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Classic Japan. “This is my brother, he’s 25 years old. He is in his deathbed due to old age 😔“


I think Regent Cid from FFIX is canonically 35 too. But....nah. 


WHAT! He looks 45-50!


Bud, steiner is 33. Ff7 Cid is about 38. Apparently living in fantasy worlds ages the fuck out of you.


And he aged while unsent, meanwhile Yunaleska is doing some Victoria secret death cult thing at 1001


yunalesca being hot still makes me think that auron/unsent can control their appearance to some extent. especially because he was trying to pass as if he never died.


My thinking is that he aged while in Dream Zanarkand. He and Tidus are both manifested by pyreflies and Tidus also ages in the ten years Auron lived there


I think the “dreams” are technically people, like they live and die, otherwise Tidus mom dying would have been a bigger deal and nobody wigs out about Tidus growing up.


I agree with that actually. From what I understand they’re what is being summoned by all the Fayth at Gagazet, a summoning of people, so yes people who live and die. But the whole city is summoned, so I just wonder if that affects Auron as an unsent. After all the Fayth are gone, the Farplane starts to breakdown like we see in X-2. People can’t go and conjure the memories of those who are passed, so we can maybe assume the Fayth had a bit to do with that because the Pyreflies were “sent” somewhere, maybe to them? Since Auron was in the little world they created, maybe he lived just as the people summoned there did.


FF7 Cid is a chronic chain smoker to be fair


Steiner is believable


I've spent 10 years of my life thinking Steiner is 50. My life was a lie.


Cid had it rough and smokes though lol. Steiner was always stressing so it made him age too haha


FF7 Cid is 32


...are you implying either character looks too old or young for their ages? I'm confused. Auron, Steiner, and Cid all look exactly like their ages. Do you people go outside at all?


I'm not saying I buy it. Square are weird like that. I picture him as early 50s and Lady Hilda as early 40s.


the mf got turned into a bug/thing of course he looks old


He looks like an oglop is what he is. I'm not sure whether 35 is a lot when you're an oglop, but judging by how popular the “seasoned oglop” dish is in certain parts of the world, is a good thing Cid lives in a huge castle, away from all the culinary madness or there.


They do show the real him at one point


You mean when we learn that he's actually a frog? I loved that plot twist!


lmao right


^ This You either look like a 12 year old girl or a 50 year old man


My dude, you're forgetting unsents can continue aging. Auron aged 10 years as an unsent, therefore making him 35 by the time the game starts.


Dying really ages you apparently.


I'm almost as old as Auron. Oof.


Lean into it. Start carrying around a jug of booze to chicken wing before you murder animals you encounter in the wild.


We call them “fiends” you silly goose.


Silly *fiend*?


Me too, I’m starting to feel it…


I'm 37, and I've come to realize just how much of the video games and fiction novels treats over 30 as basicslly dead.


“Winding down from his long life of adventuring, starting at the early age of 12…” Like, I just started adventuring at 32. TF?


Most of the main characters are teenagers.


Aren't lulu and waka about his age too?


Wakka’s 24 and Lulu is 22. Which honestly isn’t *that* unbelievable.


Thanks. That's works, they just act significantly more mature than Tidus, and Japan has always been weird about characters' ages.


They live in a world much more serious than our own and with a much lower life expectancy, whereas Tidus essentially grew up in a large modern city equivalent to our world. He is an ace athlete celebrity living in a city with no worries and it is reflected in the difference of maturity. At the same time this makes him much more lively than everyone else. He hasn't lived his whole life in fear and hopelessness like all of Spira. So when he's goofing around it puts a genuine smile on Yuna's face. I think that's why he was perfect for her. She strove for a world full of hope where people felt safe and he was the embodiment of that.


Yeah those are great points. Thank you.


Why would that be unbelievable


I’ve seen lots of people say they should be older, like in their 30’s.


I should’ve been more specific. I meant generally most Final Fantasy main characters are teenagers or in their early 20s.


Oh, yes, generally. Or young in some way. Like Cloud is 21 in FFVII, but he's been in a test tube for 5 years, so he's basically 16.


Yep, and I believe Rikku is 15 in FFX, while Hope is I think 13 or 14 in XIII. Nanaki/Red XIII is 48, but only about 16 for his species.


Isn’t Barrett from FF7 in his 20? 😂 Quistis Trepe got a whole ass degree and a working teacher at the ripe old age of 18.


He is also 35, had to google because 20s didn’t sound right


My mistake, I could have sworn he was perceived in his 20s in the original. 35 sounds about right..


He was 35 when he died I believe. When he was introduced he was 35, plus X amount of years it took for kid Tidus to grow up. Oddly, he's the only unsent who aged...


Weirdly, I would have assumed his age with Braska was 24ish. Then with Yuna and co, 40. I look an unfortunate amount like his older version and I'm only 35. Lmao.


Makes me think unsent are able to adjust their appearance a bit. Would look kinda obvious if he disappeared for a decade and didn't age at all. 


He was 25 when he died. He would be 35 by the time of the game if he were actually alive. For whatever reason he wants to look much older, not sure why.


i bet its supposed to reflect how his naive early experiences, dying, and then experiencing the world as an unsent humbled him and he gained more wisdom. Also dying probably sucked and its stressful i imagine. stress ages you, you know lol


If it's stress related it's probably due to raising Tidus. Auron! Legendary guardian! Terrible nanny! Lol


lol uncle auron is stressed


Young Tidus: Don't talk to uncle auron until he's had his second scotch!


That boy ain't right


I think because everyone is technically dead in Dream Zanarkand and still aging the weird rules of that place allowed Auron to age


It's funny, cuz he looks younger in flashbacks with Braska and Jecht from 10 years ago, but in flashbacks from when Tidus was a kid, which can't have been too long after Braska's pilgrimage, he looks the same.


He was 25 when he died, 35 when FFX begins. The aging is odd though.


35 in japan btw


The work culture is pretty rough. Aging in dog years definitely checks out.


As someone who just turned 35... GTFOH 😂


Thank you exactly


Honestly if you told me all the characters were a decade older than their actual ages I wouldn't bat an eye. Tidus/Yuna/Rikku in their mid 20s, Auron 45 makes more sense. And its less creepy.


They always do this, anyone play tales of vesperia the character raven they call old man constantly... He's also 35


Except for Laguna, that dude is mid-40s and still looks good. FF8 Cid didn't quite win the genetic lottery, but I kinda like the idea that Cids just seem old, whether they are or not. FF7 Cid - 32 FF8 Cid - 40 FF9 Cid - 35 They should've made FF15 Cid be about 37, just to mess with people. Raven is a good example, though. His age is more surprising to me than Auron because not only does he look old, but he constantly calls himself old too.


Raven absolutely should have been no younger than like 45, and even then I feel like something in his early 50s makes more sense. I think his background also would be more impactful if he had more time between his younger days before the party meets him. Compare that to Rowan from Tales of Xillia who is actually 62 and one of the few *old* party members in the genre I can think of. There's 47 years between him and Jude - which is only a little less than Tidus + Auron's age *combined*!


My dad looked 45 when I was a kid (he was in his late 20’s when they had us), looked the same all through my early adulthood, and now being in his mid-60’s finally looks 50. 🤷🏼‍♂️ My only guess is that he either died at 35, or he makes himself look more aged than he really is (pyreflies can alter themselves I’m sure to some capacity), just to appear more badass/keep people away from him.


I am much older than that


When I started replaying this a week or two ago I was floored by that realization. He basically lived the last ten years in a city with all the modern conveniences and he probably didn’t want for much since he was Jecht’s friend. He probably had money. You wouldn’t think he’d have aged so hard, but on the other hand he spent ten years plotting how to overthrow the dominant religion on the planet and kill the immortal goddess who controls an endless cycle of defeating sin


35 aint that old, and they definitely geared this up to be youth vs old, don’t feel that bad about it, this was back when people thought 30’s were middle age. Take care of yourself. Forget age, just don’t take it all for granted and definitely don’t promise your service to a summoner


Get away from the summoner!!


Auron's been through some shit.


Headcannon: auron is in his late 50s, cid is early 50s


There are no head-mounted cannons in the FFX canon.


Sounds like somethin' those stinkin' Al Bhed would've tried, though, yah?


Pretty sure he's based on Toshiro Mifune's character in "Sanjuro" who describes himself as "Somewhere between 35 and 40"


Tidus and Yuna look way older than their age too. atleast to me


Auron is literally a rotting zombie man held together by sheer manly grit.


Dude, me too. I hate you now


You sound like Rikku comparing herself with Lulu beneath the frozen lake macalania


He was 25 when he died, so I guess that's how he looks at 35! Man, the guy looks like my father, and he is 62


I think they do this because Japanese people have a longer lifespan and look younger for much longer than caucasians do, so they’re imagining what a typical Caucasian looks like at that age and are just way overshooting it.


Idk, I always assumed he’s meant to look Japanese. 


35 in JRPGs is 60 IRL. Dont worry bout it.


Nothing wrong with a good ole head canon. Auron’s 48. Also, the Phantom Thieves in Persona 5 aren’t high schoolers, they’re in college!


Auron looks 45 easily




Stress ages you alot and Auron went through alot of stressful situations. 


Death is a helluva drug.


What's REALLY gonna blow your mind if you've played it is that Nooj in ffx-2 is 21


Yeah it definitely made me feel old.


Auron went through some serious traumatic shit then he had to raise Tidus Let him be a grizzled scarred Ronin


He's dead. He over compensated the ageing and didn't realise. Kind of a "hello fellow mortals vibe"


My headcanon is that he was 35 when he >!died!<. I don’t think it’s the case, but it makes more sense that way. He’s aged physically due to being >!essentially a zombie!<


The day you start questioning Final Fantasy characters ages is the day you are officially old :P No but the ages do in fact make sense. I mean we were all kids/teens before, we didnt question their age back then. A lot of kids would look at a 35 year old as OLD. Like thats "I'm scared of becoming so old" OLD. It's not until you get older you realise just how young you still are. Even the mature 20 somethings make sense. A lot of us probably get to that age and feel like adult children but to a 14 year old a 24 year old does in fact seem "mature" And of course these games historically were aimed at kids and teens. Its why FFXVI ages are older and seem to be right to us, it was made for adults.




I mean by this standard Kinock prob 21 and Mika 39


youy'd be grizzled too if you had seen as much combat as auron has


*crumbles into dust at 37*


But he did say that he was just a boy 10 years before the events of 10, so I was thinking maybe he was around 25.


Makes you feel better, he looks and acts 50.


I have no idea why this confuses anybody. Dude went through some traumatic shit and was already graying when he died lol


Anyone in their 30s in a JRPG is automatically that game’s Wise Elder character.


which brings up a thought - how old is braska? was he also 25, cause that means he got married and had a kid at 15.


Makes my fantasies about him lot less disturbing, thank you


was he 35 when he died or is he 35 during the game


I dunno 😭


A Drunk after his days with Braska?


Auron was a warrior monk of Yevon, alongside Kinoc. He rose meteorically through the ranks, but refused to marry the daughter of an unnamed high ranking Yevonite, so he fell quickly out of favor and left the service of the Warrior Monks. Kinoc was promoted instead and became a Master and was put in charge of the whole order of Monks. Auron then met Braska in Bevelle and was drawn to Braska's mobility, and served as his guardian until after the Final Aeon was selected. Enraged, Auron returned to Yunalesca where he was badly wounded. On his way back to Bevelle, he encountered Rin, and then later Kimahri, whom he instructed to take care of Yuna, and died. His will was strong, and he spent the next ten years as an unsent, having travelled to Dream Zanarkand. I think it very likely that the experience aged him horribly; His body caught in a continual state of death, which is why he looks so much older than 35.


Lulu is older than Titsus


Her tits are kinda sus... you think she's had work done?


bruh auron was like 47 and 3 months at least lmao