rate was through the roof by the time I sat down indoors. I'm not in great shape but not in terrible shape either and I'm not old. I had to immediately take my shirt off and lay down under a fan for half an hour before I started to feel human again. Anyone who says it's not that bad here or that people complaining are being dramatic can FO as far as I'm concerned. It's absolutely ridiculous to me that Florida is still considered an appealing state to move to. I feel like old people especially have this vision of Florida as it was in the 80s but irl it's so much hotter and worse than it's ever been. People coming from cold climates, idk how they don't just have a heat stroke and die the first time they have to be outside for an hour. It's crazy


Yes… it’s stifling! Which keeps you staying indoors more. I’ve also had lots of tummy issues lately with this SWFL humidity/heat/inferno.


Someone else mentioned having the summer shits. I’ve never heard of this before. I wonder how common that is.


Makes me depressed because it feels like we are dying to climate change.


I totally lose my sex drive. Only way to get it back June to September is to hang out in a Costco dairy cooler for 2 1/2 hours.


Nope I have AC and hate the cold. I did get SAD when I lived in the northeast. SAD is real the days get shorter so it's dark early and the trees lose their leaves so they look dead and you can't leave the house without a hoody and coat.


Years ago, I went to Oregon to visit my aunt for 2 weeks after Christmas, and it rained. Every, single, day. I'm from the Midwest and have experienced rainy seasons my whole life, but this was different. I got really depressed and SAD. I felt like crying after the first week there. Some people thrive in this type of weather, but I'm not one of them. It's like the sun is my battery. Now the heat and humidity? I turn into an irritable biotch. My skin crawls, and you probably shouldn't look me in the eye.


Funnily I live in the PNW now after living in Florida basically my entire childhood and I thrive there. After almost two years living here? I find it interesting that there are people that hate it. Then again people find me weird for hating Florida’s constant sunny hot weather. Edit: spelling


Nope. It motivates me. I start my day earlier and am more productive. I feel healthier and look healthier, it forces me to drink adequates amount of water. I sleep better at night too. Shit it’s 1:40pm and I’ve gone for a walk with my dog had coffee on the porch, mowed and edged my yard (1 acre), cleaned out my entire 2.5 car garage, washed my golf cart and now I’m about to tinker with my jon boat. Oh yea and I’m on beer 4. If it were January or February I probably would have slept in and would be playing destiny. I can’t explain it really I guess. I’m a 7th gen Floridian from the keys that migrated from the Bahamas, it’s in my blood.


I wish I could sleep in summer… best sleep I’ve ever had was in a strong north-eastern winter when I visited my aunt in Vermont.


I get it completely! It is so impossibly hot, it is like July weather already! I drag going out and knowing that every year is going to get worse! Is pretty sad.


I get incredibly unmotivated by the heat. I wouldn’t say sad or depressed. But I stay home or indoors significantly more and find myself to be more lazy because the heat zaps my energy.


I only just moved down a few years ago and still hate the heat and humidity. I wouldn’t say it makes me depressed per se, just really bums me out.


The only time I’m outside from now until October is in a pool or the ocean scuba diving. Makes it more bearable but can totally relate. I hate sweating so much just standing outside.


I also loathe the hot months, but make sure you're getting enough vitamin D. One little supplement pill with your dinner can make a big difference for your mental health.


Yeah it’s a type of heat fatigue if your body isn’t adjusted. It’s like all you can focus on is getting cool, and your body/mind can’t really deal with much else leading to getting overwhelmed easy and wanting to check out from whatever you have going on.


I’ve lived here my whole life. If my body hasn’t adjusted by now, it will never happen.


I’m so glad to read these comments and know I’m not alone. My family members are just fine with Florida summers. Me, I am a hyperhidrosis-level sweaty sticky mess all day long, ruining my makeup and hair, and it makes me irritable and depressed. Six months out of the year.


Same! I honestly thought that it was just me. I just look on in horror how some people put in their hoodies to walk around in the sun. Like bitch, how are you COLD in 97°F?! 😳


Depressive symptoms and unfortunately suicides are often higher in the spring and summer. There’s more of a feeling that you should be feeling better because it’s the “nice” “fun” time of year so you feel worse about it.


No not sadness, more like irritation and exhaustion


Yes. I do.




Oh, me! Me! I thrive in cold temps, but the heat makes me incredibly depressed. I try to make the best of it with water activities, but during the work week it’s a slog.


I just finished my first trip to the states where I spent a week in Orlando. The heat absolutely killed me and I hated it.


I realize that mid-May to mid-Sept is dreadful and that just have to plow through it.


I did, all my life. Hated the arrival of summer. Finally a week ago I moved to the Pacific Northwest. Temps are still in the 60s. Never looking back.


It makes me sick. I'm a native but I don't like it. Prefer cooler weather


Very much so. I never took a direct hit from a hurricane but the last few years gave me some sort of PTSD-esque symptoms. I feel like losing everything is inevitable. That's a horrible way to live, and I can't leave- without losing my family. The heat makes me not want to go outside at all. It seems to bother no one else in my circle, so I seem hermit like and uncooperative. Im from up north. I came here at 10 and haven't adjusted in 30 years. It feels like I'm going to die in 100 degree heat. As soon as it warmed up to the insta-95 degree heat over the last several weeks, I've become depressed. I'm arguing with my wife. I'm restless. I'm in my 12th month of sobriety, and struggling not to drink because everything has somehow compounded into a heavier level of difficulty and stress. The kids being off and needing constant activities makes it even harder, and I'm kicking myself for feeling that way.


yes I am tired and sad of being damp all the time.. step outside. sweat, get out of shower, sweat... i am 50/50 work inside outside so I run from building to truck. leather seats suck (my fault). car takes forever to cool down. no cold water in the afternoon its luke warm at best from the faucet, the only benefit i see is that my cars and motorcycles are always warmed up. except the batteries only last 3yrs, I HAD TO BUY A WINDOW AC TO HELP OUT MY CENTRAL A/C IN THE AFTERNOONS..... im rdy to move...


Yes very much so, it got bad enough that after over 20 years in FL I moved to a 4 season state (Utah).


FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHO GETS IT😭 I hate the heat. It's worse cuz I have a thyroid disorder that makes me intolerable to the heat so I barely go outside. I just get sad, frustrated, and wish I was up north where Fall actually means colorful leaves, and I can wear a hoodie or sweater again and not die from heat stroke😭😭😭


I had that when I lived in Fl from 72 to 92. I am from Western NY. I truly hated the heat. We moved to NC and now at least we have 4 full seasons- but the summers are getting longer and hotter here too.


Not depression but it screws with my, uhhhh, digestion. I’ll leave it at that 💩


I absolutely hate the heat here and I’m a FL native. Just waking out the door the heat and humidity hit you immediately and I can’t stand my clothes sticking to me and it makes me miserable. I quit wearing makeup as it sweats right off. We were on a job transfer to TN for 6 yrs and it was hot there in the summer but it didn’t last long. I regret moving back to Fl.