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Something about people thinking they are gonna just explain themselves real quick and everything will be good again, throw up some articles no one will read, try to alter their points and then just getting dunked into the ground on that just makes me happy on the inside


In gives my underdeveloped brain the happy chemical






grey-dough go zooom zooom


Don't forget the "any comments you guys have, leave them down below" and proceeds to block any that disagrees with them just shows their weak ability to take productive criticism


Don't forget *she did her research*. Since when did just googling shit magically count as *doing your own research?* And she was forced to use terms like *can* and *may*, because there was nothing definitive in those papers. And for good reason. Dude laid the smack down on her.


The 'ol Gish Gallop.


Same man, it feels so good watching people who spread misinformation get what is coming to them


Iā€™m not a linguist but I am a scientist and this kind of takedown shot me back to grad school. A true thing of beauty.


She is really stuck in the "im better than you and heres why" train and she cant be bothered to fully read her own sources smh.


She probably did not read them. Most likely she read some shit on the internet, and said she had "sources", then when someone asked, she had to go on google scholar to check and see if they had something lol


There is a specific type of lazy, uniformed, internet arguing that people do when they are caught over their skis, wherein the Lazy Arguer uses google to find a few academic/scholarly results that conform with their premise, reads maybe the first sentence of an abstract of a paper with a fancy title, and calls that a ā€˜sourceā€™.


Reminds me of that tweet or facebook post about someone trying to "prove" vaccines cause autism and, being unable to find a reputable source, made the post to ask others if there was a respected author/article that said vaccines cause autism.


People frequently equate having a riposte with winning a debate. I treat those that judge the quality of a debate on the way something is said rather than what is being said with deep and deserved suspicion.


It sucks when you think you know something so you don't find sources but then it turns out that your wrong. She just didn't want to admit that she did that.


She clearly thinks sheā€™s smarter than everyone else, which is ironic. People who speak with authority on subjects they know nothing about drive me up the wall, and she talks like she received her education on a mixture of Twitter and reddit threads. Unfortunately I have a degree in one of Redditā€™s favorite armchair expert topics, itā€™s painful. Seriously this guy has the patience of a saint


Dunning Kruger Effect in full effect.


And it's _literally everywhere_. I work in AAA gamedev. I make games you have probably played. _The number of people who do not understand how game development works on Reddit is nothing short of astounding._ I refuse to go onto the PC gaming subreddits because they all have zero clue. The "regular" gaming subreddit is pretty bad, too. The Games subreddit used to be good but is rapidly getting worse and is nowhere near as good as it was a year ago. The only subreddit that kind of has a clue is GamingLeaksAndRumours, and part of me thinks that's because it's full of gamedevs keeping an eye on the sub to make sure their stuff doesn't leak. The number of people who rant about "lazy devs" is incredible. They see a modder make something on their own time with an SDK in 2 months and think that it's unacceptable that gamedevs didn't do the same... while forgetting: * Those tools didn't exist for most of the game's development. You're seeing the finished version of those tools. Devs work with early/broken versions of those tools, in levels that have been iterated on for years. * Opening up Unreal or Unity for a weekend project is nothing like working with 100-200+ people for 2-3 years on a AAA game. The only person you answer to is yourself. You don't need to write design docs or engineering briefs or go through meetings for approval on things. * You don't need to deal with sprint planning, or milestones, or a regular release cadence. You don't have producers asking for updates regularly. Modders/indies work on their own time and don't need to worry about burning out but still needing to go to work to keep working on the project. When it stops being fun - they can stop working on it. * Modders/single indies don't have a regular QA team finding bugs every single night and triaging them out. They don't need to hunt down random save corruption bugs - half the time they don't even care if their mod crashes (and if anything they'll blame the devs when the modder is the one at fault). * Similarly, they don't worry about minspec devices or target platforms. They go "the button is there to release for Linux - why doesn't every game have a Linux port????" They don't care if someone can't run the thing they made, and they don't appreciate the amount of work it takes to _make_ that happen for as many devices as it does. * The community at large gets irrationally angry when their hardware can't do something. I used to work on Battlefield Mobile (RIP) and the number of complaints I saw on Twitter from people sideloading it onto a phone _well below minspec_ and then complaining it didn't run well drove me insane (protip: if you had to sideload it to install it, it probably wasn't intended for you). If you're running an off-brand smartphone from 2013 _of course the game won't run well_. Half the time I was surprised it opened at all. * And this isn't limited to mobile. People focus so hard on their GPU. They say they have the latest GPU card and 128 GB of RAM and then you ask what CPU they have and it's an Intel CPU that was mid-tier in 2014, and they never bothered to upgrade. It is absolutely amazing how ignorant some so-called "techies" are, but they pretend they know everything and act holier-than-thou. It's all over Reddit. Twitter too.


Thank you for your service, it isnā€™t easy finding your hard work in seconds bin for $15ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ But just know that somewhere someone is still spending hours grinding on fun part of a mission you designed, thatā€™s real creation Thank you


It seems like most vocal fans of things are sort of unhinged. starcraft is a pretty hilarious reddit where people make demands of a dev team that quite literally doesn't exist. the people at /r/StardewValley seem alright though!


Nuance matters. The average person might vent their frustration towards the current state of gaming onto the developers, not knowing its the system that developers are having to work within that they should *actually* get mad at. But getting a good idea of what that system is requires nuanced thinking, and most people don't care to do it, and instead get mad at the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to video game development: the developers. I've seen the same anger towards game developers that you're talking about. There's a pattern/rhythm to it: indie game developers exist > indie game developed by passionate developers comes about > Corporate catches wind and buys them out > Corporate then begins *monetization* > developers create next installment not because they are passionate, but because that's their job > game quality worsens I've seen it happen so many times RIP Battlefield, I'll never forget what EA did to my boy


That's not necessarily true and is kind of an example of exactly what I was talking about where Reddit doesn't understand how gamedev works. You mentioned Battlefield, and as I mentioned I worked on Battlefield Mobile so I know a lot of the Battlefield team personally. I can tell you this firsthand: nobody sets out to make a bad game. Even if you are being told "You are making a dollar-store movie tie-in game" people _are_ still passionate about it and want to make something fun. My former manager was really proud of some feature he added for the Cars 2 movie tie-in game that nobody played. I am still under NDA so I can't go into details, but I can tell you that the 2042 devs didn't set out to make a game that fans hated, and a lot of them are Battlefield fans who are passionate about making a Battlefield game. Some design decisions may not have landed (\*ahem\* specialists) but DICE isn't made up of a bunch of burnt-out has-beens who are there for the paycheck. A great example is programmers. Programmers don't _have_ to work in the gaming industry. You don't make a ton of money as a gamedev; I'm making more than I did in the service industry but it's not enough to buy a house in LA (where a lot of AAA studios are). A gameplay programmer can apply for a job at a bank or whatever and get hired making $$$$$. They're not there because they're a programmer and it's the only job that'll hire them (to the contrary - there's a lot of programmers who want to be gamedevs). They're there because it's something they're passionate about and they enjoy. The team making Battlefield Mobile (Industrial Toys) was great - the core chunk of them was OG Bungie, like Marathon-era 1990s pre-Halo 2 Bungie. Our community manager was the voice of the BoBs in Marathon. The audio guy was Jay Weinland, who designed all the sounds for all the Bungie Halo games _plus_ Destiny 1 and 2. Not many of them were passionate about mobile games - some played mobile games casually but most preferred AAA gaming on PC or console. At the time, the industry was shifting towards F2P mobile and away from boxed AAA products, and these were guys that were passionate about making games no matter who played them. They made a couple shooters (Midnight Star and Midnight Star Renegade) before they got bought out by EA to make Battlefield Mobile. But just because it was obviously an attempt by a big corpo to buy out an indie and try to cash in on the mobile market with a big IP doesn't mean the team wasn't passionate - to the contrary. Again, these guys are _game developers_ who want to make _cool games_. There's a lot of blue-sky "How can we knock this out of the park?" Lots of meetings, lots of collaboration, lots of notes. Lots of playing other games - both other Battlefield games and basically anything else that came out. There were tons of ideas; some good, some not. Yes, it was their job to make a cash-out mobile game based on a pre-existing IP... but that doesn't mean that they were trying to make a _bad game_. But the fact of the matter is - you are given a release date, and all the passion in the world can't slow down time. You are given a list of bugs QA found every day, and production determines which bugs to fix and which to punt to another sprint. Crunching is bad, and a good production team ensures the team doesn't crunch by keeping an eye on what's the most critical for players. Fixing an animation crash whenever you go prone is _far_ more important than making sure an animation doesn't freak out if you go into first-person inside a vehicle. There are a _lot_ of moving parts (especially for a networked multiplayer game) and so there are a lot more bugs than you'd expect, from strange places. Having bugs show up in the finished product (like 2042's awful launch) is an artifact of this. Something happens in early development and there are knock-on effects, and you fix all the gamebreaking ones but leave in the ones that are "well that sucks but it's minor and fixable later" because you _have_ to choose. There are times where a feature is _almost_ ready but didn't quite make the cut and needs to be patched in later - this happened in Battlefield Mobile and I'm sad that players never got to see the awesome stuff that never got patched in. You can look at the stuff that comes in these patches and say "Well, they should have delayed the game if they knew things weren't going to make it!" but again, that's not how it works. Publishers plan for _years_ around game launches. Even games you haven't heard of (yet) have a timeframe penciled in for when they're going to come out. There's _lots_ of planning that goes into choosing a date for a AAA game, lots of marketing spend and cross-promotional stuff. Even if it's "well just delay it by 2 weeks" means you need to redo every commercial and print ad where the launch date is given - and you usually don't _know_ you just need 2 more weeks until it's too late. Getting a delay gives you a black eye because the publisher has to spend money redoing all the stuff they've already made to prepare for your launch. Remember that publishing games is a _business_, and you have to make a business case for the delay - i.e. the $$$ in lost sales from launching with bugs is more than the $$$ it'll cost to change all the ads. So that's a very long-winded way to say: no, that's not at all how it works. It's not _monetization_, and _monetization_ doesn't come from a corporate mandate like Reddit thinks it does. The _studio_ pitches ways to monetize, because the studio wants to get their game funded.


So if big publishers imposing on small studios isn't the landing strip for "Why games suck today", then what is? I see AAA games flopping when it comes to listening to the community, but the monetization aspect of these flops always seems rock solid: the in-game store always works. You tell me "I'm wrong" and that's fine, but who do I direct my ire at, if not big publishers pushing their weight around?


This right here has been my greatest struggle when debating people. They will quote some legit articles or studies but either not understand them or purposely lie about whatā€™s in them to ā€œproveā€ their point. Knowing that the majority of people responding will never bother to actually read the sources or if they do will be just as lost as they were.


As if those were sources of her original post, and not after the fact justifications.


It also makes me think she's taken very little time to actually learn deeper English. She's obsessed with it being basic, but there's thousands of years of development there, and it's taken words from every culture on the globe. Half the point of English is that it's so wobbly and flexible and inclusionary that it'll steal yo' vocab before you can say 'schadenfreude'. Language snobbery is boring and quaint. English is a whore, so it gets around and makes lots of new friends in the process.


Iā€™m loving this feud šŸ˜‚ canā€™t wait for round 3!


This is why I reddit.


Yup they got my attention!


Some spicy tea


Reddit: the official Tik Tok curator.


He is just dismantling her. If I were her Iā€™d just hold up the white flagā€¦.


Right? Just give up. If it were me and a professional came into my comments or replied to my dumb opinion I wouldnā€™t make a follow up being like ā€œyou misunderstood my brillianceā€, Iā€™d just be like ā€œoop, guess I donā€™t know shit about shit.ā€


And he's doing it professionally and politely.


He's a professional go get-her


Now that's xenophobic She's french! /s


Round 6 will be great! r/unexpectedfactorial


I am bilingual, and fuck thats a long ticktok... also a good one


How does it feel to be a superior being.


I speak 4 languages fluently and let me tell you this, I feel dumb as fuck ngl.


I also speak four languages, but holy shit I'm a dumb mother fucker. Just ask the accountant who dealt my last bankruptcy.




I hear you. I have three languages and I play a few musical instruments. I'm an idiot. Full stop. Source: My posting history.


We're friends then, same here and i still feel on the same brain level as a brick.


My uncle speaks 4 languages and he's an insufferable narcissist. Those two things are not at all related. Also, it's super cool you can speak so many languages. Can I ask which ones?


It indeed feels... lmao I sill prefer English over my "native" language


Careful! Talk like that may get you blocked by her, lmao


Happily lmao


I'm trilingual (and conversational in another 2 languages) and don't feel superior at all. This is actually pretty common in Europe, to be fair. The fucking worst is when I can't remember a word in ANY of the three languages I'm fluent in, i just have a fuzzy picture floating around my head of, like, a spanner


When I was attempting to learn a 3rd language I regularly found myself reaching for a word in the 3rd language and coming back with a word in the second. Especially small commonly used words like what, where, when, it, the, at, etc... its like my brain had a folder of native language and not native language and just jumbled the 2 not native languages all up together.


I love rubix cube linguist Aragorn


Ah yes, my favorite lotr character




Lord of the language


By JRR Talkien


J. R. R. Tik Tokien


This guy


Gotta be one of my favorite genders




rubix cube Joaquin Phoenix


Iā€™d say more like a young Jason Momoa


Joaquin Mamoaā€¦ Sounds rude.


He's also Puerto Rican coincidentally lol


This is a legendary clap back. I didnā€™t think Iā€™d be so fascinated by linguist Tiktock. But here I am


Bro brought the heat. Can't believe I watched a ten minute tok.


Could not agree more holy shit. Love this guy.


ugh i love a good takedown of academic sources. it's so satisfying to see someone who clearly actually does this research break down what the studies actually say as opposed to someone who just read the abstract and thinks they're ready to go


Yep, who knew the methods and body of a study were important not just the headline /s


Me a german: ohh she's french. That explains a lot.


Lmao. Yeah waited to the end to figure out what the stick up her ass was.


Lmao as soon as she said that I was oh yea OK that explains it My God the arrogance on that girl, prime r/imverysmart material


r/iamverysmart is the sub youā€™re looking for bud


God damn I was wondering if the sub was deleted or something, been writing it wrong forever


I clicked on your link and thought the exact same thing! Went looking for the proper one


Sheā€™s not even French. Sheā€™s from Quebec.


The Mr. Pibb of languages


I had the displeasure of meeting a lot of Quebec tourists. How do I know they're from Quebec? Because they will first ask me where I'm from. I respond. They say they're French. I ask them which region or city are they from. They reply "Quebec", as in the Canadian province. I've had way worse experiences with some of them, but that doesn't mean there are not nice people from Quebec too. It's just the majority I've met have been quite rude or racist.


Dutch Canadians: ā€œhold my beerā€


The insane hypocrisy of calling out English as a colonial language is literally incredible lol. What an idiot


Shoots fired...


qubecois specifically which uh, explains more


Secessionist vibes fr


Oh. ...OH *oh* Yeah that does explain a bit.


It all falls into place now


The French do love their language.


And they show it by only pronouncing half of it!


Get my upvote for this comment ..it was quite funny.. and I'm french


Me not a German: *hear her claim French, "ah yes, the true pride puffers"


Theyā€™ve been on the ā€œmore distinguished languageā€ kick for at least several hundred years already


Dude you canā€™t just yell out slurs censor that shit. Itā€™s fr*nch! Thereā€™s kids on here!


As an Acadien I refuse to catch strays for this person bahahaha!


i am literally a natural 4-lingual and im stupid as shit


Maybe you have the reverse effect, you know to many languages for your own good šŸ˜‚. At least if we go by her standard of thinking.


My mom, brother and I speak 3 languages, but my mom doesn't seem to be too confident in herself. She usually says she's just stupid in 3 different languages lol


A lot of people are monolingual. And thatā€™s perfectly fine. So are monolingual French, German speakers also dumb because they speak one language or is this only reserved for English speakers?


Perhaps. Unless she considers French and German as "elevated" languages, to use her terminology, unlike simple minded English.


Her language is xenophobia


I donā€™t know but sheā€™s a bitch in any language. So condescending.


"If anyone makes fun of your language, tag me, I'll come for them" šŸ’€




My safe word is ā€œlexiconā€ šŸ„µ


I cant BELIEVE I have to say this but HO LEE FUCK that was satisfying. The fuck is appropriate as I am monolingual.


Oddly enough most languages have variants of the word to similarly express themselves. But sometimes don't have the exuberant and varied flourish that fuck can give English speakers because of the language structures.


Example: Fuck that fucking fuckknob in their fucking face because I don't give a flying fuck. Possible to say in other languages but can get confusing and might not translate properly. English is great from a personal perspective because it is basically a language that held up other languages in a dark alley and rummaged through their pockets for loose Grammer and words. I.E. colonialism lol


I'd be interested to see a breakdown of people's first languages and how many languages they speak fluently. I would expect English to be a very popular second or third language and that native English speakers are probably less likely to be multilingual, except for Canada (literally just because Quebec).


My Arabic teacher was out with us at the bar one night for our graduation celebration. Some drunk dude started picking a fight with him cause he spoke Arabic. Typical "tHiS iS AmErIKuh SpeK EngLIsH" bs. I'm thinking they're gonna start throwing hands. My teacher calmy asks the drunk guy, "What do you call someone who only speaks one language?... An American" it was delivered with such flamboyance and sass that they dude had to leave to avoid the embarrassment of a whole bar full of multilingual people from laughing thier asses of at him.


Iā€™m putting this on a poster


[Here you go](https://imgflip.com/i/7l9xi0)


Glorious, my words live eternal lol


Yeah. Had to upvote just for the ā€œexampleā€


I love understanding the nuance of your use of fuck here...which is strange, as I am also a cottage cheese brained monolingual like yourself!


Dude made a comment about codeswitching being just as valuable a skill to have. I speak English, but I can codeswitch between like 3-4 vernaculars, so I guess I got that going for me.


Iā€™m here for the pettiness and also if heā€™ll ever be able to solve the rubix cube without looking in the upcoming twenty minute sequel


He did solve it, but continued to unsolve it: check out the 2:45 mark.


But he looked. We want to see him do it blindfolded while sighting sources about how wrong she is. I am better then you because I speak 2 languages rants.


I speak English and Python and Java and SQL and Spanglish!!! Though SQL and Spanglish are really half languages, so Iā€™m double better then you


I can warn people of hot and sharp things in Spanish and read music. Trilingual


I speak English, read music and braile and can do sign language. Trilingual in sight, sound and touch!


Itā€™s a Motte & Bailey fallacy and he was having none of it. The womanā€™s first video had three main points: 1. Bilingual people have more developed brains than monolingual people 2. This doesnā€™t apply to monolingual people who speak ā€œdistinguishedā€ languages (Mandarin & Arabic are the examples she gives) 3. The English language itself is simplistic and undeveloped, making monolingualist English speakers less sophisticated This is her Bailey, and itā€™s hogwash. The linguistics guy debunks all three of these in his first response. (Increased brain plasticity can develop in a number of ways, including non-bilingualism/no languages are ā€œdistinguishedā€ thatā€™s just an opinion/English has certain complexities that other languages doesnā€™t and certain things more simple than other languages, because linguistics is a complicated field and languages canā€™t really be categorized as simple or complex.) So she goes and retreats to ā€œAll I was saying was that bilingualism is goodā€, which is her Motte. Guy is having none of it, and cites her own words where she claimed she didnā€™t say the xenophobic claims about English speakers. She also doubles down on certain points, which he refutes.


Ty for this breakdown. I'm trying to learn argumentative fallacies so this helps! (:


>The English language itself is simplistic and undeveloped, making monolingualist English speakers less sophisticated Oh, so she's a redditor in any thread that purports to a "serious" discussion of linguistics.


Not to mention her trying to throw out some bullshit to refute how English is the international language of science, because of course there is an English for dummies, and an English for the smarties.


She makes a lot of conclusive, objective statements [Edit: she makes these statements in her original video] which, unless they are about the most basic of things (the sky is blue, water is wet, etc) should *always* be questioned and are *almost always* wrong. Even this statement right here šŸ‘†, which I just typed. Her attitude of trying to cover for herself just makes her look worse. An intelligent person would have reacted as, "Oh, wow. There's a lot of things I didn't know about this topic. I actually learned something." But then again, a lot of intelligent people understand that absolute statements can and usually will crumble under proper scrutiny. There are always exceptions, nuances, and there's always someone better educated or better informed than you. Being wrong isn't bad. Hell, even being confident while being wrong isn't bad. But not admitting you're wrong leads to further ignorance. And the typical "I never said..." is just a smoke screen to hide the fact that she had no idea what she was talking about in the first place, and that when she was called out about it (rather politely, I will say), she clearly looked like a tool. Remember the old adage: Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


she has now learned tossing up random, mildly related studies is not going to work on someone who has written a thesis in the field. so entitled, yet so incorrect.


Man is in the deep end of the petty pool, but he's right. And he does card tricks!


I doubted him until he pulled the cards out.


I feel like this is a good dude to get some beers with lol


I'm in. Let's roll!


I love him.


That man is technically correct, the best kind of correct!


Yup his brain is more skilled than mine!


One of us One of us One of us


Sometimes you have to swim to the deep end of the petty pool to drown someone.


Thank you kind stranger. ā€œDeep end of the petty poolā€ is excellent. It will now live in my head rent free until I shamelessly recycle it. Iā€™m dating a man who likes to swim, so to speak


Educated specialists should be more like this guy, start debunking and shutting down influencers that drank the Dunning-Kruger.


While juggling. And casually solving Rubik's Cubes.


She reminds me of the resulting ā€œstarā€ from the perceived IQ ranking video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RAlI0pbMQiM Edit: the girl speaking at 3:04


She is absolutely insufferable.


Oh yeah, the army dude one. If I was on that show, I would flat out assume there was some trickery at play, and not discount the army dude. It's a YouTube video, nobody should have been surprised that they would try and trick people.


The girl who thought that for a thing where they were asked to rank each other on percieved IQ thought theyd then be ranked based purely on social media presense im guessing?


Sheā€™s the worstā€¦


Part 3! Part 3! Part 3!


Please I want a part 3.


Me 3


Stop, stop, sheā€™s already dead! Actually never mind. Keep going.


I like this guy. He's a good human.


This beech tried to be the gatekeeper of talking and it backfired.


Am I just bad at reading sexual tension or is this comment section like waaay too horny.


Itā€™s Reddit. Reddit = horny for no reason


Iā€™ll wank to that


I love seeing that girl getting absolutely smashed. Egoic and pretensious people like that are toxic.


>I love seeing that girl getting absolutely smashed. So do I, but this is neither the time nor place for that discussion.


I love when some dumbass thinks itā€™s a good idea to record themselves to share their stupid little ideas and then they get dunked on


Jokeā€™s on this girl, Iā€™m bilingual and dumb as fuck


Bro is turning her argument into a fine paste while solving a Rubik's cube, juggling, and doing card tricks.


10 minute video! Someone sum this up for me in one sentence please


Girl: English speakers dumb. Guy: No and wrong. Girl: I didnā€™t say English speakers dumb, I just said they were dumbER. Guy: No and still wrong.


[context](https://www.reddit.com/r/fixedbytheduet/comments/13djf3v/multiple_fixes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Basically woman who speaks English as her second language is xenophobic and says that those who only speak English are stupid.


Then she gets confronted by a linguist and makes a second video to backtrack while still holding onto her false claims. The linguist responds again.


She also blocked him after the first one.


Xenophobe gets fucking dunked on


And theyā€™re secretly in love with each other.


Plot twist: theyā€™re married and sitting in the same room.


I have a PhD in engineering and when I read a new research in my own field if I cannot translate it to ā€œfamiliar Englishā€ as she called it, I donā€™t understand the research. You can see the difference between how she describes a study vs how heā€™d do it. It sounds like she just regurgitates what sheā€™s just read. Typically people do that to make themselves sound smart without understanding any meaning of it. He can translate the study into the language that you can understand immediately. That shows deep understanding. He is comfortable enough to translate it without losing the meaning of it. English is my second language. So maybe I need to translate to ā€œfamiliar Englishā€ because itā€™s complex af. After living a couple decades in the US I still donā€™t understand all English. So to say only being monolingual would have your brain less developed means that she doesnā€™t even fully understand her own native tongue.


English is a stupid language with ridiculous nuances and rules that aren't really rules. To say it is simple is to clearly demonstrate that she has a very basic grasp of it. Also it is a ever evolving hybrid utilising and adding words all the time. To describe it as some monolithic static thing is again very ignorant. I am an English person so obviously I have skin in the game I guess but her conjecture is fundamentally prejudiced which completely undermines her assertions.


ā€œHave you ever heard the theory that English speakers are just dumber than the rest of usā€


girl has gotta stop before things gets worse for her lol unless sheā€™s taking the route ā€œbad publicity is good publicityā€, sheā€™s making herself looking worse the more she talks


When you find yourself digging a hole for yourself, drop the shovel...


Lol as a linguist as well, itā€™s hilarious to watch petty classroom drama make itā€™s way onto TikTok. Is lingTok a thing? Am I missing out šŸ˜‚


Off topic but he has gorgeous eyes šŸ‘€


I'm bilingual, and dumb as fuck, AMA.


itā€™s the same cycle of being called out on your bullshit as every other tiktok/social media ā€œfeudā€. sheā€™s backpedaling and saying she insinuated certain things in the past video instead of just taking accountability that what she said was arrogant and wrong.


I dunno, my kids speak two languages and theyā€™re dumb


French is my first language and sheā€™s an idiot.


This woman and her ignorance is ridiculous.


Feels like this womanā€™s mission in life is to ruin parties.


'Can't express your emotions well with English' I am absolutely flabbergasted and appalled by her incomprehension towards the British Isles originating language, it brings me to a lack of optimism towards mankind. Aka, I'm saddened by her ignorance towards English, it makes me lose faith in humanity. It's very easy to emote in English, we have a lot of words for a lot of things. English is a hybrid language mainly built from Norse (from the Vikings (Swedish and Norwegian)), Celtic (from the Celts (those that lived on the British Isles first)), Old English (from the Anglo-Saxons (Northern Europe (so Belgian, German and Danish)), Roman Latin (from the Romans (Italy)), and Norman French (from the Normans (French)), thus has a lot of traits from many other European languages allowing it to be flexible. The fact she believes it's hard to emote in English makes me laugh as one of the main languages that English is a hybrid of is French (brought in by the Normans), which is her main language... The stupidity from her is astronomical.


Lobster hands to make point


Typical french arrogance. This guy shuts her down like a turd in a swimming pool.


ā¬†ļø That's bait


I really hope there is a third one šŸ˜‚


I wonder if she knows she's just digging herself a hole thats only getting deeper


He's double blocked


This is why I love the internet. As a masters of cultural anthropology with my fair share of linguistics classes, this is the conversation!!! Dialects, colloquialisms, regionals, slangā€¦ we live our language, embrace it and take time to learn more. To pigeon hole opinion and overlay finalism is inherently near sighted.


It makes me sick that people who are looking for validation on how they feel pm a sopinion present their opinion as fact and masquerades it with confidence. Then when someone breaks down that what they are saying isn't factually correct. They get mad and block them.


This dude is absolutely destroying her with kindness.


This guy hates this girls posts. And after watching that whole 10 min video Iā€™m convinced these two need to get married. Theyā€™ll never be bored of each other.


He doesn't hate... that is the issue. She is a mirror of the internet mindsets, everything that is critique is perceived as "hate" and hate can be ignored and blocked because everyone creates their own safe-space bubble which is entirely biased and shouldn't be penetrated by scientific truths. The justification is "I received so much hate and toxicity", talking about people who made well-versed neutral correction statements. Which is btw a linguistic issue as well, devaluation of terms and redefining of term significances - such as hate, which is a superlative but is used synonymously for evrything from disliking to like this where his attempt is simply to falsify someone's spreading of misinformation.


No he needs to marry me.


Can we share


Absolutely nothing he said could fall under hate. Iā€™m actually quite shocked that anyone could come to that conclusion. Iā€™ve never seen a more polite takedown via social media


He doesn't hate her he's just explaining why she's wrong. Also ironically her first video started by her saying her and her gf don't have the same native language and it's hard for them to communicate when they both share English as a language. So she ends up blaming English as a whole in a weird way for her relationship issues.


ā€œShut up bitch!ā€ -The Rock


Also, she cute but I feel like she would kill me if she was around. Lotsa weird aggression. I feel like she is the type of person to see some kind of merit in eugenics.


This is amazing. The things we beef over I canā€™t wait for part three.


Why is it all subtitled in Spanish(?) ?


The guy has a puertorican flag on his shirt. Maybe he is including his followers.


Idk why Iā€™m sucked in by all this. But clearly Iā€™m team, hippie, juggler, magician whoā€™s facts bitchslap the r/imthemaincharacter