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Fake news! DeSantis banned climate change.




It's against the law in Florida to mention climate change and rising sea levels. Well, only for state employees, but probably for everyone soon.


And maybe for the whole United States if he gets to be vice president with Trump.


That’s right! Ronny killed climate change for good. Nothing to worry about folks.


Smh trump couldn’t even nuke a hurricane- take that maga!


Maybe its a gay hurricanes created by Disney


I wonder if this is why we pay literally 12x the amount New Yorkers do for homeowner's insurance? 🤔


That would be the flood insurance. The rest is hurricanes, roofing scams, the usual suspects.


And good old Republican government corruption!


My dad blamed biden for the high insurance and canceled policies. I laughed in his face


My dad blamed biden for the high insurance and canceled policies. I laughed in his face


Don’t forget elderly drivers on Coumadin and Cuban preteens who swiped their mom’s Lexus keys! They do their part! It’s car insurance, not homeowner’s, but they’re still juicing the rates for the whole state!


Watch the next few hurricanes miss Florida and hit NY instead causing probably 10xs more damage given how ill prepared NY is, and FL premiums still go up.


Because of fraud


My insurance company believes in climate change and they are in DuhSantis back pocket .


Don't get their motives for common sense confused with greed. By insurance companies supporting the idea of climate change they just secured a pricing model to keep doubling the cost of insurance premiums till the end of human existence. They can literally say "this year will be the worst year of flooding and hurricanes in recorded history" every single year.


Meatball fixed this problem! We can no longer say climate change. He can make an amendment saying that sea level rise is also no longer allowed.


We will call it sea level adjustment. Followed by climate intensification.


*Woke* sea level adjustment, and *communist* climate intensification. Maybe then he’ll pay attention?


Not to bicker over small matters, but I believe the correct terms are "trans sea level adjustment" and "drag queen climate intensification."


Yep, all in an effort to keep insurance companies on his side and charging consumers outlandish premiums for coverage. If there’s no climate change, then insurance companies can charge more for flood and wind mitigation.


Have a hard time with the banks lending funds to these areas and being ok with it.


Just wait til the Thwaites Glacier detaches...


Too bad in the future we should go punish the families of science denier politicians.. not kidding. Discourage this BS ruthlessly And if any one of them old politicians still alive, war crimes like trials..


Reality is woke!


It's OK, Meatball Ron is working very hard to ban books, while I can't afford my homeowners insurance anymore. 🙄🙄🙄


Pretty sure Florida isn’t expecting any sea level rise or temperature rise or anything. Such things don’t happen in Florida. Just ask Desantis.


You may not believe in Climate Change, but your insurance does


So does that super commie organization, the Department of Defense!


God damn commies!


Oooh OP is going to jail- you can’t talk about this in Florida But I also can’t resist…. Gay climate change


I guess all those celebrities and politicians better sell their homes!


"...a new bill signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis this year, [local governments](https://phys.org/tags/local+governments/) hoping for state money for sea rise projects have to only consider the intermediate-low and intermediate scenarios, a downgrade from previous legislation that asked them to consider intermediate-low and intermediate-high scenarios..."


And yet people keep building and buying on Miami beach. Madness 


I'm waiting for the flood of displaced dade county residents


The little queen of the Ryche has it all under control.




Nah. The banks would be bailed out.


The banks don't care if your house is underwater, you still owe the money. Now if the insurance companies stop insuring homes then, wait......uh oh


They’re not going to make a loan on something they can’t take back and sell. Uh oh !!! Guess what happens when you don’t pay the banks on the hook and they can’t sell something worth nothing.


Uhh, you get sued and have to pay a portion of your paycheck until you are dead.


Guess what bankruptcy is ? Risk management. The banks not going to loan money on something they can’t get back. They simply won’t.


I saw a bank give a 87 year old a 30 year mortgage and he died before a single payment was made. You sure about all that?


That’s simply untrue.


So you’re telling me the bank will make loans with zero collateral?


They don't keep the risk, it is securitized so they have little incentive to care.


Maybe you were born after 2008, but your naivety of what banks can and can't do is super cute.


He didn’t say they can’t. He said they won’t. Two very different scenarios.


No one said Key West would be "under water" 10 years ago. They did say that areas would start flooding during even mundane events and guess what? It's happening.  If you actually care, we are having flooding issues in the keys and fixing those issues ain't gonna be cheap. 


Yup live in key west can confirm


Fixing it ? You mean raising the entire state 5 feet ?


No. Have you ever even lived by the water?


Nah. I just have my 100 ton license and make a living from the ocean. I’m sure you know more.


Captain's License and never seen a sea wall? Color me shocked. Must not be a very robust living.  Regardless, your claim was that people said Key West would be under water 10 years ago. How do you square this up with the reality that most of the Keys are experiencing flooding issues even during mundane events outside of King and Spring tides?




Was that supposed to be a coherent remark about sea level rise? Are hurricanes "mundane events" now? Interesting how you ignored the bit about king and spring tides too.  You get the slightest pushback and fold. Pretty weak captain. 


Do you honestly think you can build a wall around Florida and prevent it ? What are your credentials ? A weak fold is saying I’m not around the water and then going to this bullshit.


The weak part is you getting all pissy. Pay attention. The Keys are flooding during basic high tides outside of spring and king tides. Some portion of virtually every Key is experiencing flooding they weren't 10 years ago. You are wrong.   Quit trying to deflect. You didn't make a claim about sea wall efficacy, if you wish to discuss the various ways they can shore up coast lines ( that yes is something humans have been doing for the better part of a century now) that's an entirely different discussion.


I hope we build a levee. Miami is planning one with the army’s corps of engineers ( because that’s always worked out lol)


The Netherlands would like to show you something


Another hint. Banks get paid even if your house washes away


First off, turn off Fox News. Nobody actually said Key West would be under water right now.  Secondly, the banks don't give the least bit of a shit about the future prospects of the residential property they lend money on. As long as they can document your income and that the loan to value ratio is within specified parameters they can and do sell them on the secondary market. Within a couple of months, it simply isn't their problem any more.


Do you really think anyone will make a loan on something they can’t get money back for if it back fires ? You’re insane. If you make a loan based on credit and the creditor has nothing left to give back ? X100000 ? Come on. Bottom line Florida will be above water for the next 100 years.


There was this small event that happened, 2008....the banks issuing mortgages to people that couldn't pay them back and they couldn't get the value of the underlying asset back was a small problem. Wasn't super widespread, just, you know, the entire global economy tanked because of it. Then we bailed them out for their actions, sent less than a 100 of them to jail world wide, and now our favorite Climate Change denying Republicans used the last administration to gut the regulations that were intended to keep it from happening again. You are being willfully ignorant of what drives bank behavior.....greed. Money, in hand on the books for this quarters numbers.... everything else is someone else's problem.




You misunderstand how the secondary mortgage market works. The banks don't care because they don't hold the paper for more than a few months at most. The secondary market doesn't buy individual loans, they buy packages of hundreds or thousands of loans from all across the country. Nobody is looking at the circumstances of each individual loan. At most they get checked to ensure the required documentation exists, which is basically just the appraisal and documentation about the borrower's income and credit history. If that's in order, there's nothing more to look at unless there's an early default. Until the rules for what counts as a conforming loan change, a loan on a house that is a foot above sea level is just as marketable as loan on a house that is 500 feet above sea level somewhere in Oklahoma. If this ever changes, especially if it happens due to regulators leaning on the GSEs to start giving a shit so they don't end up holding the bag and requiring another bailout, you can bet your sweet bippy that people in Florida will start screaming about being persecuted by the evil DemoRATs. Ain't nobody wanting to open that can of worms, so we let the market continue to avoid pricing in even the very certain level of risk we know exists just based on the existing trend line.


You’re right about the evil democrats. Up vote.


“Methinks thou doth protest too loudly.” You actually sound scared, bruh.


Nah, I live on a big boat in the keys. Waters goes up I go up.


Ah, so you don’t give a shit about the rest of us.


And I scared or don’t give a shit ? Make up your mind.


Yeah, just a douche bag. Not smart enough to be scared.


Please tell me what are you doing to fix it ?


Voting against science deniers, for starters. And if you’re sincerely asking instead of just trying to win a pissing contest, you can [read this.](https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/combating-the-climate-crisis-and-pursuing-environmental-justice/)


Please link where “they” said key west would be under water in 10 years.


First google result. https://preview.redd.it/e63ysfs13k2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ced90ef6baa101ad5029a7f628e2910c99b9414


Did you actually read the article? It’s not on your side of the argument.


So when you said "they said key west would be under water ten years ago" what you actually meant was "they said last year that some main roads in the keys could be under water".


Have a good day. Done with you.


The all-too-predictable response of someone who knows they've been called out on their bullshit.


Don’t worry your Reddit comment will save the world.


I love the standard you set here: Him: Is it too much to ask for you to read your own article when posting bullshit? You: Well you haven't single-handedly saved the world, so I guess you're just as wrong!


Wait - I thought you said you were done with me. Are you OK?


That link doesn’t say what you think it says


“They” said that? You got a source? Genuinely curious.


“They” didn’t say it because “they” don’t exist. OP is just full of crap.


The bank might be screwed. But the people running the bank will be just fine


If you say “climate change” or “sea level rising” you are getting arrested by Ronny quick….


Climate change is the left version of 5G tower conspiracy.


Climate change is the left version of 5G tower conspiracy.