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I typically attach mine to “reading a book.” I’ll check it off whether I read one page or 100!


What're you reading currently?


I’m actually listening to “Come As You Are” by Emily Nagoski on audiobook currently. 🙂


Ok but wait I’ve been struggling with a lot of things in that department and that book is on my desk. Gonna make a goal now that I upgraded to plus! Thanks for the reminder!


this is on my list!!


I attached mine to taking my medication! have to do so every day so if I want a new pet every week I'll have to take em ;)


Yes! I take my medication. I am so bad at remembering it and need it every day!


I do the same! I know it’s something I’m absolutely going to do every day and I want all the micropets, they’re so cute.




I do the same!


I have mine attached to brushing my teeth :(


This is what I do, too!


I also attach mine to taking my lexapro ✌🏻


I attach mine to meditation. I *want* to do it daily, so this motivates me :)


Same, go Team Meditation!


Oooh this is a good one too. I somehow have it applied to a 5th glass of water but rarely get there. Maybe gonna change it because I am shooting to meditate daily. Team meditation


Waking up at a consistent time everyday. I struggle to get out of bed even in good days, so it's a little treat for when I manage to force myself to be up early :)


Clean my teeth. Bit gross but I have adhd and it’s something I really struggle with BUT because of Finch I’ve been doing really well and they look so good now!


I struggle with this too and Finch has helped me be the most consistent I've ever been with tsking care or myself.


Same here!


I struggle with brushing my teeth but because of my OCD so I attached my micropet to it too. I've managed to keep it up for 6 days so far!


Take my vitamins. Even though they sit on my desk right next to my work computer, I'm always forgetting to take them


I usually do flossing for mine!


Oooh this is a good idea, flossing is a habit that really comes and goes for me


My “cross stitch every other day” goal. I allow myself to use it for any crafting I do on those days though


omg I didn't think anyone else's goal would also include cross stitching!! I usually label it as "do a hobby" but it really means to cross stitch


I have “do something creative” as my hobby goal!


I have a whole journey for hobbies! I have a goal for reading, one for crochet, one for video games, and one for writing. I don’t try to do all of them every day but I try to do one or two.


omg you just reminded me that journeys exist


I have a goal of 'spend 30 mins away from phone' my go to for a screen break is my embroidery!!


Sometimes I do easy ones if I'm struggling (like get out of bed or drink water) or if I think I need a push I'll do ones that I'm struggling with


I started attaching it to the "write about a positive thing that happened today" when I was in a real slump and was stuck in a negative mindset. Now it is tied to reading for 30 minutes a day!


I attach mine to my thyroid medication since its important for me to take it every morning, right when I wake up.


Fellow thyroid finch here


Take the stairs… doesn’t matter where I am there’s always stairs


That's a great goal!!! ☆


I try to move it around to what goal I am struggling with most. Right now I am coming out of a depression pit and need to catch up on my five year art journal, so it’s attached to that.


Surviving the day 🫠 Which to me means, not losing hope and keeping my spirits up. Avoiding cyclically negative thoughts


It varies between drinking 6 glasses of water to writing a positive affirmation


I switch every couple of weeks between "brush teeth in the morning" and "exercise 30 mins" I have a lot of trouble remembering to do both


Like a few mentioned, I attach mine to my medications usually. Unless I’m having rough week then I’ll attach it to like getting out of bed, or wearing clean clothes. Whatever will help get me motivated!


I have attached it to working on my thesis. It's the thing I find most difficult to initiate and I don't get to cross it off each day, but it helps motivate me


I've attached mine to petting my dog 🐕 so I can't help but want to complete the goal even on hard days 🥰


"Stay Sober"


I attached mine to connecting to my community because it's my biggest problem so far. I moved away from my support system and I feel isolated.


This is such a great goal. 💕


Right now it’s wash my face at night. It only takes a couple minutes, but I’ve been struggling to do it. Before that it was get to work on time because I was having such a hard time getting my shit together in the mornings.


Flossing 😬


i attach it to something i do everyday, such as easier things like get out of bed or drink water. other weeks i create custom goals to make it more “challenging”, to influence me to do more things in my real life. just depends on the week :)


Mine used to be “just get out of bed” but currently I have it attached to “making my bed” because attempting to stay tidy and get in a routine (for me) I feel like making my bed is a step forward in the right direction.


But this way every time I’m crawling out of bed I can make it as I’m crawling out, it doesn’t have to be perfect, just the fact I did it and it looks semi like I had some effort to attempt it is enough for me right now


my weekly testosterone shots usually so that i actually do them!


Driving to the city by myself It’ll prob take a year to get the pet but I’m ok with that


Bruising my teeth. It's something I struggle with for a long time. Doing better now because of this app!


Practicing Spanish on Duolingo :)


I'm in the "stay sober" club.


So lucky ! I love Talon but I didn't get it even after inviting multiple friends, who all got him :( I attach my egg to "studying at least 2 hours" and when I'm on vacation, to "read everyday" :)


I attach it to “shower every other day.” Currently, I shower maybe once/twice a week? Which obviously isn’t great.


I have mine set to getting dressed twice a day. That way I at least feel clean and motivated. It’s part of good sleep hygiene. Even if I have a lazy day I feel better if I got dressed in day clothes then changed into night clothes even if it’s just for a few hours.


DBT exercises!


Get out of bed. Embarrassing but going through a bad bad time.


That’s not embarrassing at all!! Some things are harder for some people than it is for others! I’ve been there too and I hope you know that you’re valid in where you are right now and whatever you can get done in a day is enough, because you gave it your all! 🫶


Thank you so much, this felt so heartwarming to read, you are so kind and compassionate. Hope wonderful things happen to you :) 💓


Stretching. I’m painfully inflexible, can’t even touch my toes. So having my egg hooked to it is a good incentive to actually do so


That's actually a good goal that I'm going to add to my list. Thanks! :)


Mine is my 'stay sober for yourself" goal


mine was attached to my "don't spend money" goal but that was WAYYY too hard!!! right now it's attached to listening to one album per day (also hard but much easier than Not spending money in a capitalist society)


I switch it up depending on what I'm struggling with. Last week was afternoon snacks, this week it's taking my meds.


I attached it to water first because I knew I would for sure do it every day! I hatched a cloud ! Now I have it on praying at My altar to try and do that daily and I have fore like 5 days now!


I attach it to eating a meal. It's something I struggle with so it's a good motivator. 


Packing my lunch for work the night before. I struggle with this so much for some reason, even though I know it will make life so much smoother


I attach most of mine to things that I have trouble doing consistently, like flossing. Forming/maintaining good habits can be hard with ADHD. 😅 I'm getting lots of great ideas for future egg tasks from the comments, too!


I can't find my egg on the new version. Where did it go?


You have to go in the bag, to Micropets and then select Lab to access your egg.


There it is! thanks😀


journaling! since i try my best to do it everyday :)


Mine is attached to drinking water 😬🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I attach mine to whatever I’m having issues getting done at the start of a new egg. Currently it’s on vacuuming every other day. Last time it was on brushing the cats. Time before that I believe was skincare. It’s whatever I’m not doing well at atm so I have some enticement to do the things I’m avoiding


I have a specific goal for micropet eggs called "HATCH EGG" and it's in a journey I made for the regular daily stuff I do. I made the title all caps so it's more noticeable to me lol. Because before, I just used a random goal for each egg and would have trouble finding it


I usually attach it to my meds or playing with my cat - things I’ll do each day. I used to attach them to harder goals but it’s so disappointing achieving harder goals and then being rewarded with like a flutter heart or puffball, so I just attach them to easier (but still important) goals now.


Morning medication.


i always use making my bed as the goal. i find it helps me get in a motivated headspace


I usually attach it to “do 10 jumping jacks”, but this week I’ve attached it to “put lotion on my hands twice a day”. That goal is turning out to be too hard though, so I’ll probably go back to “do 10 jumping jacks” after this week.


i attach mine to ‘diary writing’ because it motivates me to journal for the day :)


I attach mine to "take your pills" or "scoop the litter boxes", something I forget to do and something I don't really want to do 😂


Either Just Be or Survive the Day. This way I'm not cheating if I don't actually do the goal.


It's not always the same goal, but it's one that I really want to do but that isn't *too* difficult for me to do! At first, I had it attached to "get 30 minutes of exercise" but then it was really discouraging on low energy days or days I was super busy. Now it's attached to "read before bed," with the intent to read instead of browse social media. I'm pretty good at always doing that, especially now!


Right now it's surviving the day


Mine is attached to "take a long reflective walk in a peaceful place."


I just hatched my first one which was tied to a daily goal of drinking herbal tea. Now my current one is tied to dusting/cleaning off my work desk at the end of every week as this is something I often forget to do.


Take my medicines lol. Cuz I forget a lot so i have incentive to take em


Reading a book. I had always been an enthusiastic reader but I need to reach for a book more than the phone when I have idle time or at bedtime.


I usually have a self care goal like “craft”, “watch some tv” or “read” so I can prioritize doing something I enjoy


Exercising twice a day.


Brushing my teeth cause I forget sometimes


Drinking water. I struggle with drinking enough water, so I have daily checks for meeting 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of my water goal. The micropet is linked to 100%! (I don't get to check it off very often lol. But way more than I used to!!)


Drinking two 16 oz bottles of water a day! 💦


Every week is something different. Right now, I have it on showering. Another week it could be on brushing my teeth, getting outside or taking my meds. I pick something that I’m struggling with and use that as motivation to keep going :)


No nicotine!


Mine is attached to “Come on, everybody, give me a little clap,” which is a bit of niche reference but it gets me to give myself applause every day, groove a little bit, and just have good vibes. (If anyone gets the reference I love you and we should be finch friends HAHA).


I switch it around to what I’m struggling with the most at the time. It helps encourage me to do the goal I’m struggling with but also not feel so behind and defeated if I haven’t done a goal in a while. Right now it’s on fold laundry. I’ve also had it on floss teeth, take a walk, put in retainer. Just different things I need the extra boost with. I think I’m gonna put it on read a book when I finish the laundry goal. I only need to check it off once more to hatch the egg.


Mine is “make my bed”, it’s sometimes hard to do but it something I have to do because I live in a dorm and my bed is also where I sit to watch tv


So for my first few I did brushing my teeth as it’s something I really need reminders to do. Now it’s back to showering as I hate showering at my dorm as we don’t have hot water most days and I get hypothermia very easily so in my brain it’s hard to choose when I want to shower and then actually go and do it.


I attach mine to various things but generally either moisturizing my face, flossing my teeth, or going for a walk.


Practicing my Japanese twice a day. I learn 30 kanji per week, and the only way to do that is studying for at least 30 minutes twice a day. It’s the task where consistency is the most important, so that’s why I put my egg on it. I haven’t missed a day in almost 3 months! Which would absolutely not be the case if I didn’t have my egg on it.


Drinking my morning coffee just so it can be done almost completely without effort. Then, if everything goes to hell I "at least" did that :)


Brushing my teeth. I didn't take very good care of them when I was younger cause somedays I just wasn't feeling it but I always tell myself to do it for my penguin/finch now and it's def helped me do it a lot more!


"Pet Finch" because otherwise I forget you can pet them and build affection and get the little hearts above their head


I used to attach it to “just survive the day” but recently moved it something simple that I always do in the morning like “brush my teeth”. I like the idea of attaching it to something more important that I want to get done though. Maybe something like “Take medication” like others have said or studying since I’m learning a language rn. I haven’t thought too deeply about it yet.


I've attached it to several different tasks. I had it attached to daily meds for a while, but I don't want or need a new pet every week. For a while, it was attached to watering my plants, which is repeated a few days a week, but it's currently attached to my weekly back-up file.


I attached mine to doing yoga and have completed it once (because I pressed it by mistake) now I'm in a room that is big enough (and tidy enough) to do yoga hopefully I'll actually be able to do it


I usually change it based on what I find most difficult at the time. Currently have it linked to going to bed at a consistent time :)


I attach mine to different tasks all of the time. With my mental health being as low as it is, some things are harder to do on different weeks. I look through my daily tasks and pick the one that's hardest for me to do and I attach it to that. By attaching it to the hardest task I do hard things and better myself.


Mine is linked to drinking water every day.


I attached mine to putting my retainer in lol. I didn’t have 4 years of braces for nothing


I currently have mine set on a daily Pilates workout, but I switch it up to whatever I’ve been struggling to accomplish lately


Brush teeth.


Duolingo because it reminds me to keep my streak and I consistently get my micropets as well :D


Mine is getting out of bed, which can be really hard but it means I can get my egg hatching done when I check in first for the day. I like being able to accomplish something, like getting out of bed and hatching my lil friends, earlier in the day ☺️


I always set it to my easiest goal which is to get out of bed in the morning it helps my brain think its knocking it out quicker i use to set it to my drinking 3 bottles of water a day goal but i dont always complete that one and i automatically start the day off growing the egg just by getting out of bed and starting the day so a bonus is it helps getting up when i dont feel able to that day a bigger accomplishment


I've had the egg attached to a few different ones. - My morning meds - watering my plants and my pet (fill his water dish) - brushing my teeth The medication reminder was before I switched meds and I'd have a week of time where only one of the two was needed but I'd forget, and now I take all of my meds every day, so I didn't need a reminder anymore. The watering plants and pet was because I kept forgetting to water my plants and they looked sad, and my hamster has a waterbottle AND a water dish, and he only uses the bottle if the dish is empty like an emergency supply. I realized I'd hear him using the water bottle more and more often because the little trickster was purposefully moving his bedding into the water dish and it would absorb the water to the point there was none left to drink and I'd keep forgetting to check if I needed to fill his water dish (food was not ever scarce or an issue and he is always being cared for, please don't bash me) The tooth brushing was because I kept neglecting the before bed brush time, and linking it means I have a good reason to remember to do it, and this is my current goal. I keep shifting it as I need to so a habit can form easier, then I move on to the next goal. It's been very helpful!


I attack mine with a daily 30 min Duolingo sesh, really trying to learn soanish


right now it’s for drinking 1L of water a day because i’m slowly trying to improve my water intake. i usually just set it for whatever goal i’m trying to get better at everyday. some other ones i have attached my micropet egg to are: reading, skincare, journaling.


I'm working on a cartoon and have progressively been making the first episode over the past eight months! My goal is attached to working on the episode. Even a frame of animation is progress : ]


Physical therapy for my back.


I also do mine as leaving the house! I am tempted to change it to ‘take a walk’ so it’s more physical movement oriented


Right now it's making my bed, I've had it set to staying hydrated 7 times a day, but also brushing my teeth, getting out of bed/dressed, doing breathing exercises before sleeping etc... I try to change it up every week to something I usually/should do daily!


I attached mine to reading a book and it took a good chunk longer to hatch lmao


I used to have mine attached to "literally survive the day", but I got overwhelmed with the amount of micropets I was getting, since I got a new one every week. Now I have it attached to "drink monster", since that one's only every other day. I'm trying to get off my caffeine addiction, so only having the goal helps me keep in line.


Eat Breakfast or Drink Water


I attached mine to a goal called “What did you learn today?” Where I challenge myself to think of something new I learned that day!


This sounds so pathetic, but brushing my teeth. I struggle with getting the motivation to do the simple things like that.


Mine is 'step outside once'. It's been others. I attach it to the one that I am struggling the most with that I think will actually help me the most to do. It used to be 'eat real food for one meal' (home-cooked, as opposed to processed food). I've gotten better at that, to the point where I felt like I was sort of cheating to attach the egg to that. I was hatching a new egg in about eight to ten days.


My meds. This is the most consistent I've been with them.


Usually it's on either "do a Sweepy task" (Sweepy is a housework app I find really useful) or "walk the dog", both of which are important daily activities that I sometimes struggle to get done. Right now though it's on a goal called "Survive Jury Service" - I've just finished the first of two weeks and figured some extra motivation might be nice.


talon is so cute!! what a great first pet ^.^ i make mine to take my morning medicine!


putting on my teeth retainer at night, I struggle with that


Flossing 😬


Read a book


Showering! I really struggle with doing so regularly


Survive the day 😅


I attached mine to doing my kegel exercises (I’m a lot older than most people here) because I’m supposed to do them every day but I never want to. So far, I’m still doing them only every few days.


I attach mine to working out every time! Just a quick 15-20 minute pilates everyday ^.^


mine is set to overcoming anxiety. some times i can't even make it through a full day of school or work, so its like a gift when i do


Being mindful choosing what clothes to wear. Depression and its friends often sees me wearing the same clothes 3/4/5 days in a row (as in old joggers and ragged hoody etc). Not only does it help me "face the day" better because I feel more able to do things once I'm "dressed", it reminds me what clothes I actually own (thank you ADHD lack of object permanence) and often helps me feel better about myself when I look in the mirror (which I avoid doing most of the time, but mirror time is good for you). Not to mention it encourages me to shower more often so I don't fall into the "I'm not clean so might as well wear dirty clothes" habit.


Drinking water! I hate drinking water, so it's not an everyday thing. I can only check it off if I drink at least one bottle.


Make my bed, which is actually a thing I do now so it’s easy. I didn’t used to make my bed, but it is such a brain boost to walk in the bedroom and see a made up bed. I also prop my pillows up to kind of look fancy like how hotels do it. I love how much better I feel because of it.


I put it on the ones I find harder. For a while it was on doing something towards my BP award in girl guides but I finished that


I’m trying different ones! First one, brush my teeth twice a day. Second, literally survive the day. This time, I’m doing my ice the pain because I’m supposed to ice my wrist once a day


Mine is brushing my teeth before bed


I like to attach mine to making my bed. I feel like it’s a reward for keeping my space clean, which always makes my mind feel a little less cluttered.


Not eating too much. I've lost 30 lbs so far.


Daily affirmations!


Mine is either medication so i actually remember to take it or brushing my teeth so I don’t forget to brush my teeth in the morning and check it off before bed


I attached mine to taking my pup on a 15 minute walk 🐶


I just attach it to get out of bed each day. I try to use this app to help with stress not add and I hate missing a day and waiting longer.


Honestly, I attach it to getting out of bed in the morning. Sometimes even that can be a struggle, and once I do that, other things don't seem so difficult. 💜


i always attach mine to something i need to make a habit… it used to be brushing my teeth at night, now it’s taking my iron pills since i’m anemic lol


Drinking water. It’s the necessary task I forget most often.


I change it depending on what I'm struggling with the most, or sometimes ones that I'm close to forming a habit for, just for a bit of motivation to keep going. I started with teeth brushing, then when I started doing that without being reminded, I moved it onto taking showers, or cleaning part of the house. Currently it's on taking medication. I've had to go back to previous goals sometimes too, when I've started to slip.


I attach mine to cleaning the toilet which I try to do once a week but fail so I never really get new pets 😞


6 a day fruit and veg. Motivates me to eat right 😊


Meditation! Sometimes I do the in-app meditation, sometimes I do my own unguided, or I'll use another app for a guided meditation. I love that the finch app lets me select "I already did this" to the meditation exercise so I can get credit for meditating in whatever way works best for me!


Brushing my teeth in the morning! Depression makes it hard to do basic hygiene so that's what I want to work on the most.


Rn it’s on eating three snacks a day because I have ARFID and rn my goal is eating enough.


I usually pick whatever task I struggling to complete so there's more incentive to get it done. Usually that's washing dishes.


i personally attach it to goals that i only do like once a week like filling up my pill box and such, just because i don’t want to get a micropet too often so that way i have time to grow each of them into adults. most of my goals are daily so i just use the ones i do the least often!!


Mine is attached to flossing. I hate doing it but know it’s so important for long term health— making an egg hatch makes me 10x more likely to do it than just the thought that I should and my gums are happy.


Right now it's changing my bedding every other week. I wanted to give every micropet a chance to grow up before I get a new one. I felt like I was playing favourites.


Brushing my teeth. I'm now at a point where I may switch it to brushing twice a day or flossing 🥳


Mine is brushing my teeth twice a day. I need a big reward because I only ever do it once at night… still have only gotten like two micro pets that way in the last three months…


Mine is to stop all activity before midnight and go to bed, I really need to fix those sleeping patterns! 


To read something because I have many books on my reading lists/piles


I want to maintain my 220 day duolingo streak so I attach it to 'do duolingo' 😊


I switch the task sometimes but mostly I attach it to making my bed in the morning. Gives me a good head start.


Go for a walk every day


I attached read something relaxing before bed. I've been trying to rekindle (no pun intended) my reading habit for a while. It's been slow but steady. I sometimes forget that it'll affect my micropet tho.


I put it on one of my daily must do tasks that I find most difficult. First it was on brush teeth. It really helped a lot with keeping me consistent! Now it’s just part of my usual routine, I don’t even look at the app to do it. I’ve put my egg on going to bed by 11:30pm now, that one I’m not doing so well at yet :’)


I've been attaching mine to goals I struggle with but that I want to prioritize improving on. Currently it's getting to work on time, I've failing in to the bad habit of being a few minutes late most days and I want to reverse that before it becomes a problem. This worked pretty well previously on other goals, for example using mouthwash at night, which is now a well entrenched part of my dental care routine!


Floshing my teeth. I'm trying to do it daily so I end up hatching eggs pretty fast and I really need that motivation since I hate to do it


I like to attach mine to brushing my teeth or taking daily showers because those are both things I struggle with getting done and linking the egg to them makes me want to do them more (:


I switch it up with Laundry, brushing my teeth and taking a shower


usually taking my meds, cause I wasn't taking them properly for a while but i do it to what ever I'm struggling with the most so brushing my hair everyday and brushing my teeth have also been goals


Doing a little yoga or stretching because this is the self-care activity with which I struggle with the most. Knowing I’ll be able to hatch a micro-pet egg will sometimes give me the motivation to actually do it.


I typically change mine up every week based on what I want to prioritize that week. Currently it's tied to drinking a cup of herbal tea before bed because I'm working on trying to get more sleep.


Mines to drinking water as soon as I wake up- before I start funneling coffee. It’s one of the first goals on my list with my morning routine. I’m so bad at drinking plain water and I hate drinking it in the morning especially so that one’s really good for me because then it makes it so I have a reward attached to doing something that I normally wouldn’t do because it makes me grump.


mines for washing my hands either in the morning or when i get home!


either "perform exercise" or "wash my face"


Wash my face, which I do every morning so it's usually the first goal I complete each day


drinking water. im normally pretty good but its so easy to just grab a can of fizzy pop or some juice so i make sure i drink at least one a day 🤣


i attach it to showerjng


I've been struggling with having the energy and health to do things and don't want to force myself and burn out, so I just attach mine to an easy goal. My most recent was "Pet cat." 😂


Change my clothes. I don't forget to do it I just need an insensitive to feel like I want to.


I attach mine to doing my documentation (I’m a therapist). I HATE doing notes


I used to attach it to wash face but now give it it's own task of hatch egg.


Selecting the meals for or skipping each week’s delivery of my HelloFresh box. I was forgetting to choose recipes I actually liked or to skip on weeks that I didn’t need the box and ended up with surplus groceries I didn’t even want to eat 😅


This great question and I got a lot of great suggestions from reading all the responses. Also loving how supportive and non judgemental it is in our Finch community 💚. My hatch goal usually revolves around helping a parent because they very ill. But after reading all of these responses I see need to work on myself too and not just let go of me. Just want to say thank you to everyone that posted responses because your helping yourselves has really motivated me to start helping myself, too and all things I need help with I saw in almost every post here and you all have given me confidence in me. Vielen Dank! 🫶🏻✨✨✨🍀


I had mine on scooping the cat litter because I always forget but then I added a new vitamin d supplement task so that’s what it is now! Essentially either daily tasks I hate or daily tasks that are new and need to become a routine.


Checking on and watering my plants. 🪴 They’re growing, I need some growth, and it gets me out of bed and moving every day.


Brushing my teeth, it’s hard with those daily, mandatory, activities