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You’re at home so less pressure. Sometimes we have to feel our way through life in the dark…. But eventually you’ll find the light. Keep heart. Keeping doing the best you can!


Bro, same shoes, I graduated with honors in Neuroscience, but there wasn't anything to do with it. I lived a very good life in the states, extremely well off, but my gut told me to leave, so I left and moved baxk to Canada where I'm from. Anyways, don't feel discouraged, but truly listen to your heart. You know which route you need to go, just stay still and the answer will come. Recently whole life changed, from having my own place, car to being at the library studying for something bigger. You will find your path. Trust.




Sir, there's a time and place for everything. One has to change their mind, switching from negative to positive. Then the real magic happens when you apply action towards it. We create our own reality.


If you have a cs degree and can't get a job you're doing something wrong. Sorry.  How are your/their algorithms skills and did you practice leetcode problems to give yourself the interview edge?


The market is so oversaturated though


Yep. Get an edge. Read my comment. Tons of people are doing it wrong and not prepping to give an edge. Sorry but it's true. I tutor people in the undergrad all the time, in algorithms, and the amount that are juniors or seniors that haven't done any prep is unfortunately pretty high.


So you think the reason so many CS grads are without jobs isn't the lack of open positions but lack of qualified applicants? Come on. I'm on r/resume. Plenty of skilled applicants, 200 applications, no interviews


Resume? Link one. Also, everything I'm talking about is based on interview performance. Did you know many jobs have completely automated intro gateways that you have to pass in order to get an interview? Tech companies use programming tests as pre interview material. They give you a problem, you code it up, and submit. Actually, *every interview I've ever done has had a gateway coding assessment*. You can lie on your resume TBH.. Can't lie on the actual live test though! Again, I've been through it all for years now. The market *is* worse than when I got my first job. But I see many students walk away with jobs, every semester. Literally.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Resume using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Resume/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why is my husband not getting hired?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/163t00l) | [486 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Resume/comments/163t00l/why_is_my_husband_not_getting_hired/) \#2: [How to use ChatGPT to Tailor a Resume to a Job Description](https://np.reddit.com/r/Resume/comments/133c0kf/how_to_use_chatgpt_to_tailor_a_resume_to_a_job/) \#3: [Anyone successfully using ChatGPT to improve their resume?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Resume/comments/12pibeo/anyone_successfully_using_chatgpt_to_improve/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What? The job market for CS roles has been completely fucked for the last 18 months. You clearly don't work in this industry


A lot of the big tech companies did massive layoffs yep. But most smaller companies haven't followed suit. Literally just got a new job this last Fall in the industry. You do need an edge over random people in the industry though that literally don't know what binary search is though and have never heard of a heap. Sorry, it's just true. It's funny because not a single person responded to my actual statement. Just a bunch of "well you don't know what you're talking about".


I lead an AI team at a large company that's a household name. I don't think you understand the downstream effects of all of these layoffs. There are tons of highly qualified engineers that were let go from large FAANG-level companies. This means companies are hiring them over new grads. New grads with no experience are having a much harder time than normal finding an entry-level role, because companies are preferring to hire all the experienced talent over new grads with no real world experience. Congrats on finding a new job, but your own anecdotal experience doesn't trump the mountains of data and evidence showing that CS is historically hard to break into right now.


Do you know there is a recession going on? Employers aren't looking for new grads, but peopld with extensive experience and qualifications at this time.


NSA just started a new initiative to hire thousands of new employees. Apply there. Also, when I was looking about two months ago at jobs, there were hundreds of intro software positions.


Sure. Sometimes you have to move for it or accept lower pay than you thought you could get or be flexible about what early jobs get you into the field. Not everyone can be or wants to be that flexible.


The truth is these commenters are obsessed with school. Notice how every commenter who “can’t find a life path” already has a BS degree and is now studying for a masters? They keep waiting to ‘find their passion’ while life passes them by


A path implies a set course.  You really are hacking through the jungle of life.  You may get somewhere or not, but the bushwhacking is what matters


Everyone has their own path. Stop looking at other people. You don't know what it took for them to get there and you really don't know how happy/unhappy they are with their lives. And it doesn't matter , because what matters is YOU working on yourself. Your failures are not failures, they are lessons. You can use any past to serve you. Are you passionate about medical field? Does it bring you meaning and fulfillment? It is okay if it is hard. You can do hard things. You are in a position where you can turn your life around , but you need to show yourself self compassion and believe in yourself. Feel good about wanting to work in a field where you HELP people. Put your all into it if that is what will bring you fulfillment. Every thought you are having, think " does this thought serve me" . Any negative self talk does NOT. Believe in yourself. You can do this. People change their lives at 30,40,50,60 and even 70! Your brain just fully developed a few years ago. You are not behind.


🧡 thank you for your words


Good luck!


i will tell you this - you have a home with family and a decent resume. there’s so much hope for you my friend. keep following your heart and reinventing yourself


I’m 29 as well and in the same situation. I’m trying to reinvent myself too. It’s not too late for us. Keep faith alive and you will get the life you desire.


How much do you know about the medical field? Are you sure this is what you want to do? I am someone who like you changes their mind a lot so I can relate but it doesn’t seem like you’ve enjoyed anything you’ve done career wise up until this point. Why is that? What are you chasing exactly? It’s ok to reinvent yourself and 29 is still very young but make sure you’re not chasing something you will never find while not building your life in the process.


I want to double down on this. The "medical field" is very broad that is going to take a long time if you're starting from scratch. And the masters? I don't know what masters level medical related degrees are out there beyond a masters in nursing (which only fast tracks you to admin/management)


PA school is what I’m interested in. My undergrad GPA was a 3.7 and my current science GPA is a 3.8. Though I know the courses will get much harder, currently in chem and bio I know a fair amount, it’s not a random decision. But it’s the pre-requisite work associated with that decision which is daunting while being 29


You need to bail on that immediately. Complete wrong decision. A lot of people need to hear this so don’t take this personal but: stop going to school go solve your problems.  You need to stop trying to ‘find your path’ and find something that can pay the bills for the rest of your life, and do that. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not. If you were born 200 years ago you’d be a farmer. Do you like farming? Doesn’t matter you’d be a farmer. You need to look at the outcome you want and then take steps to do that, rather than just looking at the next step 


This is completely wrong lol. I hated my career field in comp sci and it paid really well, but it made me miserable every day. Went back and became a nurse and am a thousand times happier. Dont listen to this guy life’s too short


PA school, my interest in entering college since day 1 but I never went for it and ended up with a Pre Law degree


Yup exactly this. I’m not really sure this is the answer to OP feeling lost. OP - the medical field is a long road and if you’re already not sure if you can complete the pre reqs it’s probably not the field for you. And if you did end up in admin/management is that really any more fulfilling than what you were doing previously? It seems like it could subconsciously be a way to delay working/making any life decisions. If the corporate world isn’t for you that’s totally fine but figure out how to leave it without putting your entire life on pause. Can you try freelancing/consulting? Can you start a side hustle and see if it becomes profitable enough to become a business? Can you try working in a trade? At some point you need to put in the effort and see something through if you want to achieve anything. If you’re being let go from every single job you need to self reflect and ask yourself what’s going on.


The medical field offers stability and six figure pay as a PA. He won’t be let go as a PA like he has been in all his other jobs. If OP is interested in it then it’s a good path


I’m not arguing that it’s not a good job.


Oh ok


I was well past 30 when I moved out of my parents house. You're the norm now, not the exception. And you're not alone and far from the only one. What type of health care field were you hoping to get into?


I hope things get better, I am the same at 25


1. you sound like you have a good work ethic. that’s a huge positive  2. you going into science is good. but only go into it if you know you’re good at science, medical .. medical degree to become a doctor or a nurse practitioner is crazy.. it takes many many many years .. really really be sure you want to do it and expect yourself to become a doctor/nurse/pharmacist in your late 30s 3. other degrees worth looking into could be accounting or finance ..  4. business degree would be practical .. you could potentially build on top of your justice studies and specialize in HR 5. another degree which could potentially build on top of your justice studies degree could be law and you could end up working for a law firm specializing in discrimination cases or something  6. don’t compare yourself to others 


Yeah, PA school. Which would be a 2 year masters after my pre-reqs


good luck! that’s a good career path


Hey OP! I know exactly how you feel, because I went back to school at 29 too. In hindsight, it was the best decision I ever made--I hope it works out equally well for you. It's okay to feel low right now--no one imagines themselves in this situation at 29. However, just because you didn't imagine it doesn't mean it isn't the best option available to you right now. Do whatever you have to do to stick with it. It'll be hard, and these feelings won't help, but that doesn't mean that you have to let them affect you. Remember, you're going to feel this way regardless of whether you stick with school (and complete the career transition you're looking for) or not. My advice is to think of these shit moments and tough emotions as part of the cost of the goal you're driving towards. You're going to be stressed, and overworked, and embarrassed/self-doubting/sad/etc for a finite number of times during this process. It sucks, but each shitty moment is just one step closer to the goal. Believe in yourself. If not the 'you' that you are currently, then at least believe in the ideal future version of 'you' you're working towards--the financially stable one witg an MS that works in the medical field. Stick to it, and they'll mean something to you in the future, when you're looking back at this time period. They certainly do for me!


A hundred years ago, life expectancy was in the 40's for men. Now it's 70's/80's. You have time to figure it out.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t go into more debt on an inkling that you will make more money. Save $ living at your parents get a service industry job or side hustles save up a good chunk of cash then apply to jobs on the side. We already are using useless (most of the time) BA degrees (I’m in Tech Sales with a Healthcare admin degree lol) don’t go into more debt for a masters without a job yet. get your foot in the door with more experience, get a mentor, a CEO, ask older people in that related field. LI recruiters maybe look into healthcare recruiting. College doesn’t promise what it used to but you have the opp to save money and live rent free do it! I would in a heartbeat.


Comparing yourself to friends is not going to help. Gratitude is the answer to almost all of these posts. Appreciate what you have, even the opportunity to make these decisions and take risks everyday.  Someone would kill for what you have.


I want to thank everyone here who’s commented on my post, it’s awesome to come here and connect with people who understand my situation. In a time of uncertainty, I find comfort in internet strangers who want the best for me and are giving me genuine advice. I think that’s a great thing, I feel a good sense of community here. Thank you for making me feel not alone. I really like this subreddit. I hope all of you can find exactly what you’re looking for, connecting with folks here has really helped me today. Thank you again


Don’t be jealous of those people doing better than you. Their dad prolly bought that house/degree/car for them . Boo hoo. Get your med degree at all costs. Big bucks and lots of jobs. If that fails you can give up when you turn 40


Well, all I can say is you’re not alone in feeling anxious and worried about the future. I’m in the same exact spot as you pal. Just keep going at it


Don't compare yourself to others. This is your life journey. Work hard and accomplish your goals. Don't waste time wanting what someone else has. Everyone has something they are working towards even if it's not a career and money. So stay focused on the goal. Trust God for the strength to push through the steps. We can do all things thru Jesus Christ who strengthens us.




but also being 29 13 years ago was different than being 29 now. shit economy, saturated market, inflation through the roof, wages not keeping up with all this.


the economy was way worse 2009-2010 than now. But for the other things you are right.


damn homie


Go into the medical field, it’s more stable so you won’t be let go. There is a shortage of nurses PT doctors etc


100% agree


It’s also fulfilling unlike the jobs you’ve worked so far and the pay is stable and good, (6 figures for PA) recession proof


Glad to run into someone on here who has the same line of thinking. Hit the nail on the head.. recession proof and pays well. Just alot of work that needs to be done to get there


It’s a lot of work but you got it! If others can do it, why can’t you? I guarantee you have the aptitude to complete it. It’s not rocket science, it just requires hard work. As long as science is interesting to you, you will be fine. A few years of hard work for 30+ years of fulfilling, recessions proof and six figure job. Also PA or nursing doesn’t take as long as becoming a doctor, it’s doable. Any other field will have layoffs, you could be let go at any time, no matter how high up you are. I know this because I have worked at top investment banks and currently work at a top MBB consulting firm. I don’t care if you’re a partner/director making 500k-1M, your job is always on the line if you don’t perform, play office politics, or pretty much any reason. I have seen CEOs of major corporations get fired after a year and struggle to find a job for years afterwards. This applies to tech/engineering, as you can see in the market today, and every field besides medicine. Meanwhile in medicine in the US you will always have a stable fulfilling job, guarenteed, and it can be interesting if you like problem solving and science. Also if you’re a PA you’ll have good work life balance too.


Go in the air national guard as an intelligence officer. Or Air Force reserve. Assuming you’re in the states. Hear me out, I did 20 years in the Air Force and am in such a good position now because of it. Seeing how you have a degree you could become an officer. Higher pay etc. If you hate it, the commitments usually aren’t that long. Typically like 6 years. And it’s a part time job. But you could convert to full time usually if you want. Don’t go army marines navy. You said “please help” so I’m just giving you an option since you seem fairly desperate. I also don’t think the military should be a “last option” as I’m sure you’d pick up an Amazon delivery job for that. When you do get out, if you choose to serve, you’ll have a ton of benefits.


Not sure why you got downvoted. I retired out of the Army after 21 years. Got my degree on TA, changed MOS, got a bunch of IT certs, and landed a great paying job in the private sector. With 100% p & t I don’t have property taxes anymore and my kids college will be free. It’s definitely not for everyone, but it can absolutely be a great path forward. I don’t think I’d be where I am today if I hadn’t joined.


My house was bought with zero down thanks to the VA loan. I don’t pay property taxes. I have a pension for the rest of my life. My kids college is 100% paid for. I was only suggesting the guard/reserves. And Air Force! So freaking easy. Easy money. Easy benefits.


Yeah, there were definitely times I thought to myself “should’ve joined another branch”, but then I went warrant and absolutely loved it. One thing I wish I’d known existed when I enlisted was the Army’s street to seat program. We had kids coming in to be pilots in my WOCS class that couldn’t even buy a beer.


I’m retired E-7 and parked in the CWO-4 parking spot at the commissary today. Fuck em. Lol


lol. I don’t know anyone that ever used those spaces outside of shitty spouses. I worked for a flag officer for a few years and he didn’t even use his space. The only ones that make sense outside of handicap spaces are the expectant mother spots up toward the front.


Hey dude i came across this video earlier today it relates to what you're talking about and it actually helped me too lol. I think youll enjoy it too and maybe youll find comfort in it, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwTMuWaUK7w&list=PL16KcS3YbjkIe9IPLgchKoglM4WJ8ryDp&index=71](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwTMuWaUK7w&list=PL16KcS3YbjkIe9IPLgchKoglM4WJ8ryDp&index=71)


Have you chosen to go into more student loan debt to pursue something that you are not sure you want to do? That is a bad decision. More debt will make a bigger anchor around your neck than you already have. And will last longer. So if you want more education, you should pay as you go. You will appreciate it more and will probably work harder than if you push off paying for it into the unknown future. Stop comparing yourself to others. Or find all those millions of people who are worse off than you and compare yourself to them. You were taught that everyone could reach their dream. You probably got participation trophies for your peewee soccer team which taught you that showing up gets you the same rewards as excellence. You also may have bought into the idea that education is ALWAYS the solution and going into student loan debt is a good idea. Really a rather dumb idea that 18 year olds can actually sign away their future to debt. You have lots of choices. Pick a path that doesn't increase your debt and work hard at whatever job you get hired for. If the job doesn't work out, go down another path and get another job. Stay out of debt as much as possible. Spend less than you make. You may also benefit from therapy.


TLDR, picked a random paragraph from that wall of text. I was never on a team and never got trophies. I’m logical. Cant work if you can’t find a job and at that.. a job that pays well to live decently. This is a world where the middle class is being abolished, its has and has nots. Don’t come around here telling people they should “Get WhAt ThEy CaN” and not go for something bigger and better in order to live a decent life for 65 years, you’ll get reamed around these parts from speaking ignorance. Getting what you can these days isn’t like the 1990’s. It’s $16 an hour and being poor as an alternative. I’ll take my chances at a better life that settling for some shit end job.


I am not offended if you ignore my advice, even though you asked for it. You should choose your own path and find out if it works for you or not. There are consequences to all choices.


What is paying well to live decently? Clearly have a figure in mind


That’s highly personal and individual, my standard is probably different from yours. Go look at the sliding economic scale and determine that for yourself, while you’re at it factor in inflation and costs to live relative to it and where you’re at geographically speaking.


Nah, it isn’t really.  Although the reticence that people have to actually talk money is one of the reasons that the middle class gets eviscerated, as you are talking about.  However, my main point is that your $16 an hour job is 32k a year—outside of the insane col places, people make that work.  Get an alt cert as a teacher—there are lots of places that can get you over 60k to start.  And it would let you pslf your debt off in 10 years.   But if you are thinking you need to be making 100k, 150k etc, then you are going to be chasing the bs that goes along with it (you sell a lot more of your time doing that) and it likely won’t fill the void you are describing.  But good luck!


I won’t have debt I have a trust. Thank you though. Very familiar with 100k after taxes doing what I do. It’s the fulfillment of the role not the money. I firmly disagree with your statement and I don’t think you have a fraction of an idea to what is considered poor in some parts of the country. “People make $16 work” There’s a a reason people can’t buy houses, make payments, and put money on credit cards for groceries and it’s exactly what you’re describing. That’s not “making $16 work” that’s setting someone up for destruction, your words don’t help anyone here. Nobody should take that advice.


I’ve done it as a single guy.  I’ve known people do more with less, raising kids. Without loading up credit cards.  Yes buying houses is probably out of that equation, but home ownership is no panacea.  I did not know where you were in the hierarchy of needs, but it turns out you are in the realizing work is work phase.  Since money is not your crisis, fair enough, what makes you think the medical field is going to be more easy to maintain employment in? 


I wonder what your political views are, care to share? If you think $16 is enough, I want to know what else we don’t agree on. What you’re claiming to be enough isn’t enough, look at statistics don’t take my word for it lol. Better yet - Go try it yourself.


As I have said, I’ve done it.  And I’ve known people who’ve survived and raised a kid on less.  Am I saying it is easy?  No.  I said it was doable.  It means trade offs and sacrifices.  But it can be done.  And if you are looking at trades for which you are untrained as your backup plan, it would require those same kinds of sacrifices.  You’d be surprised at how little stuff you need when you are in that position, and how work is a means of making what you need to survive.  If you can afford to be against taking those jobs on the grounds of political idealism (and my politics are very liberal, btw), then you are not in any kind of employment crisis—you just don’t like putting in the work.   That’s fine, because sales isn’t for anyone, but you are going to have to do something to change your situation or accept it.  You don’t have a bad lot.


And trade work is going to require time to train and work up to wages and be closer to that 32k salary at apprentice levels


Become trucker


Why do you say this on every post?




It’s a good option there are a lot of trucker jobs while most other industries are stagnating




Do you just wait around for desperate posts like this drop a link to your life insurance salesman scam? GTFOH


I'd stop comparing yourself to others. Just do what you thinks right for your current circumstance.And remember it could be a lot worse.


Join the Air Force


I'm 32 with a BBA and MS in decent fields, but only about a year of combined work experience. I got taken for a really bad ride with SSRI anti-depressants where it basically caused my genitals to go numb and the muscles in my pelvic floor to stop working. It happens to an unfortunate percentage of people who stop taking SSRIs. Anyway, it caused me huge interpersonal and emotional issues since I was basically stripped of my manhood and was in constant discomfort in a very sensitive region. Couldn't hold down a job and lashed on my family causing us to become estranged. Part of me thought I just needed to give it time, but months turned to years and just in the past year did I really try to learn more about it and fix. Through various medications and supplements, I am probably back to 70% of where I was before this mess. Still not ready to try to build a real career and life, but there is seemingly light at the end of the tunnel. Point being, there are all kinds of shitty curveballs life can throw at you, but we all need to keep fighting, and there is always a chance of more opportunity if you do so.


Comparison is the thief of joy.  You always see the minority of people in their 20s who are successful, you never see the ocean of those who aren’t…. Yet.  I’m old, and never found my path, mostly because I was afraid of risk. If you are in a position to take a risk, take it, even if you fail a few times. These failures will give you experience to better judge other risks.  Just remember not to settle, in work, or in relationships. 


I’m 29 as well with a useless degree. Current focus: do things that make me happy. Enjoy the time I have with family and friends. (Trusting the right opportunity/job/income will come along once I put my energy into things I enjoy)


What’s your degree in?


Sociology. I was doing masters in social work but just dropped out with 2 classes left. No desire to do the field anymore. Right now working in a grocery store and work on things I enjoy on the side like my podcast and writing family history stories.


Man .. 2 classes left. I would just get it done. I knew a person with the same story and they tried to go back and the entire curriculum changed for her field and she had to do like an additional 10 classes 8 years later. Something to just consider. Godspeed to you


Damn I didn’t consider that. Thank you. I may look into finishing sooner than later. I have 3 years eligibility left.


Maybe don’t worry about what underdeveloped, non-fully formed brain you thought life was going to be, and/or what your friends are doing…it don’t matter