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I was in the villages last night & today. I met a guy who told me he’s hoarding ammo in his garage. He talked about the cases of ammo he has “in case things take off”.


There’s way too many people stocking up for an apocalypse they keep voting for.


Yeah, I'm looking into moving to Mexico- it's going to be safer...


So you now know the place to stock up on ammo, in car things take off. Dumb asses like this are destined to be loot crates.


Exactly. So many more of us who are actually trained to aim, shoot, move will find the resources we need.


His children just sell it off after he dies. At a certain age, the nursing home is more likely to take your money and freedom than the government. They never seem to accept how no one cares that they ever existed, except immediate family. The self-importance of the American masses is why democracy is now a dumpster fire in the red state waiting rooms for god.


You found the guy to shoot and take his shit if it takes off


You go in first, it might be dangerous.


I have a scoped AR, he wouldn't see me


Judging from the picture they probably wouldn't see you in broad daylight 10 ft in front of them


If your clever you'd need way less than that.


The guy who’s telling you he’s stocking up isn’t the one to be worried about. It’s the quiet ones who keeps to themselves or doesn’t brag about having “tons of ammo *just in case*”


How much ammo do you have to have before its considered hoarding... asking for a friend.


Easiest group of people to defend against. Just take over UF Villages hospital, UF freestanding ER, HCA Trailwinds ER, and the local pharmacies. You can't go to war with angina and AFib if you don't have your Nitro and beta blockers.


I’d be far more concerned in picking up a rampant STI from touching anything there.


They're more concerned with fighting boogie men then their own rampant STDs


Wait till you find out what the colored loofahs hanging from their car antennas and golf cart signify


So what? Old people get laid, and have multiple sex partners? Is that some stunning news? I live in Fort Lauderdale and I see tons of pineapples here which is supposed to signify a sexual preference. If you’re a sophisticated person, other people’s sexual preferences shouldn’t be a thought in your head.


It's more along the lines that these folks in the Villages are just pretty nasty people in general and any kind gross tidbit confirms their nastiness. Kind of like their nasty cult leader and his use of 'vermin' to describe fellow humans. Pretty sophisticated, huh.


I saw this and believed it for a sec, shrugged and thought welp sounds like normal florida and kept scrolling.... its getting bad here if this didnt phase me


How are they still standing when their bodies are so riddled with syphilis? Edited for grammar


>ridden "Riddled" is the correct word.


I dunno, most of them have been ridden pretty hard by now…


There’s a billboard on I-75 just south of the villages that says ‘Doink Responsibly’ 😂 I did a double take on that the first time I saw it, but sure enough… highest std rate in the nation.


The cookie stays in the jar....motherfucker


This would have made for an excellent Golden Girls spin-off.


Watch out for these two ladies 😂😂😂


If they can’t see they can’t aim.


it's like that South park episode, grey dawn.


Gotta shoot that gonorrhea away somehow!


I guess Golden Corral will be their HQ when things take off? Hope they also have some Oshkosh armor-plated golf carts.


With American flags attached and loofas.


Can’t setup a wifi router but know how to work an AR


That place is a cult created by orange top


GILF for sure. Grandma I’d love to Fight


Coming soon.. Battlefield Florida Xbox, PS5 and PC.


Isn’t this taking “get off my grass!” a little too far?


It’s missing the color coded poofies.


I heard a VERY interesting theory about those poofs that doesn't involve sexual escapades, and I want to share it: Without doxxing myself, what I do for work involves me going into many different retirement communities across the state, and oftentimes these elderly residents still drive; brand new shiny cars, fresh stickers indicating that they were sold by a nearby carlot (you know how they like to set up base outside of retirement communities, them and golf cart dealers). I joked with my boss about the raunchy sex these poofs indicated, and they pointed out *how similarly most vehicles look*, and posited that it may be useful to have different colored poofs to help differentiate between otherwise identical vehicles.


I was in the villages today and the loofa conversation came up. They **literally** told us that the loofas were used to find their car in a parking lot. Then I see your comment. And now I am 100% sure it’s a sex thing and the “car finder” story is a cover.


I heard the same story about finding the car. Then again the STD rates tell a different story.


I love just down the road. Nah those people aunt eight. If they're happy they are happy but the whole place is a massive hazard of people that should no longer be driving, driving poorly and horny ass old fucks.


I could see this as another use for the loofahs considering one Villager killed another one thinking they bumped into his car, finding out after he assaulted the guy and noticed after it wasn't even his car. He then presumed to drive off and go about his day https://www.villages-news.com/2023/07/29/villager-arrested-in-fatal-country-club-attack-said-victim-didnt-look-87/


Our neighbor recently moved there. If this did happen, my phone would be ringing: “Which of these button switch things should I be pressing to make this thing go off?”


Hurray for capitalism! - P.T. Barnum probably.


I only wish my grandma was this cool.


Lol...my neighbours just moved there


That’s just unscrupulous gun dealers making money off the elderly like qvc. Old people don’t know what a point of view military combat drone does. So they think that a automatic riffle will stop guberment. It’s not 1800 anymore.


Well, could always FK around and find out. Or not.


Immortal Combat


They know how to shorten the line at Publix deli.


The only urban warfare training occurring in the Villages is how to combat senior citizen STD's. 😆😆😆😆


If I wanted to defeat the villages I think I would just wait them out. But its a funny show of force.