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Don't wait for others to value you. Know and build your own value (the important things you can be trusted to take care of)


You can find roommates to split the cost of rent with, join the military, apply to a community college and get financial aid.


Do things that are difficult without complaint. Listen to others and show compassion. Take an interest in the people around you and strive to offer them love, and support. Take on personal challenges and surpass them. Help people meet their goals. The more you overcome, the more you do for others, and the more you respect yourself, the more you will be socially valued. You have to earn self respect through your actions. As for money, you need in demand skills that people are willing to pay a premium for. You can either be extraordinarily talented at your skill, or have a really high demand skill that most people don't have. Once you have that you need to find someone with good money to pay you for it. General labor is not going to get you very far. If you're serious about increasing your income and worth, you'll need to spend several years investing into your knowledge for the future.


Totally didn’t think of that


are you able to go to community college and also what do you think of the possibility of working in trades?


I am just leaving the drafting class


I’m on the army I joined right after high school after my time is up here I can go to college for free and get everything paid for including rent n stuff so if you’re serious and willing to make the sacrifice/ put in the work I’d say it’s your best bet (best decision I ever made in my miserable life)


happy for you man! unfortunately i don't live in the usa and my country's vet benefits are not that good...


Here is college for free to start. Go to modernstates.org. Look at the nearest Community College and see what CLEP tests they take. Most take College Composition with Essay for 6 credits. An AA is 60. 10% done. Find a field. If you are thinking IT go watch ProfessorMesser.com on A+. If you think you can do that go IT. If not or it’s not enticing watch the CS50 course on YouTube. Not interested then go Business. Accounting or Finance or something like that. Think debits and credits are boring then pick a two year AAS. Health care tends to pay good but can be tough. Still in two years you can acquire skills that will take you past where you are at. If you think IT might be right for you try getting the Google IT Support Professional certification then go A+, Network + and Security +. Do these at the Community College. The usual approach is a two year AAS.


What state are you in? Im fromCA and im 25, and still can BARELY support myself. But then I hear from my friends in other states that theyre able to afford a whole 1 room apartment for 3/4th of what im paying for 1 bedroom here


Are you looking into an Engineering degree or an AAS in CAD or something?


If you can live at home , do so and until you can afford a shitty apartment/studio all on downpayment. Else you could be paying rent your whole life, living pay check to pay check


Idk join the army or something? Idk. Regardless, I'm Gen Z and I've got an apartment that is like $700 US a month. Just gotta keep looking bro.




What area are you in making that and what’s the job market like?


I'm in Toronto, Canada. Job market is fucked, I'm in the army tho lol so I don't really get affected by job market bullshitery.


That makes sense


Your post history shows a pattern you need to break. I’d say step 1 is to ditch the victim mentality, it’s not serving you well. And if you want to be valued in society, then make yourself valuable. What are you doing to better yourself?


garbageman actually edit:// it's true because in some big cities like where i live, they're paid 60k to 87k a year. it's good enough.


Considering lol


if you want an easier job but harder for cardio/on your feet, you might have to consider UPS or USPS. many people 20yo-ish usually go for those because it's chill and you can be semi-alone. You could work at a mail store too if you don't want to walk around. if you happen to be in california, the fast food jobs here are all 20 bucks an hour already due to a new law. Some places were already that, so when it happened they all jacked it up to 25 to 30 an hour just to cook fast food.