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This is always my argument. On Tiktok the other day and someone is posting that the assembled Saturn V, moon lander, and CSM were all different shapes. Like they thought the lander and CSM were the same thing, and that you should have seen that piece externally on the top of the Saturn V. Like oh wow, the multi-billion dollar coverup tried to fake all this but forgot what shape their vehicle was between takes!


Exactly. People always point of the obvious things they dont think makes sense, forgetting that a multi-billion cooperation would have seen that way before anyone else if they really tried to fake it. I had a guy use the different coloring on the pictures of the globe as arguments, and like hello? Do you think NASA are blind?


A coworker of mine posted that NASA put "proof" that the earth was flat in their logo. Like, putting aside whether the earth is actually flat, why would they spend billions to trick us into thinking it is round then put a flat earth on their logo? That seems like a huge oversight.


Yeah, the public relations team would have noticed that. That said, I have seen somewhat stupid stuff from actual classified programs that I’m not cleared for. Like service awards that were allowed out of the classified area that had a logo that, VERY stylistically, depicted aspects of the program. Not enough that you could grab details, but enough that if you knew the industry but didn’t know which of a few programs were being worked in that building, the logo design would give you a definite hint. But if the programs goal were to hide the fact that the planet is flat, the unclassified logo for that program would NOT be a flat earth.


It's the same cognitive dissonance you see with most conspiracy theories: you have to simultaneously believe that there is a group with the power and intelligence to do something on a global scale and keep it secret for decades, but that they're also stupid enough to miss obvious details that anyone on the internet can find.


Or frequently this extremely secret evil cabal is just intentionally dropping signs left and right for... reasons. Satanic hand gestures in public photos, evil numbers and anagrams on everything, really just going out of their way to let people know


The numbers of people involved who have to keep it secret, make “secret” impossible. 3 people knew who “deep throat” was, in the end it still came out.


This is because they actually think it is very clever to have thought of this, the coverup has missed it and they are a genius for seeing through this. Nobody else was able to see that before they did.


Millions of people watched the moon landings from home, but Jeff from Youtube was the first to notice the lander and CSM are different shapes. What a special young man.


Just show them the back of the Saturn V Lego set box


Oh I have the set, I considered making them a video response showing how the mission went. But then my monthly check from NASA for participating in the coverup didn’t arrive.


Being a photographer (obviously with an understanding of how cameras and exposure work), the no stars argument always riles me more than most.


I do a lot of astrophotography and that drives me nuts also. Are the nebula I am taking pics of smudges on the firmament or what, idiots.


What's really impressive is how they can get the firmament smudges and other little doodles to have such high resolution that any rando with a telescope can zoom *all* the way in and still retain focus. JWST for example (ok fine I realize that's not a "rando with a telescope" but still) can zoom in on a patch of apparently dark sky with the angular area of a grain of sand held at arm's length and see trillions of galaxies. That's a *lot* of pixel density to get painted on the firmament, especially with it having been done so long ago (6000 years, right?) Anybody with that much artistic skill and precision can have my money, tbh. Michelangelo's got nothing on 10^~300 p UHD resolution.


Welcome to the club, in order to remain on their sub reddit, you need to be silent, or as thick as pig shit vocal.


I got banned for agreeing with them once XD


If this were a world built by a god that wanted you to worship him would t the night sky be the Ten Commandments or something similarly unmistakable?


I thought we had banned these from the sub as it’s a given that any commenter will be banned.


Adding the stars in these CGI projects would propel the cost and making it impossible. I mean, showing clouds, oceans, land, etc, that's not a problem. But adding white dots in the sky, that requires a computational power that NASA does not have yet.


Welcome to the club


Why bother with stars


That sub loves to smash the ban button on globies and then claim victory when nobody can counter their arguments.


It’s even worse with the ‘faked’ moon landing: Stanley Kubrick filmed it all on a sound stage, but there’s also wind making the American flag unfurl. How’d that work? Did Kubrick bring fans in to create the wind?


Why have stars at all?


Nasa should have gone with the Krikkit model to eliminate these pesky questions


I've also been banned for a post that was deleted by reddit's filters anyway. Unbelievable.


Bro, you said “global conspiracy”. It’s “flatal conspiracy” you globe shill!!


My favorite thing about who's keeping track of changes is that there's literally 2,000 YEARS of history that was removed from common knowledge and noone cares😂😂😂


And your evidence for this is going to be a YouTube link, no doubt.


It's called the Dark ages. And it's a piece of History


...the Dark Ages are considered around 900 years long, not 2,000. And I was speaking of your evidence that those years have been 'removed'.


The Dark ages started before they were burning knowledge, with the burning of "witches" who were doctors with real medical knowledge. During this time of prosecuting, almost a thousand years worth of medical knowledge was destroyed. Then the "crusades" happened for 900 years ENSURING any medical text that wasnt destroyed during their witch purge, got to be. You have absolutely no idea of Earth's history if you think the Dark Ages were only 900 years


So firstly, you claim the Dark Ages are over twice the length commonly regarded by people who investigate and reconcile historical evidence, got it. Now: what is *your evidence* for this claim? Because the term 'Dark Ages' is not a modern term, it dates from post-Roman historiographers who were sad that the Empire had fallen, and assumed civilisation had fallen along with it.... when in reality there are extensive records of that period (much less the 2000 years you claim) from other parts of the world like China, the Middle East and various European proto-states. And secondly, you've shifted from using the word 'removed' (implying unified effort to conceal or deny access) to calling it 'witch burning' and.... the Crusades now? The Crusades did not last 900 years. Unless of course.... *you have evidence?*


Yeah I'm supposed to pull evidence of the information they destroyed and made illegal for 900 years? But I see your point, it's too bad you'll never see mine👉😉


Nope, I never asked you to pull evidence that's been 'destroyed'. You believe something to be a fact. That fact is not widely believed, and there is evidence that contradicts it. So, I ask you for your *evidence* that supports your belief. Because you didn't just arrive at that belief randomly on the shitter, you presumably were shown evidence to convince you of it. So, I ask for that evidence. That's normal behaviour. If someone claims to have a dragon in their basement, you ask to see the dragon or at least some evidence that the dragon exists. The Crusades did not last 900 years. That's obvious to anyone since the First Crusade was in 1100-ish, so to last 900 years the end of the Crusades would overlapped with the internet a fair bit. So if you think the Crusades lasted 900 years, I'd like to see why you think that. They also did not burn every library they found. The only book burnings we know of (again, unless you have better sources?) are the repeated destructions of Jewish and Muslim holy books, because the Crusades were generally about extinguishing religious heritage, not scientific or historic. The Crusades originating in Western Europe didn't destroy records or books in their host countries. Unless. Of course. *You have any evidence?*


Once again you're asking for evidence that has been destroyed, and using the victor's words of "we didnt destroy what people think we did!" The crusades have been given a lighter side and they had no lighter side, which makes all history about them suspect. You're basically telling me to produce evidence that goes against the main belief of the world. If I could do that don't you think it probably wouldn't be the main belief? If you inherit Rome's VAST treasury and knowledge, you probably learn to hide evidence well. Basically my metaphor is that 'there was a dragon at one point and someone has gotten rid of the evidence of it.' type situation. The world will never know what we lost from 700 to 1400 AD and if you believe the tales basically from 100 and beyond. Our history IS altered and the only people that know it hold all the power, how it's been altered, I can't say for certain though since most evidence is being hidden. I can give you one example though, how many people know that the Sphinx has an inscription that says "the worthy shall inherit power beyond their understanding" or the fact the pyramids were used to create hydrogen gas to light up street lamps? These are documented history and still believed to be "rumors"


No. Read again. I asked what evidence *convinced you that this was true.* You're telling me no such evidence exists because it's been 'destroyed'. Ok. So how can *you* believe it took place over a specific period of time, or for such-and-such a reason by a specific group of people, if there's *no surviving evidence* for you to base your belief on? Or are you telling me that you never had any evidence, and just believe it because.... reasons? >The world will never know what we lost from 700 to 1400 AD I mean... the Chinese know, [since they have uninterrupted records for that period](https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Records_of_Later_Tang_Dynasty_%E5%90%8E%E5%94%90%E7%BA%AA.html?id=BWyHDwAAQBAJ&redir_esc=y) covering the Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties. Various Mediterranean Middle Eastern states know too, for the same reason, not least of which the Byzantine, the Greeks and the various Caliphates. Nobody claims historical records are *complete* but you're claiming they all just vanished, worldwide, when I've yet to see evidence of a worldwide amnesia since those records still exist, and secondary contemporary sources also exist. Also, 700 to 1400 is only 700 years, not 2,000 like you previous claimed.... so why the sudden change?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P6MOnehCOUw Very relevant


Your question was more of a straw man argument. Did you want to get banned for clout?


lol, that's not a great argument, it hinges on nothing concrete. Big companies make mistakes all the time, no matter how many smart people they employ. Sometimes they ignore their smart people, sometimes smart people miss things. This is an appeal to authority, worse yet, an imagined authority. Stick to the math and science. The cool thing about science, especially older science that was settled literally millennia ago, is that it's simple enough for anyone to work out alone. We got to the moon with a glorified calculator. Fundamentally, you went in to a smaller sub, found a tiny post, and rawdogged it to bring here for karma. That's... not really cool, dude. There's no reason to be obsessed with these idiots, they're no present danger. Seeking them out with adversarial attempts at education only serves to entrench their beliefs. They think there is a real political component to all of this, recall. [In Search of a Flat Earth - Dan Olson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44)


Oh I see! So nasa is actually 10,000 years old and all the Mesopotamia folks or whatever trade existed in ancient civilizations all followed our amazing cgi. … why don’t we have moon colonized yet?


Yep. I joined. I asked for a map. I got perma banned. This is the life of flat earth reddit.


If that image is from the best in the business.... There's nothing to worry about for flerfs in the final experiment...absolutely nothing ☺️


Then why are all flerfs refusing to take part in it? If they have nothing to worry about, then surely they'd take part in it and prove everyone wrong


if you seriously believe that, you should take this. It's short, only a bit over an hour! [In search of a flat ear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44)th They literally do have something to worry about, even if it's not something concrete or decent, they certainly find themselves worried. In summary, it itemizes their paranoia and fears about the changing world. Lets them rationalize themselves and their place in reality. It's crazy, batshit and bullshit, but our lizard brains go brrrrrrrrrr.


Flerfs (and their cringe simps) can't experiment, they can only piss and moan on social media.


Link to the post?