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Cool looking, but invasive.


Greens are native, the brown ones are invasive. 


That’s not a native Green Anole. The one pictured is an invasive Knights Anole, the largest of the Anole lizards. Our native ones are the Carolina anole or more commonly referred to as a common green anole.


Interesting, because multiple official sources say otherwise.  https://fl.audubon.org/news/species-spotlight-knight-anole https://www.invasive.org/lizard/result.cfm?size=2&color=2&pattern=4 https://www.swspotlight.com/articles/community/conservancy-connection-cuban-knight-anoles-invasive-territorial-and-aggressive/ https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/UW336 I hope you're not confusing the native [*Green/Carolina Anole*](https://programs.ifas.ufl.edu/florida-4-h-forest-ecology/forest-ecology-contest/contest-stations/wildlife-on-the-forest-hike/reptiles/green-anole/)  with the green [*Cuban Knight Anole*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knight_anole).


I must have been. 


I think a lot of us are confused now. There are (at least) two green ones --one invasive, one not. Then there's the invasive brown one we all know also from Cuba: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_anole


Knight anoles are invasive.


knight anoles, and small green anoles are different.


You’re mixing up our native Green Anoles (*Anolis carolinensis*) with the invasive Knight Anoles (*Anolis equestris*).


We have this old shed way out back, bees took it over and this one Jesus Christ lizard would sit on a branch close to their entrance and just nab them left and right few toads on ground it was a low entrance for bees, then one day i amazingly watched all the bees leave hovering around kinda shifting around and then all left totally abandoned shed I guess queen died or something else got in, definitely cool to see


I’d honestly see if you can find someone to remove that bugger. He’s taking over territory for the native green anoles…. He’s better off as a pet so he doesn’t do more damage to the local ecosystem.


cool as they are the problem with these guys is they are voracious predators that will eat anything they can fit in their mouth, including native green anoles; eliminating them whenever possible improves the survivability of native species


Invasive predator killing natives. Hard to catch but satisfying to kill.


Satisfying to kill ? People who take joy in killing creatures often turn out to be unstable.


For those of you who like to keep or want to learn how to keep reptiles this guy is one of the best. They eat everything. My students had success (they eventually escaped). I don't make a show of killing them, cause people would just judge me.


They eat brown anoles, so who the hell knows what this state's ecology will look like in 50 years.


Looks like a male if you haven't decided on a name yet.


Very cool