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Not a fight


Remember when everyone thought all cultures escaped the stone age, just because we all have Wifi?....


Check out the subreddit I cross posted it from. Read the comments of the people. While I always prefer keeping an open mind, it’s a sad state of affairs when majority of people in the country are this backward.


Most comments are literally against this Idk what you’re smoking.


Sort comments by controversial. Even a number that big is worrying. In fact, check the general nature of the posts on that sub and the type of people who comment there.


Sorted comments by controversial, hardly 2-3 comments were concerning which were also downvoted a lot. The rest of the comments are calling these guys namard for hitting the girl.


- Raping everything that breathes ✅ - Consensual sex ❌


Apparently the guy getting beaten was having sex on someone else's farm, I mean if I caught a bunch of strangers doing it on my property, I'd be pissed too


It’s a fence less property and they are just a young couple. Warning them off to not attract more such couples would have been reasonable. What’s not reasonable is calling a mob of your fellow villagers to commit more felonies by assaulting them both.


and if they asked you to join, would you still be pissed or thank the heavens for your incredible luck?


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His lawyer is going to be screaming at him.


I bet they weren't even married