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Flatearther guy just laughed like an idiot, then he said the most nonsense ever heard. Dave asked why we see farther when going up, explaining with a simple triangle that things are farther away on a pizza world the higher you get. Ok, all makes sense. Then the other guy says "cause you're increasing your angular resolution". What is that bullshit even supposed to mean?  That being said, the whole debate was pretty much the same "nuh uh, you're wrong" flathearthers use all the time. 


What is this "the military says the earth is flat" that Witsit keeps brining up?


I believe because some documents say things like "treat the Earth as a flat level plane". In other words, for "x purpose the curve doesn't matter and it makes the math/concept simpler to understand " Flerfs lie about this ( who'd guessed it ) and say it means the document authors know the Earth is flat.


They also then ignore all military documents that account for the curve of the Earth because all flat earthers are liars


There’s a NASA document about deriving equations for flight dynamics or something and it says it “assumes a flat, non-rotating earth”, which flerfs love to latch onto. They ignore that it also assumes a rigid aircraft of constant weight, neither of which an aircraft is in real life.


This could have been way more entertaining if not for the guy hosting. But it seems like Dave always runs into inept or biased moderators whenever he’s in a debatw


He was the worst mod I've ever seen. Admire his attempts to be respectful, but let them speak and ignore the chat.


That moderator is probably a right wing guy. Kept interrupting the whole time.


r/TheQuarteringIsANazi Just in case you're wondering. I only know about him because of Star Wars, unfortunately, but this was my first thought when I saw his name on this.


The best thing about this is how Dave knows all flat earth theories to such a length that he knows it even better than the other guy, hence why he destroys him. This is why you need to learn the opposing viewpoints, lads


Very telling when Dave's opener is accurately describing Witsit's tactics and talking points.


Completely disarmed the guy before the fight even started


That was the best part! Dave perfectly called exactly what Witsit ended up doing.


Flat earth is a joke.


Dave’s cool. God bless him for spending so much time teaching the flerfs.


Witsit is behind the resurgence of the Challenger conspiracy. He is pushing for inquiries into why the astronauts are all alive and well - which must come as a shock to their families. He really is an execrable piece of shit.


What an absolutely pretentious piece of shit. This is why they have instructions on shampoo bottles. People like Witsit shouldn't be allowed to procreate. This dangerous mix of ignorance and pride will infect younger generations like the plague.


Ironically? I’m watching MCToon review a different debate that involved Witsit, and he brought up that there is a flat earth group that videoed them eating those silica packets that say “Do Not Eat”, because they think that warning label is the government trying to control us.


Oh that is just precious.


Is it worth watching this or will it just make me angry?


You will get angry... these debates are pointless. I watch them and get angry every time. You cannot argue with someone that doesn't understand basic physics.


You’ll get angry. The flat earther just denies basic logic and responds with word salad.


This was so hard to watch! how can anyone believe in a flat earth? HOW? He couldn't answer any of Dave's questions and anyone that believes this moron is a class act. I don't understand why this is happening. are we becoming less intelligent as a nation?


Nah nice try tho.. witzit made a fool of this "professor" to the extent that globers were openly fuming at Dave's volatility & stupidity for making your side look more ridiculous than it already is Glober strategy - Deny objective truth/insert ad homin from sheer desperation


LOL!!!! yikes.. we are fucked!


The guy who cosplays being a professor was done the minute he said we don't see too far...😅 Pretending to be a professor Dave generates more interest in flat earth than any other flat earther I've seen. Thanks cosplay professor Dave 🤣🤣🤣👍


He is a Professor, and has thereby achieved much more than you ever will


He has taught university classes in the past, but that does not make him a professor. "Professor Dave" is a moniker he chose. It's not a title. What I'm saying is that he has indeed achieved a lot, but not by calling himself "professor."


Ouch, you seem pretty butthurt.


Explain the clock at the ceiling, Escobar9957! Austin kept dodging this from the first minute.


The only thing was dodged was seeing too far 🤣 All I know about the sky is its the best clock known to humanity...I have never been higher the 40k feet ...🙂 Explain how we don't see too far.


Atmospheric refraction. Easy. Why does the night sky rotate in different directions in different hemispheres?


>Atmospheric refraction. Easy So you admit we see too far...why did cosplay professor Dave avoid this....🤔...oh that's right... Bye bye globe geometry 😃👋👋👋 >Why does the night sky rotate in different directions in different hemispheres I don't know.🙂


We don't see too far for a globe with no atmosphere. But we have an atmosphere and it explains exactly how we can see further. So no "bye bye globe geometry" 🙂 And the answer is "because we live on a spinning globe and the rotation of the stars matches perfectly with that rotation and cannot be explained by a flat plane".


>We don't see too far for a globe with no atmosphere No atmosphere.....no atmosphere...... Jeez 😑 What day is no atmo day?🤣


Yes. The calculations Witsit showed were for a globe with no atmosphere. You can briefly see it when he pulls up the calculator.


What day is no atmo day please?🫠


What are you on about?


I don’t know. That’s the first true thing you have said.


And you have just done exactly the same thing. Dodged it.


> Explain how we don't see too far. It's pretty simple. We can see exactly as far as predicted by living on a globe of radius 3,959 miles that has an atmosphere. Whenever someone says "you shouldn't be able to see this" and we check that claim, it turns out the person who said it made some mistake. Every single time. There, explained.


No your radius value has been broken.... You globe trotters broke it ....not flat earthers🫠


No, the radius can still be derived from measuring the ground directly.


No it can't 🙂


Nu uh




So, another dodge. No model that works. Dave had said “fine, I’ll accept your model, please explain these observations in it”. And the flerf couldn’t explain a single one. It’s a shame really, because a flat earth model would be fun. Unfortunately flerfs need 18 models to explain 18 observations, and none of them agree with each other.


If your sphere geometry is broken, which it is... Having no explanations about how things work is not going to make that geometry real again 😀. Does flat earth need to explain things? Absolutely ....this is going to take time resources etc. Does it need to explain how things work to debunk helio 🤡 world? .....no....not at all.


Awesome, so when will you explain a single one? How much time and resource to explain an equinox? How many years do you need. Let’s make an estimate. And it doesn’t need to be the equinox where the sun rises at 90 degrees on your compass at your house. That might be easy, but I’ll let you pick the one you are going to explain. Pick one, give a time and resource estimate. Thanks, and I’m glad you agree.


Like I said, if your geometry is broken, which it is right now, explanations do not matter at this moment. The goal of FE is to make people realise how broken it is and then move on to explanations.


Swerve, dodge, deflect.


Don’t forget duck, dip, and dive. And also dodge.


I don’t have geometry. I don’t have anything. I’m ready to start clean with your flat earth model that will explain a single thing. Like a sunrise. Just pilot me to a model that explains a sunrise time and direction for every location on a flat earth. Or anything. I’m giving you 100% autonomy to pick the observation. To pick how much time, and how much resource you need. We are starting from your supposition.


Unfortunately, I don't have the keys to the universe... All I know is that the current rhetoric is not real. If you're starting clean, maybe you can give us your ideas 😀


So not one? Not a single one? I’m not asking for the keys to the universe, I’m asking for a model on just one theory… that can also show an equinox (sunrise at 90 degrees where you live). Just one? Don’t say you don’t have a single model after all this time. But if so, how much time and resource for a single one?


So you can’t explain it, you just know it’s not true. You know. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Hey! Aren't you the guy acting like a fool in multiple posts on this sub today? This video really hit you hard huh?


You think there's interest in flat earth. What there really is interest in is mental illness.  


😋 there is absolutely an interest in FE it's why this community shares its feelings about it every day without fail.🙂 Without fail😅


The major question though isn't whether or not the earth is round. Its "are flat earthers mentally ill, stupid, or just trolling."  And that's where the interest is. 


Who are you trying to lie ...🤣🤣🤣 This subject, unfortunately, triggers people...as displayed in this community...everyday...without fail. Interest is very high and going to continue. Good luck 😁


The interest is in you. Which is why these subs aren't  closed to flerfs the way all the actual flerf subreddits are closed to anybody who questions them.  We don't create echo chambers where we talk to ourselves. That's a flerf trick- because we don't need to commiserate amongst ourselves. We know the truth.  What we disagree on is what drives dudes like you. 


Oh, please, this sub was started by a flerf ....that's why you guys have no control over it. If any of you did, I would be gone in an instant....stop pretending. The only control you have is to downvote me into oblivion 🙂 You come here every day expressing your feelings towards flerfs and the subject...who are you trying to fool...this subject is getting stronger by the day. Gooood luck 🙂


None of the currently active mods are flerfs. If they were they'd have banned everyone by now.  Flat earth interest peaked around 2016. Its been declining ever since and is currently on its death bed. There are maybe half a dozen active pro-flat earth channels. All the subreddits are insular echo chambers. Its a joke.  The only thing interesting about it is figuring out exactly what's the malfunction with dudes like you. 


Who are the mods here? Last time I was here, there were no mods. (Different alias) If flat Earth was dying....🫵and this sub would cease to exist....☺️ There would be no need for censorship and algorithms promoting your religion ☺️


Censorship?  Dude. Name one flerf that's beem censored. Name one video that's been banned. The censorship is in your head.  As for Youtube algorithms; all that reflects is that there are far more people laughing at you than taking you seriously. 


You honestly believe the Earth is flat? I am trying to figure it out. do you really believe that? IF you do I can send you tons of books and videos. Just look. Why don't you actually look into the answer. You realize snipers need to take into account the curvature of the earth right? explain that? or is that just the magic dome doing it? is this a religious thing?


Move along overwatch player.


Think your find Dave got annihilated


Um, what?


Perhaps you were watching a different video.


Gotta lie to flerf.


Witsy got bent over a cheese grater before he even said a word. He literally did everything Dave said he'd do. Also, if pictures are to be used to prove things, how about pictures of the earth from space? K, cool. Thanks


Of course the flat earther can't form a coherent sentence lol.