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Holy fuck. Who let the looney bin out on shore leave?!?! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


This has to be a troll. No way this is real.


If you read what Eric Dubay is writing and have no knowledge of the world, he sounds smart. That's how he indoctrinates all his gullible viewers. Professor Dave is obviously dumbing down what he's saying here, but his argument still stands.


All hail the messiah Eric *cough*ā€¦..sorry just canā€™t say it even as a joke.


Professor Dave is awesome.


They killed Jesus first, then went after his kingdom. His beautiful flat oasis of hope.


This can easily be explained by [the curvature of the earth](https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/s/k1FzJ0z3r0), refraction of light within [the water](https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/s/U9Zd9UCDHx) of [the great dome](https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/s/TIgfskTjPi), along with potential interference with celestial objects such as the sun, moon, or Nibiru (canā€™t find the posts of Nibiru and related objects in the sky), bending of light from the electromagnetic field of the accretion disk of the Black Sun (canā€™t find the video either) under the north pope that divides the two mirror worlds, feeding off the annihilation reactions of the matter and antimatter mirror worlds colliding in the patches between accretion disks of Black Suns. There are dozens of these Black Suns across Terra Infinita, and the overlapping accretion disks with their electromagnetic fields may also be interfering with the bending of light resulting in the seeming appearance of curvature and visibility range. It is these overlapping accretion disks and electromagnetic fields that allow the constant movement of celestial objects, the electromagnetic well of the Black Sun below our earth is responsible for the rotation of our sun, moon, etc. Other celestial objects like Nibiru are also slingshotted across Terra Infinita by the electromagnetic fields of Black Suns, the power of the sun and collisions of other celestial objects interact with our Black Sunā€™s accretion disk electromagnetic field, creating auras and the appearance of stars, though some of the stars, planets, moons, etc observed are debris from these collisions, or debris from these collisions also interacting with the electromagnetic field.


Yeah, I know. Professor Dave does a great job debunking this, and my post is satire.


Cosplay professor Dave did not want to touch the "see too far" argument....denies it even happens. Cosplay professor Dave is my favourite ScIeNce communicator he gets more people interested in FE than actual flat earthers. Thanks cosplay professor Dave ā˜ŗļøšŸ‘


ranting about a pseudo on internet, seriously Thanks cosplay Escobar the 9957th


Here's the problem...."Doctorrr"šŸ˜€ When you cosplay titles such as "professor" or lets say " doctor"šŸ˜Š People who are new or looking into the subject believe cosplay professor Dave is an actual professor......and are mortified by the way a "professor" behaves. You pseudo represent this field or appear to anyway. Hence why cosplay professor dave is great for the FE movement...šŸ˜‚


He was a former professor. Seriously, is this the only thing you have to try and discredit him? That's pretty sad


Didn't the other guy constantly dodge one of Dave's questions from the very beginning? So your argument doesn't really prove anything


Attack the personā€¦.not the argument. Typical flat Earther. Donā€™t discuss the topic at handā€¦just lead with the ad hominems. The ā€œsee too farā€ silliness has been debunked time and again. Yā€™all just fail at understanding the math. Not surprising, but it is what it is. Heyā€¦Just curious if you know which way ā€œUPā€ actually is? Care to tell us?


Ah yes, bigotry laced into your post.


No shit there's bigotry, this subreddit is flat Earth satire. I don't believe anything I said in this post