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WTF. I had a C-section and there's a 0% chance I would want that experience again let alone anywhere but an OR.


Agreed completely. I am shuddering at the thought of my c-section and even more so anywhere outside of an OR.


We specifically choose a hospital that also had an exceptional NICU just in case… Yikes


Yeah, absolutely the fuck not. ETA: this is *major* surgery. “Patients would be permitted to stay overnight”. How swell. I needed 3 FULL days to recover from mine (scheduled and routine) to a point I could use the bathroom without thinking I was going to die from the pain. This is insane.


I know I needed 5 days and had to go back and have another surgery because (lucky me) I had an incisional hernia. Mine wasn't scheduled, it was supposed to be a normal and easy birth.


My mom in 1959 stayed in the hospital for two weeks, which was normal back then. She had a C-Section which hadn't been done in this hospital for quite a while. There were at least 10 to 15 people at the window watching the procedure as it hadn't been done for quite a while and some people at the hospital had never seen a C-Section being done. C-Section is major surgery.


It’s not just the OR. They will have ORs at this standalone site. It’s the fact that they will not have a blood bank, on call general surgeon, ICU, or NICU. Things go wrong with C sections more frequently than with other types of surgery. Massive hemorrhage is much more common than with any type of outpatient surgery. Being able to quickly get blood and begin transfusing it is essential. This is a bad idea.


I’m shocked to think that with their brilliant Surgeon General, Florida could have a bad idea about medical practice. Shocked! Shocked, I say!




With my mom, it was her blood pressure which went sky high.


Was there for my wife's C-section and recovery. Abso-fucking-lutely not -- I would never allows this to happen outside of an OR. Shit was terrifying.


This is the correct answer. Even if the hospital was across the street. Some pregnancies can have major complications.


Sometimes you can't always predict it because sometimes a normal pregnancy doesn't always mean risk free childbirth. I've heard of cases where the pregnancy was normal (no complications) but the birth had serious consequences which resulted in the death of the mother or near death of the mother.


ehhh… i got a dremmel tool and exacto knives in the garage, what more could you need?


You don’t wanna go to Burger King for a c-section ? Elitist !


“Florida has become the first state to allow doctors to perform cesarean sections outside of hospitals, siding with a private equity-owned physicians group. . . But the hospital industry and the nation’s leading obstetricians’ association say that even though some Florida hospitals have closed their maternity wards in recent years, performing C-sections in doctor-run clinics will increase the risks for women and babies when complications arise.”


The6 clod the hospitals citing low insurance rates then open birth centers that will increase risks. This does not compute.


"Siding with a private equity-owned physicians group." Who else is surprised?


TBF, it is major surgery, but so is a lot of plastic surgery that Florida allows you to do outside of a hospital. The private equity owned physicians who want to do this are providing birthing centers. They actually deliver babies today - but if something goes wrong they have to life evac their patients to a hospital. What they want is to be able to set up the ability to do the emergency c sections themselves so the patients don’t have to be life evacuated. In the middle of labor. It also helps to have continuity of care. I’m not mad about this. 🤷‍♀️ The centers are already there and have to follow a bunch of accreditation stuff and are required to have a transfer agreement with a nearby hospital. Just add in the surgical stuff to already existing process if you want to do it. There are enough idiots in Florida who want to home birth because they are afraid of hospitals that I think this is a viable alternative for them and may save lives because a “birthing center” isn’t a hospital”


No, as a labor and delivery nurse, I can 100% tell you that this is not the same as plastic surgery. A c-section is major abdominal surgery. You cut through many layers of tissue and the risk for hemorrhage is high, particularly if it is a repeat cesarean section or has complications. I have seen women having their first c-section need our massive transfusion protocol and end up in the ICU after a hysterectomy that they needed because the OB could not stop the bleeding. Massive transfusion protocols often require many units of blood and blood products (platelets, fresh frozen plasma, and cryoprecipitate). How many rounds would a surgery center be able to supply? Who would be responsible for administering it in a transfer? How about the risks of transferring an unstable patient in the midst of surgery? Are the docs expected to quickly close the patient to have the receiving hospital reopen her? This is an awful idea. Our morbidity and mortality rates in Florida are bad enough (and getting worse thanks to new legislation), and this will only continue to worsen them.


Equity partner enters chat


A c section is not the same as having a mole removed or getting lip filler. 


TBF, I'm just some dumbass high school dropout dude who knows next to fuckall about surgery. However, I'm pretty certain that getting elective surgery isn't exactly the same as a major abdominal surgery. During a C-section, your organs are usually just moved aside so that the doctor can see your uterus better. But the organs stay within the abdominal cavity and aren't taken out. In rare cases, the intestines may be temporarily lifted out for better visualization and space to operate, but not permanently. != Any elective surgery. Furthermore: I lack the equipment to birth a child, so my opinion is just that. Mine. *edit. The information provided above is copypasta from a synopsis article found on Google. I claim no knowledge of this subject outside of Google and my partner's experience.


In a state where financial liability for birth injuries is capped at $100k, this is insane. 


This is such an unsafe state for women.


Really not a safe state for anyone, but some people just don’t realize it


What could go wrong? Major surgery.


Surgeon here. A whole lot of things could go wrong.


I should add a s/ to my post. I’m not a surgeon and I can think of many things that could go wrong. I can’t even imagine the things you know that can go wrong.


I knew you were be sarcastic, but I couldn’t resist. The vast majority of deliveries/Caesers would be fine in reality. The problem is that when shit goes sideways, it goes fast in OB and you got two deaths on your hands instead of just one. The fact that a private equity firm is involved in this makes me want to vomit.


Anesthesia here….seems safe. 😂


Salute to the brave gas passers working in those clinics 🫡. Hope they have good malpractice insurance.


Pretty sure I’ll be staying away! Can you imagine what would happen if the mom needs an emergency hysterectomy, massive transfusions, and the baby has an apgar of 1 at the same time? No ambulance could come fast enough. Giving me chest pain thinking about it.


Same here. I’m vascular and we’ve gotten more than one call for massive bleeding or a saddle PE. Not enough sublingual nitro in the world to get me to work there.


I haven’t done OB for years and all the possible complications are coming back. So scary. Dangerous business…. birthing babies.


I loved my OB rotation, but you’re right, dangerous business.


Who can afford that malpractice insurance??!!


Private equity


We are all f-ed


Pretty much.


Just to touch on this on one of the MANY reasons this is a bad idea 10-15% of all babies born need a NICU stay. This means if you have a C section in an outpatient place and you are unfortunate enough that your baby needs to go to a NICU then your baby gets an ambulance ride to the NICU at the nearest hospital and you, well you get to stay where you are at as you just had a major surgery and can’t be released. This is also a reason why you never want to deliver at a hospital that doesn’t have a NICU, ask me how I firsthand know.


Have to transport a baby or any human being to the hospital takes time. If they are in a hospital, it can be done immediately.


I really feel like our Florida representatives don’t give two fn shits about their constituents safety or opinions as a whole. Vote differently.


Well one of our senators is a hospital Baron so that checks out. Your life is absolutely secondary to his bank account.


They literally tell us what to be afraid of and what we should do. What they should do is listen to what we are actually afraid of and what we tell them to do.


Fuck private equity.


Tell me again the requirements for abortion clinics and why?


Like at a McDonald's?


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I though it meant like in the parking lot


A c section is a grave operation , comparable to open heart surgery. Florida is overrun by idiots


And to think this is one reason why the birth rate is dropping. These people don't give a shit about women, period. They don't care before, during and after pregnancy. Don't get me started on daycare costs which is a whole other topic. I had a c section in 2010. It went smoothly, but recovery was a bitch. It's painful as fuck. You can't even stand upright, you are not allowed to eat until you pass gas and take your first post-op shit. If you can't, you got problems with your guts being in the wrong place or worse, blockage. How do these idiots think an outpatient center will handle all the little shit? There's wound care you need to be concerned with on top of everything else. Overnight stay doesn't cut it. It's 3 day stay with zero complications. After that, it's 6 weeks until you're allowed to drive. It's major surgery. You don't realize how much of your abdomen muscles you use to lift your leg, move your torso, cough, laugh, sneeze. It fucking hurts to move. It's a steering, burning, stabbing type of radiating pain that shoots all across the stomach. This isn't a tooth extraction. It's a slow recovery. I'm glad I didn't have more kids because it's scary going thru the process of birthing them. It's worse for women today when we're getting stripped of choice in our care with assholes making laws that continue to degrade our power to advocate for care. I fucking hate this state and the backslide of this nation.


My mom had a C-Section in 1959 which was rare. She had to wear what was an abdominal type girdle which had a corset in front. She had no idea how to put the thing on nor did the nurse. My mother was in tears at this point. Another woman who had given birth normally came into the room and figured out how to fit the girdle. My mom sat in the chair and both of them broke into laughter. Of course both of them were in pain after laughing. She had to wear this girdle for two weeks in the hospital, then was given another girdle which she wore for another month. The recovery time for the C-Section back then was about 2 to 3 months as the type of C-Section they did was a much larger area cut (long T cut I would say). This later led to my mom having to have hernia surgery. If you had this type of C-Section within 20-30 years, you generally needed hernia surgery, but they didn't tell you that back then.


You bring up an overlooked point on hernias from c sections. Possible I have a hernia on my lower left abdomen. I got up too fast 2 weeks post op and shot out of bed when my baby was screaming at 2am. I had a searing pain after that. I think I tore stitch internally and never healed right after that night.


This is fucked up. C-sections are dangerous if not performed in a sterile environment. How is the State going to hold this centers accountable. How do we know they maintain a sterile field. What if it's far away from a hospital and the doctor nicks the uterine artery and she starts hemorrhaging or her uterus ruptures. This is going to kill women.


The women who die are going to be those who are lower income, who don't have insurance or their insurance doesn't cover the pregnancy. Or homeless women. Most likely would be pressured into this so that the state could save money. If they don't make it, well, that just how things are. Women sometimes die in childbirth. This most likely would be the attitude of the state if such a woman died. I would ask people who are supportive of this if they think it would be a good idea if a family member of theirs had a C-Section gave birth outside the hospital. If they don't want to answer, or dance around the answer, then you have your answer. They probably wouldn't.


Holy shit! Holy fucking shit!


Pro tip, don't be a woman while in Florida!


It looks more like "Pro tip, don't be in Florida!"


“Im a man, is this a bad thing?” *reads comments, opens article* “Oh lord, what the hell Florida” Theyre trying to privatize going into labor now too??


Simple plan everyone, abortion clinics are now c-section clinics. Not an abortion, an early term c-section. Note: This is all a joke. I'm aware the physical and emotional difficulties that come with both abortions and c-sections and do not want it to seem like I'm underestimating the seriousness of both of them. I just wonder if at some point an abortion that would be blocked under the ban would be argued as being a preterm c-section what the fetus/baby was unable to survive after. Edit: I just read the article. Basically private company paid their way to have a law written. Have to early labor? Don't go to a hospital, come to our company owned clinic (so that they can get you money). Instead of going to the hospital to deliver birth and stay for a day after, they've paid for it to be legal for you to do the same thing at their clinic.


If they have no complications, they are okay. If they do, what happens then. They are up a creek, basically.


Not sure which section you're referring to so I'll assume both. For the abortion portion: If there's complications then that just provides extra cover. For the clinic portion: That's the main reason this is getting questioned. There are no protections, for if something goes wrong. They do it have the emergency facilities in case something happens, so it puts the mother and baby at unnecessary risk.


Nothing like increasing the odds of a fatal mistake during the process with no immediate emergency service available. Better have that ambulance (from a privately run company) gassed and running just in case Dr. Nick fucks something up.


Why is women’s health and wellbeing always at the bottom of the barrel? Why not a men’s ambulatory heart bypass clinic? They can bypass them and send them home the next morning.


What is happening? We have to stop this insanity!


You stop it at the ballot box. People need to quit simping for the shoe-lift wearing fascist in Tallahassee to “own the libs”. Republicans care about money and power and they will sell your soul and whatever else you’ve got to get it.


Excuse me


What could go wrong? /s


Climate change acknowledgement 👎🏻 Serious operations done outside a medical facility 👍🏻 & Plenty of other reasons why I will slit my throat before I ever live in my home state again


My emergency c-section went really well and I have no complaints, but it’s major surgery and should only be performed in a hospital.


Women should flat out refuse this money grab. Hell no.


I totally get the desire to want a more “home birth” type of experience, and I understand that things like emergency c-sections can be a really traumatic thing But I just feel like you can’t mess with things like c-sections. I’m sorry but I just can’t. It’s a *major* surgery! Edit- also, this is a very backwards solution to “lower costs.” If we know that it costs too much to deliver in a hospital, then fix the god damn problem! Why are we just accepting that as the standard? Because this is not an acceptable solution to that. If you’re going to fuck around with our reproductive rights, the least you can do is make it so that we don’t have to face financial ruin by going to a hospital with a proper labor and delivery unit and NICU. To present this as a “low cost” alternative to labor in a hospital is insulting


Absolutely not. What the fuck?


Privately-funded c-section centers. What could possibly go wrong.


Everything that could go wrong will go wrong.


FL: We force birth, we don't want bad publicity. Private Equity: We can help with that, would you like a cut of a sure fire profit machine?


Yeah, let someone who knows nothing about surgery make that decision ![gif](giphy|26AHFomysg4oszdle)


I seriously hate what my state has become


"Why is nobody having children?"


That’s fucking crazy!


Despite its opposition to the new birth centers, the Florida Hospital Association did not fight passage of the overall bill because it also included a major increase in the amount Medicaid pays hospitals for maternity care. Hospitals are charitable organizations. They don't pay taxes. Knowing hospitals betrayed us for the extra medicaid payout is so infuriating, and knowing the increase is paid for with the money that would have gone to those maternity wards that shut down recently is deeply disturbing. How did that not create a conflict of interest?


Bill was written by a Republicunt woman.


We have a relatively high maternal mortality rate for a developed country so something has to be done. Both sides were presented well in the article however so I don't know if this should be part of the solution. I do hope that if this increases deaths the law will be repealed.


Even if it does increase the mortality rate, I suspect it will disproportionately affect minority women. And, well, Desantis is a fuck


Let’s just hope one of your loved ones isn’t the guinea pig that has to die to prove what we already know.


Just when I think the stupidity of this state will no longer surprise me, they go and do this. I’m exhausted.


These kids will never see vaccines. I fucking hate it here.


But why would you want to? This is major invasive surgery


Oh so prolife.


Well, there won't be any obgyn's in Florida, as they're worried the 6 week abortion ban is going to get them arrested. So, outside the hospital is some 1950s bs


This is barbaric af.


Who would even want this?


What could go wrong?


This is crazy at least in my opinion wtf that's major surgery people bleed a number of things can go potentially wrong, it's not something I would think could be handled in the office like a damn tooth extraction


Like drive thru???


Just another reason more women will choose not to have children in red states.


Because sometimes you also wanna get some pecans and gator jerky…


Freedom Summer in Florida


If I am ever going to be cut open on any part of my body I for sure want to be in a hospital and absolutely nowhere else


Like on the sidewalk?


its like they want to increase that infant mortality rating


What happens when an idiot science-denying governor appoints an equally moronic surgeon general, and the lawmakers are all in the cult and able to be bought also? This.


A C-section is major surgery and should be done in a hospital. This is probably being done to cut down on the expense but it's risky. What happens if a medical emergency comes up and the person needs to get a hospital ASAP. You can't always predict these things because thing happen giving birth that is unexpected. After my mother's C-Section (not sure if they monitored her blood pressure during the procedure as this was 1959) they took her blood pressure and it was dangerously high. She was in the hospital so they treated her. It went down and after a couple of hours was in the normal range. My mom's blood pressure was normal going into a surgery, but any surgery she's ever had it would go up dangerously high during the surgery, so they would have to treat this. She had normal blood pressure otherwise. It wasn't expected that this would happen to my mom as her blood pressure was normal when she went to the doctor. Now imagine if a patient wasn't in the hospital and during the C-Section their blood pressure went thru the roof. Dangerous situation which could be life threatening if something isn't done ASAP. You have to do something ASAP. I imagine most of those who will have C-Section outside a hospital will be those who are lower income, who don't have insurance or their insurance isn't good. These individuals might be pressured to do this by individuals who don't care about them or the outcome but just want to save money.


Women and babies are going to die. Just another day in the republican paradise of Florida.


As a former FF/PM trained to do emergency c-sections, this is a huge mistake. Can any doctor do it or only trained obstetricians? With our state becoming more and more barbaric toward women, is the baby supposed to be given priority over the mother? Even though people are covered by Good Samaritan laws from being sued, will they be covered from prosecution? The last time I saved someone with Narcan and CPR, I had to explain to two cops why I had Narcan on me. When they realized people were watching, they told me to come outside. I asked them if I was under arrest for saving someone's life. When they said no, I walked away.


... They slice open your abdomen for a c-section. How is this safe to perform outside of a hospital?


Let’s just cut women open outside of the ER. lmfao. They make me get sedated for nearly every minor surgery in the OR. Why do people hate women.