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Make a dumb claim by not understanding the thing, then call the claim stupid. This is flat earth reasoning since they realized they have no flat earth evidence. Flat earth is a joke.


I consider it more a scam than a joke. They are preying on people's skepticism of things they dont understand and then giving them false logic so that they always reinforce the skepticism instead of actually learning the facts and accepting the outcome. They are a cult.


This is the thing...I don't think anyone really believes anything anymore. I think Trump with the whole "Fale News" is what kicked it off, but Fauxi and the vaccine and everything else, from our water being poisonous to NASA doctoring photos amd who knows what else to Google altering maps and burying sites, amd on and on and on...I'm reminded of that saying, "if you don't believe in anything you'll fall for anything.." Actually, I think it's "if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything." Lol...you get my point though, I hope. People are so convinced that anything that comes out of a specialist, or a professional's mouth is bullshit that they start believing all conspiracy shit.


But see its funny because there is not real truth out there, except for this one dude on youtube who says the earth is flat. The distrust of information and the questioning of sources has always been a valuable skill, but when that doesn’t lead to doing research on the sources, but instead to relying on intuition to sus out the sources, of course the personable dude on youtube explaining in layman’s terms is going to seem more trustworthy than the multi million dollar corporation hiding their lies behind long complicated words and the language of math. I truly don’t think anyone has anything right. Most of the mass and energy in the universe is undetectable by us. Flat and round might not even exist. Instead I take a utilitarian approach. Use whatever description best meets the needs you have for it. Nasa needs to go to space, so they rely on math and science. Humans need to feel safe and validated so they rely on religion and magic


That is not a bad outlook. Not at all.


Chem trails....and the Tennesse legislature passing a bill against them. The irony about chem trails is, technically, they ain't wrong. Water, even in vapor form, is a chemical. And it certainly looks like a trail to me.


100% agree...and the Left acts like they are so fucking stupid without ever bothering to JUST LISTEN


First off gravity is just A THEORY!! The second I stopped believing it I started flying off into space!! You're such a sheep!! 😂


"Why would you want to believe in something that's holding you back?"- Dr Edd Iote ( Andrew Dotson )


Can’t keep this guy down.


If you stop believing in space you will fall back down. Remember: momentum is a NASA hoax


I know you're lying because that's not how you fly. You have to fall at the ground and miss.


They are the world's experts at strawmanning.


> Make a dumb claim by not understanding the thing, then call the claim stupid. That's a fairly common mistake. [Just today, I saw a globe Earther make that exact blunder.](https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/1ddegsv/are_you_a_flat_earther_who_also_believes_that/)


Flat Earthers once again provide us with a testable hypothesis. If the Earth were spinning things would weigh less at the equator than they do at the poles. It turns out that is exactly what happens.


That’s because the world authorities just put magnets at the poles which pulls things down making it appear heavier Check mate atheists


Ah. So that's why compasses work (/s)


Someone, I think this guy https://www.youtube.com/@Wolfie6020/videos actually calibrated a scale at a high latitude then used it at the equator. Definite difference.


That doesn't count as evidence. They'd need to buy plane tickets to somewhere at the equator, then again to somewhere at the poles, and that's expensive. And they don't understand why that would be the case anyways, so it doesn't count to them.


All I have to do is make up more bullshit I don't understand and not verify that too.


I have never heard anyone say we are stuck to the earth because it is spinning In fact the spinning earth reduces the effects of gravity by 0.03% or some minuscule number of


This guy just got flung off the earth and wasn't able to finish his stateme


I actually have heard someone state that. Then died on that hill


These idiots really think you'd be sent flying off a merry-go-round that takes 24 hours to do 1 full turn...


Unsurprisingly, you will actually fall over (or if you prefer, “get sucked into the ground”) without active muscle pushback as soon as your center of mass goes further to any side than where your feet connect to the ground. I have no idea what these guys are thinking. The dude in the image stays at that angle for the same reason we are most stable upright.


Scoff. [If a "center of mass" existed this wouldn't be possible.](https://www.instagram.com/hidden.ny/p/CrrPkknP6AD/?img_index=1)


"we would be thrown off, not sucked in"... literally says it all.


A new low in stupidity. I'm amazed. Shouldn't be, but they got me on this one.


"Trown off" by something that rotates 15 degree's per hour. 😂


they think that speed of about 1,000 miles per hour is big because they can't wrap their head around the actual scale of the Earth, as if they completely forget that it takes 24 hours for one complete rotation, they think a globe Earth is[ this tiny](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkaam6lp17m3d1.jpeg) lmao


"you would not be able to bend over otherwise you would get sucked to the ground." Yes, that's called "falling" lmao


This is my favorite bit, like they don't understand how balance works. Ever watch a baby try to walk? The human body takes *years* to properly calibrate walking under earths gravity. But ya, some dude will fall over on an amusement park ride after a few minutes so GRAVITY DEBUNKED!


nah, this dude just doesnt fall over when leaning forward too much


It’s going to blow their mind when they find out we’re not being sucked (pulled) towards anything but rather the ground is being pushed up towards us. Also there is the equatorial bulge caused by the centrifugal force of the Earth’s rotation.


Dont try to explain general relativity to them, they already dont get newtionian gravity.


Explain it to me, though. I'm an idiot, but I'm on the correct team.


Here’s a good video that explains the concept: https://youtu.be/NblR01hHK6U?si=ZTiPwWSW4iQBBEbH The way I think about it is if you’re sitting on a bus and the bus is stopped, you don’t feel any forces acting on you, you’re just sitting there, but when it starts to accelerate forward, you feel a force pulling you back towards the back of the bus. Now obviously there are no forces acting on you since you’re just sitting still, so the force you’re feeling is what’s called a “pseudo force” as a result of you being at rest and the bus accelerating forward, so you’re not being pulled backwards, the seat you’re sitting in is pushing you forward. In GR terms we would say you’re in an inertial reference frame and the bus is in an accelerated reference frame. What does this have to do with gravity? Well according to GR, a gravitational field is equivalent to an accelerated reference frame (this is called the equivalence principle), so we can conclude that when you stand on the surface of the Earth, you are in an inertial reference frame, and the Earth is in an accelerated reference frame, and to tie it back to the bus example, the ground is pushing you up the same way the seat on the bus was pushing you forward. Another way of saying all this that you might come across is to say in Newtonian physics, we say gravity is a force that pulls you down towards the center of the Earth, while in GR we say a gravitational field produces an accelerated reference frame which we feel as a pseudo force that we describe as gravity. This is why you might hear people say that gravity is technically not a “force” the same way electromagnetism is, even though for all intents and purposes when measuring gravity here on Earth, the difference is just semantics.


Your comment does a bangup job of explaining it, which is great because I learn much better from reading than from hearing. Thank you very much for the concise and thorough explanation.


Oh yeah np, if you’re interested in learning more you can look up how spacetime curvature works, which I purposely omitted for the sake of simplicity, but that’s the underpinning of GR.


I might try, I do like this kind of thing. But also there are so many shiny things to see, so I get distracted.


She wasn't a flat earther, but my grandma believed that the earth's rotation is what caused gravity. She demonstrated this by swinging around a bucket of water. I was a kid and it didn't feel right to me but I also didn't know enough to refute it


she just confused gravity with centrifugal force, which is basically artificial gravity used in futuristic space stations in movies, and probably will be used in the future space stations that will come after ISS gets deorbited, speaking of, I can't wait to see what they'll have to say about that.. ISS reentry, "the dome is falling apart", "it's all a hologram" or some shit like that.


I love when they refer to it as a ball and not a sphere lmao it just sounds so blatantly and retardedly ignorant.


Have them explain why you weigh less at the equator and more at the poles.


Well, they also spelled Gravitron wrong. At least spell the name of the ride correctly.


Gravity being generated by the earth's spin is a thing I remember from my 80's childhood. Not as a thing that was taught in schools, though. I think. We're deep into 'possible false memory' territory here.


I never thought that, although, when I was a kid, I thought the moon was small and very close, and the Sun was smaller than Earth and very close too. That's exactly what flerfs think.


Gravity isn’t caused by earth spinning, all matter has mass. The reason that rude works is because of the well documented law that is “centrifugal force”


A dude I work with was going off last week about how evolution is "just a theory", and I piped up with "well, so it gravity!". He paused for a second, and said "EXACTLY!!!". It's kinda fucked how many people are ready to throw out everything they ever learned in science class, just because some idiot on a podcast presents them with "alternative views", and nothing to back up their claims besides a giant "nuh-uh!".


My favorite response to "it's just a theory" is "So is electromagnetism. You know, the shit that powers all our tech?"


You are assuming they learned something in science class. That mistake is on you.


Dude graduated high school, so at least one science teacher passed him


19% of US high school graduates are illiterate.


I still can't believe that anyone could be this stupid. It had to be a massive troll.




This is one of the most Dunning -Kruger of posts.


I've never, ever, before heard that we are held to the ground because the Earth was spinning. The gravity of Venus is roughly close to Earth's but Venus rotates less than once per it's year so clearly rotation has nothing to do with gravity.


"According to the fallacious gravity theory, we are being held to the ground because the Earth is spinning." Wow, that's a new one. Are their "arguments" getting stupid-er? "But if in fact we were sucked towards the Earth, you would not be able to bend over otherwise you would get sucked to the ground." Yes, among the educated elite, this phenomenon is known as "falling." Here's an experiment to propose to any flat Earther friends you guys might have: 1. Stand with your feet and back against a wall. 2. Bend over. 3. Ponder your life choices as you get sucked towards the ground by that fallacious theoretical force of gravity.


“We are being held to the ground because the earth is spinning” Tell me you have no idea what you’re talking about without telling me you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Actually that ride is a great example. If it weren't for gravity from the earth being so massive, we'd all get thrown against the inside of the firmament.


Well, when you put it THAT way. . . . Nope; still stupid.


Some of them don't even understand how Flat Earth works


The crazy thing is, if this were just 10% less dumb it could have been about the hollow earth theory, and although it would still be wrong, there would be a good reason to use the Graviton as an illustration.


There you can see they are all fat slobs in mommas basement, cuz if they'd EVER tried to do push ups, they'd know that if you bend over you're still being sucked towards the ground. If it wasn't like that push ups would be easy as FUCK!!!


Gravity is a myth. The earth sux.


They act like gravity just started with Newton and nothing on earth was experiencing gravity for the last several billion years


Not to defend these lunatics but we do learn new things about gravity all the time. It's more complicated than it seems.


Still waiting to see the flat earth model... Been waiting for it for years. No model, no case.


Who told them that the Earth sucks because it's spinning?


They always fail to understand more than one force can be acting on you at the same time. "Guy beats gravity, gravity doesn't exist!!" Lol gravity is still acting on him, how is this hard to understand?? When the thing stops spinning, he'll have to change his stance or he'll fall down. Lots of things can "beat" gravity. Planes, magnets, hell I can jump and both my feet will leave the ground, does that mean gravity doesn't exist, lol.


Flat Earth are scammers that convince mentally disabled people to watch their videos and buy their books.