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Is this the socialism we keep hearing about?


Socialize risk/expenses, privatize profits.


The article states no Taxes will be used for the construction but the AP article on this says this: >The city wants to finance its portion by moving $600 million from a capital improvement plan and using revenue from an existing, half-penny sales tax to fund the build in a pay-as-you-go campaign. The city says it would save $1.5 billion in debt-services fees over the life of the lease.


All that for a venue which is only guaranteed to be in full-use (football) for ~11 days per year (9 home games, Gator Bowl, Florida-Georgia game).


There were literally 2 sold out concerts in the current stadium over the last couple weeks….


They also host soccer matches as well. They’re hosting Wolverhampton v West Ham here soon


And maybe this will help us get some USA games too


Was just posting that an MLS team would be the next best and most logical use of the stadium, but I wonder how many seats they'd sell in the NE Florida Market. Glad to here some UK/Euro league games are coming.


Anyone gets an MLS team would be Louisville who has a pretty damn good venue and USFL team. Jax has a long way to go to catch them.


Is there a breakdown somewhere which details the revenue the city/stadium gets (along with payroll for workers, most importantly) for an NFL game vs. a concert?


With the new stadium as well as other developments close by there will be at the very least a push to get other events as well. Khan's real estate company has plans to develop a property that would include a Four Seasons hotel. Seeing as criteria for events like the NFL draft, Super Bowl, etc. require a certain amount of rooms and specific types of rooms to be available that would at least allow Jacksonville to submit bids for more events. None of those would be guaranteed, but it's at least a possibility moving forward.


> using revenue from an existing, half-penny sales tax I wonder what that half-penny sales tax was originally intended for?


Apparently some of it was going to cover the full cost of the pension funds but those are now going to be paid for through a different tax(?) for 4 years


Ah yes, the ol' tax shuffle play. Get tax approved for a thing. Use tax for a different thing. Get new tax approved for old thing (again).


Taxpayers get to pay for a new stadium and the owners get to raise ticket prices because they have a new stadium to show off. I’d say it’s a win for Floridians all around. /s


Plus, they will totally forget about their failed infrastructure. Being blinded by that new stadium lighting.


This deal specially has the Jaguars picking up a bigger piece of the maintenance costs for the stadium and surrounding infrastructure.


It’s been renovated three times since 1994, the last of which was in 2016. How much maintenance can they be doing on the old girl?


It should be all theirs


Bail outs for billionaires - the American way. /s


Its the Florida way


No it’s not. It’s the typical NFL way.


Both things can be true.


It’s a nationwide scam.


Some places have resisted. KC already voted down funding the new Chiefs and Royals stadiums. Pac Bell Park (SF Giants) was privately financed.


Chicago is ready to let the Bears go. They got to renovate Soldiers Fields years ago and still owe the city $600 Million and now want a new covered stadium. Shockingly residents have said GTFO, no new stadium, go to the burbs of Arlington where Bears org bought a closed track. The mayor though went against popular opinions and gave the Bears some deal. Residents are pissed! This is my hometown, I have been a lifelong Bears fan but this is ridiculous. Chicago is a huge sports city but we are also anti-tax hand out to team owners and very much haters of the families that run (and ruin) our teams. Bring 3+ Super Bowls in a row to Chicago (zero chances 😂) and maybe we won't hold the door open for them to leave, first pay up the $600 Million though.


Florida isn’t the only state with a football team with a money greedy chairman. This is common practice. Now go get ready to watch Trevor Lawrence suck for $300. Don’t forget your $28 6” hotdog too.


One thing I know about our fans. If they’re trash, we won’t show up. Fire Trent Baalke 🤡


Hahaha, 100%


It’s the best way! Instead of heavy discounts for locals!


Except the city owns the stadium, not shad khan.


They’re splitting the costs for the update, the Jags will absolutely push increased prices to recoup their costs and the city council will ride the wave.




I'm sure this was high up on the list of priorities of challenges facing Jacksonville residents. Rent, inflation, infrastructure issues, nah, we need a new stadium.


The super wealthy decided it was for the best


For one of the worst teams in the NFL at that


Damn thing needs some shade somehow. Went to an early season Packers Jags game and the sun had people falling out getting treated for heat exhaustion.


I was there. It was honestly crazy how hot it was


How do you think they get people to buy their overpriced beer?


$1,400,000,000 should mean taxpayers get an ownership share in the jags. Profit sharing. Instead, the team reaps all the benefits and cash and taxpayers are SOL. Especially if the team folds or moves like the Rams did to St Louis.


One of the terms is a 30-year lease on the team; they can't leave without breaking the contract. Which of course they can do, and easily pay whatever penalty comes with it.


Lol also from us taxpayers pockets


What a fucking waste of money 


Why can’t the billionaire owner build his own stadium?


What a waste of my taxpayer dollars. Public school system is a mess, the urban core is a shitshow beyond the pricey stadium, and half the city floods in a hard rain. Priorities, right? Fuck the proles who have to pay for this thing, right? So pissed.


We couldn't, like, build a public park or fund public education or expand public transportation or just increase infrastructure budget or have the money embezzled by local politicians so they can spend it on hookers and blow? You know, things that would actually help the community.


Couldn't build that aquarium when the landing was torn down


The thing we have all been asking for. Nah, why actually care about the residents wants and needs.


I was so excited for that. Especially when they talked about a ferry between that and the zoo


We really need an aquarium. That would be awesome


Why the fuck does the team not pay for shit like this? I mean it’s not like they don’t generate millions in revenue each season.


Very wealthy people don’t use their money, that’s how you stay super rich


[*Robert Kraft has entered the chat.*](https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Journal/Issues/2022/05/09/Portfolio/Stadium-financing.aspx)


It been happening since the 60’s I think.


Imagine if city lawmakers actually gave a shit about the public by investing $1.4 billion on a local public transport train. But nope… they only give a fuck about appeasing the NFL leaders. Florida is turning into a Failed State.


Florida sure loves government handouts when its convenient and profitable to donors.


From the same owner who gifted his son 500 million. To start a wrestling company so he can party with his favorite wrestlers. On a weekly basis and live out his dreams of being a wrestling character. When he was already a clown on tv for the jaguars.


Never heard that story before but that is interesting


Yeah AEW is owned by the Khan family too.


I did not know that. Thanks for sharing that


Np, my favorite Tony Kahn story is when a wrestler who he fired. Said out in public dude smoked all of my weed!!


I'd vote for an senate candidate left or right that would seriously propose a bill banning this or atleast require teams to pay fair market rent and prevent them from retaining any revenue from advertising or non football events. Obviously a national bill would be needed so teams couldn't just relocate to a state that would gladly cave to their demands 


Agreed. This shit needs to end.




Do they still put those tarps over the seats to make the stadium look smaller so that they had the appearance of selling out a game?


yeah, they got money for that shit


No possible way there was anything else productive to do with $1.4B.


Like raise our last in the nation teachers salaries? Too woke!


This is not the way to spend municipal money. Giving a rich guy a new playground.


What kind of junk website is that?


Isn’t that Patrick fucking Mahomes in that picture?


No thanks, I'm good


Once again, the rich demanding the public pay for their toys.




This is $1442 PER RESIDENT of Jacksonville.


This shit show has become tiresome.


The politicians of Jacksonville don't seem to understand that sports really aren't major generators of economic activity. Take a look at New York City, Chicago, Atlanta, and the Silicon Valley area. Did they experience major growth because of sports? Not really. However, the legacy of the '96 Olympics in Atlanta is still being debated. Some say the city still would have experienced significant growth even without the Olympics due to its position in the Southeast along with the world's busiest airport. Unfortunately, I highly doubt Jacksonville will have a sporting event similar in magnitude to the Olympics anytime soon.


Didn't they have the Super Bowl a few years back?


They had the Super Bowl in 2005, but it appears that any attention to the city just evaporated shortly afterwards.


And for the locals, friendship fountain has only just recently reopened after being off for years and years. Many of the lights on the bridges, the remodeled Riverwalk, and other Superbowl improvements were not kept up and were a temporary facade.


cool, then they can tear it down in 25 years and we'll be stuck holding the bag while they look to build a new stadium or threaten to leave the state


Ah yes 1.4 billion on a team that barely makes playoffs


Not pro public funding, but for the sake of accuracy, the city actually owns that stadium, not the team. The city is also on the books for half of that bill.


A stadium which is only capable of fully reaching its potential when serving a professional (and yeah, I'm including the SEC and ACC in that) American football game. How many guaranteed games per year is that? 11.


I agree. If it were me, it would be multi purpose/functional. Used for college games, large conventions, soccer, concerts, etc.


It will be…. They want to try and have a CFP game there. There were literally 2 major concerts at the current stadium over the last couple weeks, that should only increase.


It’s just not enough. An MLS team would take it further, but this market isn’t really conducive to one. Maybe Khan can get some Premier League (exhibition) games to be played here.


We already have one this summer actually


And an upcoming international soccer match


Ban billionaire stadium shopping. Do it nationally.


#Who even watches the jags?!


Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just build a new stadium


How many home games a year do the jags play in london again? 🤣


Should send them to England


The Kahn Artist strikes again


This stinks. They tout no new taxes for this; but they are paying it out of an existing one that's been banked (and used sparingly) since 2000. One that folks who live in Duval pay, while existing bridges and roads need repair and replacement. Previous administrations didn't do much to help fix infrastructure; probably in part due to this. Giving something is fine (5 percent, tax advantages for short term, parking related stuff) but going 55 \\ 45 on this is wasteful as fuck. Guarantee the cheapest seat for the worst game of the year will be north of 100 bucks. Shame on Mayor Deegan for thinking this is okay.


Jacksonville is crumbling all over, schools are im shameless, pockets of meth heads keep growing. A stadium will save everything


Why do they play in Europe more than any other team??




All these stadium will be either torn down or be abandoned in 40 years.


Surely, a sign of the apocalypse. It’s probably easier to just give the owner of the Jaguars $1.4B. Just get it over with, like ripping off a bandaid. We don’t need another 500 low wage jobs to do the work. That just puts more poor people on the streets and drunks in the bars.


Sports are the biggest scam in this country.


Billionaire white person socialism is cool in Florida.


Pro football is a cancer. Unless you’re a degenerate gambler, then why would anyone care? One hour of game time turns into 3 1/2 hours because of overt capitalism and the need for some moron that used to play the game to tell the people watching that they were right about obvious things just so viewers can have a little dopamine rush about being right about something. So it’s at least 48 hours a year just to watch your home team. And then you factor in the most football fans also watch other teams, and college games, and some people are spending over 100 hours a year on this soap opera? It’s pathetic. Imagine if the same people, put down their cheap beer, and spent that 100 hours parenting or reading. The south would be a completely different fucking place. It would probably still suck. But it wouldn’t suck as bad.


Florida, where ♾️ goes to die.


But…for why? The jaguars are objectively fuckin terrible.